Don’t consider yourself deviant? Well, that just may be a career breaker. Odds are the idea or product that will transform your business or industry tomorrow is out there right now, hiding in the shadows of the Fringe, raw, messy, untamed, and just waiting to be exploited. Trapping, taming, and marketing it is the key to burying your competition and staying ahead of your market. Deviance is nothing more than a marked separation from the norm and is the source of innovation, the kind of breakthrough thinking that creates new markets and tumbles traditional ones. Positive deviation is an inexhaustible font of new ideas, products, and services. It’s the source of all creative thinking and dynamic new market development and ultimately the basis of all incremental profit. The Deviant’s Advantage describes how deviance proceeds along a traceable trajectory from the Fringe, where it originates but has zero commercial potential; to the Edge, where word of mouth creates a limited audience; to the Realm of the Cool, where the buzz and market momentum really start to build; to the Next Big Thing, where demand is honed and intensifies; finally landing at Social Convention, the heart of the mass market. Ryan Mathews and Watts Wacker, two of America’s most respected futurists, trace the “Path of the Devox” (the voice, spirit, or incarnation of deviant ideas, products, and individuals), using it as a way to explain how and why: * Christian fundamentalism morphed from college Bible studies to Republican party king-making * Reebok cares more about what’s on the feet of kids in Detroit and Philadelphia than what the so-hip-it-hurts set is wearing in New York or on Rodeo Drive * Napster exploded from an idea germinating inside a sixteen-year-old to a movement with 60 million subscribers that very nearly destroyed the music industry * Hugh Hefner went from America’s most public pornographer to a cultural icon with decidedly Puritan sensibilities Mathews and Wacker also look at what happens to formerly deviant products and ideas after they are replaced by the next wave from the Fringe—how they morph into Cliché (where their commercial potential may actually increase), become Icons or even Archetypes, or fade into Oblivion, and how you can profitably manage even a fading concept. Looking for the next big idea for your business? Then it’s past time to quit staring at the Social Convention for inspiration and start scouring the Fringes of society. Tomorrow’s breakthrough concept is lurking out there right now, in the mind of a deviant individual. Your choice is simple: find it and exploit it, or be buried by those who do. From the Hardcover edition.
3 breakthrough guides to building, revitalizing, and sustaining great brands — and profiting from them! In three indispensable books, you’ll discover powerful new ways to build, rebuild, and sustain any brand — and leverage branding to supercharge profits and growth. In Six Rules for Brand Revitalization, Larry Light and Joan Kiddon teach the invaluable lessons of one of history’s most successful brand revitalizations: the reinvigoration of McDonald’s®. Drawing on that experience, the authors introduce a systematic blueprint for resurrecting any brand, and driving it to unprecedented success. Learn how to refocus your entire organization around common goals and a common brand promise...restore brand relevance based on profound knowledge of your customers... leverage innovation to reinvent your total brand experience… create a “plan to win,” and execute on it. The Truth About Creating Brands People Love reveals 51 bite-size, easy-to-use techniques for building great brands, and keeping them great. Learn powerful truths about positioning brands and developing brand meaning; using brands to drive corporate profits; managing advertising, pricing, and segmentation, and much more. Finally, What’s Your Story?: Storytelling to Move Markets, Audiences, People and Brands shows how to leverage the universal human activity of storytelling: your most powerful, most underutilized tool for competitive advantage. Legendary business thinkers Ryan Mathews and Watts Wacker help you take control of the stories your business tells, make them believable and unforgettable, make them move your customers to act! From world-renowned leaders and experts, including Larry Light, Joan Kiddon, Brian D. Till, Donna D. Heckler, Ryan Mathews, and Watts Wacker
“As usual these two future-finders have their fi ngers on the pulse of what’s happening--and what we need to know about. In every business, in every organization, the seven most important words these days are: ‘But wait! A story goes with it!’ You need to read this book to fi nd out why.” —Alan Webber, Co-founder, Fast Company magazine “A great story sparks our imagination, challenges us to think, and resonates with our collective conscience. Ryan Mathews and Watts Wacker’s story about telling stories does exactly this. It is an essential guidebook for capturing and conveying the essence of corporate identities and enriching brands.” —Paul A. Laudicina, Managing Officer and Chairman of the Board, A.T. Kearney Storytelling is the universal human activity.Every society, at every stage of history, has told stories–and listened to them intently, passionately. Stories are how people tell each other who they are, where they came from, how they’re unique, what they believe. Stories capture their memories of the past and their hopes for the future. Stories are one more thing, too: They are