The normal radiographic anatomy of immature and mature horses ispresented with normal variations, incidental findings and detailsof significant abnormalities. Remarks on clinical prognosis andtreatment are also included. The emphasis throughout is onpractical tips, common pitfalls, and the techniques used to obtainthe best radiographs of specific areas and conditions.
Changes for the third edition:
- Significantly enlarged to include a chapter on digitalradiography
- Includes descriptions of several new radiographicprojections
- Many of the images have been replaced by digital images
- A wealth of new illustrations have been added
- Presents expanded information on processing and imagequality
- Updated to include new information, knowledge gained fromcontinued clinical experience and the most relevant references fromrecent literature
- CD included with the book presents all the radiographic imagesin electronic format
Since publication of the Second Edition, there have been majoradvances in other imaging techniques, including scintigraphy,ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonanceimaging. This third edition still focuses on radiography andradiology, but acknowledges the limitations of radiography in somecircumstances. In these situations, reference is made to otherimaging techniques which may be appropriate, along with suggestionsfor further reading.