Critical discourse analysis reveals that Bulgarians are construed via a different set of referential terms – while English people living abroad are called “ex-patriots”, Bulgarians are “immigrants”. In its plentiful criticism of Bulgaria, “Euro Speak” is reproduced where nominalisations such as “we cannot delay their integration” reveal a mental frame of rejection, not integration. The BBC uses EU jargon between inverted commas – the effects of Bulgaria’s integration into the Schengen zone are “grave” – instead of a factual, taxonomic adjective naming the actual consequences. Thus, the language used reveals hidden attitudes. Corpora techniques include establishing words whose frequency in the articles about Bulgaria is higher than in a balanced corpus of English. Such nouns in the five-year corpus include CORRUPTION, POOR and POOREST. Maybe the BBC reporters believed they were covering events as they happened but the results evoke a grim picture, prompting unfavourable attitudes to Bulgarians. That is why the images spawned by news coverage need to be monitored and moderated – for which this book offers an array of methodologies.