The book analyses the results of a large scale victimisation survey that was conducted in 2005-06 with businesses in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Xi’an. It also provides comprehensive background materials on crime and the criminal justice system in China. The survey, which measured common and non-conventional crime such as fraud, IP theft and corruption, is important because few crime victim surveys have been conducted with Chinese populations and it provides an understanding of some dimensions of crime in non-western societies. In addition, China is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world and it attracts a great amount of foreign investment; however, corruption and economic crimes are perceived by some investors as significant obstacles to good business practices. Key policy implications of the survey are discussed.
In 1939, the German sociologist Norbert Elias published his groundbreaking work The Civilizing Process, which has come to be regarded as one of the most influential works of sociology today. In this insightful new study tracing the history of violence in Cambodia, the authors evaluate the extent to which Elias's theories can be applied in a non-Western context. Drawing from historical and contemporary archival sources, constabulary statistics, victim surveys and newspaper reports, Broadhurst, Bouhours and Bouhours chart trends and forms of violence throughout Cambodia from the mid-nineteenth century through to the present day. Analysing periods of colonisation, anti-colonial wars, interdependence, civil war, the revolutionary terror of the 1970s and post-conflict development, the authors assess whether violence has decreased and whether such a decline can be attributed to Elias's civilising process, identifying a series of universal factors that have historically reduced violence.
Au XXIe siècle, le monde commence à sortir des années noires du réchauffement climatique grâce aux technologies développées par la compagnie Event Horizon, sous la direction de Julia Evans. Cependant, même une jeune et belle milliardaire a parfois besoin des services d'un homme tel que Greg Mandel, ancien soldat d'élite de la brigade Mindstar. Il doit élucider le meurtre atroce d'Edward Kitchener, un éminent spécialiste en physique quantique. Nombreux sont ceux qui auraient payé cher pour faire cesser ses travaux, mais le rituel de l'assassinat ne cadre pas avec un simple contrat de tueur. Avec l'aide de ses aptitudes psi, Mandel se lance sur des pistes aussi insolites que les théories de la victime...
Greenwich, dans la banlieue de Londres. Cinq cadavres de femmes sont découverts dans un terrain vague, non loin du Dôme du Millénaire. Toutes ont été effroyablement mutilées, selon un étrange rituel... L'autopsie révèle une signature commune à ces cinq meurtres, et un premier profil de l'assassin : un maniaque sexuel de la pire espèce, aussitôt surnommé Birdman pour une raison des plus sinistres. Tout dévoué à sa tâche et endurci, malgré sa jeunesse, par l'expérience et les drames de sa vie personnelle, l'inspecteur Jack Caffery, chargé de l'enquête, sait que le temps lui est compté pour mettre un terme à cette série de meurtres sadiques. Car l'assassin frappera encore, il le sait. La course contre la montre est engagée... " Coup d'essai, coup de maître ". Jamais la formule n'aura été aussi juste. Avec ce premier roman coup de poing, Mo Hayder se hisse d'emblée au rang des plus grands auteurs de thrillers, dans la lignée de Patricia Cornwell et Thomas Harris.
AN - 3500 L'Empire Sith est en pleine mutation. L'Empereur est porté disparu, présumé mort et la tentative d'un ambitieux Seigneur Sith de le remplacer s'est soldée par un échec. Dark Karrid, l'ancien Jedi passé du Côté Obscur, poursuit son inlassable conquête de la Galaxie, aux commandes du redoutable vaisseau impérial Haute Lance. Sa détermination sans faille doit faire face à celle de Theron Shan qui a encore des comptes à régler avec l'Empire. Il ne manie pas la Force, bien qu'il soit le fils d'une célèbre Jedi, mais comme chez elle, l'esprit de rébellion coule dans ses veines. Agent secret de la République, c'est la personne idéale pour mettre fin au règne de la Haute Lance. Épaulé par la contrebandière Teff'ith et l'ancien Maître Jedi de Dark Karrid, Gnost-Dural, Theron doit affronter un équipage au sang-froid glaçant. Le temps presse : le trio doit saisir son unique chance de le battre en brèche ou il ne lui restera d'autre issue que la mort...
