Asphalt Pavements provides the know-how behind the design, production and maintenance of asphalt pavements and parking lots. Incorporating the latest technology, this book is the first to focus primarily on the design, production and maintenance of low-volume roads and parking areas. Special attention is given to determining the traffic capacity, required thickness and asphalt mixture type for parking applications. Topics covered include: material information such as binder properties, testing grading and selection; construction information such as mixing plant operation, proportioning, mixture placement and compaction; and design information such as thickness and mixture design methods and guidelines on applying these to highways, city streets and parking Areas. It is an essential practical guide aimed at those engineers and architects who are not directly involved in the asphalt industry, but who nonetheless need to have a good general knowledge of the subject. Asphalt Pavements provides a novice with enough information to completely design, construct and specify an asphalt pavement.
Beichten eines Reformators" erzählt die Geschichte des katholischen Pfarrers Christian Sauer, der sich gegen die drohende Schließung seiner Dorfkirche zu wehren versucht. Doch Argumente hat er wenige: Das Gebäude ist sanierungsbedürftig, langjährige Kirchgänger sterben ihm der Reihe nach weg und der junge Nachwuchs bleibt aus. Nicht selten begrüßt Christian daher weniger als ein dutzend Menschen zum Gottesdienst, was nicht nur an seiner Zufriedenheit nagt, sondern auch Gedanken über eine Zusammenlegung zweier Gemeinden weckt. In diesem Fall würde Christian sehr wahrscheinlich versetzt werden, was ein Problem darstellt, denn mehr noch als den lieben Gott liebt er seine heimliche Freundin Maren - die nicht bereit wäre, Wohnort und Job für eine ungewisse Zukunft zu opfern.Als Christian seiner heimlichen Verehrerin, der Rentnerin Edith, sein Leid klagt, erzählt sie ihm von einer Gemeinde, der es gelungen sein soll, mit Hilfe von Werbung ihre Kirche wieder zu füllen. Der Pfarrer reagiert zunächst skeptisch auf den Vorschlag, aber ihm wird schnell klar, dass er zu ungewöhnlichen Mitteln greifen muss, wenn er die Jugend erreichen und seine Kirche retten will. Also beauftragt er den kreativen, aber egozentrischen und bis dato eher erfolglosen PR-Berater Markus Schlächter zunächst mit dem Entwurf eines simplen Flyers - und tatsächlich kann Christian beim folgenden Gottesdienst mehrere neue und vor allem junge Gläubige begrüßen.Während Edith damit zufrieden zu sein scheint, hat Christian Blut geleckt und bittet Markus um eine Ausweitung der Werbekampagne. Markus erkennt langsam das Potential, das darin steckt, Werbung für eine Kirche zu machen, und bietet Christian seine kostenlose Unterstützung an - unter der Voraussetzung, dass der ihm freie Hand lässt. Und damit nimmt das Schicksal seinen Lauf...
