도서에 포함된 MP3(CD) 음원은 다락원 홈페이지(www.darakwon.co.kr)에서 무료 다운로드 가능합니다. 이 책의 개요 비즈니스와 관련된 다양한 주제를 미션 수행이라는 과정을 통해 학습하고, 현장에서 실제로 사용되고 있는 이메일, 온라인 채팅, 그리고 문자 메시지 등과 같은 여러 가지 커뮤니케이션 수단들에서 사용되는 영어 표현들을 중점적으로 익힐 수 있는 교재입니다. 이 책의 특징 - 실제 비즈니스 현장에서 자주 주어지는 12가지 과제로 12개의 유닛 구성 - 읽기/듣기 자료, 어휘 및 표현, 문법, 말하기 활동 등으로 각 유닛 구성 - 다양한 의사소통 도구(이메일, 메신저, 문자/음성메시지 등)를 활용한 읽기 자료 제시 - 유닛마다 유용한 비즈니스 관련 요령 제공 [도서 목차] Mission 01. Recruiting New Employees Mission 02. Welcoming New Employees Mission 03. Conducting a Survey Mission 04. Getting an Overseas Assignment Mission 05. Planning a Charity Event Mission 06. Dealing with Complaints Mission 07. Preparing for a Sales Meeting Mission 08. Moving to a New Office Mission 09. Getting a Promotion Mission 10. Asking for a Raise Mission 11. Being Nominated for an Award Mission 12. Resigning
도서에 포함된 MP3(CD) 음원은 다락원 홈페이지(www.darakwon.co.kr)에서 무료 다운로드 가능합니다. 교과목별 배경 지식을 쌓아주는 원서형 독해 시리즈 『Reading for Subject』는 총 4권 구성의 중급 및 중고급 학습자를 대상으로 한 원서형 독해 시리즈이다. 역사, 사회, 과학, 수학, 미술, 음악 등 교과목별 흥미롭고 깊이 있는 주제의 지문을 통해 각 분야의 배경 지식을 넓힐 수 있다. 또한 다양한 유형의 독해 문제와 단락별 주제 완성, Graphic Organizer, Summary 활동을 통해 장문 읽기 훈련과 글의 구조 및 핵심 내용을 정리할 수 있다. 매 챕터마다 내신 수행평가 주제를 연계한 Writing 활동을 수록하여 비판적 사고와 쓰기 능력을 향상시킬 수 있으며, 추가 학습을 위한 워크북과 풍부한 부가자료가 제공된다. <이 책의 구성과 특징> (1) 역사, 과학, 사회, 수학, 미술, 음악 등 교과목별 다양한 주제의 non-fiction 지문 (2) Vocabulary Preview, 배경 지식 코너 등 지문 이해를 돕는 읽기 전 활동 (3) 글의 요지, 세부 사항, 추론, 서술형 등 리딩 스킬 향상을 위한 다양한 독해 문제 (4) 단락별 주제 문제를 통한 장문 읽기 훈련 (5) 글의 구조 및 핵심 내용 정리를 위한 Graphic Organizer와 Summary (6) 글의 소재와 내신 수행평가 주제를 연계한 단계별 Writing 활동 (7) 중요 어휘, 해석, 구문 복습을 위한 Workbook 제공 (8) 내신 및 수능 유형 시험지 등 풍부한 부가자료 무료 제공 (www.darakwon.co.kr) - MP3 파일 (QR코드 이용 가능) / 정답 / 한글 해석 / 단어 리스트 / 단어 테스트 / 해석 시트 / Dictation 시트 / 리뷰 테스트 / 중간·기말 고사 <이 책의 구성> (1) Before You Read 본격적인 지문 학습에 앞서 주제에 대한 이해를 돕고 주요 어휘를 사전 학습하는 코너입니다. 주제 관련 간단한 질문, 영영 풀이를 통한 어휘 문제, 짧은 배경 지식이 수록되어 있습니다. (2) 독해 지문 학습 역사, 과학, 사회, 수학, 미술, 음악 등 교과목별 다양한 non-fiction 주제의 지문들이 수록되어 있습니다. 흥미롭고 깊이 있는 주제의 지문을 통해 각 분야의 배경 지식을 넓힐 수 있으며, 장문 읽기가 어려운 학생들을 위해 단락별 주제 문제가 포함되어 있습니다. (3) Reading Comprehension 주제 찾기, 세부 사항, 추론, 서술형 등 다양한 독해 문제를 풀어봄으로써 지문의 이해도를 확인하고 리딩 스킬을 향상시킬 수 있습니다. (4) Show Your Comprehension / Summarize Your Reading Graphic Organizer와 Summary를 완성해봄으로써 글의 구조와 주요 내용을 핵심 어휘를 통해 다시 한번 정리해볼 수 있습니다. (5) Think & Write 각 챕터 마지막 단원 지문 소재와 내신 수행평가 주제를 연계하여 Output 해볼 수 있는 Writing 활동이 수록되어 있습니다. 단계별로 글을 완성하는 과정에서 비판적 사고와 쓰기 능력을 향상시키고 내신 수행평가에도 대비할 수 있습니다. (6) Workbook 별책으로 제공되는 Workbook에는 단원별 중요 어휘와 해석, 구문 복습을 위한 문제가 수록되어 있습니다. 보충학습 자료로 활용하며 효과적인 어휘 학습 및 문장 구조 파악을 통해 정확한 해석 능력을 기를 수 있습니다. 