Long Island, c’est l’anti Manhattan. De Coney Island au phare de Montauk, cette langue de terre ne recèle pas moins de lieux mythiques, d’une beauté sauvage, qui raconte une autre Amérique, celle que le narrateur de ce roman nous emmène explorer. C’est là que vit son frère Charlie, tombé amoureux d’une jeune Estonienne, Anastasia, qu’il veut épouser. Jamaica Station, Little Odessa, Oyster Bay. Theodore Roosevelt, Woody Guthrie, Lou Reed. Comme dans une ballade au refrain entêtant, les noms des hommes et des lieux s’attardent, les fantômes se réveillent, les ports déserts reprennent vie, embarquant le lecteur pour un voyage dans le temps et les espaces. L’air y est saturé d’embruns, de visages taiseux, de vies âpres, de destins immigrés. Et comme par un magnétisme sourd, cette île si singulière réconcilie les existences qui s’étaient cabossées. Les deux frères éloignés se retrouvent enfin, le lecteur est bientôt gagné par cette atmosphère onirique, apaisante, vivifiante. Les mots prennent le large.
PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of this book has afforded him pleasure in his leisure moments, and that pleasure would be much increased if he knew that the perusal of it would create any bond of sympathy between himself and the angling community in general. This section is interleaved with blank shects for the readers notes. The Author need hardly say that any suggestions addressed to the case of the publishers, will meet with consideration in a future edition. We do not pretend to write or enlarge upon a new subject. Much has been said and written-and well said and written too on the art of fishing but loch-fishing has been rather looked upon as a second-rate performance, and to dispel this idea is one of the objects for which this present treatise has been written. Far be it from us to say anything against fishing, lawfully practised in any form but many pent up in our large towns will bear us out when me say that, on the whole, a days loch-fishing is the most convenient. One great matter is, that the loch-fisher is depend- ent on nothing but enough wind to curl the water, -and on a large loch it is very seldom that a dead calm prevails all day, -and can make his arrangements for a day, weeks beforehand whereas the stream- fisher is dependent for a good take on the state of the water and however pleasant and easy it may be for one living near the banks of a good trout stream or river, it is quite another matter to arrange for a days river-fishing, if one is looking forward to a holiday at a date some weeks ahead. Providence may favour the expectant angler with a good day, and the water in order but experience has taught most of us that the good days are in the minority, and that, as is the case with our rapid running streams, -such as many of our northern streams are, -the water is either too large or too small, unless, as previously remarked, you live near at hand, and can catch it at its best. A common belief in regard to loch-fishing is, that the tyro and the experienced angler have nearly the same chance in fishing, -the one from the stern and the other from the bow of the same boat. Of all the absurd beliefs as to loch-fishing, this is one of the most absurd. Try it. Give the tyro either end of the boat he likes give him a cast of ally flies he may fancy, or even a cast similar to those which a crack may be using and if he catches one for every three the other has, he may consider himself very lucky. Of course there are lochs where the fish are not abundant, and a beginner may come across as many as an older fisher but we speak of lochs where there are fish to be caught, and where each has a fair chance. Again, it is said that the boatman has as much to do with catching trout in a loch as the angler. Well, we dont deny that. In an untried loch it is necessary to have the guidance of a good boatman but the same argument holds good as to stream-fishing...
The language of emotions and symbols is, par excellence, that of poetry. Yet the Bible uses a language of symbols from nature or the history of Israel that call and respond in echo throughout its various books including those of the New Covenant. Beginnings uses poetry to bring out the interplay of symbols or the deeply human aspect of emotions present in texts of the First Testament; it explores also different human experiences. Therefore, it does not in itself require any particular knowledge of the Scriptures to be appreciated. However, as this knowledge can help with grasping the poems in all their dimensions, some notes may support the reader to do so. The texts were first written in French, and it seemed useful to put the original text in front of the translation, as the play of rhythms and sonorities often could not be rendered in the latter. However, the entanglement of symbolic games and the deep description of emotions that poetic language allows is fully kept in the English text, and thus all readers can appreciate the poems, letting the words penetrate them by the magic of poetry.