your most powerful, most underutilized tool for competitive advantage.Whether you know it or not, your business is already telling stories. What’s Your Story? will help you take control of those stories and make them work for you. Legendary business thinkers Ryan Mathews and Watts Wacker reveal how to craft an unforgettable story...create the back story that makes it believable...make sure your story cuts through today’s relentless bombardment of consumer messages...and gets heard, remembered, and acted on. THE TEN FUNCTIONS OF STORYTELLING Discovering what stories can do for your business THE ABOLITION OF CONTEXT Telling stories when the past no longer defines the future THE FIVE MOST IMPORTANT STORY THEMES Leveraging themes your audiences will understand and believe APPLIED STORYTELLING 101 Storytelling for your industry, your company, your brand, and you MASTERING YOUR STORYTELLER’S TOOLBOX Making your stories more compelling, more believable, and downright unforgettable Use Storytelling to Gain Powerful Competitive Advantage in Today’s Increasingly Skeptical Marketplace Leverage the incredible power of storytelling in marketing, sales, investor relations, recruitment, change management, and more Indispensable techniques for every CxO, entrepreneur, and marketing, sales, and communications executive The latest breakthrough book from best-selling futurists Ryan Mathews and Watts Wacker
Creationism is based on a fundamental belief in the inerrancy of the bible and negatively affects science education because creationist proponents insist on the inclusion of supernatural explanations for the appearance of species, in particular the origin of humans. This detrimental effect on education is particularly relevant in the United States, where almost 70% of the population rejects the idea of naturalistic evolution and the majority of American students struggle to meet the college-readiness benchmarks in science and math. This dissertation provides a comprehensive look at the issue from historical, judicial and educational perspectives. Twenty-four legal cases in the United States regarding anti-evolutionary strategies were analyzed in detail. Strategic trends were identified ranging from the statewide banning of evolution in public schools to the required teaching of Creation Science. The exact effect of creationist political activity was discerned through the analysis of state science standards and textbook adoption processes, which illustrated the creationists’ ability to lobby for a diminished coverage of evolution in science standards and textbooks. It was found that despite attempts made by scientific and educational agencies to provide guidelines such as the Next Generation Science Standards, the majority of American state science standards continue to be sub-par and one of the major flaws of these standards is the overall attempt to weaken the coverage of evolution throughout the standards. A similar loss of quality occurs in textbooks since publishers engage in self-censorship in order to avoid controversial topics such as evolution in order to prevent their books from being rejected. An examination of the free-choice learning materials revealed that creationist proponents are very active and successful in producing books, films and museums for the sole purpose of promoting creationism. Moreover, a brief look at the creationist movement in Germany provided a powerful comparison to the United States and elucidated the key components necessary for a creationist movement to exist and flourish, namely the presence of fundamentalist willing to fight to get anti-evolutionary materials introduced into science classrooms. This study provides new insights into the creationist phenomenon, present not only in the United States but also increasingly present in European countries such as Germany. Understanding the detrimental link between creationism and science education will help the science community realize that this topic needs to be continually readdressed and that it is imperative that these creationist trends are not dismissed as inconsequential.
Neanderthals in the Classroom examines the ongoing battle surrounding evolution from a cultural and historical perspective and then puts Theodosius Dobzhansky’s claim that “nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution” to the ultimate test by exploring the potential evolutionary roots of this societal and educational clash over human origins. In examining the biological roots of the conflict, Watts demonstrates how understanding our inner Neanderthal allows us to consciously choose more highly evolved forms of communication as a means of alleviating societal division and creating space for more effective science education. Key Features: Introduces readers to the multifaceted world of evolution education. Describes the complex interplay between religious beliefs and science as well as the clash of false information and formal education. Offers an overview of the transformation of public opinion of evolution and science over time in the United States due to the perceived conflict between science and religion. Examines students’ misconceptions about the theory of evolution and the general nature of scientific discovery due to the contradictory messages that they receive in popular culture. Offers potential means to amend misconceptions so that students and other individuals can integrate evolutionary theory into their worldviews, regardless of their religious background.
