Dr. S. L. Young made life-altering choices that changed the way he saw himself, repurposed his life, and drove him to help numerous individuals around the world. By deciding to leave several jobs due to questionable or unethical behavior --- including combating workplace bullying, his life and life's purpose substantially changed.
Dr. Young's decisions to not compromise his values and win at any cost had a devastating impact on him emotionally, financially, physically, and spiritually. These challenges pushed Dr. Young to the verge of ending his life.
Notwithstanding the enormous weight of these challenges, he didn't surrender his ethical, moral, and spiritual beliefs for job security or financial gain. Dr. Young's choices during these difficult years almost broke his mind and spirit. However, he stood firm in his beliefs, proved his mettle, illustrated strong conviction, and demonstrated the importance of "strength of character."
This story is about an unwillingness to compromise personal beliefs to engage in questionable, unethical, or illegal activities despite overwhelming pressures to do otherwise. Dr. Young, during the worst moments, redirected his life toward service. Furthermore, he chose to give-back to inspire others through his writings, inspirational speaking, radio show, and the creation of an educational nonprofit organization "Saving Our Communities at Risk Through Educational Services (SOCARTES - socartes.org)."
Dr. Young's actions throughout these various challenges are strong examples of character, resolve, ethics, moral courage, resilience, and an ability to persevere to live a purposeful life.