Quand il commence à écrire pour le journal Le Soir, Thierry Coljon tape ses textes sur une machine à écrire, n’a pas de GSM et écoute ses disques vinyles sur une chaîne Hifi. Trente ans plus tard, le PC, le CD, l’iPod, le smartphone et les fichiers MP3 sont passés par là, transformant considérablement notre vie et notre façon de consommer la musique. De 1982 à aujourd’hui, ce sont trente ans où tout a changé. Le CD, qui a régné en maître, se voit de plus en plus menacé par la dématérialisation de la musique. C’est cette histoire que nous raconte Thierry Coljon. Le chroniqueur musical, au travers d’une foule de souvenirs et d’anecdotes mettant en scène les plus grandes stars de la chanson mais aussi des artistes découverts au début de leur carrière, retrace trente ans de notre vie musicale. Ces trente ans de reportages et de rencontres nous emmènent aux quatre coins du monde : à New York, Rio, Los Angeles, Sydney, Johannesburg... S’expriment ici David Bowie, Mick Jagger, Peter Gabriel, Serge Gainsbourg, Alain Bashung, Jacques Dutronc, Johnny Hallyday, Neil Young, Leonard Cohen, Robert Plant, Roger Daltrey, Marianne Faithfull, Patti Smith, Elvis Costello, Mylène Farmer, Tom Waits, Tom Barman... Ce livre, enfin, c’est 300 concerts et disques recensés. Trente ans de musique à partager sous le signe du bonheur et du plaisir.
This book is a valuable resource for achieving and promoting a culture of risk awareness and integrating risk management principles and practices into the educational environment. This integration is essential to ensure that students have the knowledge and skills to identify hazards, and assess and control risks in different contexts through the development and implementation of a risk management curriculum. Besides theoretical considerations and learning to ask the right questions at all times for the sake of critical thinking, effective risk management education also involves the use of case studies, simulations and other experiential learning tools to help students understand and apply risk management concepts in real-life situations. This approach helps students develop a questioning attitude and problem-solving skills, which are essential for effective risk management. Overall, the interface between risk management and education is essential to develop a generation of professionals who can effectively deal with risks in a variety of contexts. By integrating risk management principles and practices into the educational process, educational institutions can help ensure that their students are well prepared to meet the challenges of the modern world.
Un gouvernement prend son peuple en otage, l'affame, inonde le monde de photos terribles et réclame de l'argent. L'opinion publique mondiale a réagi immédiatement, avec générosité, bravo ! Mais aussi avec aveuglement. André Glucksmann et Thierry Wolton révèlent les dessous de la plus grande opération d'aide et de charité qu'ait connue l'histoire humaine. Comment la dictature éthiopienne a laissé venir la famine, comment elle organisa et mit en scène l'information et pourquoi les institutions internationales, parfaitement au courant, couvrent les scandales et les crimes des autorités communistes locales. Informations, émotions, mobilisations, c'est sur le petit écran que se noue notre rapport à l'autre : un milliard cinq cents millions de Terriens ont regardé en même temps et les terribles images de la famine et la retransmission du plus grand concert pop et charitable. André Glucksmann et Thierry Wolton essaient de définir le principe d'une morale de l'extrême urgence qui fonde la nouvelle solidarité électronique. Dans la guerre des images, les démocraties sont en retard ; elles subissent les mises en scène terroristes sans interroger la stratégie qui les prémédite. L'URSS a pris de l'avance en Afrique, elle fournit les munitions, tandis que l'Occident livre le blé. L'Afrique rouge est bien partie.
The financial crisis has highlighted the importance of various channels of financial contagion across countries. This paper first presents stylized facts of international banking activities during the crisis. It then describes a simple model of financial contagion based on bank balance sheet identities and behavioral assumptions of deleveraging. Cascade effects can be triggered by bank losses or contractions of interbank lending activities. As a result of shocks on assets or on liabilities of banks, a global deleveraging of international banking activities can occur. Simple simulations are presented to illustrate the use of the model and the relative importance of contagion channels, relying on bank losses of advanced countries’ banking systems during the financial crisis to calibrate the shock. The outcome of the simulations is compared with the deleveraging observed during the crisis suggesting that leverage is a major determinant of financial contagion.
Called the “Confucius from the West”, the Italian Jesuit Giulio Aleni presented in the final years of the Ming dynasty the biological and sensitive dimensions of the human soul under the form of a fascinating dialogue.