Diese Ausgabe Kurzgeschichten von Edgar Allan Poe in einfacher Sprache beinhaltet: Eine Auswahl von Poes besten Geschichten in einfacher Sprache. Die Übersetzung entspricht weitgehend der Norm DIN 8581-1. Wir haben ihn auch weitgehend für leichte Sprache adaptiert. Der Inhalt ist typografisch besonders lesefreundlich gestaltet. Das Buch eignet sich auch für Leserinnen und Leser mit eingeschränkter Lesefähigkeit (LRS), Deutsch als Zweitsprache oder mit kognitiven Einschränkungen. aibo publishing produziert die Serie Weltliteratur in einfacher und leichter Sprache. Schon die ersten Publikationen erzeugten europaweit ein Medienecho u.a. in FAZ und The Times London und lösten laut NZZ einen „Kulturkampf“ aus. Das ebook enthält die folgenden Kurzgeschichten: Die Maske des Roten Todes Die schwarze Katze Das Fass Amontillado Die Grube und das Pendel Ligeia Das verräterische Herz Ein Abstieg in den Strudel Die Morde in der Rue Morgue Der Fall des Hauses Usher Der amerikanische Schriftsteller Edgar Allan Poe wurde mit seinen Gedichten und Schauergeschichten berühmt. In diesem Band sind seine bekanntesten Kurzgeschichten versammelt. Sie handeln von Menschen und ihren merkwürdigen Schicksalen. Sie erleben fast unmögliche Dinge. Mal scheinen sie selbst dafür verantwortlich zu sein. Mal erleben sie nahezu gespenstische Dinge. Mörder erzählen ihre eigene Geschichte. Detektive decken eine scheinbar unmögliche Begebenheit auf … und sogar Seemannsgarn kann bei Edgar Allan Poe wie Horror klingen. Bekannt wurde auch die Vertonung einiger “Erzählungen voller Geheimnisse und Fantasie” (“Tales of Mystery and Imagination”) vom Musiker Alan Parsons in den Siebziger Jahren. Poe gilt als einer der Väter des “Mystery Thrillers". Edgar Allan Poe wurde 1809 in Boston geboren. Er ging in England zur Schule und lernte viele europäische Sprachen. In Amerika schrieb Poe viel für Zeitungen. Er veröffentlichte Gedichte und Kurzgeschichten. Berühmt wurde er mit dem Gedicht „Der Rabe“. Er war beeinflusst von romantischen Dichtern wie Lord Byron und E.T.A. Hoffmann und von Charles Dickens. Viele seiner Erlebnisse, wie der Tod seiner Frauen und viele Auseinandersetzungen mit seinen Mitmenschen, tauchen in seinen Geschichten auf. Der zeitweilige Alkoholiker und Spieler E.A. Poe starb 1849 im Alter von 40 Jahren unter mysteriösen Umständen.
Der 10-jährige Martin ist ein ganz normaler Schüler: neugierig, verspielt und intelligent. Ein glücklicher Junge, der sich auf das Gymnasium freut.Dort aber stellen sich erste Rückschläge ein: Martin wird auf eine besonders gute Schule geschickt, die nur von wenigen seiner ehemaligen Klassenkameraden besucht wird. Er muss sich in eine neue Gemeinschaft integrieren, was ihm sehr schwer fällt, und schon bald spürt er, dass bereits in der Schule die Leistungsgesellschaft voll zum Tragen kommt - und Leistung nicht immer gleich Leistung bedeutet.Weil sein Sozialverhalten deutlich schwächer ausgeprägt und trainiert ist als sein schulisches Wissen, wird Martin schon bald zum beliebten Angriffsziel seiner Mitschüler: Es beginnt mit vermeintlich harmlosen Hänseleien und Streichen aufgrund seines manchmal "komischen" Verhaltens sowie guter Noten und geht schnell in handgreifliche Auseinandersetzungen und gezieltes Mobbing über - bis Martin letzten Endes zurückschlägt.In 100 Tagebucheinträgen erzählt Martin über neun Jahre hinweg aus seinem Alltag auf dem Gymnasium - und wir begleiten ihn auf seinem schrecklichen Weg vom Musterschüler zum Amokläufer...
By way of essays and a selection of primary sources in parallel text, Biography, Historiography, and Modes of Philosophizing provides an introduction to a vast, significant, but neglected corpus of early modern literature: collective biography. It focuses especially on the various related strands of political, philosophical, and intellectual and cultural biography as well as on the intersection between biography, historiography, and philosophy. Individual texts from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century are presented as examples of how the ancient collective biographical tradition – as represented above all by Plutarch, Suetonius, Diogenes Laertius, and Jerome – was received and transformed in the Renaissance and beyond in accordance with the needs of humanism, religious controversy, politics, and the development of modern philosophy and science.
Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev presents the distinct features of Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev's style and manner of composition. A biographical article of Turgenev includes an extensive bibliography of literary or historical memoirs that are listed by classification in order to guide readers. In the Notes section, vocabulary and inflections are provided. Background information is provided to better understand Turgenev in his 19th-century context. This book elucidates Turgenev's subject, the reason for his choosing it, and the contexts of its development in the form of a novel. This text also presents the Russian 19th-century literary works. This book is intended to be suitable for students who are interested in Turgenev's novels.
