Certains architectes possèdent un style reconnaissable entre mille. Ce qui différencie Piano des autres, c'est qu'il exprime un ensemble d'idées cohérentes au travers d'une extraordinaire diversité de moyens. Voilà pourquoi la griffe de Piano ne se discerne pas au premier coup d'oeil dans des réalisations aussi uniques que le Centre Pompidou, le New York Times Building ou l'aéroport du Kansai d'Osaka. Chaque projet est une renaissance, comme l'explique Piano : "Ce qu'il y a de merveilleux avec l'architecture, c'est cette impression qu'à chaque fois la vie recommence". Cette monographie actualisée, illustrée de photographies, de dessins et de plans, couvre toute la carrière de Piano jusqu'à ce jour, et toutes les expressions de sa singulière esthétique. Elle comprend de nouvelles photos de l'aile moderne de l'Art Institute de Chicago, de l'extension du Kimbelle Art Museum de Fort Worth, au Texas, ainsi qu'un avant-goût des projets qui l'occupent aujourd'hui, comme le Valetta City Gate de La Valette, à Malte.
A conception of the museum that starts from the work of art to arrive at the architectural project. A journey that takes the reader through time and space during its realization.
The Italian architect Renzo Piano (born 1937) has been a leading protagonist on the stage of worlds architecture since the 1970s. His work combines the best building traditions of his native land with the most advanced technological achievements of the late 20th century. Amongst his most celebrated creations are the Pompidou Centre in Paris, built together with Richard Rogers, Kansai International Airport in Osaka, the redevelopment scheme for the Potsdamer Platz in Berlin, and numerous other important buildings. This monograph, grouped by main types of his buildings, gives a highly competent overview of Renzo Piano's architectural oeuvre.
This project is the exploration of another world, seemingly remote: the Pacific and the culture of ephemeral, the encounter with the great Kanak people and his history suspended between the past and future.
Schmidt’s is a story that takes account of the pathological mechanisms of colonialism. Duin’s annotated translation of Lodewijk Schmidt’s ethnographic accounts forces us to reflect upon the catastrophe that is ethnocide and deforestation of the Eastern Guiana Highlands in Amazonia.
This work aims to expand the understanding of sound scattering in architectural spaces as well as the comprehension of its influence on the auditory perception in concert halls. The notion of scattering coefficient, which numerically represents the physical phenomenon of sound scattering, constitutes the main paradigm for the entire work. In a first part, the scattering coefficient is introduced in its meaning and implications. New empirical data of scattering objects have been determined and a revised scale model of a reverberation chamber for avoiding measurement accuracies is presented. A case study of classroom acoustics proves the benefit of experimental data on the accuracy of acoustic computer simulations. Furthermore, the implementation of scattering coefficient in different room acoustic computer software is shown by using a concert hall as a case study. In a second part, the relationship between scattering coefficient and auditory perception is explored. Binaural impulse responses have been determined for different scenarios, such as two virtual enclosed spaces and one real concert hall, and convolved with music samples to be used in listening tests. Results from listening tests show how changes in scattering coefficient of diffusing surfaces affect the perception of music among the audience in concert halls.
I contratti di compravendita mirano a definire le più importanti decisioni di gestione delle imprese commerciali. Assumono particolare importanza non solo sotto il profilo della corretta e completa stesura, ma anche per tutti gli adempimenti successivi che possono riguardare i settori della logistica aziendale, attraverso il ricevimento o l’invio del materiale oggetto del contratto, la contabilità e l’amministrazione, nella fase dell’emissione e/o ricevimento della documentazione contabile e del controllo dei documenti ricevuti e/o emessi, e per il settore finanziario, con il controllo delle relative movimentazioni finanziarie. Nel commercio internazionale, sia comunitario che con Paesi terzi, tali contratti mirano anche a regolamentare le operazioni e la documentazione internazionale, con particolare riferimento a quella doganale, di conformità, di origine dei beni oggetto di compravendita. Il testo tratta in forma distinta e completa i seguenti argomenti: Contratti di compravendita nazionali, Contratti di compravendita internazionali, Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite in materia di compravendita dei beni fungibili Vengono inoltre analizzati gli aspetti giuridici in materia di contratti e sono riportati i fac-simili dei contratti di compravendita. Nelle parti concernenti i contratti sono stati esaminati gli aspetti giuridici commerciali, fiscali e doganali, nonché tutta la documentazione aziendale e contabile necessaria per la conclusione di ogni singolo affare, al fine di offrire al lettore una valutazione completa sull’argomento. È stata inserita una parte con la Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite in materia di contratti di compravendita internazionale con la traduzione, non ufficiale, in italiano dei vari articoli, e con l’esposizione sintetica delle principali sentenze. Il formulario è stato redatto per fornire agli Operatori una base di partenza per la redazione dei contratti, nelle loro varie tipologie giuridiche e