There is a fundamental discrepancy between man as he is and man as he could be, if only he recognized his true being and purpose. Ethics is the discipline by which man can understand how he can pass from the first condition to the second. Udo Schaefer's Baha'i Ethics in Light of Scripture is an attempt to analyse the underlying structures and detect the interior architecture of the Baha'i moral system and is a step towards developing a Baha'i moral theology. Doctrinal Fundamentals, the first of two volumes, provides a historical overview of the Baha'i Faith, a systematic survey of it doctrines and an overview of the origin and derivation of moral values. It considers the metaphysical nature of human beings and human responsibilities, looks at reason and conscience, and explores liberty and its limits. Schaefer's second volume deals with concrete values - the virtues, divine commandments and principles of social ethics from a Baha'i perspective.
Kaum eine andere Periode der r�mischen Geschichte bietet ein so turbulentes Bild wie die Soldatenkaiserzeit zwischen 235 und 284 n. Chr. Zahlreiche Einf�lle von Germanen und Persern, h�ufige Herrscherwechsel und wirtschaftliche Probleme erschuetterten das R�mische Reich in seinen Grundfesten. Neben Krisensymptomen lassen sich aber auch Reformans�tze aufzeigen. Der Band vereinigt die Vortr�ge einer Berliner Tagung vom Juli 2005. Die 20 Autorinnen und Autoren untersuchen die Transformationsprozesse auf Reichsebene, in den Regionen und auf dem Gebiet der Religion sowie die Deutungsmodelle in der Forschungsgeschichte. Sie leisten damit einen Beitrag zur kontroversen Diskussion ueber den Charakter dieser Epoche. Inhalt Klaus-Peter Johne / Thomas Gerhardt / Udo Hartmann: Einleitung Er�ffnungsvortrag: Hartwin Brandt: Facts and Fictions - Die Historia Augusta und das 3.�Jahrhundert I. Die Transformation des R�mischen Reiches im 3. Jahrhundert I.1. Die politische Transformation des Reiches: Lukas de Blois: The Onset of Crisis in the First Half of the Third Century A.�D. Ulrich Huttner: Zwischen Traditionalismus und Totalitarismus. Zur Ideologie und Praxis der Regierung des Kaisers Decius Bruno Bleckmann: Zu den Motiven der Christenverfolgung des Decius Michael P. Speidel: Gallienus and the Marcomanni Udo Hartmann: Der Mord an Kaiser Gallienus � Klaus-Peter Johne: Die Illyrischen Kaiser als Herrscher neuen Typs Olivier Hekster�/ Erika Manders: Kaiser gegen Kaiser: Bilder der Macht im 3.�Jahrhundert I.2. Wandel und Kontinuit�t in den Regionen des R�mischen Reiches: Christian Witschel: Zur Situation im r�mischen Africa w�hrend des 3.�Jahrhunderts Kai Ruffing: Wirtschaftliche Prosperit�t im 3. Jahrhundert: Die St�dte �gyptens als Paradigma? Werner Oenbrink: Shahba�/ Philippopolis - Die Transformation einer safaitisch-arabischen Siedlung in eine r�mische Colonia Johannes Noll�: Bronzene Reflexe einer Krise. Das st�dtische Muenzwesen Kleinasiens als Indikator von Ph�nomenen der Reichskrise des 3.�Jahrhunderts und von zeitgen�ssischem Krisenempfinden I.3. Transformation religi�ser Vorstellungen im 3. Jahrhundert: Thorsten Fleck: Isis, Sarapis, Mithras und die Ausbreitung des Christentums im 3. Jahrhundert Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst: Die manich�ische Mission in Palmyra. Die Quellen und ihre Auswertung II. Die Rezeption der Soldatenkaiserzeit II.1. Die Rezeption im Mittelalter und in der Fruehen Neuzeit: Andreas Goltz: Zerrbilder eines Herrschers und Christenverfolgers. Zur Rezeption Kaiser Valerians in Sp�tantike, Mittelalter und Neuzeit Kathrin Schade: Palladio und die Soldatenkaiser. Renaissancezeichnungen verlorener Monumentalbauten des 3.�Jahrhunderts in Rom II.2. Das 3.�Jahrhundert in der modernen Forschung: Monika Schuol: Die Wuerdigung der Soldatenkaiserzeit in der rechtsgeschichtlichen Forschung Thomas Gerhardt: Zur Geschichte des Krisenbegriffs Matth�us Heil: �Soldatenkaiser� als Epochenbegriff Die Soldatenkaiser � Abkuerzungsverzeichnis � Abbildungsverzeichnis � Autorenverzeichnis � Register � Tafeln.