Over a period of eight years, the author traveled about half a million kilometers to witness first-hand, the living sources of an unexpectedly diverse and rich Arabia. Thierry Mauger, accompanied by his wife Danielle, has previously expressed his passion for Saudi Arabia (“In the shadow of the black tents” 1986, Tihama. “The Bedouins of Arabia” 1987, Souffles). In this book, he explores space and time in an adventure with the wonderful natural environment of southern Arabia and its people, heirs to this region’s great civilizations. His faithfully-recorded travel journal, together with the enchanting colours of his photographs, admirably portray a world on the verge of a radical transformation. إصدارات وزارة الثقافة وشركة العبيكان للتعليم Abdulfattah analyse anciennes apparaissent arabique architecture climat Golvin identiques la maison Rijâl Alma mouvement nomades nouveau photographies Piémont najdi production réalisation ressources succession terrasse Tihâma des collines structure troisième Yémen Arabia Arabian Tableland architecture Asir colours construction cultural decoration expression Fatmai geometric houses materials murals patterns Qahtan quartz region Rijal Alma Sarat Saudi Arabia Sinhan style system Tihama tribes women Yemen الألوان الأمطار الأنماط البناء التشكيل الفني التقليدية الحجر الزخارف الطلاء الطين الفن القبائل الكوارتز المملكة العربية السعودية المنازل المواد النساء النوافذ اليمن أبها تهامة سنحان شريفة عسير غرفة فاطمة تيري موجيه Thierry Mauger façade Tihamah décors hutte Qahtan Najran huttes nomades Yémen tribus pluies Rabi’ah tribu Wadi Abha chameaux souk Hobab chèvres Jazan chevriers police Wadi Dala’ Dala’ tentes animals Arabia architecture Bedouins butter coffee desert flowers hair houses hut leather materials men mountain nomads people police Qahtan region road Saudi Arabia silver souk Tihama traditional tribe village wadi women Yemen Murrah animaux campement monde chèvre couleurs Najran sable bédouins des femmes dromadaire nomades enfants majlis la vie bédouine le désert porte les femmes les hommes patriarche place Rub al Khali tente Najran Rub al Khali bédouins campement cette région cheikh chèvres femmes hommes jeune maisons montagne nomades passage pierres piste pistes porte présence Saoudite soleil temps terre Tihama tribu véhicule village visage voiture Abha Arabia architecture art Asir colors decoration frescoes house majlis men motifs mud patterns Qahtan quartz region Rijal Alma Sarat Saudi Arabia Sherifa Sinhan style Tihama Tihamat traditional tribes women champ supérieur compositions compositions murales croissant de lune Fatma de la famille Zaïd de Rijal du champ Fatma Abu Gahas l’art mural de la façade de pilier la famille Zaïd la maison la peinture industrielle la Tihama la Tihama des collines le peintre les femmes les peintures les peintures murales Magali motifs mural de Rijal murales peintures murales pilier Sherifa supérieur de la façade tradition tradition esthétique travail aesthetic art artist Asir colors compositions decoration family Fatma houses men moon motifs mural painter paintings patterns photographs pillar principle region room Saudi Arabia Sherifa style sun Tihama tradition village women Bilad Qahtan construction couleurs de quartz décoratif en évidence façade fenêtres fresque la maison la Sarat majlis matériaux modèle ouvertures région Rijal Alma rupture Sherifa Sinhan style terre Tihama tribus Yémen al Murrah animal Arabia Bedouins camel civilization coffee desert dunes Emir family goats host life men Najran nomads people region Rub al Khali Saudi tent traditional tribe women Yabrin Abha Arabia area ASIR Bedouin camels COASTAL coffee colour DESERT highlands Hobab houses huts Jazan local mountains Najran PLATEAU Qahtan Rabi’ah Sarat Saudi Arabia souq tent Tihamah tree tribe UNDISCOVERED ASIR village Wadi water women years Yemen الإبل الأرض الأطفال الأمير البدو البدوية الحياة الحيوانات الخيمة الربع الخالي الرجال الرمال الشمس الصحراء القهوة الكثبان الرملية الماعز المخيم المملكة العربية النساء آل مرة صحراء قبيلة نجران يبرين الأشكال الألوان الأنماط التقاليد التكوينات الجزيرة العربية الحقل الخانات الدعامة الرسامة الزخرفية الشمس الصور العمود العناصر الغرفة الفن الفن الجداري القمر اللوحات المملكة العربية السعودية المنازل تهامة رجال ألمع شريفة عسير فاطمة مثلثات الأرض الأمطار الأمير البدو التقليدية الجبل الحيوانات الخيام الرجال السوق السيارة الشرطة الشمس القبائل القهوة الماعز المملكة العربية السعودية المنازل النباتات النساء الوادي اليمن أشجار أوراق تهامة شبه الجزيرة الأرض الألوان الأمطار البحر البدو الجبال الجدران الجرف الرجال الزهور السوق الشرطة الشمس الماعز المرتفعات المملكة العربية السعودية المنازل اليمن تهامة ربيعة شبه الجزيرة العربية قبيلة قحطان منطقة نجران
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