Cliffs TASP Preparation Guide can help you get ready for the Texas Academic Skills Program. Since the TASP requires you to use some basic skills you may not have used recently, thorough preparation is the key to doing your best. This guide, developed by test preparation experts and instructors, contains materials, techniques, and strategies for taking the TASP that have been carefully researched and tested and are currently used in college and teachers association preparation programs throughout the country. In this guide, you'll find
- Two full-length practice tests
- An overview of the different sections of the test
- Sample questions, and English review, and a writing sample
- Answers and complete explanations of all questions on the practice tests
The TASP measures your abilities in three areas: reading, mathematics, and writing. This book will help you understand the different types of questions that appear in each section of the test, giving you clear explanations of the directions as well as plenty of sample questions to help sharpen your test-taking skills.
With guidance from the CliffsTestPrep series, you'll feel at home in any standardized-test environment!