For a few decades, jet packs seemed to be everywhere: on Gilligan’s Island, Lost in Space, Thunderball, and even the opening ceremony of the 1984 Olympics. Inventors promised we’d all be flying with them now, enabling us to zoom around effortlessly in the sky and getting us to work without traffic jams and trains. What happened to the jet pack? In The Great American Jet Pack, Steve Lehto gives us the definitive history of this and related devices, explaining how the technology arose, how it works, and why we don’t have them in our garages today. These individual lift devices, as they were blandly labeled by the government men who financed much of their development, answered man’s desire to simply step outside and take flight. No runways, no wings, no pilot’s license were required. Soaring through the air with the wind in your face and landing anyplace there was room to stand—could this be done? Yes, it could be, and it was. But the jet pack was perhaps the most overpromised technology of all time. From the rocket belt to the jet belt to the flying platform and all the way to Yves Rossy’s 21st-century free flights using a jet-powered wing, this book profiles the inventors and pilots, the hucksters and cheats, the businessmen and soldiers who were involved with these machines. And it finally tells a great American story of a technology whose promise may, one day, yet come to fruition.
This concise introduction to the fundamentals of biological treatment of wastewater describes how to model and integrate biological steps into industrial processes. The book first covers the chemical, physical and biological basics, including wastewater characteristics, microbial metabolism, determining stoichiometric equations for catabolism and anabolism, measurements of mass transfer and respiration rates and the aerobic treatment of wastewater loaded with dissolved organics. It the moves on to deal with such applications and technologies as nitrogen and phosphorus removal, membrane technology, the assessment and selection of aeration systems, simple models for biofilm reactors and the modeling of activated sludge processes. A final section looks at the processing of water and the treatment of wastewater integrated into the production process. Essential reading for chemists, engineers, microbiologists, environmental officers, agencies and consultants, in both academia and industry.
Beginning as a marginal group in Galilee, the movement initiated by Jesus of Nazareth became a world religion within 100 years. Why, among various religious movements, did Christianity succeed? This major work by internationally renowned scholar Udo Schnelle traces the historical, cultural, and theological influences and developments of the early years of the Christian movement. It shows how Christianity provided an intellectual framework, a literature, and socialization among converts that led to its enduring influence. Senior New Testament scholar James Thompson offers a clear, fluent English translation of the successful German edition.
Spray forming combines the metallurgical processes of metal casting and powder metallurgy to fabricate metal products with enhanced properties. This book provides an introduction to the various modelling and simulation techniques employed in spray forming, and shows how they are applied in process analysis and development. The author begins by deriving and describing the main models. He then presents their application in the simulation of the key features of spray forming. Wherever possible he discusses theoretical results with reference to experimental data. Building on the features of metal spray forming, he also derives common characteristic modelling features that may be useful in the simulation of related spray processes. The book is aimed at researchers and engineers working in process technology, chemical engineering and materials science.
Rituals can provoke or escalate conflict, but they can also mediate it and although conflict is a normal aspect of human life, mass media technologies are changing the dynamics of conflict and shaping strategies for deploying rituals. This collection of essays emerged from a two-year project based on collaboration between the Faculty of Religious Studies at Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands and the Ritual Dynamics Collaborative Research Center at the University of Heidelberg in Germany. An interdisciplinary team of twenty-four scholars locates, describes, and explores cases in which media-driven rituals or ritually saturated media instigate, disseminate, or escalate conflict. Each multi-authored chapter is built around global and local examples of ritualized, mediatized conflict. The book's central question is: "When ritual and media interact (either by the mediatizing of ritual or by the ritualizing of media), how do the patterns of conflict change?
There is a fundamental discrepancy between man as he is and man as he could be, if only he recognized his true being and purpose. Ethics is the discipline by which man can understand how he can pass from the first condition to the second. Udo Schaefer's Bah ' Ethics in Light of Scripture is an attempt to analyse the underlying structures and detect the interior architecture of the Bah ' moral system and is a step towards developing a Bah ' moral theology. Doctrinal Fundamentals, the first of two volumes, provides a historical overview of the Bah ' Faith, a systematic survey of it doctrines and an overview of the origin and derivation of moral values. It considers the metaphysical nature of human beings and human responsibilities, looks at reason and conscience, and explores liberty and its limits. Schaefer's second volume deals with concrete values - the virtues, divine commandments and principles of social ethics from a Bah ' perspective.