목차 CHAPTER 01 UNIT 01 The Hottest Extreme Sport UNIT 02 Plants Have Skills UNIT 03 Born with a Destiny UNIT 04 A New Use for Abandoned Buildings Think & Write 1 What Are the Benefits of Recycling? CHAPTER 02 UNIT 05 A Drone on Titan UNIT 06 The Songs of the People UNIT 07 What Birth Order Says about You UNIT 08 A Great Son of South Africa Think & Write 2 Who Do You Respect the Most and Why? CHAPTER 03 UNIT 09 Mammals that Lay Eggs UNIT 10 The Trick That Led to Victory UNIT 11 How Do Hostages Feel? UNIT 12 The Art of Splashing Think & Write 3 How Does Art Positively Affect Our Lives? CHAPTER 04 UNIT 13 Louisa May Alcott UNIT 14 The Story of Winter UNIT 15 An Artistic Life UNIT 16 A Satirical Awards Ceremony Think & Write 4 What Is the Greatest Invention in the World? CHAPTER 05 UNIT 17 That Sounds Too Strange to Be False UNIT 18 Why Do We Need Vitamin D? UNIT 19 Selling a House to Buy Tulips UNIT 20 Treasures in a Cave Think & Write 5 What Treasures Help Us Understand the Past Better? *온라인 학습자료 (www.darakwon.co.kr) MP3 파일 / 정답 / 한글 해석 / 단어 리스트 / 단어 테스트 / 해석 시트 / Dictation 시트 / 리뷰테스트 / 중간·기말 고사
도서에 포함된 MP3(CD) 음원은 다락원 홈페이지(www.darakwon.co.kr)에서 무료 다운로드 가능합니다. 교과목별 배경 지식을 쌓아주는 원서형 독해 시리즈 『Reading for Subject』는 총 4권 구성의 중급 및 중고급 학습자를 대상으로 한 원서형 독해 시리즈이다. 역사, 사회, 과학, 수학, 미술, 음악 등 교과목별 흥미롭고 깊이 있는 주제의 지문을 통해 각 분야의 배경 지식을 넓힐 수 있다. 또한 다양한 유형의 독해 문제와 단락별 주제 완성, Graphic Organizer, Summary 활동을 통해 장문 읽기 훈련과 글의 구조 및 핵심 내용을 정리할 수 있다. 매 챕터마다 내신 수행평가 주제를 연계한 Writing 활동을 수록하여 비판적 사고와 쓰기 능력을 향상시킬 수 있으며, 추가 학습을 위한 워크북과 풍부한 부가자료가 제공된다. <이 책의 구성과 특징> (1) 역사, 과학, 사회, 수학, 미술, 음악 등 교과목별 다양한 주제의 non-fiction 지문 (2) Vocabulary Preview, 배경 지식 코너 등 지문 이해를 돕는 읽기 전 활동 (3) 글의 요지, 세부 사항, 추론, 서술형 등 리딩 스킬 향상을 위한 다양한 독해 문제 (4) 단락별 주제 문제를 통한 장문 읽기 훈련 (5) 글의 구조 및 핵심 내용 정리를 위한 Graphic Organizer와 Summary (6) 글의 소재와 내신 수행평가 주제를 연계한 단계별 Writing 활동 (7) 중요 어휘, 해석, 구문 복습을 위한 Workbook 제공 (8) 내신 및 수능 유형 시험지 등 풍부한 부가자료 무료 제공 (www.darakwon.co.kr) - MP3 파일 (QR코드 이용 가능) / 정답 / 한글 해석 / 단어 리스트 / 단어 테스트 / 해석 시트 / Dictation 시트 / 리뷰 테스트 / 중간·기말 고사 <이 책의 구성> (1) Before You Read 본격적인 지문 학습에 앞서 주제에 대한 이해를 돕고 주요 어휘를 사전 학습하는 코너입니다. 주제 관련 간단한 질문, 영영 풀이를 통한 어휘 문제, 짧은 배경 지식이 수록되어 있습니다. (2) 독해 지문 학습 역사, 과학, 사회, 수학, 미술, 음악 등 교과목별 다양한 non-fiction 주제의 지문들이 수록되어 있습니다. 흥미롭고 깊이 있는 주제의 지문을 통해 각 분야의 배경 지식을 넓힐 수 있으며, 장문 읽기가 어려운 학생들을 위해 단락별 주제 문제가 포함되어 있습니다. (3) Reading Comprehension 주제 찾기, 세부 사항, 추론, 서술형 등 다양한 독해 문제를 풀어봄으로써 지문의 이해도를 확인하고 리딩 스킬을 향상시킬 수 있습니다. (4) Show Your Comprehension / Summarize Your Reading Graphic Organizer와 Summary를 완성해봄으로써 글의 구조와 주요 내용을 핵심 어휘를 통해 다시 한번 정리해볼 수 있습니다. (5) Think & Write 각 챕터 마지막 단원 지문 소재와 내신 수행평가 주제를 연계하여 Output 해볼 수 있는 Writing 활동이 수록되어 있습니다. 