The Modern Construction Handbook has become a building construction classic and is used as a textbook in many courses. Its systematic approach with chapters on materials, walls, roofs, construction and environment offers clear and efficient orientation. Digital fabrication techniques are included as well (complementing traditional production processes) and presented in an instructional book for the first time. The third edition has been thoroughly updated and now provides: More information – more annotation of drawings, more text on the page. Updated ‘future’ chapter with more emerging construction techniques. Updated essays on construction in the introduction Chapter 1. Mote technical data in the ‘Materials’ Chapter. The content in this third edition has been completely reworked which makes it an even more valuable companion for students and young practitioners!
Dieses kurze Buch enthAAlt viele faszinierende Informationen AAber eines der umstrittensten Gebiete der Psychiatrie - die psychedelische Therapie. Die Forschung in diesem Teilbereich der Medizin wurde erst vor kurzem wieder aufgenommen, nachdem sie ein halbes Jahrhundert lang verboten gewesen war, denn die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen AAber die Wirkung bewusstseinserweiternde Drogen bei Kriegsveteranen mit posttraumatischen Stress und bei Patienten mit behandlungsresistenter Depression waren vielversprechend. GegenwAArtig werden kontrollierte Studien AAber die Wirksamkeit psychedelischer Drogen bei der Behandlung von Depressionen durchgefAAhrt, und zwar an der Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in den Vereinigten Staaten sowie an der neuropsychopharmakologischen Einheit der Abteilung Gehirnwissenschaften am Imperial College, London. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Psychedelika innerhalb der nAAchsten zehn Jahre eine legale medikamentoese Behandlung fAAr Depressionen und PTBS werden koennten.DarAAber hinaus sind diese Substanzen dafAAr bekannt, die KreativitAAt dramatisch zu steigern und tiefe geistige Einblicke zu erlauben. Vielleicht noch faszinierender ist der zweite Teil des Buches, in dem viele bekannte Persoenlichkeiten ihre Erfahrungen mit Psychedelika beschreiben, die ihr Leben verAAnderten und denen sie ihren Erfolg verdanken. Diese sind: A Apple-Pionier Steve Jobs fAAhrte seine aus dem Rahmen fallende Sichtweise auf LSD zurAAck. Es verlieh ihm eine voellig andere Vision der Existenz, durch die dann viele sehr erfolgreiche Apple-Produkterfindungen inspiriert wurden. Francis Crick, der Vater der modernen Genetik, stellte sich die Doppelhelixform der DNS-MolekAAle auf einem LSD Trip vor. Der vielfach ausgezeichnete Kosmologe Carl Sagan stellte fest: Das aazmystische hinduistische Erleben"e; der Vereinigung mit dem Universum aazist fest in uns verankert und es braucht nur 200 Mikrogramm LSD, um sich zu manifestieren."e; Oliver Wolf Sacks, Schriftsteller und Professor fAAr Neurologie und Psychiatrie an der Columbia UniversitAAt, stellte fest: aazIch bin glAAcklich, diese Erfahrung machen zu dAArfen. Sie hat mir gezeigt, wozu der Geist fAAhig ist."e; Susan Blackmore, freie englische Schriftstellerin, Lektorin und Autorin des Bestsellers "e;Die Meme-Maschine"e; sagte: Das faszinierendste Psychedelikum, dessen Entdecker sich mit hundert Jahren noch guter Gesundheit erfreut, ist das LSD... Es kann nicht nur mystische Erlebnisse herbeifAAhren, sondern man kann damit auch Neurosen behandeln sowie Schmerz und Furcht bei Todkranken lindern. Aber wir ziehen keinen Nutzen aus dieser potentiellen aazWundermedizin!"e; Tom Robbins, ein amerikanischer Schriftsteller, der von Writer's Digest zu einem der hundert besten Autoren des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts gewAAhlt wurde: aazTatsAAchlich war der Tag, an dem ich 300 Mikrogramm reines LSD von Sandoz nahm, der lohnenswerteste Tag meines Lebens. Ich wAArde diesen Tag gegen keinen anderen tauschen... Psychedelika koennen das Leben jedes intelligenten und mutigen Menschen bereichern und sie sind vielleicht unsere letzte Hoffnung fAAr das Aoeberleben des Planeten."e; A Diese Liste enthAAlt noch viele andere berAAhmte Persoenlichkeiten, als da sind: Aldous Huxley; Nobelpreis fAAr Chemie, Kary Banks Mullis; der Erfinder der VRML (Virtual Reality) Mark Pesce; Andrew Weil, Arzt und Bestsellerautor der New York Times; Bill Wilson, GrAAnder der anonymen Alkoholiker ; Rupert Sheldrake; Colin Wilson; Walter Houston Clark; Stephen John Fry; Robert Greene; Robin Skynner; Abraham Maslow; Robert Anton Wilson; Huston Smith; Alan Watts; Ken Kesey; Cary Grant und Time Magazine Verleger Henry Luce, der in den 1950er Jahren im Time Magazin nacheinander einige AAberaus positive Artikel AAber das Potenzial der Droge veroeffentlichte, in denen er Sandoz lobte, weil diese Firma den Psychiatern mit LSD aazein wertvolles Heilmittel"e; zur VerfAAgung gestellt hatte.
