More and more businesses today have their receive phone service through Internet instead of local phone company lines. Many businesses are also using their internal local and wide-area network infrastructure to replace legacy enterprise telephone networks. This migration to a single network carrying voice and data is called convergence, and it's revolutionizing the world of telecommunications by slashing costs and empowering users. The technology of families driving this convergence is called VoIP, or Voice over IP. VoIP has advanced Internet-based telephony to a viable solution, piquing the interest of companies small and large. The primary reason for migrating to VoIP is cost, as it equalizes the costs of long distance calls, local calls, and e-mails to fractions of a penny per use. But the real enterprise turn-on is how VoIP empowersbusinesses to mold and customize telecom and datacom solutions using a single, cohesive networking platform. These business drivers are so compelling that legacy telephony is going the way of the dinosaur, yielding to Voice over IP as the dominant enterprise communications paradigm. Developed from real-world experience by a senior developer, O'Reilly's Switching to VoIP provides solutions for the most common VoIP migration challenges. So if you're a network professional who is migrating from a traditional telephony system to a modern, feature-rich network, this book is a must-have. You'lldiscover the strengths and weaknesses of circuit-switched and packet-switched networks, how VoIP systems impact network infrastructure, as well as solutions for common challenges involved with IP voice migrations. Among the challenges discussed and projects presented: building a softPBX configuring IP phones ensuring quality of service scalability standards-compliance topological considerations coordinating a complete system ?switchover? migrating applications like voicemail and directoryservices retro-interfacing to traditional telephony supporting mobile users security and survivability dealing with the challenges of NAT To help you grasp the core principles at work, Switching to VoIP uses a combination of strategy and hands-on how-to that introduce VoIP routers and media gateways, various makes of IP telephone equipment, legacy analog phones, IPTables and Linux firewalls, and the Asterisk open source PBX software by Digium.You'll learn how to build an IP-based or legacy-compatible phone system and voicemail system complete with e-mail integration while becoming familiar with VoIP protocols and devices. Switching to VoIP remains vendor-neutral and advocates standards, not brands. Some of the standards explored include: SIP H.323, SCCP, and IAX Voice codecs 802.3af Type of Service, IP precedence, DiffServ, and RSVP 802.1a/b/g WLAN If VoIP has your attention, like so many others, then Switching to VoIP will help you build your own system, install it, and begin making calls. It's the only thing left between you and a modern telecom network.
Here is a thorough treatment of distortion in RF power amplifiers. This unique resource offers expert guidance in designing easily linearizable systems that have low memory effects. It offers you a detailed understanding of how the matching impedances of a power amplifier and other RF circuits can be tuned to minimize overall distortion. What's more, you see how to build models that can be used for distortion simulations. A new measurement methodology enables you to gauge the amplitude and phase of distortion components and recognize memory effects. The book explains that by killing memory effects, it is possible to use simple linearizers, such as analog predistortion, and still achieve sufficient performance. You learn a distortion analysis technique that allows you to repeat the analysis with other amplifier structures. Including over 120 equations and more than 110 illustrations, this practical reference provides you with the assistance you need to create amplifiers suitable for linear transmitters, and offers you new views of semiconductor modeling.
To a large extent, our lives on this earth depend on systems that operate auto matically. Manysuchsystems can be found in nature and others are man made. These systems can be biological, electrical, mechanical, chemical, or ecological, to namejust a few categories. Our human body is full ofsystems whose conti nued automatic operation is vital for our existence. On a daily basis we come in contact with man made systems whose automatic operation ensures increa sed productivity, promotes economic development and improves the quality of life. A primary component that is responsible for the automatic operation of a system is a device or mechanism called the controller. In man made systems one must first design and then implement such a controller either as a piece of hardware or as software code in a computer. The safe and efficient automatic operation of such systems is testimony to the success of control theorists and practitioners over the years. This book presents new methods {or controller design. The process ofdeveloping a controller or control strategy can be dramatically improved if one can generate an appropriate dynamic model for the system under consideration. Robust control design deals with the question of how to develop such controllers for system models with uncertainty. In many cases dynamic models can be expressed in terms oflinear, time invariant differential equations or transfer functions.
