Do you remember those little nuggets of wisdom that your mom, grandmother or nurturer would quote to you that left you either with a greater understanding or just wondering why she just didnt speak English?
Were you ever told?
A dog that brings a bone will carry a bone
You dont have to like them, but you do have to love them
You have to crawl before you walk
There are no mistakes, only learning experiences
If you dont think you are cute, no one else will
Thats the kind of person that will get you killed
Stay in a childs place
Did you scratch your head and wonder what it meant, but as you grew older and reflected on those nuggets, did you gain a better understanding of them? You may have even found yourself repeating them to your friends and inevitably to your own children.
In this book, you will gain even more nuggets of wisdom to reflect on and to share.
Come see what momma said!
From the Pen of Diane
You will also be refreshed as you read short messages that seek to share insight, encouragement and offer prayers of meditation.
From Test to Testimony
Reconstructed From the Inside Out
Do You See What You Missed
Through the Midst of It All
The Thief Within
The Lie of the Bondage
Wait on the Promise
It Time For a Praise Break
Come discover the spiritual insights hidden within the pages of these messages!