This book was compiled concerning five studies conducted by the author with samples from the city of Pontianak, the sample from West Kalimantan Province, and the Indonesian sample. Various concepts and strategies are compiled by the authors to be able to improve the performance of MSMEs so that they become better, able to develop their business, and most importantly become more productive and innovative. MSMEs that are adaptive to changes in various marketing and payment methods will be able to survive and even be able to compete healthily, to be able to win and increase sales of their products and services.
Mengulas Provinsi Aceh, kita akan berbicara mengenai wilayah yang kaya akan potensinya. Keberkahan yang ada di Aceh bahkan menyentuh hampir di seluruh lini. Yang tak kalah hebat, masyarakat di Aceh memiliki nilai adat dan budaya dan religiusitas yang teramat tinggi, termasuk keramahan bagi siapa yang saja yang berkunjung atau datang ke Aceh. Provinsi yang aman dan damai ini juga amat menghormati keberagaman. Dalam buku Investing in Friendly Aceh, kami coba memberikan gambaran mengenai beragam potensi yang ada di Aceh. Akhir kata, kami menuturkan banyak terima kasih kepada seluruh pihak yang sudah terlibat baik secara langsung atau tidak langsung untuk ikut membantu menyukseskan penyusunan, promosi, hingga penerbitan buku Investing in Friendly Aceh.
One of the distinguished schools of Islamic spiritual discipline, the Naqshbandi Sufi Order has a long and illustrious history from the first days of Islam. Led by the shaykhs of the Golden Chain-inheritors of spiritual knowledge from Prophet Muhammad-the Naqshbandi Order has always played a central, pivotal role in the life of people in the Muslim world and survived the turmoil and tribulations of the past century to remain one of the few authentic mystical traditions maintaining a living link with its ancient past. The extraordinary vision of the Naqshbandi Saints was manifest in their establishment of fixed devotions and daily practices firmly rooted in the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet. These practices have enabled devout seekers to awaken certainty of belief and to attain stations of nearness to the Divine Presence. The renewed prominence of this order at the turn of the 21st century, due to the indefatigable striving of Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, signals an impending change to our society in which aspirants to Divine Service will be granted to transcend the bounds of the physical senses in order to fulfill the unexplored potential in each human heart. The Naqshbandi Devotions are a source of light and energy, an oasis in a worldly desert. Through the manifestations of Divine Blessings bestowed on the practitioners of these magnificent rites, they will be granted the power of magnanimous healing, by which they seek to cure the hearts of mankind darkened by the gloom of spiritual poverty and materialism. We pray that each person who picks up this book of devotions with sincere intention to observe any of its efficacious practices will receive a portion of the blessings and manifestations bestowed on the greatest saints of earlier times.
ÔI read with great interest the current state of Islamic economics and finance as examined by Muhammad Akram Khan, who has given a fresh outlook for the readers to find out its limitations and to search for its solutions. Khan has read widely in the subject matter, and presented his views with reference to literature and thoughtful and logical arguments. While many may not agree with his arguments or will have a better explanation, I find his arguments at least worthy of examination to strengthen the arguments of those who might oppose him. Although Khan is critical of the subject matter, he is very sympathetic to the greater objectives of Islamic economics and provides his own prescriptions to achieve those objectives.Õ Ð M. Kabir Hassan, University of New Orleans, US ÔThis is a very thought provoking book coming at a crucial stage in the development of Islamic economics and finance. Although the reader may not agree with some of the conclusions reached, it is clearly a scholarly and extensively researched piece of work; it should be read by all serious students of the subject area. Amongst other things, it throws light on the reasons why the practical implementation of Islamic economics and finance, particularly in relation to the financial system and financial institutions, has not always conformed to the true theoretical foundations laid down by Islamic scholars.