The series begins with, PAX: The Millennium Alliance, and is set in the year 2031. It is a time when PAX, the multicultural, multinational, successor to the United Nations and N.A.T.O., patrols the world's oceans in quarter-mile long submersible command ships. Led by the brilliant and charismatic Chairman Julius Petrain, PAX has kept the peace for fourteen years, but the have done their job too well. Lulled into a false sense of security, PAX's international sponsors have allowed their individual militaries to wane, opening the door for Petrain's ruthless grab for worldwide power. All that stands in his way is Jeffrey Speares, the American captain of PAX's newest and largest command ship, a man desperately trying to fit into this new geopolitical reality. With the help of loyal officers like Rachel Velasquez, one of PAX's leading fighter aces, he battles the powerful forces arrayed against him, and ultimately thwarts Petrain's plan of military conquest. Victory however, comes at a very high price.