Este pequeño libro ambicioso intenta articular una visión integral de Centroamérica. La historia material y espiritual, que habla de las cifras de la economía y sus ciclos, pero asimismo de los anhelos y los conceptos básicos, de los poemas y las construcciones imaginarias de los centroamericanos y que pretende explicar un proceso social particular, pero ambiciona también seguir los cambios políticos profundos y adaptaciones de los centroamericanos a los cambios del poder externo, sus revoluciones y las más típicas evoluciones, desde la antigüedad hasta las vicisitudes del imperialismo estadounidense, de que ha sido teatro el istmo durante el último siglo, pasando por los conflictos imperiales entre España e Inglaterra en la era colonial, y entre Inglaterra y EUA en el siglo XIX. Esta obra tiene pues lagunas, olvidos necesarios. Pero quizás también un mérito: más que otras obras parecidas consigue demostrar cómo en la era colonial se integró una economía y sociedad que imantaron una discusión pública centroamericana.
The volume we here present first came out in its present form in 2008. Since then, many relevant events have taken place concerning the Fontanelle of Montichiari, about which it is only fair to inform its readers living in all parts of the world. First of all in 2013 the Bishop of Brescia, Mons. Luciano Monari, although confirming what had been decided by the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith (that is, that at the present moment the presence of the supernatural is not ascertained in the events here concerned), he reconfirmed the lawfulness of the cult of Mary Mystical Rose and Mother of the Church – which had already been acknowledged in 2001 by his predecessor Mons. Giulio Sanguineti – and dictated its condidtions.
This text provides a comprehensive review of the contribution of network analysis to the understanding of tourism destinations and organisations. It discusses both the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of network analysis and then illustrates the relevance of this approach in a series of tourism applications.
Venezuelan Anarchism: The History of a Movement covers Venezuelan anarchism and its partisans from the first appearance of anarchist ideas in the period prior to independence through today. Venezuelan political histories have focused almost exclusively upon the various Venezuelan governments and political parties. Venezuelan Anarchism shifts the focus to those opposed to those governments and political parties, those who until now have been nearly forgotten. The book also explains in some detail their ideas, publications, and actions in opposition to Venezuela's ruling political elites and, more recently, Venezuela's authoritarian populists.
Mexicans and other Latinos comprise fifty percent of the population of Los Angeles and are the largest ethnic group in California. In this completely revised and updated edition of a classic political and social history, one of the foremost scholars of the Latino experience situates the US's largest immigrant community in a time of anti-immigrant fervor. Originally published in 1996, this edition analyses the rise and rule of LA's first-ever Mexican American mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa, as well as the harsh pressures facing Chicanos in an increasingly unequal and gentrifying city.
Ethnic Ironies describes the role of Latino electorates in national- and state-level politics during the 1992 elections. The book examines Latino politics from the top down?looking at the efforts of candidates and campaigns to speak to Latino concerns and to mobilize Latino voters?and from the bottom up?reviewing the efforts of Latinos to win electoral office and to influence electoral outcomes.Chronicling the campaigns and uncovering patterns of Latino influence, the core of the book consists of eight state-level analyses by experts who have observed firsthand the states with the most sizable Latino electorates. An overview chapter synthesizes and integrates the findings of these case studies, placing them in national perspective.Ethnic Ironies is the third in a series of studies on Latino electoral behavior published by Westview Press, including From Rhetoric to Reality: Latino Politics in the 1988 Elections and Barrio Ballots: Latino Politics in the 1990 Elections. This latest study also serves as a companion volume to Latino Voices: Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Cuban Perspectives on American Politics and New Americans by Choice: Political Perspectives of Latino Immigrants.
Nuestra Historia en Poesía" es la compilación de los poemas escritos por mi Padre en 20 años de su vida. Aunque fue destacado comerciante, le encantaba transmitir sus sentimientos en poesías, con ese don tan hermoso de redactar con sencillez y transparencia. Mi sueño es dar a conocer tu obra literaria que para mí es bella y valiosísima. Ojalá el mundo entero te hubiera conocido personalmente, porque todos los que tuvieron esa dicha, guardan recuerdos hermosos de las huellas que dejaste en sus vidas; pero, para los que no tuvieron esa suerte, quedan tus poemas que estoy segura tocarán muchos corazones y ayudarán a más de uno a encontrar motivos para superarse, para vencer obstáculos, para celebrar la vida, para orar a Dios... gracias a tu inspiración y a tu capacidad de transmitir en forma hermosa tus más sublimes sentimientos. ¡¡¡TE AMO PAPITO Y SIEMPRE TE LLEVARE EN MI CORAZON!!!
