Strategy and Management of Industrial Brands is the first book devoted to business-to-business products and services. Looking at numerous companies, this book defines two brand objectives that are specific to the industrial and service sectors and which must be added to the traditional functions of branding: the minimization of risk as perceived by buyers, and the facilitation of the customer company's performance by the supplier brand. Different ways of classifying brands are suggested, providing a better understanding of brand strategies adopted by business-to-business companies, as well as new concepts such as brand `printability', `visibility', and `purchaseability'. Five major brand categories are dealt with in separate chapters: -entering goods brands; -intermediary equipment goods brands; -equipment goods brands; -business-to-business service brands; and -industrial distributor brands. From a practical point of view, the aim of the book is to address the main concerns of managers: How to create and protect brands? What type of visual identity is appropriate? How to manage international brands? An analysis of 1,500 industrial brands as well as 40 case studies are included in this book. These brands are used in both the industrial (automotive, building, aeronautics, IT, etc.) and consumer sectors (clothing, electronics, food packaging, telecommunications, etc.). This book has been written for professors and students of universities and business schools, as well as managers and people working in industry or the service sector.
This book presents an overall picture of both B2B and B2C marketing strategies, concepts and tools, in the aeronautics sector. This is a significant update to an earlier book successfully published in the nineties which was released in Europe, China, and the USA. It addresses the most recent trends such as Social Marketing and the internet, Customer Orientation, Project Marketing and Con current Engineering, Coopetition, and Extended Enterprise. Aerospace Marketing Management is the first marketing handbook richly illustrated with executive and expert inputs as well as examples from parts suppliers, aircraft builders, airlines, helicopter manufacturers, aeronautics service providers, airports, defence and military companies, and industrial integrators (tier-1, tier-2). This book is designed as a ready reference for professionals and graduates from both Engineering and Business Schools.
Cinema has been long associated with France, dating back to 1895, when Louis and Auguste Lumi_re screened their works, the first public viewing of films anywhere. Early silent pioneers Georges MZli_s, Alice Guy BlachZ and others followed in the footsteps of the Lumi_re brothers and the tradition of important filmmaking continued throughout the 20th century and beyond. In Encyclopedia of French Film Directors, Philippe Rège identifies every French director who has made at least one feature film since 1895. From undisputed masters to obscure one-timers, nearly 3,000 directors are cited here, including at least 200 filmmakers not mentioned in similar books published in France. Each director's entry contains a brief biographical summary, including dates and places of birth and death; information on the individual's education and professional training; and other pertinent details, such as real names (when the filmmaker uses a pseudonym). The entries also provide complete filmographies, including credits for feature films, shorts, documentaries, and television work. Some of the most important names in the history of film can be found in this encyclopedia, from masters of the Golden Age_Jean Renoir and RenZ Clair_to French New Wave artists such as Fran_ois Truffaut and Jean-Luc Godard.
“Business to Business Marketing” is the reference handbook for years in the French speaking countries. It encompasses the diverse BtoB contexts and combines the most recent academic research to the best business practices. Hence it is an operational guide to better adapt the marketing techniques and tools to professional targets. Written by experts, Business to Business Marketing provides all the steps of the Marketing Approach in an exhaustive and operational way: • The “surveys marketing” (market watch, innovation management, segmentation) • The “strategy marketing” (positioning, marketing plan and strategic matrices) • The “operational marketing” dealing with the elaboration of the offering (innovative product/service, pricing, sales management),and its valorization (communication, lobbying, networking). Moreover this book is enhancing the increasing role played by the final user in the BtoB value chain. Beside the direct customer organization, three other target types are to be taken into account: • The employees of the customer organization – B to B to Employee (BtoBtoE) • The consumers of the customer organization – B to B to Consumer (BtoBtoC) • The users of the customer organization (energy, transportation utilities, administration…) – B to Administration to User (BtoAtoU). In the business context, customers and diverse stakeholders as well might be targeted, especially in project marketing environment, and complex selling processes, both in terms of relational and transactional activities. Additionally, the recent trends in e-communication are developed, including the use of Internet and Social Medias. Pedagogically oriented, the book is user-friendly, based on numerous examples and business cases, from different sectors and companies (IT, telecom, building industry, aeronautics, catering, car equipment, consultancy, etc.). It presents a lot of visual illustrations. Each chapter encompasses questions and a dedicated business case, delivering an efficient and attractive handbook. Version numérique disponible sur la plateforme NOTO
Cet ouvrage de référence, illustré de nombreux exemples et cas, fait un panorama complet de tous les types de marketing B-to-B. Cette 5e édition, très orientée web et réseaux sociaux, propose un chapitre dédié à la e-communication.