What Happens After What Comes Next (first published as The 500 Year Delta), an extraordinary book that has become a worldwide best seller, provides tested strategies to help companies and individuals reset their course to accommodate the increasing chaos of everyday life. Jim Taylor and Watts Wacker make some startling predictions about a world caught in this swirling intersection of change.
Don’t consider yourself deviant? Well, that just may be a career breaker. Odds are the idea or product that will transform your business or industry tomorrow is out there right now, hiding in the shadows of the Fringe, raw, messy, untamed, and just waiting to be exploited. Trapping, taming, and marketing it is the key to burying your competition and staying ahead of your market. Deviance is nothing more than a marked separation from the norm and is the source of innovation, the kind of breakthrough thinking that creates new markets and tumbles traditional ones. Positive deviation is an inexhaustible font of new ideas, products, and services. It’s the source of all creative thinking and dynamic new market development and ultimately the basis of all incremental profit. The Deviant’s Advantage describes how deviance proceeds along a traceable trajectory from the Fringe, where it originates but has zero commercial potential; to the Edge, where word of mouth creates a limited audience; to the Realm of the Cool, where the buzz and market momentum really start to build; to the Next Big Thing, where demand is honed and intensifies; finally landing at Social Convention, the heart of the mass market. Ryan Mathews and Watts Wacker, two of America’s most respected futurists, trace the “Path of the Devox” (the voice, spirit, or incarnation of deviant ideas, products, and individuals), using it as a way to explain how and why: * Christian fundamentalism morphed from college Bible studies to Republican party king-making * Reebok cares more about what’s on the feet of kids in Detroit and Philadelphia than what the so-hip-it-hurts set is wearing in New York or on Rodeo Drive * Napster exploded from an idea germinating inside a sixteen-year-old to a movement with 60 million subscribers that very nearly destroyed the music industry * Hugh Hefner went from America’s most public pornographer to a cultural icon with decidedly Puritan sensibilities Mathews and Wacker also look at what happens to formerly deviant products and ideas after they are replaced by the next wave from the Fringe—how they morph into Cliché (where their commercial potential may actually increase), become Icons or even Archetypes, or fade into Oblivion, and how you can profitably manage even a fading concept. Looking for the next big idea for your business? Then it’s past time to quit staring at the Social Convention for inspiration and start scouring the Fringes of society. Tomorrow’s breakthrough concept is lurking out there right now, in the mind of a deviant individual. Your choice is simple: find it and exploit it, or be buried by those who do. From the Hardcover edition.
In The 500 Year Delta, Watts Wacker and Jim Taylor astounded readers with their sweeping vision of time and change. Now they proclaim the Age of the Individual – a world where life has never been more difficult, because it has never been easier. Today, individuals have far more power to claim their own futures than ever before, which means they have to follow four major rules to chart their courses: know who you are: know where you want to go; recognise your own seminal moments; and adopt an attitude of insurgency. As these rules are applied to organisations, they too can master the nine paradoxes that abound in everyday life and watch productivity go through the roof.
