Having been involved with the World Wide Web since it's commercial beginning, back in the mid 1990's as a Computer Scientist and Developer. I like to think I can offer some clear water, regarding such a phenomena we know as Social Media, and where even in a Virtual World, the real physical presence of Sir Isaac Newton's Natural Law is evident, and using both Quantum Mechanics and Natural Branching, even in an Artificial Intelligence environment, as written about in my book titled Creating the New Internet Super Highway.
So this new realm is not for the complacent. As further evidence of this power today has been with the Weaponization of Social Media.
Many businesses and users today, still do not understand fully the real power of social media and its data gathering ability and how such information can serve as an asset to some, but to the detriment of others. Many businesses advertise with little concern or consideration of their brand and image, as to where and what is being promoted across web pages on social media, that could include child abuse and extremism, and from such association damaging a brand long term, or to the point of no recovery.
Introduction, Social Media Roots, The Phenomena, Branding and Image Marketing Making Money, Legal Aspects, Human Health, Cyber Bullying, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, YouTube, Linked-in, Weaponization of Social Media, The others, Conclusions and Useful Links.