A captivating psychological drama, "The Blue Mirror" chronicles the life of Dr. Tracey Silverman, as she tenaciously searches for the elusive answer to the very problem she seeks to escape. Dissatisfaction and conflict accompany her internship at an opulent Beverly Hills hospital, where Tracey's idealist views on medicine are as disregarded, as are her concerns for human reverence. Haunted by a recurring nightmare since childhood, and her inability to develop lasting relationships, Tracey must look to her disturbing past for resolution.
In time, love conquers all, but Tracey must first follow the seasons of her heart, and in these coldest of days, she takes a sabbatical in a tiny mountain village in Mexico, where she volunteers her services. Here, Tracey meets a sage, old doctor who immediately becomes her mentor, helping her unravel the convoluted days of her childhood. Dredged up are the repressed memories of devastating relationship, all clearly remembered in a nightmarish vision as seen through a haunting blue mirror.
Juxtaposed to personal and professional dilemmas, in "The Blue Mirror," authentic hospital scenes are laced with realistic diagnoses and explicit surgical procedures. Provocative life and death situations faced by both doctors and patients are sensitively portrayed.