Los Angeles: scratch the surface of the city's image as a rich mosaic of multinational cultures and a grittier truth emerges-its huge, shimmering economy was built on the backs of largely Latino immigrants and still depends on them. This book exposes the underside of the development and restructuring that have turned Los Angeles into a global city, and in doing so it reveals the ways in which ideas about ethnicity-Latino identity itself-are implicated and elaborated in the process."A truly pathbreaking work that puts Latinos where they belong: in the center of debate about the future of the U
Jesus commanded that we follow him in his Mission in order “to save,” instead of enter a church in order “to be saved.” Following Jesus is a “discipleship for world liberation,” not “church membership for personal salvation.” Where people are gathered to give worship to God through ceremonial chanting, singing, dancing, listening to a sermon, and offering money for the life of the church, there you can find the Christian CHURCH OF PAUL. On the other hand, where people are gathered to give care and help to one another for the glory of God, there you can find the CHURCH OF JESUS. Indeed, the true church of Jesus is a TOOL to bring life to the world, more than a PLACE where we can go and save our individual souls. Receiving Jesus in our hearts is receiving his Mission to renew the world, rather than taking our position as one that is already saved in the world. Amen.
A muchos pacientes se les niega el acceso a los servicios de salud y a los medicamentos en América Latina, por lo que los jueces tienen que intervenir. Esta tendencia de judicialización se ha acelerado durante la última década. En un sentido similar, la literatura existente sobre la justiciabilidad y judicialización del derecho a la salud se ocupa de la cuestión de si los jueces deben intervenir o no en la protección del derecho a la salud. Objetivo: Evaluar los desafíos derivados del litigio del Derecho a la Salud en Colombia, Argentina, Brasil y México. Metodología: Marco analítico y metodológico cualitativo, descriptivo y comparativo. Incluye una revisión bibliográfica y 37 entrevistas semiestructuradas a jueces, académicos y funcionarios gubernamentales. Además, se realizó un análisis jurisprudencial de la jurisprudencia más reciente en los 4 países mediante análisis de contenido. Resultados: En los cuatro países estudiados persiste un enfoque moderado orientado a las repercusiones en el litigio y, preocupado por las consecuencias del proceso de judicialización. Esto supone, en primer lugar, la incorporación de algunos límites y condiciones en el reconocimiento del derecho a la salud por parte de los Tribunales y, en segundo lugar, en términos generales, que las sentencias no están teniendo en cuenta las causas estructurales que afectan a la litigiosidad. Conclusiones: Los tribunales deberían avanzar hacia un equilibrio intencional en el reconocimiento, los remedios, la supervisión y la evaluación de las sentencias. Esto implica ser más reflexivos y estratégicos que reactivos y pasivos. En otras palabras, cuanto más inmaduro sea el sistema sanitario y más causas estructurales se perciban, más reflexivos y estratégicos deberían ser los Tribunales y más se debería promover el reconocimiento, la protección, la supervisión y la evaluación. Los Estados también deben adoptar medidas contundentes contra las causas estructurales y deben hacer operativo un enfoque de la salud más práctico y basado en los derechos, de manera tangible.
The Making of Chicana/o Studies traces the philosophy and historical development of the field of Chicana/o studies from precursor movements to the Civil Rights era to today, focusing its lens on the political machinations in higher education that sought to destroy the discipline. As a renowned leader, activist, scholar, and founding member of the movement to establish this curriculum in the California State University system, which serves as a model for the rest of the country, Rodolfo F. Acuña has, for more than forty years, battled the trend in academia to deprive this group of its academic presence. The book assesses the development of Chicana/o studies (an area of studies that has even more value today than at its inception)--myths about its epistemological foundations have remained uncontested. Acuña sets the record straight, challenging those in the academy who would fold the discipline into Latino studies, shadow it under the dubious umbrella of ethnic studies, or eliminate it altogether. Building the largest Chicana/o studies program in the nation was no easy feat, especially in an atmosphere of academic contention. In this remarkable account, Acuña reveals how California State University, Northridge, was instrumental in developing an area of study that offers more than 166 sections per semester, taught by 26 tenured and 45 part-time instructors. He provides vignettes of successful programs across the country and offers contemporary educators and students a game plan--the mechanics for creating a successful Chicana/o studies discipline--and a comprehensive index of current Chicana/o studies programs nationwide. Latinas/os, of which Mexican Americans are nearly seventy percent, comprise a complex sector of society projected to be just shy of thirty percent of the nation's population by 2050. The Making of Chicana/o Studies identifies what went wrong in the history of Chicana/o studies and offers tangible solutions for the future.
