The COVID-19 Disruption and the Global Health Dilemma provides an historical accounting of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic through the eyes of the largest pubic health system in the United States, one that served the hardest hit neighborhoods in New York City. The book offers a roadmap to guide healthcare systems and their providers in the event of future pandemics. Readers will learn from healthcare providers at the epicenter of the pandemic in New York City about surge staffing and level loading, along with tips from the ED and ICUs on how to respond to an unprecedented influx of inpatients. - Clarifies the scientific knowledge around COVID-19 - Provides a multidisciplinary analysis involving biology, economics, epidemiology, medicine, and statistics relating to COVID-19 - Focuses on the need to invest and develop the bioeconomy as the basis of a new global and integrated health system, pulling together conservation, resource economics, and preventive and curative medicine
Urban development and housing projects in Berlin and Naples in the post-war era – A comparison: Theoretical models, implemented projects, social and political impacts today
Urban development and housing projects in Berlin and Naples in the post-war era – A comparison: Theoretical models, implemented projects, social and political impacts today
In the post-war period, Berlin and Naples experienced a phase of profound changes, essentially influenced by external factors: the less rigid urban structure which had been ruined by World War II, resulting in severe changes in the social and economic structure, an uncritical reception and implementation of largely theoretical models of functionalism in urban planning, and in the design of the new public building interventions. On the one hand, between the 1940s and the 1980s, Berlin experienced a considerable loss in population, a political isolation and an urban splitting, as the urban planning institutions, deeply influenced by relevant politics, slowly and thoroughly changed the cityscape. On the other hand, Naples suffered from a new phase of immigration as well as from the parallel densification of the old suburbs and the physical expansion of the city limits without consistent and socially appropriate urban planning measures. This phase of change, so full of contrasts, coincided with the establishment of new democratic systems in the Federal Republic of Germany and Italy, and with the fundamental goal of socially adequate housing in both the West and the East. The research involved a series of historical analyses of the relationship between urban development and social housing for critical reflection and to allow an informed evaluation of the contemporary condition. In particular, it investigated housing settlements realised in Berlin and Naples in the first four decades of the post-war period, which corresponds to the period in which public housing was central in both political and urban planning terms. The book focuses on places of living, the city and the house. Consequently, it investigates the scale of the project and that of the intervention, the relationship between innovation and the cultural reception of urban phenomena and, again, between the stage of the project and the realisation and upkeep of the interventions, between democratic expectations and the adequacy of the administration system. These steps have a direct effect on the social identity that inspires, structures and transforms the planned and then built city, that continuous dialogue between form and content (the past) that occurs, in general, through progressive and mutual adaptations. In the selection of the case studies, we have favoured interventions on the “periphery,” which are those in which theoretical and aesthetic trends have best manifested themselves and in which planning and design cultures could develop most widely. However, the periphery does not necessarily coincide with the geographical edges of the cities: both in Berlin and in Naples, historical events, or the particular topography have naturally shifted the “peripheral” location along a radius that only ideally starts from the city centre and often extends to its inner fringes. Rather, from a sociological point of view, the same interventions generally generate the peripheral condition, that is, marginalisation or social division. This, as we shall see, can be traced both on the large scale of the city and inside the neighbourhood. The materials are arranged in the following way: the text is introduced by a graphic and synthetic presentation of the historical context in Berlin and Naples and the documentation of the twelve case studies. In the second chapter, Comparison, which was mostly developed as the first by the young scholars involved in the project, three theoretical issues highlighted during the seminars are better presented: The ability of the project to involve the social level; the experimentalism of the interventions, in particular in construction technology, social approach and democratic participation; the relationship