The chapters of this volume represent the majority of Professor
Carbonneau’s scholarly writings on the subject of international
commercial arbitration. They reflect his interest over the course of
thirty years of law-teaching in international litigation, comparative
law, and-of course - international arbitration. Some of the chapters
are of a recent vintage, while others were written a decade or two ago.
Whatever their date of production, the chapters have a continuing
professional interest. Each addresses some of the major issues of
trans-border arbitration law.
A number of chapters emphasize the importance of courts in developing
and maintaining a legal culture that is hospitable to arbitration. The
work of the courts has been instrumental to the reception of arbitration
in the United States and in several European jurisdictions. The courts
can “make or break” arbitration by upholding arbitration agreements and
enforcing arbitral awards. Other chapters underscore that arbitration
can operate as a complete legal system. It not only provides workable
trial procedures, but arbitrators can also create law in their rulings.
With the addition of an internal arbitral appellate mechanism,
arbitrations can function with almost absolute independence. The world
law on arbitrations seems to favor the “a-national” and “a-juridical”
operation of the arbitral process.
A few of the chapters recognize that arbitration is being increasingly
employed to resolve political or mixed political and commercial
disputes. Investment arbitration and BITs are the most recent
expression of this development; it had been apparent in WTO and NAFTA
dispute resolution. The Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal presented the first
great occasion for assessing the vocation of arbitration in a mixed
dispute situation. While arbitration has made significant inroads in
this area, political sovereignty remains resistant to the imposition of
limitations. In many less visible “political” cases, determinations are
nonetheless made and rendered enforceable.
The concluding chapters address more specific developments in the field
of ICA. A number of cases point to the strong, perhaps overweening,
support of the judiciary for arbitration. The courts in some
jurisdictions support arbitration unequivocally and are bent upon a
single outcome no matter the impact on doctrine. Lawyer presence in the
arbitral process has lead to increased formalization in some
proceedings. The “judicialization” of arbitration tilts the process
toward the protection of rights and hinders its ability to function
effectively and reach finality. Lawyers can readily misunderstand and
undermine the gravamen of arbitration. The concluding chapters also
establish that the UK Arbitration Act 1996 is one of the world’s
outstanding arbitration statutes. It rivals and bests the UNCITRAL
Model Law on ICA and is the equal of the French codified law on
arbitration. Finally, the express text of the New York Arbitration
Convention appears to have been altered significantly by court practice.
The possible limitations of national law have been neutralized and the
provisions of the Convention articulate a truly trans-border regulation
of the enforcement of awards.
In sum, the chapters in this book reflect the author's lifetime work in
the area of international arbitration and are required reading for all
those practicing in the field- law students, arbitrators, academics and
practicing lawyers.