The Definitive, Comprehensive Guide to Cutting-Edge Millimeter Wave Wireless Design “This is a great book on mmWave systems that covers many aspects of the technology targeted for beginners all the way to the advanced users. The authors are some of the most credible scholars I know of who are well respected by the industry. I highly recommend studying this book in detail.” —Ali Sadri, Ph.D., Sr. Director, Intel Corporation, MCG mmWave Standards and Advanced Technologies Millimeter wave (mmWave) is today's breakthrough frontier for emerging wireless mobile cellular networks, wireless local area networks, personal area networks, and vehicular communications. In the near future, mmWave products, systems, theories, and devices will come together to deliver mobile data rates thousands of times faster than today's existing cellular and WiFi networks. In Millimeter Wave Wireless Communications, four of the field's pioneers draw on their immense experience as researchers, entrepreneurs, inventors, and consultants, empowering engineers at all levels to succeed with mmWave. They deliver exceptionally clear and useful guidance for newcomers, as well as the first complete desk reference for design experts. The authors explain mmWave signal propagation, mmWave circuit design, antenna designs, communication theory, and current standards (including IEEE 802.15.3c, Wireless HD, and ECMA/WiMedia). They cover comprehensive mmWave wireless design issues, for 60 GHz and other mmWave bands, from channel to antenna to receiver, introducing emerging design techniques that will be invaluable for research engineers in both industry and academia. Topics include Fundamentals: communication theory, channel propagation, circuits, antennas, architectures, capabilities, and applications Digital communication: baseband signal/channel models, modulation, equalization, error control coding, multiple input multiple output (MIMO) principles, and hardware architectures Radio wave propagation characteristics: indoor and outdoor applications Antennas/antenna arrays, including on-chip and in-package antennas, fabrication, and packaging Analog circuit design: mmWave transistors, fabrication, and transceiver design approaches Baseband circuit design: multi–gigabit-per-second, high-fidelity DAC and ADC converters Physical layer: algorithmic choices, design considerations, and impairment solutions; and how to overcome clipping, quantization, and nonlinearity Higher-layer design: beam adaptation protocols, relaying, multimedia transmission, and multiband considerations 60 GHz standardization: IEEE 802.15.3c for WPAN, Wireless HD, ECMA-387, IEEE 802.11ad, Wireless Gigabit Alliance (WiGig)
This volume brings together a series of key essays by Larry D Benson, well-known for his work in editing the Riverside Chaucer. Of the studies selected, the opening three deal with Old English, recasting the possibilities for the critical study of Beowulf, above all the relation between oral and written literary production. The following ten essays turn to Middle English literature, with the focus first on Chaucer, and the evolution of his works and his language, then on the social and cultural context of medieval chivalric texts. Throughout, Professor Benson approaches his subjects with a skeptical intent, even a seeming contrariness in seeking to contradict received views, but in fact with the purpose of questioning in order to understand more deeply. Scattered in their original publications, and with one hitherto unpublished, together these studies present a powerful argument for this questioning approach to fundamental issues and constitute a major contribution to the study of the literary and cultural history of the medieval world. Larry D Benson is Francis Lee Higginson Professor of English, Harvard University.
Visible unity means that churches recognize in one another a witness to the fullness of the apostolic faith which they profess. Will Christians be able one day to declare together before the world, in common confession and praise, their faith in who God is and what God has done? This text-growing out of many years of study and consultation, involving theologians from various Christian traditions and from all parts of the world-is a unique instrument for drawing the churches toward such a common confession. As a contemporary explication of the creed that emerged from the ecumenical councils of Nicea (325) and Constantinople (381) and is used in both Eastern and Western Christian liturgies, Confessing the One Faith relates the subject matter of those ancient affirmations to the challenges of today's world-in which the language and philosophy of the fourth century sound alien to many, and the basic affirmations of the Christian faith are widely questioned. This new edition includes an introduction written by Dame Mary Tanner, a president of the World Council of Churches.