This cultural exploration offers an unparalleled presentation of Pennsylvania’s ritual healing traditions known as powwowing or Braucherei in Pennsylvania Dutch, through original primary source materials, including manuscripts, ritual objects, and books—most of which have never before been available to English-speaking readers. Although methods and procedures have varied considerably over three centuries of ritual practice within the Pennsylvania Dutch cultural region, the outcomes and experiences surrounding this tradition have woven a rich tapestry of cultural narratives that highlight the integration of ritual into all aspects of life, as well as provide insight into the challenges, conflicts, growth, and development of a distinct Pennsylvania Dutch folk culture. (343pp. color illus. index. PA German Cult. Heritage Center, 2018.) Volume IV of the Annual Publication Series of the Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Center at Kutztown University.
‘Both knowledge and truth are beautiful things, but the Good is other and more beautiful than they.’ — Plato, Republic, 508e. This book traces the multiple meanings of art back to their historical roots, and equips the reader to choose between them. Art with a capital A turns out to be an invention of German Romantic philosophers, who endowed their creation with the attributes of genius, originality, rule breaking, and self-expression, directed by the spirit of the age. Recovering the problems that these attributes were devised to solve dispels many of the obscurities and contradictions that accompany them. What artists have always sought is excellence, and they become artists in so far as they achieve it. Quality was the supreme value in Renaissance Italy, and in early Greece it offered mortals glimpses of the divine. Today art historians avoid references to beauty or Quality, since neither is objective or definable, the boundaries beyond which scholars dare not roam. In reality subject and object are united and dissolved in the Quality event, which forms the bow wave of culture, leaving patterns of value and meaning in its wake.
Looking for the best classical repertoire for the Christmas season? Favorite Christmas Classics for Solo Singers spans a wide range of eras and styles. Includes historical information, suggestions for performance, pronunciation guides and translations where applicable. Titles: * Ave Maria * Gesu Bambino * In the Bleak Midwinter * Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming * O Come, O Come, Emmanuel * O Holy Night * O Jesus So Gentle, Jesus So Sweet! * Sheep May Safely Graze * The Virgin’s Slumber Song
This book represents a classic compilation of current knowledge about mouse development and its correlates to research in cell biology, molecular biology, genetics, and neuroscience. Emphasis is placed on the research strategy, experimental design, and critical analysis of the data, disguishing this from other books that only focus on protocols for mouse developmental research. Selected chapters are indexed to electronic databases such as GeneBank, GenBank, Electronic Mouse Atlas, and Transgenic/Knockout, further increasing the utility of this book as a reference.*Broad-based overview of mouse development from fundamental to specialist levels*Extensive coverage of a wide range of developmental mutations of the mouse*Excellent benchmark illustrations of brain, craniofacial, gut and heart development*In-depth experiment-based assessment of concepts in mammalian development*Focus on models of specific relevance to human development*Comprehensive reference to key literature and electronic databases related to mouse development*High-quality full-color production
Modern theoretical linguistics lives by the insight that the meanings of complex expressions derive from the meanings of their parts and the way these are composed. However, the currently dominating theories of the syntax-semantics interface hastily relegate important aspects of meaning which cannot readily be aligned with visible structure to empty projecting heads non-reductively (mainstream Generative Grammar) or to the syntactic construction holistically (Construction Grammar). This book develops an alternative, compositional analysis of the hidden aspectual-temporal, modal and comparative meanings of a range of productive constructions of which pseudorefl exive, excessive and directional complement constructions take center stage. Accordingly, a contradiction-inducing hence semantically problematic part of literally coded meaning is locally ignored and systematically realized "expatriately" with respect to parts of structure that achieve the indexical anchoring of propositional contents in terms of times, worlds and standards of comparison, thus yielding the observed hidden meanings.