between public and private in the phases of implementation and the upkeep of the programmes. The third chapter, In-Depth Analysis, includes the contributions of the scientists involved to give a better articulated historical and critical analysis of many of selected case studies and of the wider urban and social context. The closing editorial paper offers a brief overview focusing on a selection of the theoretical nodes that emerged from the comparison of the materials from a contemporary perspective. The publication is the outcome of the homonymous research programme fully funded by DAAD German Academic Exchange Service and runned in 2019 in cooperation between the Technische Universität of Berlin, Department of Architecture (Habitat Unit) with the Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli," Dipartimento di Architettura e Disegno Industriale in Aversa (Italy). In der Nachkriegszeit erlebten Berlin und Neapel eine Phase tiefgehender Veränderungen, die im Wesentlichen von externen Faktoren beeinflusst wurde: der aufgelockerten, infolge des Zweiten Weltkriegs ruinierten Stadtform, der starken Veränderung der sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Struktur, der unkritischen Rezeption und Implementierung von stark theoretisch geprägten Modellen des Funktionalismus in der Stadtplanung sowie in der Gestaltung der neuen öffentlichen Bauinterventionen. Auf der einen Seite erlebt Berlin zwischen den 40er und den 80er Jahren einen starken Bevölkerungsverlust, eine politische Isolierung und eine urbane Aufspaltung, indem eine stark politisch beeinflusste Stadtplanung das Stadtbild tief verändert. Auf der anderen Seite leidet Neapel unter einer neuen Einwanderungsphase sowie der parallelen Verdichtung der alten Vorstädte und der physischen Erweiterung der Stadtgrenze, ohne dass konsequente und sozial gemäße stadtplanerische Maßnahmen vorgenommen wurden. Diese kontrastreiche Umbruchsphase stimmt überein mit der Etablierung der neuen demokratischen Regierungssysteme in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland wie auch in Italien und damit mit dem für beide - und im Westen wie im Osten - grundlegenden Ziel des sozial gerechten Wohnens. Das Forschungsvorhaben beinhaltete eine Reihe von historischen Analysen der Beziehung zwischen Stadtentwicklung und sozialem Wohnungsbau zum Zweck der kritischen Reflexion und um eine fundierte Bewertung der jeweiligen zeitgenössischen Bedingungen zu ermöglichen. Insbesondere wurden Wohnsiedlungen untersucht, die in Berlin wie in Neapel in den ersten vier Jahrzehnten nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg errichtet wurden, d.h. in eben dem Zeitraum, in dem öffentlicher Wohnungsbau sowohl unter politischen wie auch unter stadtplanerischen Aspekten zentral war. Das Buch konzentriert sich auf Lebensräume, die Stadt und das Haus. Folglich untersucht es das Ausmaß des Projekts wie das der Intervention, die Beziehung zwischen Innovation und kultureller Rezeption städtischer Phänomene wie auch zwischen dem jeweiligen Stadium des Projekts und der Umsetzung und Aufrechterhaltung der Interventionen und schließlich zwischen den demokratischen Erwartungen und der Leistungsfähigkeit des Verwaltungssystems. Diese Schritte haben direkte Auswirkungen auf die soziale Identität, welche die zunächst geplante und dann gebaute Stadt inspiriert, strukturiert und transformiert, d.h. diesen ständigen Dialog zwischen Form und Inhalt (die Vergangenheit), der im Allgemeinen durch fortschreitende und gegenseitige Anpassungen abläuft. Bei der Auswahl der Fallstudien haben wir Interventionen in der "Perpherie" bevorzugt, da sie es sind, in denen sich theoretische und ästhetische Trends am deutlichsten abzeichnen und in denen sich Kulturen der Planung und des Designs am weitesten entwickeln könnten. Die Peripherie fällt jedoch nicht unbedingt zusammen mit den geografischen Rändern der Städte: sowohl in Berlin wie in Neapel haben historische Ereignisse oder auch die jeweilige Topografie naturgemäß die "periphere" Lage entlang einem Radius verschoben, der nur im Idealfall vom Stadtzentrum ausgeht und sich oft bis an seine Ränder erstreckt. Von einer soziologischen Perspektive aus ist es eher so, dass im Allgemeinen die gleichen Interventionen zu einer peripheren Situation führen. d.h. zu Marginalisierung oder sozialer Aufspaltung. Wie wir sehen werden, gilt dies sowohl im größeren Rahmen für die Stadt wie auch innerhalb eines Stadtviertels. Die Materialien sind folgendermaßen angeordnet: Der Text wird eingeführt durch eine grafische und zusammenfassende Präsentation der historischen Zusammenhänge in Berlin und Neapel und eine Dokumentation zu den zwölf Fallstudien. Im zweiten Kapitel – "Vergleich/Comparison" – , das ursprünglich als erstes Kapitel von den jüngeren Forschern, die am Projekt teilnahmen, entwickelt wurde, werden drei Fragen, die während der Seminare im Mittelpunkt standen, genauer vorgestellt: die Eignung des Projekts dafür, die soziale Ebene mit einzubeziehen; der experimentelle Charakter der Interventionen, insbesondere in der Bautechnologie, im sozialen