The subject of rainfall-runoff modeling involves a wide spectrum of topics. Fundamental to each topic is the problem of accurately computing runoff at a point given rainfall data at another point. The fact that there is currently no one universally accepted approach to computing runoff, given rainfall data, indicates that a purely deter ministic solution to the problem has not yet been found. The technology employed in the modern rainfall-runoff models has evolved substantially over the last two decades, with computer models becoming increasingly more complex in their detail of describing the hydrologic and hydraulic processes which occur in the catchment. But despite the advances in including this additional detail, the level of error in runoff estimates (given rainfall) does not seem to be significantly changed with increasing model complexity; in fact it is not uncommon for the model's level of accuracy to deteriorate with increasing complexity. In a latter section of this chapter, a literature review of the state-of-the-art in rainfall-runoff modeling is compiled which includes many of the concerns noted by rainfall-runoff modelers. The review indicates that there is still no deterministic solution to the rainfall-runoff modeling problem, and that the error in runoff estimates produced from rainfall-runoff models is of such magnitude that they should not be simply ignored.
Salavandra is an isolated Caribbean island that produces coffee, lumber, and flowers. Its products are controlled by a New York based multinational corporation. A coffee farmer, Antonio Richards, ignites a revolution during the 2052 harvest. The story also examines US trade policy, globalization, and international labor conditions."--Back cover
Chinese Education Since 1949: Academic and Revolutionary Models covers the developments in the education in China. This book is composed of 11 chapters that discuss the contrasting models of education: Academic Model and Revolutionary Model. It addresses the effectiveness of combining these models. This book begins with the description of a political education; ideological remolding; development of a new school system; assessment of worker-peasant education; types of literacy campaigns; review of the Language Reform after 1949; description of Spare-time Education; and analysis of Sovietized Education. Other chapters consider the study of Friendship Association, the Hundred Flowers campaign, and the response of the so-called intellectuals. A chapter is devoted to the educational revolution and transitional period. The last chapter focuses on the revolutionary model of education. The book can provide useful information to historians, sociologists, students, and researchers.
Lecture Series on Computer and on Computational Sciences (LSCCS) aims to provide a medium for the publication of new results and developments of high-level research and education in the field of computer and computational science. In this series, only selected proceedings of conferences in all areas of computer science and computational sciences will be published. All publications are aimed at top researchers in the field and all papers in the proceedings volumes will be strictly peer reviewed. The series aims to cover the following areas of computer and computational sciences: Computer Science Hardware Computer Systems Organization Software Data Theory of Computation Mathematics of Computing Information Systems Computing Methodologies Computer Applications Computing Milieu Computational Sciences Computational Mathematics, Theoretical and Computational Physics, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Scientific Computation Numerical and Computational Algorithms, Modeling and Simulation of Complex System, Web-Based Simulation and Computing, Grid-Based Simulation and Computing Fuzzy Logic, Hybrid Computational Methods, Data Mining and Information Retrieval and Virtual Reality, Reliable Computing, Image Processing, Computational Science and Education
This code-intensive guide to the tools in the Apache XML Project most used by Java developers aims to familiarize developers with the capabilities of the Apache tools, and to demonstrate professional techniques for using the tools in various combinations to construct real-world applications.
Social Change in a Material World offers a new, practice theoretical account of social change and its explanation. Extending the author’s earlier account of social life, and drawing on general ideas about events, processes, and change, the book conceptualizes social changes as configurations of significant differences in bundles of practices and material arrangements. Illustrated with examples from the history of bourbon distillation and the formation and evolution of digitally-mediated associations in contemporary life, the book argues that chains of activity combine with material events and processes to cause social changes. The book thereby stresses the significance of the material dimension of society for the constitution, determination, and explanation of social phenomena, as well as the types of space needed to understand them. The book also challenges the explanatory significance of such key phenomena as power, dependence, relations, mechanisms, and individual behavior. As such, it will appeal to sociologists, geographers, organization studies scholars, and others interested in social life and social change.