The Queen of Alboné and her entourage are going to Honoi in a diplomatic mission. Yáxtor Brandan, empirical adept at the Queen's service, will be among them. But he is not the Yáxtor Brandan he used to be. He has recovered the stolen memories from his past and he is beginning to assimilate them. Little by little, people and places that until now had no meaning for Yáxtor are becoming more and more familiar and the empirical adept finds himself in the middle of an unexpected exploration of his past. Old forgotten faces from his youth walk his mind halls and begin to give new shape to what he is and what he can become. His first love, his old mentor, his wife and his son, a betrayed lover and a new friend... those are the faces from Yáxtor's past he has to confront. And also a new one, an unknown face hidden in the shadows that could be the face of his greatest enemy.
Cuando aparece el cuerpo decapitado de un joven ingeniero en computacion en las vias del ferrocarril en Monterrey, Mexico, el Capitan Guillermo Lombardo encuentra que su investigacion le conduce al mundo de los carteles de las drogas mexicanos. Ya que todo el mundo, desde el rector de la universidad hasta el gobernador del estado, rehusa cooperar con la investigacion, Lombardo pronto descubre que el cuerpo es solamente la punta de un enorme tempano de hielo que apunta a una situacion mucho mas importante.
English version for the first volume of the book series: "Piccola guida alla grande musica", edited in Italy by Edizioni Sonda. An easy and peculiar way to getting to know great composers and their works, understanding their specific historical context, their life and human events. A delicate and progressive path for getting acquainted with great classical music and its masters.
The Father of Jesus is the only One True God. And he has only one person—not three. As the son of the king shares in the ‘royalty’ of his father but not in his father’s person, so do Jesus and the Holy Spirit share in the ‘divinity’ of God, but not in God’s person. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are three distinct and separate persons sharing in one divinity, with the Father of Jesus as being the “Almighty God,” Jesus as being the “Divine Son of God,” and the Holy Spirit as being the “Divine Spirit of God.” Another thing, Jesus is inherently divine—not human. He is divine made man, not man made divine. And even during the time that he was living in the world as man, his divinity was yet all perfectly intact with him as God’s Son. Amen.
Jesus’ blood on the cross did not—even a drop—cleanse us of our sins. For if this is true, then the unrepentant criminal hanging there on the cross beside Jesus had also been saved, just as the other criminal who had repented. Jesus lived because he wanted us to live to the fullest by showing us the way, the truth, and the life. He died because he wanted to show us how committed was he in bringing us that fullness of life. In the spirit of the covenant he made with his disciples, Jesus poured out his blood for all those who would put their faith in him, repent, and be co-workers in his Mission. Unless we repent and follow him, even a thousand deaths of Jesus could never ever save us from our sins. In the final analysis, it shall be “our own death and resurrection” from our own wickedness and selfishness that may save us, not the “death and resurrection” of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
This book provides a Latino reading of John’s prologue with special attention to how the themes of race, kinship, and the empire are part of the gospel’s racial rhetoric. By drawing from the insights of Latinx texts and theology, this book reveals how the prologue provides a lens to read the entire gospel with a keen awareness of Jesus’s engagement with people groups—from his own family to the Roman authorities. The prologue participates in the gospel’s racial rhetoric by shaping the reader’s racial imagination even before a person enters the narrative. By doing so, Jesus’s identity becomes constructed and defined through racial rhetoric since the opening verses of John’s gospel.