Õ Ð John Presley, Loughborough University, UK and recipient of Islamic Development Bank Prize in Islamic Finance, 2001Ð2002 ÔÒIslamic economic system is a type of capitalism with a spiritual dimensionÓ is a major conclusion of this book. I applaud this insight of Muhammad Akram Khan. The same can be perhaps said of Islamic finance, which, in its hurry to build viable and efficient financial institutions, has ignored the very same need to start with profits-and-risk-sharing principle and no-riba principles to build pricing models to anchor the new sub-discpline. The good news is that, in the course of time to come, AkramÕs advocacy may be realised since such serious works have already begun.Õ Ð Mohamed Ariff, University Putra Malaysia and Bond University, Australia ÔAlthough there are many books on Islamic economics, this critical, but sympathetic, account by Muhammad Akram Khan is worthy of attention. The author has clearly read widely on the subject and appreciates the limitations of much that he has read. Islamic economics is a work in progress and by focusing on its shortcomings, Khan challenges the assumptions of many working in the field. His discussion of methodology is insightful, and even the prohibition of riba, for many the defining characteristic of Islamic finance, is examined from a fresh perspective. While many will not agree with the analysis and the conclusions, even critics should be able to appreciate the strengths of the arguments made. In summary this is a worthwhile, and in many respects an innovative, survey of the state of Islamic economics and finance. It deserves to be widely read.Õ Ð Rodney Wilson, Durham University, UK What is Wrong with Islamic Economics? takes an objective look at the state of the art in Islamic economics and finance. It analyses reasons for perceived stagnation and also suggests a way forward. As well as probing various myths, the book presents several innovative ideas and a methodology for developing the subject on new foundations. It also highlights weaknesses in the conventional position on prohibition of interest, which has led Islamic banks devise a series of legal tricks. The author notes how the original aim of devising a new brand of banking has become less prominent whilst Islamic banks now position themselves more closely to conventional banks. The book also offers insights into how certain traditional thinking has seemingly ignored the egalitarian spirit of the law of zakah and created a scenario where zakah is not able to help the billions of poor people around the globe. This detailed book will appeal to students, professors, researchers, Islamic banks and finance houses, consulting companies, accounting firms, and regulatory bodies. Professional economists, libraries in research and training organizations, as well as anyone with a general interest in the topic will find much to interest them.
Mainstream accounting rules, namely International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), used in conventional banking, employ financial logics and principles which are at odds with Shariah and therefore unsuitable for reporting the results of Islamic banks. The book is an effort to explain the Islamic accounting principles and practices for Islamic Financial institutions and to juxtapose them to mainstream accounting principles in a simple and practical manner. The book begins with an overview of the Islamic Finance environment, the rationale for Islamic accounting and a brief introduction of AAOIFI (Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions), the professional body responsible for the issuance of Islamic accounting standards. The main features of the AAOIFI Conceptual Framework and its comparison with IFRS framework are covered in Chapter 2. Chapters 3-9 cover the accounting treatment of the major Islamic finance products including trade-based (Murabaha, Salam and Istisna’a), rental-based (Ijarah) and risk-sharing based products (Mudarabah and Musharakah). Given the significance and complexity of Islamic bonds (Sukuk) for the Islamic finance industry, Chapter 10 discusses the basic accounting and reporting issues vis-à-vis Sukuk, leaving more complex issues for advanced texts on the topic. Zakah accounting (charity) and provisions and impairments are covered in Chapters 11 and 12. The chapters are arranged so that they start with a discussion of the product itself, followed by the AAOIFI accounting treatment and ending with the IFRS perspective. Each chapter begins with the learning objectives and a cover story and closes with a summary of the learning objectives. To facilitate the learning of readers, each chapter contains a glossary of the terms introduced as well as end of chapter multiple choice questions. In addition, each chapter includes practical insights and concept checks to enhance and test the understanding of the readers. This will be a useful guide for students, academics and practitioners concerned with the subject of financial reporting in Islamic Institutions.
