Electricity Pricing: Regulated, Deregulated and Smart Grid Systems presents proven methods for supplying uninterrupted, high-quality electrical power at a reasonable price to the consumer. Illustrating the evolution of the power market from a monopoly to an open access system, this essential text:
- Covers voltage stability analysis of longitudinal power supply systems using an artificial neural network (ANN)
- Explains how to improve performance using flexible alternating current transmission systems (FACTS) and high-voltage direct current (HVDC)
- Takes into account operating constraints as well as generation cost, line overload, and congestion for expected and inadvertent loading stress
- Goes beyond FACTS and HVDC to provide multi-objective optimization algorithms for the deregulated power market
- Proposes the use of stochastic optimization techniques in the smart grid, preparing the reader for future development
Electricity Pricing: Regulated, Deregulated and Smart Grid Systems offers practical solutions for improving stability, reliability, and efficiency in real-time systems while optimizing electricity cost.