The second edition of the Impact Evaluation in Practice handbook is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to impact evaluation for policy makers and development practitioners. First published in 2011, it has been used widely across the development and academic communities. The book incorporates real-world examples to present practical guidelines for designing and implementing impact evaluations. Readers will gain an understanding of impact evaluations and the best ways to use them to design evidence-based policies and programs. The updated version covers the newest techniques for evaluating programs and includes state-of-the-art implementation advice, as well as an expanded set of examples and case studies that draw on recent development challenges. It also includes new material on research ethics and partnerships to conduct impact evaluation. The handbook is divided into four sections: Part One discusses what to evaluate and why; Part Two presents the main impact evaluation methods; Part Three addresses how to manage impact evaluations; Part Four reviews impact evaluation sampling and data collection. Case studies illustrate different applications of impact evaluations. The book links to complementary instructional material available online, including an applied case as well as questions and answers. The updated second edition will be a valuable resource for the international development community, universities, and policy makers looking to build better evidence around what works in development.
This book offers an accessible introduction to the topic of impact evaluation and its practice in development. While the book is geared principally towards development practitioners and policymakers designing prospective impact evaluations, we trust that it will be a valuable resource for students and others interested in using impact evaluation. Prospective impact evaluations should be used selectively to assess whether or not a program has achieved its intended results, or to test alternatives for achieving those results. We consider that more and better impact evaluation will help strengthen the evidence base for development policies and programs around the world. If governments and development practitioners can make policy decisions based on evidence - including evidence generated through impact evaluation - our hope is that development resources will be spent more effectively, and ultimately have a greater impact on reducing poverty and improving people's lives. The three chapters in this handbook provide a non-technical introduction to impact evaluations, including “Why Evaluate” in Chapter 1, “How to Evaluate” in Chapter 2 and “How to Implement Impact Evaluations” in Chapter 3. These elements are the basic ‘tools' needed in order to successfully carry out an impact evaluation. From a methodological standpoint our approach to impact evaluation is largely pragmatic: we think that the most appropriate methods should be identified to fit the operational context, and not the other way around. This is best achieved at the outset of the program, through the design of prospective impact evaluation that can be built into the project's implementation. We argue that gaining consensus between key stakeholders and identifying an evaluation design that fits the political and operational context is as important as the method itself. We also believe strongly that impact evaluations should be upfront about their limitations and caveats. Finally, we strongly encourage policymakers and program managers to consider impact evaluations in a logical framework that clearly sets out the causal pathways by which the program works to produce outputs and influence final outcomes, and to combine impact evaluations with monitoring and selected complementary evaluation approach to gain a full picture of performance. This book builds on a core set of teaching materials developed for the “Turning Promises to Evidence” workshops organized by the office of the Chief Economist for Human Development (HDNCE) in partnership with regional units and the Development Economics Research Group (DECRG) at the World Bank.
La segunda edición del libro “Evaluación de impacto en la práctica†? es una introducción completa y accesible al mundo de las evaluaciones de impacto para los formuladores de políticas públicas y los profesionales del desarrollo. Publicado por primera vez en 2011, este libro ha sido utilizado ampliamente por las comunidades académicas y del desarrollo. El libro incorpora ejemplos de la vida real para introducir guías prácticas para el diseño y la implementación de evaluaciones de impacto. Los lectores podrán tener un conocimiento sólido sobre evaluaciones de impacto y las mejores formas de utilizarlas para diseñar políticas y programas basados en evidencia rigurosa. La versión actualizada cubre las técnicas más novedosas de evaluación de programas e incluye consejos prácticos, así como un conjunto ampliado de ejemplos y estudios de casos provenientes de problemáticas de desarrollo recientes. También incluye un nuevo material sobre la ética de la investigación y asociaciones para llevar a cabo evaluaciones de impacto. El libro está dividido en cuatro secciones: en la primera parte se analiza qué evaluar y por qué; en la segunda parte se presentan los principales métodos de evaluación de impacto; la parte tres aborda el tema de cómo administrar las evaluaciones de impacto; en la parte cuatro se revisa la etapa de muestreo de las evaluaciones de impacto y la recolección de datos. Además, los estudios de casos ilustran diferentes aplicaciones de las evaluaciones de impacto. El libro contiene enlaces a material instruccional complementario disponible en línea, incluyendo un caso aplicado, así como preguntas y respuestas. La segunda edición actualizada será un recurso valioso para la comunidad internacional del desarrollo, universidades, y aquellos formuladores de políticas públicas que buscan contar con una mejor evidencia en torno a lo que funciona en el mundo del desarrollo.
