"Back to Buckhaven" is a compilation of short stories, each of which takes place in the east neuk of Fife, Scotland, where the author was born and raised. In the northeast coastal villages of Leven, Largo, Pittenweem, Windygates, Crail...Ms. DeMono stops to tell a tale intrinsic to the town and its people.
There's Mrs. Brown, a stern and regimented Pittenweem primary school teacher who learns a lesson about change and adaptability from a young substitute. In Kennoway, seascape artist and resident spinster Nell McPherson finds love when a fisherman from her canvas walks into her life. And on the braes of Buckhaven, while people-watcher and sweet shop proprietress Miss Murray plays Cupid for two unsuspecting customers, wise and feisty old Daisy Bell -- who'd never been out of the county of Fife -- is introduced to the world beyond her village by a young caretaker.