Cancer is increasing at an alarming rate and one in three people will develop cancer at some point in their lives. According to the World Cancer Research Fund, up to 39 per cent of the most common cancers - lung, breast, colorectal, skin, mouth/throat and oesophagus, liver, stomach, prostate, cervical ovarian, testicular, endometrial and pancreatic - are preventable through diet, physical activity and weight control alone. SAY NO TO CANCER was originally published by Piatkus in 1999 and this greatly expanded edition contains new chapters that reflect the very latest information on the connection between diet and lifestyle and the risk of developing cancer. It offers guidance for people who wish to avoid getting cancer, and for those who want to know what they can do nutritionally if they have cancer and/or want to prevent reoccurrence. By improving your diet and taking the right nutritional supplements you really can say no to cancer.
Kafka's three novels, to be understood as an ever more intricate portrayal of the inner life of one central character (Henry James's 'centre of consciousness'), each reflecting the problems of their self-critical creator, are tantamount to dreams. The hieroglyphic, pictorial language in which they are written is the symbolic language in which dreams and thoughts on the edge of sleep are visualized. Not for nothing did Kafka define his writing as a matter of fantasizing with whole orchestras of [free] associations. Written in a deliberately enhanced hypnagogic state, these novels embody the alternative logic of dreams, with the emphasis on chains of association and verbal bridges between words and word-complexes. The product of many years' preoccupation with its subject, Patrick Bridgwater's new book is an original, chapter-by-chapter study of three extraordinarily detailed novels, of each of which it offers a radically new reading that makes more, and different, sense than any previous reading. In Barthes' terms these fascinating novels are 'unreadable', but the present book shows that, properly read, they are entirely, if ambiguously, readable. Rooted in Kafka's use of language, it consistently explores, in detail, (i) the linguistic implications of the dreamlike nature of his work, (ii) the metaphors he takes literally, and (iii) the ambiguities of so many of the words he chooses to use. In doing so it takes account not only of the secondary meanings of German words and the sometimes dated metaphors of which Kafka, taking them literally, spins his text, but also, where relevant, of Czech and Italian etymology. Split, for ease of reference, into chapters corresponding to the chapters of the novels in the new Originalfassung, the book is aimed at all readers of Kafka with a knowledge of German, for the author shows that Kafka's texts can be understood only in the language in which they were written: because Kafka's meaning is often hidden beneath the surface of the text, conveyed via secondary meanings that are specific to German, any translation is necessarily an Oberflächenübersetzung.
Many books have sought to introduce the writings of the infamous and influential philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, but Get Over Yourself puts matters the other way round. Rather than simply explaining his thought, it instead asks: what would Nietzsche make of us? What would he think of our 21st-century, digital age? In our time of identity politics, therapy culture, 'safe spaces', religious fundamentalism, virtue-signalling, Twitterstorms, public emoting, 'dumbing-down', digital addiction and the politics of envy, the book introduces Nietzsche by putting the man in our shoes. Get Over Yourself both uses Nietzsche's philosophy to understand our society, and takes our society to explain his philosophy.
This monograph is one of the first theoretical studies of optatives. Optative constructions express desire without an overt lexical item that means ‘desire’. The author specifically investigates optatives with the syntax of embedded clauses that contain prototypical particles such as ‘only’. He rejects the view that optativity arises compositionally from the standard semantics of embedded clauses and prototypical particles. The following system is proposed: Desirability is due to a generalized scalar exclamation operator EX. Furthermore, clausal properties such as factivity/counterfactuality are encoded in a Mood head, which co-determines morphological mood and complementizer choice. Finally, the prototypical particles that optatives contain are truth-conditionally vacuous presupposition triggers. As a result, these meaning components do not interact directly, but their meanings converge, with the consequence that they prototypically co-occur. This monograph is of interest for formal semanticists, syntacticians, pragmaticists and morphologists, and especially relevant for research on mood and particle semantics.