“ O objetivo deste livro é fornecer um guia acessível, abrangente e claro para a avaliação de impacto. Omaterial, desde a motivação da avaliação de impacto até as vantagens de diferentes metodologias, cálculos de poder estatístico e de custos, é explicado de forma muito clara e a cobertura é impressionante. Este livro se tornará um guia muito consultado e utilizado e afetará a formulação depolíticas para os próximos anos.†? Orazio Attanasio, Professor de Economia, University College London; Diretor, Centro de Avaliação de Políticas de Desenvolvimento, Instituto de Estudos Fiscais, Reino Unido “ Este é um recurso valioso para quem procura realizar avaliações de impacto no mundo em desenvolvimento, abrangendo os aspectos conceituais e práticos envolvidos, ilustrados com exemplos de prática recente.†? Michael Kremer, Professor de Sociedades em Desenvolvimento, Departamento de Economia, Universidade de Harvard, Estados Unidos “ Os ingredientes principais para boas avaliações públicas são (a) metodologias apropriadas; (b) a capacidade de resolver problemas práticos, tais como coletar de dados, trabalhar com orçamentos baixos, e escrever relatório fi nal; e (c) governos responsáveis. Este livro não apenas descreve metodologias técnicas sólidas para medir o impacto de programas públicos, mas também fornece vários exemplos e nos leva ao mundo real da implementação de avaliações, desde o convencimento dos formuladores de políticas até a divulgação dos resultados. Se mais profi ssionais e formuladores de políticas lessem este manual, teríamos melhores políticas e resultados em muitos países. Se os governos melhorarem a prestação de contas, o impacto deste manual será ainda maior.†? Gonzalo Hernández Licona, Secretário Executivo, Conselho Nacional de Avaliação de Políticas de Desenvolvimento Social (CONEVAL), México “ Eu recomendo este livro como um guia claro e acessível para as questões desafi adoras, práticas e técnicas, enfrentadas na elaboração de avaliações de impacto. Ele se baseia em material que tem sidotestado em workshops em todo o mundo e deve se mostrar igualmente útil aos profi ssionais, formuladores de políticas e avaliadores.†? Nick York, Chefe do Departamento de Avaliação, Departamento para o Desenvolvimento Internacional, Reino Unido “ O conhecimento é um dos bens mais valiosos para compreender a natureza complexa do processo de desenvolvimento. A avaliação de impacto pode contribuir para preencher a lacuna entre intuição e evidências, para melhor informar a formulação de políticas. Este livro, um dos resultados tangíveis do Fundo Estratégico de Avaliação de Impacto, equipa os profi ssionais de desenvolvimento humano com ferramentas de ponta para produzir evidências sobre quais políticas funcionam e por quê. Visto que ele aumenta a nossa capacidade de alcançar resultados, esperamos que faça uma grande diferença na prática do desenvolvimento.†? Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Secretária de Estado para a Cooperação Internacional, Espanha
A segunda edição do livro Avaliação de Impacto na Prática é uma introdução completa e acessível ao mundo das avaliações de impacto para os formuladores de políticas públicas e os profissionais do desenvolvimento. Publicado pela primeira vez em 2001, este livro tem sido usado amplamente pelas comunidades acadêmicas e do desenvolvimento. Incorpora exemplos da vida real para apresentar guias práticos para o desenho e implementação das avaliações de impacto. Os leitores poderão obter conhecimentos sólidos sobre avaliação de impacto e as melhores formas de utilizá-la para elaborar políticas e programas baseados em evidências rigorosas. A versão atualizada abrange as técnicas mais inovadoras de avaliação de programas e inclui conselhos práticos, assim como um conjunto ampliado de exemplos e estudos de caso provenientes de problemáticas de desenvolvimento recentes. Inclui também um novo material sobre a ética da pesquisa e indica instituições e associações para realizar avaliações de impacto. O livro está dividido em quatro seções: na primeira parte, analisa-se o que avaliar e por quê; a segunda parte apresenta os principais métodos de avaliação de impacto; a terceira parte aborda o tema de como administrar as avaliações de impacto; e a quarta parte analisa a etapa de amostragem das avaliações de impacto e a coleta de dados. O livro contém links para material instrucional complementar disponível on-line, incluindo um caso aplicado, assim como perguntas e respostas. A segunda edição atualizada será um recurso valioso para a comunidade internacional do desenvolvimento, universidades e formuladores de políticas públicas que precisam contar com melhores evidências sobre o que funciona para o desenvolvimento.