In both the literal and metaphorical senses, it seemed as if 1970s America was running out of gas. The decade not only witnessed long lines at gas stations but a citizenry that had grown weary and disillusioned. High unemployment, runaway inflation, and the energy crisis, caused in part by U.S. dependence on Arab oil, characterized an increasingly bleak economic situation. As Edward D. Berkowitz demonstrates, the end of the postwar economic boom, Watergate, and defeat in Vietnam led to an unraveling of the national consensus. During the decade, ideas about the United States, how it should be governed, and how its economy should be managed changed dramatically. Berkowitz argues that the postwar faith in sweeping social programs and a global U.S. mission was replaced by a more skeptical attitude about government's ability to positively affect society. From Woody Allen to Watergate, from the decline of the steel industry to the rise of Bill Gates, and from Saturday Night Fever to the Sunday morning fervor of evangelical preachers, Berkowitz captures the history, tone, and spirit of the seventies. He explores the decade's major political events and movements, including the rise and fall of détente, congressional reform, changes in healthcare policies, and the hostage crisis in Iran. The seventies also gave birth to several social movements and the "rights revolution," in which women, gays and lesbians, and people with disabilities all successfully fought for greater legal and social recognition. At the same time, reaction to these social movements as well as the issue of abortion introduced a new facet into American political life-the rise of powerful, politically conservative religious organizations and activists. Berkowitz also considers important shifts in American popular culture, recounting the creative renaissance in American film as well as the birth of the Hollywood blockbuster. He discusses how television programs such as All in the Family and Charlie's Angels offered Americans both a reflection of and an escape from the problems gripping the country.
The Old Man of the Mountain: The ‘Trial’ of the Assassin He was a powerful influencing reference as Britain’s Bernard Lewis, who would become the foremost authority on Islamic history and traditions, traced the origins of the 'Assassin sect' in the Shi’ite branch of Islam and began to chronicle both their doctrines and the life of their enigmatic founder, the legendary “Old Man of the Mountain.” The Assassins were the first group to make planned, systematic, and long-term use of murder as a political weapon, and their ideals and methods have since found many imitators. Bernard Lewis was just about to publish, in 1967, one of his first books entitled the “The Assassins.” Once published it was to be the most comprehensive, readable, and authoritative account of history’s first terrorists. When Lewis’ book was published Dr. Ahmed Abdulla did take some exceptions on one major historical account but in all he was very pleased with the historical context of Lewis’ factual history. Where they differed would continue to be preserved and concealed, unknowingly, in Lewis’ account as one of the most guarded secrets in the history of the assassin’s legacy. Ahmed and Iran’s self-imposed exiled Ayatollah Khomeini, allegedly, were two of the very few Shi’ites in the world that knew about this well guarded secret. As descendants of the “Old Man” each was entrusted with continuing to pass the legacy down through history until the call would come to carryout the assassination. However, it was the one called Ahmed didn’t want to get because it was diametrically in opposition to his principles of democracy, tolerance and religion.
In most mathematics textbooks, the most exciting part of mathematics - the process of invention and discovery - is completely hidden from the student. The aim of Knots and Surfaces is to change all that. Knots and Surfaces guides the reader through Euler's formula, one and two-sided surfaces, and knot theory using games and examples. By means of a series of carefully selected tasks, this book leads the reader on to discover some real mathematics. There are no formulas to memorize; no procedures to follow. This book is a guide to the mathematics - it starts you in the right direction and brings you back if you stray too far. Discovery is left to you. This book is aimed at undergraduates and those with little background knowledge of mathematics.
