This book is essential for anyone working in laboratories or workshops, as it provides crucial insights into safety measures, accident management, and first-aid procedures that are often lacking in institutional guidelines.
Most institutions lack a collective manual or guidelines that inform individuals working in laboratories or workshops about safety precautions or how to deal with accidents that occur on the premises. This leaves a gap that may result in fatalities or collateral damage. Institutional and Industrial Safety Engineering Practices will provide insight into the safety measures that should be followed for the proper functioning of laboratories and workshops present in an institution. It will also help readers deal with any accident or fire hazard occurring on the premises and provide steps for first aid.
After reading this book, readers will be able to comprehend the ideas and challenges linked to industrial safety, the incorporation of safety at the design stage to improve safety performance, and the analysis, prediction, and reduction of risks via the use of analytics and safety management. This book will also include safety key performance indicators used in various industries, which will assist readers in taking preventative measures at their workplace to avoid accidents. The rules of occupational safety and health management, which are responsible for preserving worker health and safety, are also covered.