Ansatz und in der demokratischen Teilhabe; die Beziehung zwischen öffentlichem und privatem Engagement in der Phase der Umsetzung wie der Aufrechterhaltung der Programme. Das dritte Kapitel – "Eingehende Analyse/In-Depth-Analyses" – besteht aus den Beiträgen der beteiligten Wissenschaftler, um so eine klarere historische und kritische Analyse von etlichen der ausgewählten Fallstudien und der weiterreichenden städtischen und sozialen Zusammenhänge zu gewährleisten. Der abschließende Kommentarteil bietet einen kurzen Überblick, der den Schwerpunkt auf eine Auswahl von theoretischen Verknüpfungen legt, die sich aus dem Vergleich der Materialien aus zeitgenössischen Perspektive ergeben. Die Veröffentlichung ist das Ergebnis des gleichnamigen Forschungsprogramms, das vollständig vom DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) finanziert wurde und 2019 in einer Zusammenarbeit der Architektur-Fakultät (Habitat Unit) der Technischen Universität Berlin mit dem Dipartmento di Architettura e Disegno Industriale der Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" in Aversa (Italien) durchgeführt wurde. Nel secondo dopoguerra Berlino e Napoli vivono una fase di profondo cambiamento che è condizionato in maniera preponderante da fattori esterni: la parziale disgregazione della forma urbana causata dei bombardamenti bellici, il cambiamento della struttura socio-economica, il recepimento delle teorie funzionaliste nella pianificazione urbana e nella progettazione dei nuovi interventi di edilizia residenziale pubblica. Per un verso, tra gli anni quaranta e gli anni ottanta, Berlino rileva una pesante contrazione demografica, l'isolamento politico, la separazione interna del Muro, gli effetti di una pianificazione urbana fortemente influenzata dal sdoppiato piano politico che deriva dalla fondazione nel 1949 dei due stati tedeschi, la GDR e la DDR. Per altro verso, Napoli osserva una nuova fase di immigrazione che si aggiunge alla naturale crescita demografica del primo dopoguerra, lo sviluppo urbano dei sobborghi e dei principali centri dell’entroterra costiero, l'espansione fisica ma non amministrativa dei confini della città, l’inadeguatezza ed il costante ritardo del piano amministrativo-urbanistico nella gestione dei fenomeni sociali ed urbani. Si tratta in pratica di una fase carica di contrasti che coincide con l'instaurazione delle nuove repubbliche liberali in Germania ed Italia, e con la definitiva affermazione della questione abitativa e della residenza popolare che assurge, in ambito socialista, al rango di elemento funzionale alla stessa costruzione statale. Lo studio indaga la relazione tra sviluppo urbano ed edilizia residenziale pubblica e si propone come strumento per la riflessione critica e per la valutazione informata della condizione contemporanea. Le indagini e le valutazioni storiche che esso raccoglie si concentrano sugli interventi realizzati a Berlino e a Napoli nei primi quarant’anni del dopoguerra, ovvero nel periodo in cui la questione abitativa diviene urgente e centrale per vari ordini di motivi sia in termini politici che urbanistici. Lo sguardo si concentra sui luoghi dell'abitare, la città e la casa; indaga e confronta la scala teorica e quella reale, il rapporto tra innovazione e recezione culturale; confronta i piani del progetto, della costruzione e della successiva manutenzione degli interventi residenziali, tra le aspettative democratiche e l'adeguatezza del sistema amministrativo nel gestirli. Si tratta di passaggi che hanno un effetto diretto sull'identità sociale che, di risposta, ispira e struttura la nuova città attraverso un dialogo tra forma e contenuto (il passato) che procede per progressivi e reciproci adattamenti. Nella selezione dei casi studio sono stati privilegiati interventi di "periferia", ovvero quelli in cui le culture della pianificazione e del progetto, e le tendenze teoriche ed estetiche si sono potute manifestare nella maniera più completa. Come si vedrà, tuttavia, la periferia non coincide necessariamente con i margini geografici delle città: sia a Berlino che a Napoli gli eventi storici o la particolare topografia hanno dislocato la condizione "periferica" lungo un raggio che solo idealmente conduce dal centro della città. Da un punto di vista sociologico, e per la coincidenza di diversi fattori, inoltre, gli stessi interventi residenziali generano al loro interno la condizione periferica che si manifesta generalmente in degrado degli spazi comuni, mancanza di prossimità, emarginazione sociale. I materiali del testo sono organizzati in tre parti: nel primo capitolo Documentation si introduce al contesto storico, amministrativo ed urbanistico e si presentano schematicamente e secondo un criterio uniforme i dodici casi studio selezionati; nel secondo capitolo Comparison, che, come il primo, è stato redatto dai giovani ricercatori coinvolti nel progetto di ricerca, vengono meglio presentate tre questioni teoriche emerse nel corso dei laboratori: la capacità del progetto di coinvolgere il piano sociale; lo sperimentalismo degli interventi, in particolare per