This book rhetorically and historically examines the contextual and experiential dimensions of a wide range of public places—from memorials to stadiums—that are rife with political implications. Fourteen public places ranging from the national to local, from 9/11 memorials to a baseball park are analyzed. The authors investigate the histories of these public spaces, examine their designs, and discuss their political implications in order to outline their role within the public sphere. This book begins with a loose theoretical framework for understanding public places as rhetorically drawn from extant scholarship, and concludes with a systematic means of exploring the allocation of power by public places. Recommended for scholars of communication studies, rhetoric, political science, and architecture.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is gaining a lot of attention these days, as more companies and individuals switch from standard telephone service to phone service via the Internet. The reason is simple: A single network to carry voice and data is easier to scale, maintain, and administer. As an added bonus, it's also cheaper, because VoIP is free of the endless government regulations and tariffs imposed upon phone companies. VoIP is simply overflowing with hack potential, and VoIP Hacks is the practical guide from O'Reilly that presents these possibilities to you. It provides dozens of hands-on projects for building a VoIP network, showing you how to tweak and customize a multitude of exciting things to get the job done. Along the way, you'll also learn which standards and practices work best for your particular environment. Among the quick and clever solutions showcased in the book are those for: gauging VoIP readiness on an enterprise network using SIP, H.323, and other signaling specifications providing low-layer security in a VoIP environment employing IP hardphones, analog telephone adapters, and softPBX servers dealing with and avoiding the most common VoIP deployment mistakes In reality, VoIP Hacks contains only a small subset of VoIP knowledge-enough to serve as an introduction to the world of VoIP and teach you how to use it to save money, be more productive, or just impress your friends. If you love to tinker and optimize, this is the one technology, and the one book, you must investigate.
The long-awaited second edition of Elevator & Escalator Rescue: A Comprehensive Guide from Theodore Jarboe & John O'Donoghue is written by firefighters for firefighters and contains important information for technical rescue members, training officers, and fire company members alike. This book details the risks involved in elevator and escalator rescues and how to face them successfully. Key Features: --A comprehensive guide for dealing with elevator and escalator emergencies, including a complete review and updating of all chapters. --Coverage spanning the evolution of elevators from their most primitive stages to include today’s high-tech innovations, modular, wind turbine, pneumatic and destination control systems as well as STM suspension belts. --A new chapter (Chapter 35) containing information and the description about the Fire Service Access Elevator (FSAE). What they are, where will they be found, and building code changes that will help safeguard the firefighters using these elevators. This will include the use of a Narrative Sheet to ensure compliance with requirements. --A new chapter (Chapter 33) on the Occupant Evacuation Operation (OEO) and Occupant Evacuation Elevator (OEE) elevators. These systems are already in place in new design ultra high-rise buildings in the US. They will be used to evacuate the occupants in these buildings. --An updated elevator glossary of elevator and escalator terminology. --Chapter ending questions to test students’ comprehension.
This comprehensive text presents a detailed, heavily illustrated, step-by-step approach to restorative and preventive dentistry. It draws from both theory and practice, and is supported by extensive clinical and laboratory research. Based upon the principle that dental caries is a disease, not a lesion, the book provides both a thorough understanding of caries and an authoritative approach to its treatment and prevention. Now offering a companion Evolve website, this new edition has been updated to address the latest developments in an ever-changing field. Comprehensive coverage of operative dentistry includes fundamentals, diagnosis, instrumentation, preparation, restoration, and prevention, all within a single volume. Up-to-date information covers insurance, safety, and infection control, based on the latest reports and guidelines from organizations such as OSHA and ADA. A clear, consistent presentation describes each restorative process in a linear pattern: initial clinical procedures, tooth preparation, and then restorative technique. Procedural alternatives include multiple approaches to problems wherever applicable, teaching how to adapt a procedure or technique to answer individual patient needs. Pros and cons of restoration options include advantages, disadvantages, indications, and contraindications for restorations. A course-based presentation of topics follows that of many operative dentistry courses, making students' absorption of content stronger and more efficient. 2,550 illustrations include 700 high-quality half-tones and line drawings - more illustrations than any other operative dentistry text. Full-color clinical photos illustrate important concepts - such as coloration and shading on both natural teeth and prostheses. Computer assisted design and computer assisted machining (CAD/CAM) is incorporated into the practice of operative dentistry and related to techniques. Esthetic dentistry instruction is included for this increasingly popular area. Chapter outlines begin each chapter and highlight important topics. Extensive references direct readers to current resources available for additional research. A revised organization groups chapters into five sections, so that locating specific chapters or topics is easier and more efficient: 1. Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry 2. Instrumentation and Preparation 3. Composite Restorations 4. Amalgam Restorations 5. Metal Restorations Procedural Boxes offer step-by-step guides to important procedures, with each step accompanied by a corresponding image. A companion Evolve website features: Approximately 10 audio/video clips illustrating operative techniques and procedures A full-color image collection from the text Links to related content and additional information available on the Internet
In today's world 'health' means far more than merely the absence of illness. In Rethinking Health Promotion Theodore H. MacDonald sweeps away the confusion surrounding the function and position of health promotion. He argues that, far from being a modern innovation, health promotion has existed as a distinct and separate enterprise for as long as biomedicine and cautions against health promotion becoming organized merely an off-shoot of medical care. Drawing on the author's experience as a World Health Organisation consultant, the book also tackles the question of whether health promotion has relevance on an international scale or whether it is purely a eurocentric phenomenon. Against this background individual chapters explore universal factors such as sexual health, diet, unemployment, alcohol and tobacco use. With its critical and historical approach this book breaks new ground in assessing health promotion and will be stimulating reading for the wide variety of students and professionals studying health promotion.
The Chesapeake 20 is one of the five original sailboat classes on the Chesapeake Bay which has been continually raced since the early 1930's. This history of the fleet recounts the classes origins, formal establishment in 1939 and decade by decade history. Today, the class remains active at the West River Sailing Club in Galesville, Maryland.
I am quite sure that many of the Lord’s people are none too clear upon the different aspects of the Holy Spirit’s Presence and ministry in the life of the believer, and that there is a good deal of confusion; that terms become mixed and there is not clear discernment of the specific significance of each term used in the Word of God. I mean the fact that we hear of those in the New Testament who were baptised with the Spirit, and filled with the Spirit, and sealed by the Spirit, and anointed; and it is important that we should be able to discriminate on these matters. It is not my intention to lead you out in such a discrimination that may come itself as we go on. What I am concerned and occupied with is the anointing as representing some particular aspect of the Holy Spirit’s presence and work." T. Austin-Sparks
This book will help you become the professional you can be in the burgeoning field of alternative health care. It contains marketing information, credit repair advice and a host of other things you will need to open your own practice or to improve an existing practice.
Fifteen years in the making, Hyperpolitics is an interactive dictionary offering a wholly original approach for understanding and working with the most central concepts in political science. Designed and authored by two of the discipline’s most distinguished scholars, its purpose is to provide its readers with fresh critical insights about what informs these political concepts, as well as a method by which readers—and especially students—can unpack and reconstruct them on their own. International in scope, Hyperpolitics draws upon a global vocabulary in order to turn complex ideas into an innovative teaching aid. Its companion open access website ( has already been widely acknowledged in the fields of education and political science and will continue to serve as a formidable hub for the book’s audience. Much more than a dictionary and enhanced by dynamic graphics, Hyperpolitics introduces an ingenious means of understanding complicated concepts that will be an invaluable tool for scholars and students alike.
The basis for much of medical public health practice comes from epidemiological research. This text describes current statistical tools that are used to analyze the association between possible risk factors and the actual risk of disease. Beginning with a broad conceptual framework on the disease process, it describes commonly used techniques for analyzing proportions and disease rates. These are then extended to model fitting, and the common threads of logic that bind the two analytic strategies together are revealed. Each chapter provides a descriptive rationale for the method, a worked example using data from a published study, and an exercise that allows the reader to practice the technique. Each chapter also includes an appendix that provides further details on the theoretical underpinnings of the method. Among the topics covered are Mantel-Haenszel methods, rates, survival analysis, logistic regression, and generalized linear models. Methods for incorporating aspects of study design, such as matching, into the analysis are discussed, and guidance is given for determining the power or the sample size requirements of a study. This text will give readers a foundation in applied statistics and the concepts of model fitting to develop skills in the analysis of epidemiological data.
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