The main character in the book wrote to his friend: "Josey, I'm embarking on the biggest steamship in the world, but I don't feel any pride, because at this moment I wish the `Titanic' were submerged at the bottom of the sea..." In his "A Case from the Titanic" author Enrique Dick takes us into a whirlwind of family history, Samuel and Annie Andrew arrive from Whitby, Yorkshire, England, to the vast pampas of Argentina, near the end of the nineteenth century.There Samuel is hired to administer one of the huge ranches of Ambrosio Olmos, a wealthy farmer in Córdoba. There in those fields without end, the Andrew family grows. Silvano Alfredo, Isabel, Wilfred, Ethel, Hilda, William and Edgar are born and raised. Eventually all of them will have their share of love, adventure and tragedy. Told by Enrique Dick, this book is based entirely on his family's real life events; in the pages about Argentina we learn about life at the “estancia”, the pride and joy of Ambrosio Olmos, a colourful figure of Argentina. As the years pass, the Andrew and Olmos families share more than just the relationship between owner and manager.Upon the untimely deaths of both Ambrosio Olmos and Samuel Andrew in 1906, Samuel's son Wilfred, a mere lad of twenty is hired by Olmos' widow, Mrs. Adelia María Harilaos to take over his father's administration of the ranch.Four of the seven brothers travel to England to study and meet their British relatives. Sooner or later most of them will return to their beloved land across the sea.Meantime, Wilfred confronts the maladies of running a huge ranch. Drought, hungry locusts, unruly gauchos and discontented tenants make his life difficult.Silvano, already a sailor navy officer, travels the seven seas aboard legendary Argentine navy ships.In 1911, as part of the Argentine naval legation, Silvano is involved in the construction of two famous battleships, the "Rivadavia" and the "Moreno," built in US Naval yards. While in the US, Silvano meets and falls in love with a winsome millionaire widow, Harriet Fisher.Silvano and Harriet set a date to be married. Jubilant, Silvano invites his brother Edgar, who is studying in Bournemouth, England, to attend the wedding.While in England, Edgar misses Josey, his friend in Argentina. When his brother's request arrives, Edgar has mixed feelings, Josey was about to arrive in England to take up her studies, and he was looking forward to meeting her there and to woe her. He consoles himself with the thought that he will be able to share a few days of joy with Josey before he sails for America. But fate intervened.The White Star Lines ship, the "Olympic", that Edgar is booked on, is stalled by lack of coal due to a strike. His ticket is transferred and made good for earlier sailing on the "Titanic". Lugging his small suitcase full of books, papers, postcards and family letters, Edgar posts his last letter to Josey explaining that his forced earlier departure on the Titanic will keep them apart.Time passes slowly as the Andrew family learns and accepts Edgar's fate. Eventually Edgar's sister, Ethel also visits their ancestral land and there studies in a young ladies school in Whitby learning to paint, embroider and sew will eventually becoming a confidant of her remaining brothers and a lady on her own right. Throughout the book an omniscient character is the coal of Cardiff, which changes destiny not only when becoming steam to propel the Rivadavia and the Moreno battleships when they travel to Argentina with Silvano aboard the Moreno, but also since the lack of coal for Edgar's intended ship places him aboard the doomed Titanic. For decades Edgar's death haunts the Andrew family until one day Edgar's small suitcase is retrieved from the bottom of the ocean. That day, the mementos of a life and the truth they generate as they are plucked from the submerged Titanic once again shake the feelings and origins of a family.Armed with this extraordinary occurrence and the contents of a suitcase from the Titanic, Enrique Dick embarked on a journey of discovery into his maternal family history.The result is a book that not only uncovers family secrets and historical facts but also opens a window into lives that impacted history as it was being created
Latino/a Thought brings together the most important writings that shape Latino consciousness, culture, and activism today. This historical anthology is unique in its presentation of cross cultural writings especially from Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Cuban writers and political documents that shape the ideology and experience of U.S. Latinos. Students can read, first hand, the works or authors who most shaped their cultural heritage. They are guided by vivid introductions that set each article or document in its historical context and describe its relevance today. The writings touch on many themes, but are guided by this book's concern for a quest for public citizenship among all Latino populations and a better understanding of racialized populations in the U.S. today. No other book offers readers such a rich history of the Latino heritage experienced in this book in the voices and political actions whose influence reached across generations.
This book aims to shed light on the use of various modelling tools and simulation techniques in the domains of tourism and hospitality. It offers an essential introduction to the most popular methods used for modelling and simulating systems and phenomena of interest, and an overview of these techniques and methods. The main concept of each technique and method is examined and case studies and links to free online tutorials and other helpful resources are provided. The volume aims to encourage students, researchers and practitioners in tourism and hospitality to enhance and enrich their toolbox in order to achieve a better and more profound knowledge of their field.
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