tecnologia costruttiva, approccio sociale e partecipazione democratica; il rapporto tra il piano amministrativo-pubblico ed il piano civico-privato nelle fasi di realizzazione e mantenimento dei programmi residenziali. Il terzo capitolo, In-Depth-Analysis, raccoglie i contributi degli studiosi coinvolti per fornire un'analisi storica e critica articolata dei casi di studio selezionati e del più ampio contesto urbano e sociale. Infine, le conclusioni raccolgono e presentano i principali nodi teorici emersi nel corso della ricerca in una prospettiva aperta alla condizione contemporanea. La pubblicazione restituisce e meglio sviluppa sul piano documentale e critico i materiali raccolti nel corso dei due laboratori tenuti nel 2019 presso la Technische Universität di Berlino, Dipartimento di Urbanistica e Sviluppo urbano sostenibile “Habitat Unit,” e l’Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli," Dipartimento di Architettura e Disegno Industriale di Aversa, nell’ambito dell’omonimo progetto di ricerca finanziato dal DAAD (Servizio Tedesco per lo Scambio Accademico).
Deeply influenced by Enlightenment writers from Naples and France, Vincenzo Cuoco (1770–1823) was forced into exile for his involvement in the failed Neapolitan revolution of 1799. Living in Milan, he wrote what became one of the nineteenth century’s most important treatises on political revolution. In his Historical Essay on the Neapolitan Revolution of 1799, Cuoco synthesized the work of Machiavelli, Vico, and Enlightenment philosophers to offer an explanation for why and how revolutions succeed or fail. A major influence on political thought during the unification of Italy, the Historical Essay was also an inspiration to twentieth-century thinkers such as Benedetto Croce and Antonio Gramsci. This critical edition, featuring an authoritative translation, introduction, and annotations, finally makes Cuoco’s work fully accessible to an English-speaking audience.
This book was conceived as a laboratory on microhistory, an attempt to illustrate its main processes and advantages. Through the microhistorical approach the reader is off on an adventurous journey to discover an individual’s perspective, that of maestro Luigi Prisco who emigrated to the USA from the south of Italy. Luigi Prisco was a provincial musician and composer, born in 1857, who lived in Avellino, in Campania. In May 1902 Prisco joined millions of people in emigrating from southern Italy and the rest of the country to the United States, one more droplet in the immense river of Italian migration. Luigi Prisco’s personal correspondence with his mentor and friend Senator Donato Di Marzo (1840–1911) provides us with a precious insight into the aspirations and desires of a man who, through his actions, brought radical change to his life. Maestro Prisco’s letters are an interesting and insightful form of self-narration, which can only be fully understood using a microhistorical approach. The study of these letters is particularly valuable in highlighting the relationship between society and the intimate life of an individual, but also in underlining the active role that Prisco as an individual was able to play. This volume will be of great use to scholars interested in microhistory, the history of migrations, the history of ‘the self’ and in the development of theoretical approaches and methodologies when using letters as sources in interdisciplinary historical research.
As a youth, I attended Catholic schools and churches. At one time, I was an altar boy. I've always been a true believer of the Lord and the saints along with heaven's angels. While in the military, I attended mass most of my time in the air force. I also spent some time at the Mormon church more or less to understand the difference in religions. My wife and I were married in a protestant church. Our children were all Catholics before they changed over to other religions. In my lifetime, I came close to dying, or getting killed, about nine or ten times. I gave credit to my guardian angel each time. When I was assigned to New York University Medical and saw children suffering and or dying of cancer, I prayed to the Lord and asked for the power to save these children. I believe my prayers were answered during the time when I found out I had cancer. I did some heavy research and found a product that helped save my life, and others I shared it with also got positive results. Today, that product is used not as a business, but as my mission. The results were so good that I shared it with many seniors, adults, young people, and children. I spent ten years as a Korean War veteran, twenty-nine years in law enforcement, and fifteen years in between working with youth as their executive director of a 501(c)(3) refusing any salary. The name of the organization was Youth Against Crime, Inc. I have been directed in my life by a greater power who has brought to me a loving family, loving friends, a fantastic and exciting life, and love of country. I wouldn't be where I am today without the trials and tribulations God has bestowed on me.