Strategy and Management of Industrial Brands is the first book devoted to business-to-business products and services. Looking at numerous companies, this book defines two brand objectives that are specific to the industrial and service sectors and which must be added to the traditional functions of branding: the minimization of risk as perceived by buyers, and the facilitation of the customer company's performance by the supplier brand. Different ways of classifying brands are suggested, providing a better understanding of brand strategies adopted by business-to-business companies, as well as new concepts such as brand `printability', `visibility', and `purchaseability'. Five major brand categories are dealt with in separate chapters: -entering goods brands; -intermediary equipment goods brands; -equipment goods brands; -business-to-business service brands; and -industrial distributor brands. From a practical point of view, the aim of the book is to address the main concerns of managers: How to create and protect brands? What type of visual identity is appropriate? How to manage international brands? An analysis of 1,500 industrial brands as well as 40 case studies are included in this book. These brands are used in both the industrial (automotive, building, aeronautics, IT, etc.) and consumer sectors (clothing, electronics, food packaging, telecommunications, etc.). This book has been written for professors and students of universities and business schools, as well as managers and people working in industry or the service sector.
Best-seller sur le sujet, Marketing Business to Business aborde tous les thèmes classiques du marketing appliqués aux entreprises fournissant d'autres entreprises ou collectivités locales (segmentation, positionnement, plan marketing, politique de produit, de prix, de distribution et de communication). Il développe également des sujets peu abordés en marketing mais essentiels dans un contexte B to B comme la maintenance, la veille, les normes et la qualité, le marketing vert ou la formation des clients. Cette nouvelle édition prend résolument en compte les deux visages du marketing B to B : d'un côté le marketing qualifié de récurrent, entre fournisseurs et clients réguliers pour des contrats durables et portant sur de grosses quantités, de l'autre le marketing de projet ou d'affaires, aujourd'hui en plein essor, développé pour une vente unique et portant souvent sur un projet d'envergure. La nouvelle structure en parties souligne la nécessaire continuité entre " marketing études ", " marketing stratégique " et " marketing opérationnel ". Le développement des partenariats public-privé et des techniques de lobbying leur vaut désormais de constituer des chapitres à part entière. Enfin, sont introduits un chapitre sur les stratégies d'alliance et un chapitre sur l'éthique et le développement durable. Les nombreux exemples ont été actualisés et complétés, notamment avec des analyses sur Areva, Club Med, Dell, Eiffage, Lafarge, Suez, Total, Valeo ou Vinci Energies. La pédagogie de l'ouvrage a été tout particulièrement soignée et les illustrations, encadrés, résumés, bibliographies complémentaires, exercices et études de cas achèvent de faire de Marketing Business to Business un manuel vivant, attractif et efficace. Cet ouvrage s'adresse aux enseignants et étudiants des universités et des écoles de gestion et d'ingénieurs désireux de maîtriser le marketing dans le contexte B to B, ainsi qu'aux responsables d'entreprises du secteur industriel et des services (directeurs marketing ou commerciaux, chefs de produits ou de projets, ingénieurs d'affaires, responsables des achats
This book presents an overall picture of both B2B and B2C marketing strategies, concepts and tools, in the aeronautics sector. This is a significant update to an earlier book successfully published in the nineties which was released in Europe, China, and the USA. It addresses the most recent trends such as Social Marketing and the internet, Customer Orientation, Project Marketing and Con current Engineering, Coopetition, and Extended Enterprise. Aerospace Marketing Management is the first marketing handbook richly illustrated with executive and expert inputs as well as examples from parts suppliers, aircraft builders, airlines, helicopter manufacturers, aeronautics service providers, airports, defence and military companies, and industrial integrators (tier-1, tier-2). This book is designed as a ready reference for professionals and graduates from both Engineering and Business Schools.
Integrated Marketing Communication: Pentacom is a unique and comprehensive book on integrated communication. The title of the book includes the word 'Pentacom' as it focuses on five major categories of communications (B-to-C, B-to-B, internal, financial and corporate communication). It also enables readers to understand and implement communication strategies targeted at five major targets, such as consumers, business customers and clients, employees, shareholders and public authorities. Finally it has been tailored for five potential types of players, such as consumer goods manufacturers, industrial goods companies, local authorities, public administration and services, as well as non-governmental and non-profit organizations. This book is designed for students in business schools and universities pursuing courses in management and mass media or communication. Its application-oriented approach, allows the book to serve as a very useful guide for practicing managers who desire to make their communications with different targets in different contexts more effective.
Le seul ouvrage de communication aussi complet, totalement actualisé avec les nouvelles techniques de communication utilisées en entreprise et des développements consacrés à la spécificité de certains secteurs.