단계별로 글을 완성하는 과정에서 비판적 사고와 쓰기 능력을 향상시키고 내신 수행평가에도 대비할 수 있습니다. (6) Workbook 별책으로 제공되는 Workbook에는 단원별 중요 어휘와 해석, 구문 복습을 위한 문제가 수록되어 있습니다. 보충학습 자료로 활용하며 효과적인 어휘 학습 및 문장 구조 파악을 통해 정확한 해석 능력을 기를 수 있습니다. 목차 CHAPTER 01 UNIT 01 The World Is a Stage UNIT 02 Magic Numbers in the Universe UNIT 03 From Bright to White UNIT 04 Translating for the Future Think & Write 1 Which Form of Communication Is the Most Convenient? CHAPTER 02 UNIT 05 Many Moons UNIT 06 Math in Our Everyday Lives UNIT 07 Having Difficulties? No Problem! UNIT 08 A Revolution That Changed the World Think & Write 2 What Are Some Negative Effects of Urbanization? CHAPTER 03 UNIT 09 The Power of Nature UNIT 10 Fashionable Pollution UNIT 11 Things That We Shouldn’t Forget UNIT 12 Shared Treasures Think & Write 3 Which Three Things in Your Country Would You Introduce to Tourists? CHAPTER 04 UNIT 13 Body Image and Food UNIT 14 To Laugh or To Cry UNIT 15 This Time, I Am the Leader! UNIT 16 Wear SMART! Think & Write 4 What Technology Do You Think Is Helpful for Learning? CHAPTER 05 UNIT 17 You Are Using Probability UNIT 18 A New Age of Painting UNIT 19 Where Does the Water Go? UNIT 20 The World Stays Single... Why? Think & Write 5 Why Do Many People in Modern Society Prefer to Spend Time Alone? *온라인 학습자료 (www.darakwon.co.kr) MP3 파일 / 정답 / 한글 해석 / 단어 리스트 / 단어 테스트 / 해석 시트 / Dictation 시트 / 리뷰테스트 / 중간·기말 고사
We need a new way of seeing!" --Jennifer Ferguson, South African musician & Former MP, African National Congress Is abortion on "demand" a woman's right, or a wrong inflicted on women? Is it a mark of liberation, or a sign that women are not yet free? From Anglo-Irish writer Mary Wollstonecraft to Kenyan environmentalist and 2004 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Wangari Maathai, many eighteenth- through twenty-first-century feminists have opposed it as violence against fetal lives arising from violence against female lives. This more inclusive, surprisingly old-but-new vision of reproductive choice is called prolife feminism. This book's original edition in 1995 offered brilliant essays on abortion and related social justice issues by the likes of suffragists Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton and civil rights leader Fannie Lou Hamer. A decade of activism and research since has made this second, greatly expanded second edition necessary. It not only documents the continuing evolution of prolife feminism worldwide, but more accurately represents the rich diversity of past and present women--and men--who have stood up for both mother and child. It thus is a vital, unique resource for peacemaking in the increasingly globalized abortion war.