This book, now in its second edition, offers a comprehensive and modern treatment on the background knowledge of heat transfer processes in the lithosphere. In the light of the success of the first edition, several chapters of the book have been revised and the book has been enriched with a new chapter on geothermal methods used for the inference of past climate changes.The book starts with a brief review of global tectonics and of the structure of the crust and upper mantle. Then the theory of heat conduction as well as the thermal properties and the methods for the determination of thermal conductivity and radiogenic heat are introduced. Subsequently the geothermal flow and the thermal state of the lithosphere and deep interior are analyzed. The formation, upwelling mechanisms, solidification and cooling of magmas, which can be a fundamental heat source in many geothermal systems, are reviewed. Analytical methods used for gaining information on heat and groundwater flow from the analyses of temperature depth data are also covered. Data and practical examples are supplied to facilitate the understanding of the different topics.The book is intended for Earth science graduate students and researchers.
A compelling reevaluation of the Enlightenment from one of its leading historians In this concise and powerful book, one of the world's leading historians of the Enlightenment provides a bracing and clarifying new interpretation of this watershed period. Arguing that philosophical and historical interpretations of the era have long been hopelessly confused, Vincenzo Ferrone makes the case that it is only by separating these views and taking an approach grounded in social and cultural history that we can begin to grasp what the Enlightenment was—and why it is still relevant today. Ferrone explains why the Enlightenment was a profound and wide-ranging cultural revolution that reshaped Western identity, reformed politics through the invention of human rights, and redefined knowledge by creating a critical culture. These new ways of thinking gave birth to new values that spread throughout society and changed how everyday life was lived and understood. Featuring an illuminating afterword describing how his argument challenges the work of Anglophone interpreters including Jonathan Israel, The Enlightenment provides a fascinating reevaluation of the true nature and legacy of one of the most important and contested periods in Western history. The translation of this work has been funded by SEPS—Segretariato Europeo per le Pubblicazioni Scientifiche.
The presidents friends, top advisors, and co-conspirators are disappearing at an alarming rate. With the 2012 election just around the corner, and with his key people nowhere to be found, the president is concerned that, without them, he will lose his bid to serve another four years, thereby foiling his efforts to destroy the United States from within. Only the organization known as WI-7 knows where they are. In an effort to destabilize the presidents re-election campaign, the international anti-terrorist group not only kidnaps those people who are important to the president, they also uncover a network of ultra-radical jihadists who are working toward the violent overthrow of the United States. Book number eight in the Johnny Skull series brings us even closer to present day. Johnny Skull and WI-7 are trying hard to save the day and the USA. Spiaggi weaves a particularly gratifying fictional story. But wait ... is there some truth hidden here? And a little blooming love story keeps it all engrossing. Read it, youll love it! Mary Jones, Literary Consultant Ive come to love Spiaggis characters. They are real, strong, cunning, and funny. And there are new and compelling personalities in every book. Anthony Cantu, Literary Consultant Johnny Skull and his friends do it again! Bravo! F. X. Quilici, Literary Consultant
Sustainable development is an area that has world-wide appeal, from developed industrialized countries to the developing world. Development of innovative technologies to achieve sustainability is being addressed by many European countries, the USA and also China and India. The need for chemical processes to be safe, compact, flexible, energy efficient, and environmentally benign and conducive to the rapid commercialization of new products poses new challenges for chemical engineers. This book examines the newest technologies for sustainable development in chemical engineering, through careful analysis of the technical aspects, and discussion of the possible fields of industrial development. The book is broad in its coverage, and is divided into four sections: Energy Production, covering renewable energies, innovative solar technologies, cogeneration plants, and smart grids Process Intensification, describing why it is important in the chemical and petrochemical industry, the engineering approach, and nanoparticles as a smart technology for bioremediation Bio-based Platform Chemicals, including the production of bioethanol and biodiesel, bioplastics production and biodegradability, and biosurfactants Soil and Water Remediation, covering water management and re-use, and soil remediation technologies Throughout the book there are case studies and examples of industrial processes in practice.