While there is information available in handbooks on polythiophene chemistry and physics, until now, few if any books have focused exclusively on the most forwardly developed electrically conductive polymer, Poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-otherwise known as PEDOT. This resource provides full chemical, physical, and technical information about this important conducting polymer, discussing basic knowledge and exploring its technical applications. Presented information is based on information generated at universities and through academic research, as well as by industrial scientists, providing a complete picture of the experimental and the practical aspects of this important polymer.
At times when the IT manager’s best friend is systems consolidation (which is a euphemism for centralisation), it may come somewhat as a surprise for you that this book investigates decentralisation in the context of content management systems. It may seem quite obvious that content will and should be managed by the party who creates and owns the content, and hence should be held in a—somewhat—centralised and managed location. However, over the past few years, we have been witnesses of some important trends and developments which call for novel ways of thinking about content management and maybe even broader, about computer systems in general. First, ongoing business globalization creates natural distribution of information at a corp- ate level, as well as decentralization of control over business resources and business processes. Changing alliances with partners require ?exible architectures for content management that canadapttochangingconstellations, roles, andaccessrights. Second, theneedforoutsourcing and resource e?ciency has brought about concepts of virtualization, recently culminating in the cloud computing buzzword. Virtualization of content management services requires - tremely scalable and ?exible underlying information and communication architectures. These kinds of solutions are theoretically and practically impossible to implement based on c- tralised client-server architectures. Third, we are currently experiencing a dramatic shift in the roles of consumers in the Internet. The times have gone when quality content was only delivered by publishers and news agencies. Wikis and other Web 2. 0 tools empower consumers to produce and publish their personal content.
Understanding elastomer friction is essential for the development of tyres, but also for sealings and other components. Thus it is of great technical importance. There are many aspects to modelling frictional processes in which an elastomer is interacting with a rough surface, ranging from theoretical formulations, leading to reduced and complex models, via numerical simulation techniques to experimental investigations and validations.
This volume continues the retrospective analyses of Volumes I and II, but goes beyond that in an attempt to understand how phenolic acids are partitioned in seedling-solution and seedling-microbe-soil-sand culture systems and how phenolic acid effects on seedlings may be related to the actual and/or conditional physicochemical properties (e.g., solubility, hydrophobicity, pKa, molecular structure and soil sorption/desorption) of simple phenolic acids. Specifically, it explores the quantitative partitioning (i.e., source-sink relationships) of benzoic and cinnamic acids in cucumber seedling-solution and cucumber seedling-microbe-soil-sand systems and how that partitioning may influence phenolic acid effects on cucumber seedlings. Regressions, correlations and conceptual and hypothetical models are used to achieve these objectives. Cucumber seedlings are used as a surrogate for phenolic acid sensitive herbaceous dicotyledonous weed seedlings. This volume was written specifically for researchers and their students interested in understanding how a range of simple phenolic acids and potentially other putative allelopathic compounds released from living plants and their litter and residues may modify soil chemistry, soil and rhizosphere microbial biology, seedling physiology and seedling growth. In addition, this volume describes the potential relationships, where they may exist, for direct transfer of organic compounds between plants, plant communication and plant-plant allelopathic interactions and addresses the following questions: Can physicochemical properties of phenolic acids be used as tools to help understand the complex behavior of phenolic acids and the ultimate effects of phenolic acids on sensitive seedlings? What insights do laboratory bioassays and the conceptual and hypothetical models of laboratory systems provide us concerning the potential behavior and effects of phenolic acids in field systems? What potential role may phenolic acids play in broadleaf-weed seedling emergence in wheat debris cover crop no-till systems?
* Digital Audio Effects (DAFX) covers the use of digital signal processing and its applications to sounds * Discusses digital audio effects from both an introductory level, for musicians, and an advanced level, for signal processing engineers * Explains what can be done in the digital processing of sounds in the form of computer algorithms and sound examples resulting from these transformations * Brings together essential DSP algorithms for sound processing, providing an excellent introduction to the topic
Der Raum der Stadt ist nicht nur ein Ort des Konsums, des Verkehrs, des Politischen oder des Wohnens, immer ist er auch ein akustischer Raum: ein Netz von Klängen, Bewegungen und Rhythmen an der Schnittstelle von Öffentlichem und Privatem, Individuellem und Kollektivem. Auf den Spuren der Brüche und Neuverhandlungen überkommener Wahrnehmungsmuster fragt der Sammelband Verortungen / Entortungen: Urbane Klangräume nach anderen Erfahrungsräumen des Urbanen und den Möglichkeiten einer Mikropolitik des Alltags. Vor dem Hintergrund einer zunehmend auch auf Klangdesign abzielenden Ästhetisierung dieses Alltags – beispielsweise umsatzfördernde Hintergrundmusik in Kaufhäusern oder die Eliminierung störender Stimmen in Wohngebieten – stellt sich die Frage nach dem ästhetischen, politischen und ethischen Potential von Sound Art heute in Relation zu Performance und Medienkunst. Was hören wir, wie hören wir und wie setzt uns das Hören in Bewegung oder in Beziehung zu Anderen? Verortungen / Entortungen: Urbane Klangräume greift die Allgegenwart des Klangs im urbanen Raum auf und fragt nach dem Ungehörten im Gehörten, dem Unbekannten im 'allzu' Bekannten. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage nach dem ästhetischen und politischen Potential künstlerisch-experimenteller Verhandlungen der Verhältnisse und Erfahrungsformen von Klang und Ort.