Okay, so you probably weren't born with the metabolism of a Nicole Kidman or Johnny Depp. That doesn't mean you have to surrender to a slow metabolism forever. You can increase your metabolic rate—and tone up and trim down!—no matter what your age or fitness level. With this practical handbook, you will set your metabolism afire when you incorporate these 365 easy, surefire tips into your daily lifestyle, including: Jump rope five minutes a day Have a pomegranate for lunch Replace your three squares a day with grazing Drink green tea Eat every two hours Develop a taste for chili peppers Weight train three times a week Sprinkle cayenne pepper on every entree Have your thyroid checked Build interval training into your workouts Swap 20 percent of your daily carbs for lean protein Eat a minimum of 1,200 calories per day Take the stairs Add 2 teaspoons of cinnamon a day to your diet (or try capsules) You are not what you eat, you are what you burn when you eat!
A Tory pamphleteer, playwright and satirical historian, Delarivier Manley was regarded by her contemporaries Jonathan Swift and Robert Harley as a key member of the Tory propaganda team. This biography offers details about her life, including evidence about three illegitimate children by John Tilly, Governor of Fleet Prison.
In the 1660s, Jews of Iberian ancestry, many of them fleeing Inquisitorial persecution, established an agrarian settlement in the midst of the Surinamese tropics. The heart of this community-Jodensavanne, or Jews' Savannah-became an autonomous village with its own Jewish institutions, including a majestic synagogue consecrated in 1685. Situated along the Suriname River, some fifty kilometers south of the capital city of Paramaribo, Jodensavanne was by the mid-eighteenth century surrounded by dozens of Jewish plantations sprawling north- and southward and dominating the stretch of the river. These Sephardi-owned plots, mostly devoted to the cultivation and processing of sugar, carried out primarily by enslaved Africans, collectively formed the largest Jewish agricultural community in the world at the time and the only Jewish settlement in the Americas granted virtual self-rule. Sephardi settlement paved the way for the influx of hundreds of Ashkenazi Jews, who began to emigrate in the late seventeenth century from western and central Europe. Generally banned from Jodensavanne, these newcomers settled in Paramaribo, where they established their own cemeteries and historic synagogue. Meanwhile, slave rebellions, Maroon attacks, the general collapse of Suriname's economy, soil depletion, absentee land ownership, and a ravaging fire all contributed to the demise of the old Savannah settlement beginning in the second half of the eighteenth century..
Case Competencies in Orthopaedic Surgery is a centralized, easy-access guide to preparing for cases most commonly encountered during training. Written by expert author teams consisting of both attending surgeons and residents, it follows a technique-based format and design that summarizes the surgical steps, from room set-up to closure, of all cases relevant to the 15 categories of "Orthopaedic Surgery Case Minimums" as determined by the ACGME. - Forty "technique-based chapters" boast an outline format with minimal text, high-definition intraoperative figures, and original illustrations. - Each chapter contains easy-to-use tables outlining the surgical steps, essential equipment, technical pearls, and common pitfalls of each case. - Includes coverage of today's hot topics in orthopaedic surgery, such as fractures, arthroscopy, arthroplasty, "bread and butter" pediatric cases, and basic subspecialty cases (spine, foot and ankle, oncology, hand, shoulder, and more). - Lists CPT and ICD 9/10 codes to help with case logging.