Family members of the Secretary General of the United Nations are murdered in a homicide bombing in Jerusalem. Overcome with grief, the Secretary General then takes his own life. His successor, Mikki Paarsalu of Estonia, vows to reform the corrupt international organization; but during his acceptance speech, he steps on a few toes and makes a few enemies. Th e Natural Order Of Human Events chronicles the efforts of Paarsalus enemies as they try to teach him a lesson for his public humiliation of them. Those enemies include a powerful mullah at a mosque in Boulder, Colorado, and a Middle Eastern ambassador to the United Nations. Th e story also tracks the efforts of Paarsalus friends as they try to protect him from his enemies. Working in his behalf are: Johnny Skull, who is on his own mission of revenge; a U.S. Congressman and an Israeli Mossad agent; Jimmie Masroun, a co-ed at the University of Wyoming, and her Italian cousin Fannie Scalisi; Saundra Jessup and Paul Davidson, reporters for The Sheridan County Sunrise, an award-winning weekly newspaper in the Village of Story, Wyoming; and, members of World Interconnect, or WI-7, an international terrorist-tracking organization, which includes Jenny Jessup, a new recruit. WI-7 believes that the Yemeni jihadist, Abu Zulu, is the man behind the plot to harm Paarsalu and the hunt for Abu Zulu begins.
This book develops the idea that the Cosa Nostra Sicilian mafia likes and, more than any other criminal organization, follows the patterns of capitalist transformation. The author presents analysis of the mafia under post-fordism capitalism, showing how they rely on increasingly more flexible networks for reasons of both cost and dodging police control, as well as changing their core businesses in relation to the risk that some activities, such as drug trafficking, are likely to incur. divCombining sociology, criminology and labour sociology, the book provides an interpretation of Cosa Nostra which focuses on the connection between legal and illegal economies and politics, thus doing away with the idea that organized crime is always an external entity to society. An authoritative and original study, this book will be of particular interest to scholars of criminal justice, politics and economics.
Two Las Vegas mosques are destroyed. We know who did it; but what was discovered at the sites of the destruction is just the beginning of uncovering a much more sinister plot to overthrow the government and culture of the United States. Aided by subversive officials in high places within the American government, international jihadism is firmly entrenched within the apparatus of the U.S. intelligence community. With the help of certain underworld figures, agents of World Interconnect (WI-7), an international terrorist-hunting organization, attempt to unravel the plans of the enemies of the United States. Their search for clues leads them to a group of international-Islamist plotters within the American government and the greater Muslim-American community.
Written by one of Italy's leading historians, this book analyses the Neapolitan nobleman Gaetano Filangieri and his seven-volume 'Science of Legislation' in their historical context, expounding on his legacy for the histories of constitutional republicanism, liberalism, and political economy.
This Pickering edition of Adam Ferguson's correspondence contains over 400 letters, most of which have never before been published. The correspondence includes letters between Ferguson and Adam Smith, David Hume and Alexander Carlyle and many other central figures of the Scottish Enlightenment.
Stress and strain analysis of rotors subjected to surface and body loads, as well as to thermal loads deriving from temperature variation along the radius, constitutes a classic subject of machine design. Nevertheless attention is limited to rotor profiles for which governing equations are solvable in closed form. Furthermore very few actual engineering issues may relate to structures for which stress and strain analysis in the linear elastic field and, even more, under non-linear conditions (i.e. plastic or viscoelastic conditions) produces equations to be solved in closed form. Moreover, when a product is still in its design stage, an analytical formulation with closed-form solution is of course simpler and more versatile than numerical methods, and it allows to quickly define a general configuration, which may then be fine-tuned using such numerical methods. In this view, all subjects are based on analytical-methodological approach, and some new solutions in closed form are presented. The analytical formulation of problems is always carried out considering actual engineering applications. Moreover, in order to make the use of analytical models even more friendly at the product design stage, a function is introduced whereby it is possible to define a fourfold infinity of disk profiles, solid or annular, concave or convex, converging or diverging. Such subjects, even derived from scientific authors’ contributions, are always aimed at designing rotors at the concept stage, i.e. in what precedes detailed design. Among the many contributions, a special mention is due for the following: linear elastic analysis of conical disks and disks with variable profile along its radius according to a power of a linear function, also subjected to thermal load and with variable density; analysis of a variable-profile disk subjected to centrifugal load beyond the material's yield point, introducing the completely general law expressed by a an n-grade polynomial; linear elastic analysis of hyperbolic disk, subjected to thermal load along its radius; linear elastic analysis of a variable-thickness disk according to a power of a linear function, subjected to angular acceleration; etc.
