Weak convergence is a basic tool of modern nonlinear analysis because it enjoys the same compactness properties that finite dimensional spaces do: basically, bounded sequences are weak relatively compact sets. Nonetheless, weak conver gence does not behave as one would desire with respect to nonlinear functionals and operations. This difficulty is what makes nonlinear analysis much harder than would normally be expected. Parametrized measures is a device to under stand weak convergence and its behavior with respect to nonlinear functionals. Under suitable hypotheses, it yields a way of representing through integrals weak limits of compositions with nonlinear functions. It is particularly helpful in comprehending oscillatory phenomena and in keeping track of how oscilla tions change when a nonlinear functional is applied. Weak convergence also plays a fundamental role in the modern treatment of the calculus of variations, again because uniform bounds in norm for se quences allow to have weak convergent subsequences. In order to achieve the existence of minimizers for a particular functional, the property of weak lower semicontinuity should be established first. This is the crucial and most delicate step in the so-called direct method of the calculus of variations. A fairly large amount of work has been devoted to determine under what assumptions we can have this lower semicontinuity with respect to weak topologies for nonlin ear functionals in the form of integrals. The conclusion of all this work is that some type of convexity, understood in a broader sense, is usually involved.
This self-contained book presents in a unified, systematic way the basic principles of optimal control governed by ODEs. Using a variational perspective, the author incorporates important restrictions like constraints for control and state, as well as the state system itself, into the equivalent variational reformulation of the problem. The fundamental issues of existence of optimal solutions, optimality conditions, and numerical approximation are then examined from this variational viewpoint. Inside, readers will find a unified approach to all the basic issues of optimal control, academic and real-world examples testing the book’s variational approach, and a rigorous treatment stressing ideas and arguments rather than the underlying mathematical formalism. A Variational Approach to Optimal Control of ODEs is mainly for applied analysts, applied mathematicians, and control engineers, but will also be helpful to other scientists and engineers who want to understand the basic principles of optimal control governed by ODEs. It requires no prerequisites in variational problems or expertise in numerical approximation. It can be used for a first course in optimal control.
This book provides a comprehensive guide to analyzing and solving optimal design problems in continuous media by means of the so-called sub-relaxation method. Though the underlying ideas are borrowed from other, more classical approaches, here they are used and organized in a novel way, yielding a distinct perspective on how to approach this kind of optimization problems. Starting with a discussion of the background motivation, the book broadly explains the sub-relaxation method in general terms, helping readers to grasp, from the very beginning, the driving idea and where the text is heading. In addition to the analytical content of the method, it examines practical issues like optimality and numerical approximation. Though the primary focus is on the development of the method for the conductivity context, the book’s final two chapters explore several extensions of the method to other problems, as well as formal proofs. The text can be used for a graduate course in optimal design, even if the method would require some familiarity with the main analytical issues associated with this type of problems. This can be addressed with the help of the provided bibliography.
This book provides a basic, initial resource, introducing science and engineering students to the field of optimization. It covers three main areas: mathematical programming, calculus of variations and optimal control, highlighting the ideas and concepts and offering insights into the importance of optimality conditions in each area. It also systematically presents affordable approximation methods. Exercises at various levels have been included to support the learning process.
Fundamental concepts of mathematical modeling Modeling is one of the most effective, commonly used tools in engineering and the applied sciences. In this book, the authors deal with mathematical programming models both linear and nonlinear and across a wide range of practical applications. Whereas other books concentrate on standard methods of analysis, the authors focus on the power of modeling methods for solving practical problems-clearly showing the connection between physical and mathematical realities-while also describing and exploring the main concepts and tools at work. This highly computational coverage includes: * Discussion and implementation of the GAMS programming system * Unique coverage of compatibility * Illustrative examples that showcase the connection between model and reality * Practical problems covering a wide range of scientific disciplines, as well as hundreds of examples and end-of-chapter exercises * Real-world applications to probability and statistics, electrical engineering, transportation systems, and more Building and Solving Mathematical Programming Models in Engineering and Science is practically suited for use as a professional reference for mathematicians, engineers, and applied or industrial scientists, while also tutorial and illustrative enough for advanced students in mathematics or engineering.
This undergraduate textbook introduces students of science and engineering to the fascinating field of optimization. It is a unique book that brings together the subfields of mathematical programming, variational calculus, and optimal control, thus giving students an overall view of all aspects of optimization in a single reference. As a primer on optimization, its main goal is to provide a succinct and accessible introduction to linear programming, nonlinear programming, numerical optimization algorithms, variational problems, dynamic programming, and optimal control. Prerequisites have been kept to a minimum, although a basic knowledge of calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations is assumed.
This book covers the main vector variational methods developed to solve nonlinear elasticity problems. Presenting a general framework with a tight focus, the author provides a comprehensive exposition of a technically difficult, yet rapidly developing area of modern applied mathematics. The book includes the classical existence theory as well as a brief incursion into problems where nonexistence is fundamental. It also provides self-contained, concise accounts of quasi convexity, polyconvexity, and rank-one convexity, which are used in nonlinear elasticity.