commerciali. STRUTTURA Parte Prima- Aspetti giuridici in materia di contratti 1. Nozioni giuridiche generali in materia di contratti commerciali 2. I contratti internazionali 3. I principi UNIDROIT in materia di contratti commerciali inter-nazionali 4. Profili fiscali in materia di contratti 5. I contratti nel diritto e nella pratica contabile Parte Seconda- I contratti di compravendita nazionali 6. I contratti di compravendita nazionali: aspetti giuridici 7. I contratti di vendita di beni mobili 8. Vendita a termine di titoli di credito 9. Vendita di beni immobili 10. I contratti affini alla vendita 11. Aspetti fiscali dei contratti di compravendita nazionali 12. Aspetti contabili sui contratti di vendita Parte terza -I contratti di compravendita internazionali 13. Caratteri generali in materia di contratti internazionali di vendita 14. I contratti relativi agli scambi in compensazione 15. Il contratto di consignement stock 16. Contratti internazionali di investimento Parte quarta - la convenzione Onu in materia di contratti di com-pravendita di beni fungibili e Incoterms 2000 17. La convenzione di Vienna sui contratti di vendita internaziona-le dei beni mobili 18. La convenzione delle nazioni unite sulla vendita internaziona-le di beni mobili 19. I termini di resa internazionali Incoterms 2000 Appendice – Fac-simile contratti
2 version: "English" & "Italiano" - ENG - Jazz classes most of the times primarily focus on theory as well as on its application, often neglecting or putting aside practice. But the theoretical framework can sometimes be perceived as overwhelming by students to such an extent that they may find it hard to get the major element of improvisation, that is the creation of a personal language which must include an appropriate assimilation. Knowing what to do (or not to do) is not enough. - ITA - Spesso i corsi regolari di musica jazz si concentrano sulla teoria, sulla sua applicabilità, trascurando o relegando in secondo piano l'aspetto pratico; talora l'impianto teorico è talmente preponderante, che l'allievo fatica a cogliere l'elemento fondamentale dell'improvvisazione ovvero la creazione di un linguaggio personale, che, per essere tale, deve prevedere una adeguata assimilazione. Sapere cosa fare (e cosa non fare) non è sufficiente.
This book focuses on the experiences of thousands of Jewish displaced persons (DPs) who lived in refugee camps in Italy between the liberation of the southern regions in 1943 and the early 1950s, waiting for their resettlement outside of Europe. It explores the Jewish DPs’ daily life in the refugee camps and what this experience of displacement meant to them. This book sheds light on the dilemmas the Jewish DPs faced when reconstructing their lives in the refugee camps after the Holocaust and how this challenging process was deeply influenced by their interaction with the humanitarian and political actors involved in their rescue, rehabilitation, and resettlement. Relating to the peculiar context of post-fascist Italy and the broader picture of the postwar refugee crisis, this book reveals overlooked aspects that contributed to the making of an incredibly diverse and lively community in transit, able to elaborate new paradigms of home, belonging and family.
This volume reveals new insights on the faculty of language. By proposing a new approach in the analysis and description of Italian Sign Language (LIS), that can be extended also to other sign languages, this book also enlightens some aspects of spoken languages, which were often overlooked in the past and only recently have been brought to the fore and described. First, the study of face-to-face communication leads to a revision of the traditional dichotomy between linguistic and enacted, to develop a new approach to embodied language (Kendon, 2004). Second, all structures of language take on a sociolinguistic and pragmatic meaning, as proposed by cognitive semantics, which considers it impossible to trace a separation between purely linguistic and extralinguistic knowledge. Finally, if speech from the point of view of its materiality is variable, fragile, and non-segmentable (i.e. not systematically discrete), also signs are not always segmentable into discrete, invariable and meaningless units. This then calls into question some of the properties traditionally associated with human languages in general, notably that of ‘duality of patterning’. These are only some of the main issues you will find in this volume that has no parallel both in sign and in spoken languages linguistic research.
The renowned architect and his son sail from Genoa in search of Atlantis in this “intimate and insightful chronicle of exploration and revelation” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review). Renowned architect Renzo Piano—whose credits include the New Whitney Museum, the Pompidou Center,the New York Times Building, and others—and his son Carlo, a well-regarded journalist, set sail from Genoa one late summer day. They went looking for the lost city of Atlantis, which, according to legend, was built to harbor a perfect society. They sails across the Pacific, along the banks of the Thames and the Seine, reaching as far as Athens, San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, and Osaka Bay. Embarking not only on a life-changing journey but also on series of conversations that are humorous, irreverent, erudite, and always entertaining, Renzo and Carlo seek out the perfect city. Along the way, they reflect on their own relationship, on fathers and sons, on the idea of travel itself, and perhaps most notably on architecture, space, and the secret life of forms.