This book describes the trends in digital innovation that are of most importance for businesses and explores the key challenges. The book is in three parts, the first of which focuses on developments in digital systems. Here, the ever-growing relevance of big data, cloud computing, and mobile services for business is discussed, and detailed consideration is given to the importance of social listening for understanding user behavior and needs and the implications of IT consumerization. In the second part, trends in digital management are examined, with chapters devoted to work practice, digital business identity as well as branding and governance. The final part of the book presents and reviews case studies of digital innovation at the global level that provide a benchmark of best practices, with inclusion of instructive fact sheets. While the book offers academic coverage of the digital transformation of business organizations and the associated challenges, it also describes concrete, real-world issues in clear, easy-to-understand language and will serve as a toolbox for managers that can be readily consulted. The text is supported by informative illustrations and tables, and practitioners will also benefit from the reported case studies and highlighted insights and recommendations.
Interwoven between scathing indictments of the American president and international jihadism, is a story of terrorism, foreign intrigue, incompetence at the highest levels of the American government, and creative patriotism. Vespa Jiggs, the presidents puppeteer, is not who she seems to be. Following the secretive path of her own agenda, she is planning a catastrophic event that will forever change the worlds political course. But the killing of Osama bin Laden an action she vehemently opposed causes her to change her plans when one of her angry operatives talks a little too freely about her planned terrorist event to the wrong people. And once again, Johnny Skull and his friends rise to the occasion to save the world from the forces of evil. ________________________________________ The newest book in the Johnny Skull series is fast-paced and hard to put down. It has everything from espionage to suspense to political diatribes all mixed in with a variety of interesting characters, including women capable of slaughter. Keep em coming, Cenzo! Mary Jones, Literary Consultant Once again, Spiaggi has whipped up an incredible scenario that will have you turning the pages until the very end. Anthony Cantu, Literary Consultant
This book tells the story of the Del Riccio family in Florence in the early modern period, investigating the cultural mediations fostered by the family between Florence, Rome, and Naples, as well as shedding light on the intellectual and social exchanges between different regions of Italy and on the creation of foreign nations within the main Italian cities. These social and cultural dimensions are further explored through the study of the obsessive persistence of the family’s relationship with Michelangelo Buonarroti, exhibited both publicly, in the Florentine and Neapolitan family chapels, and privately in their homes. The main achievement of this study is to move the focus from the ruling power, the Medici family and the immediate members of their court, to a Florentine middle-class family and its social mobility: this shift from the conventional narrative to a distributed microhistory is fundamental to better assess the use of images and artworks in early modern Florence and abroad. The aesthetic and stylistic choices in the use of art and art display made by the Del Riccio reveal a deep awareness of the substantial differences in taste and meaning between different cities of the Italian peninsula. The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, visual culture, and Renaissance studies.
Vincenzo Bellini's Norma, first produced at La Scala, Milan, in 1831, is widely regarded as the greatest achievement of the bel canto era. Its title role, sung at the premiere by Giuditta Pasta, has been undertaken in more recent times by Maria Callas, Joan Sutherland and Monserrat Caballe and remains one of the supremely challenging soprano parts in the operatic repertory. The opera tells of the conflicting loyalties of the High Priestess of the Druids, Norma, who is torn between her duty to her people and her love for the father of her two children, the proconsul of the occupying Roman forces in Gaul.The guide contains articles on the background to the opera and the development of bel canto, a detailed examination of its musical structure and a survey of its performance history, dealing in particular with the approaches of some of the many distinguished singers who have appeared in its principal roles. There is also a discussion of the contentious issue of which voice-types should more appropriately be singing each of the two leading female characters. The guide includes the full libretto with English translation, sixteen pages of illustrations, a musical thematic guide, a discography, a bibliography, and DVD and website guides.Contains:The Genesis of Norma, Susan RutherfordNorma's Musical Journey, Roger ParkerNorma: A Selective Performance History, John AllisonWeep, Shudder, Die: Vincenzo Bellini, Norma and Their Admirers, Gary KahnNorma: Libretto by Felice Romani after Alexandre Soumet's verse tragedy NormaNorma: English translation by Kenneth Chalmers
Il Caffè diventa subito una preziosa galleria d'arte nel cuore nobile di Napol. Per festeggiare la rinascita, il Caffè viene ribattezzato "Gran Caffè Gambrinus", in nome del leggendario re delle Fiandre inventore della birra. Inaugurato ufficialmente il 3 novembre 1890, il Gran Caffè Gambrinus diventa da subito il cuore della vita mondana, culturale e letteraria della città re, regine, politici, giornalisti, letterati e artisti di fama internazionale ne fanno il luogo dove incontrarsi, discutere e scrivere versi, come nella migliore tradizione europea del caffè letterario.
