Universal conscience is shocked by modern global evil in which it is complicit. Vatican II was a great affair of Church reckoning, of realizing the desperation of past misdirection, and the need of redirection based on experience and knowledge in the present—“a matter as important as can be.” (Constitution IV, Introduction, #5, “Gaudium et spes”, The Second Vatican Council)
2000—Summary Prevision challenges the culture of misplaced confidence in medieval faith-hubris (fideism) which glares in the destructive overreach of patriarchal imperialism’s ignorance and arrogance. In the expanding cosmos, all energy, all substance, all “truth” is distributive. Truth like light is everywhere possessed in “everythingness” taking part in transformational interdependency. Authenticity lies in the discernment of truth in common.
The author, here, in imitation of the Middle Age Reformer Martin Luther, posts his theses and corresponds directly with powers-that-be, including his bishop and popes. His hope is to wake up the mind of universal conscience inherent in individual consciousness for purposes of stimulating a global shift away from fixation in backward thinking.
The author proposes and introduces a redirected Syllabus of Education that puts learner and teacher in equal standing, realizing that every one is and should be a learner and a teacher for his/her lifetime.
The book is in three parts that correlate to each other even as communication, consciousness and conscience correlate with each other.