In 2012, author Levi Matthew was still a non-believer: he didnt believe in a higher power or the dark spirits. Now, three years later, after being touched by God, he is certain spirits walk among us. In Too Many Christians are Ruining Our Churches, he shares his personal story and offers an important message for Christians today.
Through this collection of observations, Matthew tells how God created humans to build his kingdom here on earth for a later date. But most importantly, God created us to love one another. With scripture messages and narrative, Too Many Christians are Ruining Our Churches encourages believers to examine their behavior, take a look at how they treat all people, stop the hate, and make the move to love all, regardless of financial status, race, or sexual orientation.
Matthew, a part-time pastor, delivers a timely missive above love, opening doors, filling seats in the churches, and honoring God.