Mathematical problems concerning time evolution of solutions related to nonlinear systems modelling dynamics of continuous media are of great interest both in wave propagation and in stability problems. During the last few decades many striking developments have taken place, especially in connection with the effects of nonlinearity of the equations describing physical situations. The articles in this book have been written by reputable specialists in the field and represent a valuable contribution to its advancement. The topics are: discontinuity and shock waves; linear and nonlinear stability in fluid dynamics; kinetic theories and comparison with continuum models; propagation and non-equilibrium thermodynamics; exact solutions via group methods; numerical applications.
This book analyses the economic and financial profiles of heritage assets as tourist attractions. Offering both theoretical insights, methods, and global empirical examples, it considers how heritage assets can create economic and social value for a region. It offers an analysis of micro- and macroeconomic characteristics of heritage assets and their financial management. The importance of innovation in light of technological and market transformations is considered, as well as the sustainable management of heritage assets environmentally and in terms of sustainable tourism. The book delves into the financial assessment of heritage assets with a focus on evaluation models, the technique of project financing and wealth management in the art sector. These topics are illustrated with cases studies of heritage assets managed as tourist attractions to outline successful management strategies. The book draws on examples from a range of sites and locations across Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and the United States to show how heritage assets can be an economic stimulus for the development of local economies. The book will be of interest to academics and students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the fields of tourism economics, cultural studies and environmental studies.
This book identifies and discusses the main challenges facing digital business innovation and the emerging trends and practices that will define its future. The book is divided into three sections covering trends in digital systems, digital management, and digital innovation. The opening chapters consider the issues associated with machine intelligence, wearable technology, digital currencies, and distributed ledgers as their relevance for business grows. Furthermore, the strategic role of data visualization and trends in digital security are extensively discussed. The subsequent section on digital management focuses on the impact of neuroscience on the management of information systems, the role of IT ambidexterity in managing digital transformation, and the way in which IT alignment is being reconfigured by digital business. Finally, examples of digital innovation in practice at the global level are presented and reviewed. The book will appeal to both practitioners and academics. The text is supported by informative illustrations and case studies, so that practitioners can use the book as a toolbox that enables easy understanding and assists in exploiting business opportunities involving digital business innovation.
This book presents and discusses the main strategic and organizational challenges posed by Big Data and analytics in a manner relevant to both practitioners and scholars. The first part of the book analyzes strategic issues relating to the growing relevance of Big Data and analytics for competitive advantage, which is also attributable to empowerment of activities such as consumer profiling, market segmentation, and development of new products or services. Detailed consideration is also given to the strategic impact of Big Data and analytics on innovation in domains such as government and education and to Big Data-driven business models. The second part of the book addresses the impact of Big Data and analytics on management and organizations, focusing on challenges for governance, evaluation, and change management, while the concluding part reviews real examples of Big Data and analytics innovation at the global level. The text is supported by informative illustrations and case studies, so that practitioners can use the book as a toolbox to improve understanding and exploit business opportunities related to Big Data and analytics.
A study of an important work by the Italian writer, Vincenzo Gramigna, dedicated to the quarrel between the Ancients and the Moderns that tore the seventeenth century apart. Filippo Salvatore teaches at Concordia University. {Guernica Editions}
As a result of the molecular genetic analysis of development similar mechanisms for the regulation of gene expression are found in a wide range of organisms. In "Development - the Molecular Genetic Approach" these common mechanisms as well as the specific events leading to a differentiated cell are described. Particular items treated are, for example, how asymmetry is achieved, how cell size is determined, how cell division is controlled, how cell lineage influences development, how cells know their position, and how cells communicate during development.
Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies: First South Asia Edition remains your go-to choice for authoritative guidance on managing today's obstetric patient. International experts put the latest knowledge in this specialty at your fingertips, with current and relevant information on everything from fetal origins of adult disease, to improving global maternal health, to important topics in day-to-day obstetric practice. Highly readable, well-illustrated, and easy to understand, this best-selling obstetrics reference is an ideal tool for residents and clinicians. • Sweeping updates appear throughout, including four new chapters: "Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery," "Placenta Accreta," "Obesity," and "Improving Global Maternal Health: Challenges and Opportunities." • New Glossary presents the most frequently used key abbreviations for easy reference. • Expanded use of bolded statements and key points, as well as additional tables, flow diagrams, and bulleted lists, facilitates and enhances the mastery of each chapter. • More than 100 images in the chapter on ultrasound provide an important resource for normal and abnormal fetal anatomy. • Collective wisdom of global experts in the field is offered.
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