“As usual these two future-finders have their fi ngers on the pulse of what’s happening--and what we need to know about. In every business, in every organization, the seven most important words these days are: ‘But wait! A story goes with it!’ You need to read this book to fi nd out why.” —Alan Webber, Co-founder, Fast Company magazine “A great story sparks our imagination, challenges us to think, and resonates with our collective conscience. Ryan Mathews and Watts Wacker’s story about telling stories does exactly this. It is an essential guidebook for capturing and conveying the essence of corporate identities and enriching brands.” —Paul A. Laudicina, Managing Officer and Chairman of the Board, A.T. Kearney Storytelling is the universal human activity.Every society, at every stage of history, has told stories–and listened to them intently, passionately. Stories are how people tell each other who they are, where they came from, how they’re unique, what they believe. Stories capture their memories of the past and their hopes for the future. Stories are one more thing, too: They are your most powerful, most underutilized tool for competitive advantage.Whether you know it or not, your business is already telling stories. What’s Your Story? will help you take control of those stories and make them work for you. Legendary business thinkers Ryan Mathews and Watts Wacker reveal how to craft an unforgettable story...create the back story that makes it believable...make sure your story cuts through today’s relentless bombardment of consumer messages...and gets heard, remembered, and acted on. THE TEN FUNCTIONS OF STORYTELLING Discovering what stories can do for your business THE ABOLITION OF CONTEXT Telling stories when the past no longer defines the future THE FIVE MOST IMPORTANT STORY THEMES Leveraging themes your audiences will understand and believe APPLIED STORYTELLING 101 Storytelling for your industry, your company, your brand, and you MASTERING YOUR STORYTELLER’S TOOLBOX Making your stories more compelling, more believable, and downright unforgettable Use Storytelling to Gain Powerful Competitive Advantage in Today’s Increasingly Skeptical Marketplace Leverage the incredible power of storytelling in marketing, sales, investor relations, recruitment, change management, and more Indispensable techniques for every CxO, entrepreneur, and marketing, sales, and communications executive The latest breakthrough book from best-selling futurists Ryan Mathews and Watts Wacker
3 breakthrough guides to building, revitalizing, and sustaining great brands — and profiting from them! In three indispensable books, you’ll discover powerful new ways to build, rebuild, and sustain any brand — and leverage branding to supercharge profits and growth. In Six Rules for Brand Revitalization, Larry Light and Joan Kiddon teach the invaluable lessons of one of history’s most successful brand revitalizations: the reinvigoration of McDonald’s®. Drawing on that experience, the authors introduce a systematic blueprint for resurrecting any brand, and driving it to unprecedented success. Learn how to refocus your entire organization around common goals and a common brand promise...restore brand relevance based on profound knowledge of your customers... leverage innovation to reinvent your total brand experience… create a “plan to win,” and execute on it. The Truth About Creating Brands People Love reveals 51 bite-size, easy-to-use techniques for building great brands, and keeping them great. Learn powerful truths about positioning brands and developing brand meaning; using brands to drive corporate profits; managing advertising, pricing, and segmentation, and much more. Finally, What’s Your Story?: Storytelling to Move Markets, Audiences, People and Brands shows how to leverage the universal human activity of storytelling: your most powerful, most underutilized tool for competitive advantage. Legendary business thinkers Ryan Mathews and Watts Wacker help you take control of the stories your business tells, make them believable and unforgettable, make them move your customers to act! From world-renowned leaders and experts, including Larry Light, Joan Kiddon, Brian D. Till, Donna D. Heckler, Ryan Mathews, and Watts Wacker
In the tradition of Alvin Toffler's Future Shock and John Naisbitt's Megatrends, The 500-Year Delta offers an enthralling glimpse of what businesses and individuals should expect as the five-hundred-year-old "Age of Reason" segues into the "Age of Possibility." According to visionary futurists Jim Taylor and Watts Wacker, we stand at not one but several crossroads-marked points of discontinuity between past and present. These include: The shift from reason-based to chaos-based logic The splintering of social, political, and economic organization The collapse of producer-controlled consumer markets For a world caught in this swirling intersection of change, Jim Taylor and Watts Wacker provide tested strategies to help companies and individuals reset their course toward an unpredictable future, offering new models to accommodate the increasing chaos of everyday life. Describing our present point of transformation as a "triple witching hour," the authors chart a future course that is at once bracing, forbidding, joyous, and ultimately redemptive.
A Freethinker’s A-Z of the New World of Business… Including… Absolut Adobe Barbie balanced scorecard Bloomberg Byrne Cap Gemini co-opetition corporate universities data warehousing Demos Drudge dumbing down Dyson Eisner Fast Company Frit? Gateway 2000 Global Business Network Grove Kleiner LG marketspace Meyer Milken New Pig power SantaFeInstitute Saturn smart cards Starbucks storytelling Wal-Mart xybernaut Zander…
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