Theodor Fontane's best-known novel is published in simple language for the first time. Theodor Fontane‘s best-known novel is published in simple language for the first time. It largely complies with the ISO 24495-1:2023 plain language standard. We have also largely adapted it for plain language. The content is also typographically designed to be particularly reader-friendly. The book is suitable for readers with limited reading ability, English as a second language or with cognitive impairments. This means that as many people as possible can enjoy reading and understanding one of Germany‘s most famous novels. aibo publishing produces the World Literature series in simple and plain language. The first publications generated a media response across Europe, including in the FAZ and The Times London, and, according to the NZZ, triggered a “culture war”. “Effi Briest“ is about love and freedom. A young woman is married at an early age. She is torn between her feelings and the strict rules of society. Her curiosity and zest for life are her destiny. She is caught between two men. They fight a duel. This is no longer in keeping with the times. But they don‘t know better. The novel is set in 19th century Germany. It can be compared to the Russian novel “Anna Karenina“ or the French „Madame Bovary“. “Effi Briest“ became world-famous and was often made into a film. Theodor Fontane is considered a representative of poetic realism.
This transnational comparative history of Catholic everyday religion in Germany and Austria-Hungary during the Great War transforms our understanding of the war's cultural legacy. Challenging master narratives of secularization and modernism, Houlihan reveals that Catholics from the losing powers had personal and collective religious experiences that revise the decline-and-fall stories of church and state during wartime. Focusing on private theologies and lived religion, Houlihan explores how believers adjusted to industrial warfare. Giving voice to previously marginalized historical actors, including soldiers as well as women and children on the home front, he creates a family history of Catholic religion, supplementing studies of the clergy and bishops. His findings shed new light on the diversity of faith in this period and how specifically Catholic forms of belief and practice enabled people from the losing powers to cope with the war much more successfully than previous cultural histories have led us to believe.
In the Middle Ages Ireland's extensive and now famous literature was unknown outside the Gaelic-speaking world of Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man - with Wales an important exception. Irish emigrants had settled in Wales from the fifth century onwards, Irish scholars worked in Wales in the ninth century, and throughout the Middle Ages there were ecclesiastical, mercantile, and military contacts across the Irish Sea. From this standpoint, it is not surprising that the names of Irish heroes such as Cú Roí, Cú Chulainn, Finn, and Deirdre became known to Welsh poets, and that Irish narratives influenced the authors of the Welsh Mabinogion. Yet the Welsh and Irish languages were not mutually comprehensible, the degree to which the two countries still shared a common Celtic inheritance is contested, and Latin provided a convenient lingua franca. Could some of the similarities between the Irish and Welsh literatures be due to independent influences or even to coincidence? Patrick Sims-Williams provides a new approach to these controversial questions, situating them in the context of the rest of medieval literature and international folklore. The result is the first comprehensive estimation of the extent to which Irish literature influenced medieval Welsh literature. This book will be of interest not only to medievalists but to all those concerned with the problem of how to recognize and evaluate literary influence.
Lost in a reality not-quite his own, Dayton must quickly come to grips as he battles for his life in this story of curses, powers, hope, and the age-old question ... what lengths would someone go for a chocolate bar?
While historians have given ample attention to stories of entrepreneurship, invention, and labor conflict, they have told us little about actual work-places and how people worked. Workers seldom wrote about their daily employment. However, they did leave behind their tools, products, shops, and factories as well as the surrounding industrial landscapes and communities. In this book, Gordon and Malone look at the industrialization of North America from the perspective of the industrial archaeologist. Using material evidence from such varied sites as Indian steatite quarries, automobile plants, and coal mines, they examine manufacturing technology, transportation systems, and the effects of industrialization on the land. Their research greatly expands our understanding of industry and focuses attention on the contributions of anonymous artisans whose skills shaped our industrial heritage.
Originally published in 1985, this book provides a full survey of the best and most significant work of German writers to the First World War. Including (in both German and English) the texts of all the main poems discussed, this book contains many not readily available elsewhere. Authors discussed include Trakl, Rile and George as well as less familiar names . The book not only corrects the distorted view of the subject perpetuated by most histories of German literature, but will also help to English First World War poetry into perspective.