This book provides a basic, initial resource, introducing science and engineering students to the field of optimization. It covers three main areas: mathematical programming, calculus of variations and optimal control, highlighting the ideas and concepts and offering insights into the importance of optimality conditions in each area. It also systematically presents affordable approximation methods. Exercises at various levels have been included to support the learning process.
A History of Infamy explores the broken nexus between crime, justice, and truth in mid-twentieth-century Mexico. Faced with the violence and impunity that defined politics, policing, and the judicial system in post-revolutionary times, Mexicans sought truth and justice outside state institutions. During this period, criminal news and crime fiction flourished. Civil society’s search for truth and justice led, paradoxically, to the normalization of extrajudicial violence and neglect of the rights of victims. As Pablo Piccato demonstrates, ordinary people in Mexico have made crime and punishment central concerns of the public sphere during the last century, and in doing so have shaped crime and violence in our times.
En principio la narrativa se produce con la sencillez del cotidiano vivir. Sin asperezas, lisa y llanamente, como el ro de mansas aguas que se preparan para cambiar el curso, convirtiendo el suave deslizar en violenta torrentera. Los pueblos de Espaa, desquiciados se lanzan y envuelven en una guerra fratricida, las ciudades, campos y aldeas se desbordan, la sangre salpica las familias sin distincin de bando o creencia. Como hongos brotan los CAMPOS DE CONCENTRACIN, LOS BATALLONES DE TRABAJO FORZADO, el peregrinar por las CRCELES de reclusos para finalmente, llegar al pi del PAREDN, calificado con la expresiva palabra ?SACA?. Este es el contenido de gran parte del libro que te dispones a leer. Es el relato verdico del protagonista principal de la obra, con el deseo, amigo lector, de que evites la repeticin del drama, que arras nuestra Patria.
In 1973, El Colegio de México published the first version of Historia mínima de México (followed in 1974 by the English translation A Compact History of Mexico) for the purpose of providing Mexicans living at that time with basic historical knowledge of their country. While preserving the aim of synthesis and simplicity that served as a basic guideline for the earlier Historia mínima de México, this new work constitutes a completely novel and original manuscript. Thus, A New Compact History of México is not only a “new history,” but also an innovative one. In its pages, readers will find accounts and perspectives enabling them to gain a fundamental understanding of Mexican history in an enjoyable way.
Una brevísima historia de España desde Altamira hasta el siglo XXI en 300 páginas (el que incluyen cronología, bibliografía y mapas originales) escrita por uno de los historiadores más prestigiosos de nuestro país: Juan Pablo Fusi. Un libro imprescindible para lectores de todas las edades, conocedores o no de la historia de España, para recordar, reflexionar, aprender o imaginar. La tesis del autor es que la historia siempre ha podido ser otra, que la historia no está determinada ni es inevitable. Con mapas originales, diseñados en exclusiva para este libro por Javier Belloso (colaborador del suplemento El Viajero de El País) Juan Pablo Fusi (San Sebastián, 1945) catedrático de Historia Contemporánea de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, doctor en Historia y en Filosofía. En el extranjero se formó en Oxford con el profesor Raymond Carr. Entre 1976 y 1980 fue director del Centro de Estudios Ibéricos del St. Antony’s College de esa universidad. Entre 1986 y 1991 fue director de la Biblioteca Nacional (Madrid).
This book presents an analysis of contemporary Central American from a social perspective and, more specifically, from that of one of its main components: the world of labor. Despite undeniable changes, this world is still made up of three basic logics. Labor markets reflect an inability to generate sufficient employment. Labor relations remain precarious. And labor subjects and actors solid enough for their voice to be heard have not managed to establish themselves. The result is that the world of labor in Central America is still marked by vulnerability. }The oligarchic crises in Central America has provoked a variety of responses at different levels during the last decades. The development of new agroexports in the 1950s, the import substitution industrialization of the 1960s, and the current opening up of trade along with the development of new tradables sectors under the influence of globalization, represent attempts to modernize the regions economies. The same has occurred at the political level with the current democratization processes that have meant competitive elections taking place in all the countries. It is at the social level that responses have been most weak and levels of poverty remain extremely high. This book presents an analysis of contemporary Central American history from a social perspective and, more specifically, from that of one of its main components: the world of labor. Despite undeniable changes, this world is still made up of three basic logics. Labor markets reflect an inability to generate sufficient employment. Labor relations remain precarious. And labor subjects and actors solid enough for their voice to be heard have not managed to establish themselves. The result is that the world of labor in Central America is still marked by vulnerability. }
The spiral plant-parasitic nematode genus Rotylenchus contains a cosmopolitan group of nematodes that is predominantly found in temperate regions of the world. In this genus are included a number of species of significant economic importance in agriculture. They parasitize a wide-range of hosts, including vegetables, ornamentals, and fruit and forest trees. The book comprises seven sections and presents summarised and specialised information on various aspects of the spiral nematodes belonging to the genus Rotylenchus. Sections 1 and 2 describe the importance of Rotylenchus species in agricultural crops, their distribution and numerous aspects of their biology, feeding habits, pathogenicity to vegetables, fruit and forest trees, and ecology. Section 3 presents different management strategies for the most important and pathogenic species of Rotylenchus, including chemical control, crop rotation, and biological control by means of nematophagous fungi, entomopathogenic nematodes, the hyperparasitic bacteria Pasteuria penetrans, and nematicidal plants. Sections 4 and 5 describes the most important morphological characters used in characterising and diagnosing species, as well as a broad discussion on the taxonomy and systematics in Rotylenchus and related genera, including a list of nominal species. These sections also include morphometric and cluster analyses in order to separate groups of species in order to facilitate identification. Section 6 provides a complete description and measurements of all populations characterised for each species, as well as their world distribution. Finally, Section 7 includes comprehensive tabular and dichotomous keys for species identification.