Kaum eine andere Periode der r�mischen Geschichte bietet ein so turbulentes Bild wie die Soldatenkaiserzeit zwischen 235 und 284 n. Chr. Zahlreiche Einf�lle von Germanen und Persern, h�ufige Herrscherwechsel und wirtschaftliche Probleme erschuetterten das R�mische Reich in seinen Grundfesten. Neben Krisensymptomen lassen sich aber auch Reformans�tze aufzeigen. Der Band vereinigt die Vortr�ge einer Berliner Tagung vom Juli 2005. Die 20 Autorinnen und Autoren untersuchen die Transformationsprozesse auf Reichsebene, in den Regionen und auf dem Gebiet der Religion sowie die Deutungsmodelle in der Forschungsgeschichte. Sie leisten damit einen Beitrag zur kontroversen Diskussion ueber den Charakter dieser Epoche. Inhalt Klaus-Peter Johne / Thomas Gerhardt / Udo Hartmann: Einleitung Er�ffnungsvortrag: Hartwin Brandt: Facts and Fictions - Die Historia Augusta und das 3.�Jahrhundert I. Die Transformation des R�mischen Reiches im 3. Jahrhundert I.1. Die politische Transformation des Reiches: Lukas de Blois: The Onset of Crisis in the First Half of the Third Century A.�D. Ulrich Huttner: Zwischen Traditionalismus und Totalitarismus. Zur Ideologie und Praxis der Regierung des Kaisers Decius Bruno Bleckmann: Zu den Motiven der Christenverfolgung des Decius Michael P. Speidel: Gallienus and the Marcomanni Udo Hartmann: Der Mord an Kaiser Gallienus � Klaus-Peter Johne: Die Illyrischen Kaiser als Herrscher neuen Typs Olivier Hekster�/ Erika Manders: Kaiser gegen Kaiser: Bilder der Macht im 3.�Jahrhundert I.2. Wandel und Kontinuit�t in den Regionen des R�mischen Reiches: Christian Witschel: Zur Situation im r�mischen Africa w�hrend des 3.�Jahrhunderts Kai Ruffing: Wirtschaftliche Prosperit�t im 3. Jahrhundert: Die St�dte �gyptens als Paradigma? Werner Oenbrink: Shahba�/ Philippopolis - Die Transformation einer safaitisch-arabischen Siedlung in eine r�mische Colonia Johannes Noll�: Bronzene Reflexe einer Krise. Das st�dtische Muenzwesen Kleinasiens als Indikator von Ph�nomenen der Reichskrise des 3.�Jahrhunderts und von zeitgen�ssischem Krisenempfinden I.3. Transformation religi�ser Vorstellungen im 3. Jahrhundert: Thorsten Fleck: Isis, Sarapis, Mithras und die Ausbreitung des Christentums im 3. Jahrhundert Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst: Die manich�ische Mission in Palmyra. Die Quellen und ihre Auswertung II. Die Rezeption der Soldatenkaiserzeit II.1. Die Rezeption im Mittelalter und in der Fruehen Neuzeit: Andreas Goltz: Zerrbilder eines Herrschers und Christenverfolgers. Zur Rezeption Kaiser Valerians in Sp�tantike, Mittelalter und Neuzeit Kathrin Schade: Palladio und die Soldatenkaiser. Renaissancezeichnungen verlorener Monumentalbauten des 3.�Jahrhunderts in Rom II.2. Das 3.�Jahrhundert in der modernen Forschung: Monika Schuol: Die Wuerdigung der Soldatenkaiserzeit in der rechtsgeschichtlichen Forschung Thomas Gerhardt: Zur Geschichte des Krisenbegriffs Matth�us Heil: �Soldatenkaiser� als Epochenbegriff Die Soldatenkaiser � Abkuerzungsverzeichnis � Abbildungsverzeichnis � Autorenverzeichnis � Register � Tafeln.
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