The years following the 2008 financial crisis produced a surge of political discontent with populism, conspiracism, and Far Right extremism rising across the world. Despite this timing, many of these movements coalesced around cultural issues rather than economic grievances. But if culture, and not economics, is the primary driver of political discontent, why did these developments emerge after a financial collapse, a pattern that repeats throughout the history of the democratic world? Using the framework of 'Affective Political Economy', The Age of Discontent demonstrates that emotions borne of economic crises produce cultural discontent, thus enflaming conflicts over values and identities. The book uses this framework to explain the rise of populism and the radical right in the US, UK, Spain, and Brazil, and the social uprising in Chile. It argues that states must fulfill their roles as providers of social insurance and channels for citizen voices if they wish to turn back the tide of political discontent.
The perfect summer story of a girl, several boys, and a cruise ship full of possibilities. Lindsay has never been on a cruise, but she knows exactly what she wants to do now that she is: climb a waterfall, snorkel, meet lots of cute guys, and look for one perfect guy for a summer fling. But her to-do list isn't going according to plan, especially when she discovers that it's impossible to have a fling-when you're actually falling in love.
Packed with travel information, including more listings, deals, and insider tips: CANDID LISTINGS of the best places to eat, sleep, drink, and feel like a local RELIABLE MAPS and directions to help you get around cities, towns, and national parks INSIDER TIPS on seeing live music and other performances for pocket change VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES, from wildlife preservation to art restoration BIKING AND HIKING from the Yorkshire Dales to the Outer Hebrides UP-TO-DATE INFO on festivals, including the Glastonbury and Fringe festivals
From fresh-picked produce to oven-warm pies, small-town Lancaster County, Pennsylvania’s Green Valley Farmer’s Market has everything your heart desires—including a chance to find love . . . Hiding a painful secret, valley newcomer Noah Riehl is looking for a fresh start with few complications. He hopes his job at the Farmer’s Market will give him the quiet life he craves. But light-hearted Caroline Hartzler has other ideas. She practically falls in love with him at first sight. And when she asks Noah for a not-so-simple favor—and won’t take no for answer—he finds himself reluctantly agreeing . . . Caroline refuses to listen to the gossip that has followed Noah into the valley, or even to her own daed’s warnings. She’s taken with Noah and his gentle, generous spirit. In fact, he’s the perfect person to help her discourage an unwanted suitor—by pretending they’re courting. Yet the more time they spend together, the more Caroline must remind herself that their relationship is just a temporary ruse. But she’s not the only one struggling. . . . Secretly, Noah’s feelings for Caroline deepen more than he thought possible, helping him renew his faltering faith. But when rumors about his past threaten to ruin them both, they must pray that the truth leads them to the blessed union they long for . . .
The climate change reckoning looms. As scientists try to discern what the Earth’s changing weather patterns mean for our future, Rachel Rothschild seeks to understand the current scientific and political debates surrounding the environment through the history of another global environmental threat: acid rain. The identification of acid rain in the 1960s changed scientific and popular understanding of fossil fuel pollution’s potential to cause regional—and even global—environmental harms. It showed scientists that the problem of fossil fuel pollution was one that crossed borders—it could travel across vast stretches of the earth’s atmosphere to impact ecosystems around the world. This unprecedented transnational reach prompted governments, for the first time, to confront the need to cooperate on pollution policies, transforming environmental science and diplomacy. Studies of acid rain and other pollutants brought about a reimagining of how to investigate the natural world as a complete entity, and the responses of policy makers, scientists, and the public set the stage for how societies have approached other prominent environmental dangers on a global scale, most notably climate change. Grounded in archival research spanning eight countries and five languages, as well as interviews with leading scientists from both government and industry, Poisonous Skies is the first book to examine the history of acid rain in an international context. By delving deep into our environmental past, Rothschild hopes to inform its future, showing us how much is at stake for the natural world as well as what we risk—and have already risked—by not acting.
In My Grandfather's Blessings, Rachel Naomi Remen, a cancer physician and master storyteller, uses her luminous stories to remind us of the power of our kindness and the joy of being alive. Dr. Remen's grandfather, an orthodox rabbi and scholar of the Kabbalah, saw life as a web of connection and knew that everyone belonged to him, and that he belonged to everyone. He taught her that blessing one another is what fills our emptiness, heals our loneliness, and connects us more deeply to life. Life has given us many more blessings than we have allowed ourselves to receive. My Grandfather's Blessings is about how we can recognize and receive our blessings and bless the life in others. Serving others heals us. Through our service we will discover our own wholeness—and the way to restore hidden wholeness in the world.