All development is about people: the transformative process to equip, link, and enable groups of people to drive change and create something new to benefit society. Development can promote societies where all people can thrive, but the change process can be complex, challenging, and socially contentious. Continued progress toward sustainable development is not guaranteed. The current overlapping crises of COVID-19, climate change, rising levels of conflict, and a global economic slowdown are inflaming long-standing challenges—exacerbating inequality and deep-rooted systemic inequities. Addressing these challenges will require social sustainability in addition to economic and environmental sustainability. Social Sustainability in Development: Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century seeks to advance the concept of social sustainability and sharpen its analytical foundations. The book emphasizes social sustainability’s four key components: social cohesion, inclusion, resilience, and process legitimacy. It posits that •Social sustainability increases when more people feel part of the development process and believe that they and their descendants will benefit from it. •Communities and societies that are more socially sustainable are more willing and able to work together to overcome challenges, deliver public goods, and allocate scarce resources in ways perceived to be legitimate and fair so that all people may thrive over time. By identifying interventions that work to promote the components of social sustainability and highlighting the evidence of their links to key development outcomes, this book provides a foundation for using social sustainability to help address the many challenges of our time.
Get the information you need to make good SharePoint design decisions Determine the best design for your SharePoint implementation by gaining a deeper understanding of how the platform works. Written by a team of SharePoint experts, this practical guide introduces the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 architecture, and walks you through design considerations for planning and building a custom SharePoint solution. It’s ideal for IT professionals, whether or not you have experience with previous versions of SharePoint. Discover how to: Dive deeper into SharePoint 2013 architecture components Gather requirements for a solution that fits your needs Upgrade from Microsoft SharePoint 2010 to 2013 Design service applications for performance and redundancy Provide the right storage plan for a SharePoint farm Map authentication and authorization requirements to your solution Take steps necessary to design a secure implementation Plan your business continuity management strategy Validate your SharePoint architecture to ensure success
This issue of Clinics in Podiatic Medicine and Surgery, guest edited by Dr. Patrick DeHeer, focuses on Pediatric Foot Deformities. Topics included are: Lower extremity pediatric history and physical examination, Pediatric flatfoot deformity, Vertical talus, The in-toeing child, The Ponseti method for clubfoot, The neglected, under corrected and overcorrected clubfoot, and Pediatric metatarsal deformities.
There is no frigate like this book to take the reader away to distant lands. Patrick Pfister stayed in many unusual places across the globe and has written these perceptive, moving and often funny pieces about his experiences. In Penang, in Athens, in rural Germany and in the Himalayas, these non-fiction narratives always involve people as well as landscape; giving the reader a strong sense of place and customs as well as striking insights into human behaviour. Pfister introduces us to a wide variety of interesting characters. We meet Colombian Carl, the drunken coke dealer who shoots a less-than-sober game of pool; Loksang, the Tibetan doctor, who used to go for rides on the Dalai Lama's back, and Vasilis, the harried café owner, who hires Pfister as a business consultant and then dresses him in an apron and sets him in front of a stack of dirty dishes. With a touch of New Age sensibility, Pilgrimage is a splendid voyage to some remote corners of the earth, a kind of spiritual journey which reminds us that all travel is a form of renewal and discovery.
This book offers an accessible introduction to the topic of impact evaluation and its practice in development. While the book is geared principally towards development practitioners and policymakers designing prospective impact evaluations, we trust that it will be a valuable resource for students and others interested in using impact evaluation. Prospective impact evaluations should be used selectively to assess whether or not a program has achieved its intended results, or to test alternatives for achieving those results. We consider that more and better impact evaluation will help strengthen the evidence base for development policies and programs around the world. If governments and development practitioners can make policy decisions based on evidence - including evidence generated through impact evaluation - our hope is that development resources will be spent more effectively, and ultimately have a greater impact on reducing poverty and improving people's lives. The three chapters in this handbook provide a non-technical introduction to impact evaluations, including “Why Evaluate” in Chapter 1, “How to Evaluate” in Chapter 2 and “How to Implement Impact Evaluations” in Chapter 3. These elements are the basic ‘tools' needed in order to successfully carry out an impact evaluation. From a methodological standpoint our approach to impact evaluation is largely pragmatic: we think that the most appropriate methods should be identified to fit the operational context, and not the other way around. This is best achieved at the outset of the program, through the design of prospective impact evaluation that can be built into the project's implementation. We argue that gaining consensus between key stakeholders and identifying an evaluation design that fits the political and operational context is as important as the method itself. We also believe strongly that impact evaluations should be upfront about their limitations and caveats. Finally, we strongly encourage policymakers and program managers to consider impact evaluations in a logical framework that clearly sets out the causal pathways by which the program works to produce outputs and influence final outcomes, and to combine impact evaluations with monitoring and selected complementary evaluation approach to gain a full picture of performance. This book builds on a core set of teaching materials developed for the “Turning Promises to Evidence” workshops organized by the office of the Chief Economist for Human Development (HDNCE) in partnership with regional units and the Development Economics Research Group (DECRG) at the World Bank.
This volume, that includes evaluations of academic performance and other management aspects and pedagogical practices of Fe y Alegr a schools, is a selection of contributions made at the international workshop Fe y Alegr a: Expanding the Quality Education Opportunities in Latin America
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