The conclusion to the Kingston Sisters mini-series that began with Nashville Fling and Nashville Flirt...
Sarah and Emily Kingston's weekend in Nashville didn't go as planned. Emily was the winner of a date with sexy country music bad boy Bo Branson, but bookish Sarah was the woman who captured his attention.The weekend climaxed with one red hot night. Sarah and Bo knew the rules and when their one magical night was over, they went back to their own very different lives.
But months later, Sarah learns that their one night stand has a lifetime of consequences. Now she has to decide if Bo is the kind of man she wants in her child's life. Will he trade in his decadent rock-star lifestyle to be a solid man Sarah can depend on? Can strong, independent Sarah raise a child on her own? Should she even tell him about the secret baby now that he's on his way to being a huge country music star? Is the electric attraction that set that hotel room on fire still sizzling?
Sarah doesn't have any answers, but when she catches up with Bo on tour, she's determined to discover the truth about the real Bo Branson...