In the never-before-released eleventh volume of Avalon: Web of Magic, the Dark Sorceress tries to destroy the mages once and for all, by turning Kara into a Dark Mage!
Savory barbecue chicken . . . golden-crisp potatoes . . . and fresh-picked produce are just a few of the offerings at Lancaster, Pennsylvania’s Green Valley Farmer’s Market—along with surprising opportunities to find forever friendships, comforting advice—and love’s most delicious possibilities . . . Filled with faith, community, and sweet romance, USA Today bestselling author Rachel J. Good’s Surprised by Love novels are perfect for fans of Linda Byler, Amy Clipston, Wanda E. Brunstetter, and Charlotte Hubbard. Hard-working and caring, Anna Mary Zook does her level best to care for her depressed widowed mother and five siblings . . . all while working a new farmer’s market job. And coping with her longtime boyfriend falling for another girl. She couldn’t be more grateful when visitor Abe King helps lighten her load of responsibilities—and is there when she needs a friend. Even more surprising, he understands her better than anyone ever has. But what happens when his family commitments demand that he soon returns home . . . to stay? Abe felt Anna Mary’s gentleness and determination was special from the moment they met. And with his own father needing help tending the King family farm in New York, he well knows the pressure she’s under. He’s more than willing to travel to Lancaster as often as possible to help Anna Mary, but she deserves so much more. Abe wouldn’t feel right asking her to uproot her family and life to marry him. But between faith and hope, can they somehow find a way to do right by their duties and their hearts?
Self-talk matters, but what methods of building healthy self-talk actually work? This how-to guide shares evidence-based techniques to go from being your own worst critic to your own best friend. Perhaps you want to be nicer to yourself but don’t really know how to get there. Or maybe you’re someone who assumes self-criticism is a permanent part of your personality. Rest assured you’re not alone—millions of people struggle with the toll that excessive self-criticism takes on their minds, energy levels, jobs, and relationships. And problems with self-talk vary dramatically from one person to the next: they can appear as mild but persistent inner criticism, full-blown self-loathing, or the pain of internalized oppression or abuse. After over twenty years of working with individuals, groups, and classes on self-criticism and related challenges, psychologist and mindfulness teacher Dr. Rachel Goldsmith Turow offers the “self-talk workout”—six doable exercises that can help you replace self-criticism with self-kindness and self-encouragement. Specific self-talk strategies such as “Spot the success,” “Fail forward,” and “Allowing all feelings, skillfully,” require just a few minutes a day. These skills can be practiced individually to transform your self-talk, or you can choose to combine two or more exercises to enhance your self-talk workout. Each chapter features a core exercise, variations on the strategy that might feel right for you, scientific studies supporting each approach, and success stories to inspire your own practice. Turow includes examples from her own life and experiences as a psychotherapist, as well as lessons from her students and respected public figures such as Michelle Obama and Thich Nhat Hanh, to show that the burden of harsh self-criticism need not go on forever: the way that we relate to ourselves can be changed.
If it’s fun, sexy and wildly romantic, then it must be Rachel Gibson! Undercover cop Joe Shanahan’s bad luck hit bottom the morning he stared up into the face of sexy suspect Gabrielle Breedlove. She’d blown his cover—brought him down with a can of hairspray—and now his new assignment was to pose as her boyfriend. But spending as much time as possible with the utterly irresistible New Age beauty caused unexpected complications. To make matters worse, his matchmaking sisters are picking out china patterns. Joe’s brooding good looks and T-shirt-straining muscles might be easy on the eyes, but how could Gabrielle be attracted to a straight-laced detective who’s determined to find evidence to arrest her? Still, he invades her dreams, and Gabrielle starts to believe—it must be love.
A missionary in India communicates with her family, relaying news of the activities in India, sharing stories with her family, and hearing news of the Civil War and Reconstruction in her home country. Overall the portrait of a nineteenth-century American woman abroad emerges as a witty and warm testament.
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