Véritable livre de référence, Marketing Business to Business traite de manière exhaustive et opérationnelle de tous les thèmes fondamentaux du marketing appliqué aux entreprises fournissant d'autres organisations privées ou publiques. Parmi ses points forts : les études (veille et détection d'affaires, segmentation); la stratégie (positionnement, plan marketing et matrices stratégiques) ; l'élaboration de l'offre (innovation produit/service, pricing, efficience commerciale) ; sa valorisation et sa diffusion (communication, lobbying). Par ailleurs, le livre met l'accent sur le rôle fondamental du destinataire final. Outre l'organisation cliente, les auteurs soulignent trois types de cibles qui correspondent à trois types de démarche marketing : les salariés de l'organisation cliente - BtoB to Employee ; les clients de l'organisation cliente - BtoB to Consumer ; les usagers de l'organisation cliente (services publics,administration...) - B to Administration to User. La 5e édition actualisée de Marketing Business to Business intègre : les changements récents dans le domaine, comme la législation des marchés publics, modifiée en 2016 ; de nombreux exemples, comme l'alliance entre Faurecia et ZF scellée en 2017 ; l'évolution des usages liés au numérique et notamment au big data (actualisation de la présentation des enquêtes en ligne et des données chiffrées). Particulièrement pédagogique, ce livre est illustré de très nombreux exemples, tirés de secteurs et d'entreprises très variés (informatique, télécoms, bâtiment, aéronautique, restauration, automobile, conseil, etc.). Il offre également une sélection de visuels, des questions et des mini-cas, qui en font un manuel aussi efficace qu'attractif.
BtoC brands have already reached a maturity stage while BtoB brands remain in a fast-growing stage, both in terms of marketing & brand manager positions and in terms of allocated budgets for brand promotion. Consequently, one of the main goals of this book is to provide companies, schools and universities support to better promote their brands. Many organizations are subcontractors depending on their ability to win request for proposals. Without a brand strategy, the candidate company stays invisible in the value chain: no name, no gain! The challenge for organizations is to win the “battle for visibility” in order to put an end to their anonymity status (simple technical partner). From then on, they have to create value through a fitted professional branding policy. There are two ways to create value: the first one comes directly from the selling of products / services made under the brand promoted; the second one comes from the new value of brand funds. In all business sectors and geographic areas, the proportion of intangible assets (brands and patents) keeps increasing in the general company value, to the expense of tangible assets. BtoB brands have to be in sync with this structural evolution. By integrating the latest practices and research results, this academic-rooted book meant for functional purposes defines new strategic paths aiming at managing the B to B brand policy depending on the final target. For the first time, a synthetic and clearly B to B oriented approach offers useful and practical perspectives meant for brand management: BtoB: the target is the client organization and it is impossible to precisely identify the individual beneficiaries BtoBtoC: the brand addresses the client’ consumers of the final products (manufactured by the client organization). This approach is characterized by the strong prescription role of the client company’s marketing department and can be part of a vertical co-branding. BtoBtoE: the final customers of the brand are the employees of the public or private client organization. The goods and services are sold to the latter but are meant for the company’s employees use. In this approach the Human Resources department can have a prescription role. BtoAtoU: The brand does not target a consumer but a user (sometimes called road-user in public transportations). Lobbying techniques are particularly effective in this case. In 10 chapters the characteristics of B to B are dealt with (Chapter 1) particularly those related with the purchase decision process (Chapter 2) and those related to communication means (Chapter 3). The B to B brand (Chapter 4) can exclusively address client (Chapter 5) or be integrated in the professional client’s offer meant for the final consumer in accordance with a BtoBtoC logic (Chapter 6). It can be inserted in more complex transactions with local collectivities addressing citizen-users on the BtoAtoU mode (Chapter 7). It can also be part of a relationship with the client company and its associates in a BtoBtoE approach (Chapter 8). Finally, many « mixed » brands can be classified in both B to C and B to B categories (Chapter 9). Developing an efficient B to B brand strategy boils down to controlling it entirely, from co-branding to by-products management, depending on the final targets (Chapter 10). Aside from functional recommendations, this book contains many examples illustrating these diverse BtoB approaches. Companies such as Atos, Sperian, BVA, JC Decaux, Dupont Protection, Tyvek, Airbus, Thales, Altran, Essilor-Varilux, Gore-Tex, PWC, Sodexo, Kimberly-Clark, Acova, Air Liquide, Tetra Pak, Serflex, Elis, Intel, Latécoère, Nomen, Technal, Tekelec, Veolia, Valeo, Vinci, Eiffage, Legrand, Lycra, 3M, Adobe, Adecco, Arkema portray the notions and techniques developed. By contacting in priority current strategic executives (CEO, Marketing & Business Development Director, Brand Manager) and future strategic executives (MBA executive programs), this book provides useful practical tools to teachers and university/business and management school/engineering school students who wish to master brand policy in the BtoB context.
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