No male American film star of the post-Brando era has demonstrated the talent, charisma, the larger-than-life audacity, and the string of screen triumphs of Jack Nicholson. Now one of America's finest film historians has produced the definitive biography of this most private and public of stars. Photos. Second serial to Cosmopolitan.
In The Ethics of Discernment, Patrick H. Byrne presents an approach to ethics that builds upon the cognitional theory and the philosophical method of self-appropriation that Bernard Lonergan introduced in his book Insight, as well as upon Lonergan’s later writing on ethics and values. Extending Lonergan’s method into the realm of ethics, Byrne argues that we can use self-appropriation to come to objective judgements of value. The Ethics of Discernment is an introspective analysis of that process, in which sustained ethical inquiry and attentiveness to feelings as “intentions of value” leads to a rich conception of the good. Written both for those with an interest in Lonergan’s philosophy and for those interested in theories of ethics who have only a limited knowledge of Lonergan’s work, Byrne’s book is the first detailed exposition of an ethical theory based on Lonergan’s philosophical method.
Join J. M. Coetzee and Thomas Keneally in rediscovering Nobel Laureate Patrick White In 1973, Australian writer Patrick White was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature "for an epic and psychological narrative art which has introduced a new continent into literature." Set in nineteenth-century Australia, Voss is White's best-known book, a sweeping novel about a secret passion between the explorer Voss and the young orphan Laura. As Voss is tested by hardship, mutiny, and betrayal during his crossing of the brutal Australian desert, Laura awaits his return in Sydney, where she endures their months of separation as if her life were a dream and Voss the only reality. Marrying a sensitive rendering of hidden love with a stark adventure narrative, Voss is a novel of extraordinary power and virtuosity from a twentieth-century master. For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700 titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators.
This collection brings together the research papers of Patrick Olivelle, published over a period of about ten years. The unifying theme of these studies is the search for historical context and developments hidden within words and texts. Words - and the cultural history represented by words - that scholars often take for granted as having a continuous and long history are often new and even neologisms, and thus provide important clues to cultural and religious innovations. Olivelle's book on the Asramas, as well as the short pieces included in this volume, such as those on ananda and dharma, seek to see cultural innovation and historical changes within the changing semantic fields of key terms. Closer examination of numerous Sanskrit terms taken for granted as central to 'Hinduism' provide similar results. Indian texts have often been studied in the past as disincarnate realities providing information on an ahistorical and unchanging culture. This volume is a small contribution towards correcting that method of textual study.
Here, Patrick Crowhurst identifies the crucial political problem that faced Czechoslovakia between 1918 and 1939 - the rift between the Czechs and the Sudeten Germans that would open the way for the rise of Konrad Henlein's right-wing 'Sudeten Deutsch' party, and which was exploited ruthlessly by Hitler during Nazi Germany's 1938 annexation of Czechoslovakia. A History of Czechoslovakia Between the Wars deepens our understanding of a fragile Europe before World War II, and is essential for students and scholars of 20th century history.
Drawing from a rich corpus of art works, including sarcophagi, tomb paintings, and floor mosaics, Patrick R. Crowley investigates how something as insubstantial as a ghost could be made visible through the material grit of stone and paint. In this fresh and wide-ranging study, he uses the figure of the ghost to offer a new understanding of the status of the image in Roman art and visual culture. Tracing the shifting practices and debates in antiquity about the nature of vision and representation, Crowley shows how images of ghosts make visible structures of beholding and strategies of depiction. Yet the figure of the ghost simultaneously contributes to a broader conceptual history that accounts for how modalities of belief emerged and developed in antiquity. Neither illustrations of ancient beliefs in ghosts nor depictions of afterlife, these images show us something about the visual event of seeing itself. The Phantom Image offers essential insight into ancient art, visual culture, and the history of the image.
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