In "Come See My City," readers travel through time and space to tour some of the worlds most famous cities during important historical periods, such as the Renaissance in Florence and the Golden Age of Athens
Kylie Minogue's self-titled debut album produced hits, controversy and a perfect mainstream storm. The then soap and children's television star 'crossed over' to music with hit writer/producers SAW - and the shamelessly commercial approach of all involved saw the 'real' music industry get its back up. This book interrogates the way that commercial pop albums are remembered in both the popular music press and in academic research. Is there a way of dealing with 'mainstream' pop without denigrating the music and (just as importantly) without validating it according to the terms of a 'high art' canon? This text sheds light on the way that notions of 'mainstream' and 'other' play out in a local context-specifically, Australia and New Zealand music on a global stage.
Internationally renowned scholar Renzo De Felice’s pioneering study of the Jews of Libya is, in many ways, a microcosm of the major sources of conflict in the modern Middle East. This is the first English translation of Ebrei in un paese arabo, originally published by Il Mulino, Bologna, in 1978. The author’s broad-ranging and meticulous research has enabled him to reconstruct the contemporary history of the Jews in Libya with an incredible richness of detail, bringing into vivid relief the social, religious, cultural, and political lives of a people caught between centuries of tradition and a series of governments bent on plunging them headfirst into the modern world. This story—fraught with the passion, drama, tragicomedy, and conflict of a society in transition—will be an invaluable resource for scholars in Middle Eastern studies, Jewish studies, and contemporary European history. The wealth of documentation, much of it previously unknown or unpublished, makes this a particularly useful book.
Verona, City of Love: a glorious past and an irresistible charm, the Adige River winding its way through it, its romantic Medieval streets, timeless traditions, the legend of Romeo and Juliet and the music arousing unforgettable emotions. A wonderful book not to be missed, with QR codes to learn more about topics and places.
Il volume esamina tutta la documentazione che le aziende devono emettere per gli scambi con i Paesi terzi, per adeguarsi in materia contabile-amministrativo alla normativa commerciale, fiscale, doganale e valutaria. I rapporti economici con l'estero, che prevedono scambio di beni, richiedono l'espletamento di particolari formalità doganali con la predisposizione di una documentazione completa e corretta. Si tratta, in particolare, di documentazione: - commerciale - di trasporto e spedizione internazionale - contabile - doganale; - finanziaria e valutaria - di varia natura: sanitaria, crediti documentari, di conformità, ecc. Nel manuale si prende in esame la documentazione per il trasporto dei beni tenendo conto sia delle procedure amministrative e doganali sia di quelle contabili e fiscali, in modo da offrire al lettore un insieme coordinato di nozioni utili per un corretto adempimento a tutte le formalità documentali. In questa seconda edizione il volume è stato completamente rivisto al fine di procedere ad un suo aggiornamento in considerazione dell'evoluzione della normativa regolante la documentazione internazionale. Si è ritenuto opportuno introdurre una nuova parte relativa ai controlli doganali sui documenti al fine di approfondire i controlli che le imprese debbono effettuare sulla documentazione emessa e ricevuta, e porre quindi in essere i dovuti rimedi, instaurando le procedure di revisione previste dalla legislazione vigente. STRUTTURA DEL VOLUME Parte I: La documentazione commerciale e di trasporto Cap. 1: Documentazione commerciale: fonti normative Cap. 2: I Documenti di trasporto Internazionale Cap. 3: Termini di resa nel commercio Internazionale Parte II: I documenti del commercio internazionale emessi dalle CCIAA Cap. 4: Il codice meccanografico Cap. 5: Il Carte ATA Cap. 6: Il Carnet TIR Cap. 7: Origine commerciale e non preferenziale dei beni Cap. 8: Altri documenti doganali Parte III: I documenti doganali: Aspetti operativi Cap. 9: Origine preferenziale dei beni Cap. 10: La bolletta doganale DAU Cap. 11: Altri documenti doganali Parte IV: I controlli sui documenti doganali Cap. 12: Il servizio telematico doganale ed i codici identificativi Cap. 13:Le figure giuridiche degli operatori economici e degli operatori economici autorizzati Cap. 14: La figura giuridica dello spedizioniere doganale
Di Renzo compares the bizarre comedy in O'Connor's stories and novels to that of medieval narrative, art, folklore, and drama. Noting a strong kinship between her characters and the grotesqueries that adorn the margins of illuminated manuscripts and the facades of European cathedrals, he argues that O'Connor's Gothicism brings her tales closer in spirit to the English mystery cycles and the leering gargoyles of medieval architecture than to the Gothic fiction of Poe and Hawthorne. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
“Padre Pio was and is a man of hope. Throughout his life, in the midst of the most difficult trials, he always looked to the future with a spirit of optimism, faith, and love.” Canonized on June 16, 2002, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (1887-1968) was a Capuchin monk and mystic whose life was marked with miracles and wonders, but who said that his only desire was “to be a poor friar who prays.” In this intimate biography, you will see the results of this humble Capuchin's prayers and discover for yourself the Source of his great hope. This updated edition contains five new chapters covering the years between beatification and canonization, St. Pio’s continued work in people’s lives, and the devotion of St. John Paul II to this extraordinary saint of our day.
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