This undergraduate textbook introduces students of science and engineering to the fascinating field of optimization. It is a unique book that brings together the subfields of mathematical programming, variational calculus, and optimal control, thus giving students an overall view of all aspects of optimization in a single reference. As a primer on optimization, its main goal is to provide a succinct and accessible introduction to linear programming, nonlinear programming, numerical optimization algorithms, variational problems, dynamic programming, and optimal control. Prerequisites have been kept to a minimum, although a basic knowledge of calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations is assumed.
Weak convergence is a basic tool of modern nonlinear analysis because it enjoys the same compactness properties that finite dimensional spaces do: basically, bounded sequences are weak relatively compact sets. Nonetheless, weak conver gence does not behave as one would desire with respect to nonlinear functionals and operations. This difficulty is what makes nonlinear analysis much harder than would normally be expected. Parametrized measures is a device to under stand weak convergence and its behavior with respect to nonlinear functionals. Under suitable hypotheses, it yields a way of representing through integrals weak limits of compositions with nonlinear functions. It is particularly helpful in comprehending oscillatory phenomena and in keeping track of how oscilla tions change when a nonlinear functional is applied. Weak convergence also plays a fundamental role in the modern treatment of the calculus of variations, again because uniform bounds in norm for se quences allow to have weak convergent subsequences. In order to achieve the existence of minimizers for a particular functional, the property of weak lower semicontinuity should be established first. This is the crucial and most delicate step in the so-called direct method of the calculus of variations. A fairly large amount of work has been devoted to determine under what assumptions we can have this lower semicontinuity with respect to weak topologies for nonlin ear functionals in the form of integrals. The conclusion of all this work is that some type of convexity, understood in a broader sense, is usually involved.
This book covers the main vector variational methods developed to solve nonlinear elasticity problems. Presenting a general framework with a tight focus, the author provides a comprehensive exposition of a technically difficult, yet rapidly developing area of modern applied mathematics. The book includes the classical existence theory as well as a brief incursion into problems where nonexistence is fundamental. It also provides self-contained, concise accounts of quasi convexity, polyconvexity, and rank-one convexity, which are used in nonlinear elasticity.
This book provides a comprehensive guide to analyzing and solving optimal design problems in continuous media by means of the so-called sub-relaxation method. Though the underlying ideas are borrowed from other, more classical approaches, here they are used and organized in a novel way, yielding a distinct perspective on how to approach this kind of optimization problems. Starting with a discussion of the background motivation, the book broadly explains the sub-relaxation method in general terms, helping readers to grasp, from the very beginning, the driving idea and where the text is heading. In addition to the analytical content of the method, it examines practical issues like optimality and numerical approximation. Though the primary focus is on the development of the method for the conductivity context, the book’s final two chapters explore several extensions of the method to other problems, as well as formal proofs. The text can be used for a graduate course in optimal design, even if the method would require some familiarity with the main analytical issues associated with this type of problems. This can be addressed with the help of the provided bibliography.
Fundamental concepts of mathematical modeling Modeling is one of the most effective, commonly used tools in engineering and the applied sciences. In this book, the authors deal with mathematical programming models both linear and nonlinear and across a wide range of practical applications. Whereas other books concentrate on standard methods of analysis, the authors focus on the power of modeling methods for solving practical problems-clearly showing the connection between physical and mathematical realities-while also describing and exploring the main concepts and tools at work. This highly computational coverage includes: * Discussion and implementation of the GAMS programming system * Unique coverage of compatibility * Illustrative examples that showcase the connection between model and reality * Practical problems covering a wide range of scientific disciplines, as well as hundreds of examples and end-of-chapter exercises * Real-world applications to probability and statistics, electrical engineering, transportation systems, and more Building and Solving Mathematical Programming Models in Engineering and Science is practically suited for use as a professional reference for mathematicians, engineers, and applied or industrial scientists, while also tutorial and illustrative enough for advanced students in mathematics or engineering.
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