This book is written to provide a brief overview concerning the latest drug discovery and its development based on the research studies that have been carried out until the present. The idea of preparing this book was inspired by the Holy Qur’an and the hadith, which guides us in all aspects of life, including disease management and treatment. This was supported by the traditional use of natural medicine by our ancestors. From the scientific point of view, we translate all those knowledge and information to be evidence-based modern medicines. We practised the common process of drug discovery development by identifying the potential molecule, followed by in vitro and in vivo experiments. The formulation is a crucial process to produce an efficient and effective drug delivery. Not to forget the future vision that “things would not give any meaning if it is not giving benefit to the people”. Commercialisation is one of the approaches to promote the product across the market and community. The book ends with the current issue of the COVID-19 global pandemic with regards to the treatment, natural medicine, and vaccination.
This book is one of the many Islamic publications distributed by Talee throughout the world in different languages with the aim of conveying the message of Islam to the people of the world. Talee ( is a registered Organization that operates and is sustained through collaborative efforts of volunteers in many countries around the world, and it welcomes your involvement and support. Its objectives are numerous, yet its main goal is to spread the truth about the Islamic faith in general and the Shia School of Thought in particular due to the latter being misrepresented, misunderstood and its tenets often assaulted by many ignorant folks, Muslims and non-Muslims. Organization's purpose is to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge through a global medium, the Internet, to locations where such resources are not commonly or easily accessible or are resented, resisted and fought! In addition, Talee aims at encouraging scholarship, research and enquiry through the use of technological facilitates. For a complete list of our published books please refer to our website ( or send us an email to
ÊKnowledge of ahadith is essential in an effort to understand Islam. They contain rules and regulations, when implemented, would give cause to a better understanding of everyday life. This is applicable, to the individual of a society and also to the society as a whole. The messages within the ahadith are for the benefit of both, individual and society. Among many missions of the Prophet (peace be upon him), one was to set a pattern of conduct. The conduct of the Last Messenger (peace be upon him) can be found in the voluminous sahihs. We should make an attempt to abide by these rules. It is unnecessary to mention that research of Islam is beyond the scope of a single individual, a task unattainable in a man's lifetime, not to say, impossible. To narrow my scope, I had decided to restrict myself to ahadith (even this is a large area of study within Islam). I decided on making a small collection of ahadith. This decision resulted in a minor project that essentially consisted of reading diverse Islamic literature and reading different aspects of Islam. I could, of course, have bought one of many voluminous compilations of ahadith, but I was convinced that I would learn more by finding and compiling them myself and indeed it has been a most fruitful experience. During the compilation, I was becoming aware of the meaning and importance of ahadith and soon realised that others too could benefit from this compilation. With this in mind I was determined to share this collection with my fellow Muslims.Ê
Traces the life of Ustaz Syed Ahmad Semait from his beginnings growing up in an orphanage after the demise of his father, his early education at Madrasah Aljunied, his first foray in the book business, to his learning and scholarship, and what would become his most enduring legacy: equipping the seekers of knowledge of this region with a wide-ranging, indispensable corpus of books on Islam. -- Website.
Mi‘raj, sebagai pengalaman spiritual, lebih sering tidak hadir, bukan hanya dalam kenyataan sehari-hari kita, bahkan pun dalam bayangan atau pikiran kita. Javid Namah merupakan “imajinasi” sang pengarangnya, Iqbal, untuk melakukan perjalanan spiritual-intelektual yang terinspirasi dari pengalaman mi‘raj Nabi. Sebagai karya fiksi, Javid Namah bukan sekadar pengembaraan ide atau imajinasi yang liar-bebas tanpa berjangkar pada realitas. Lewat karya fiksi ini, Iqbal justru menemukan ruang yang luas untuk mengeksplorasi berbagai ide besar, yang selama ini menjadi isu-isu penting di ranah spiritualitas dan intelektual manusia sepanjang sejarah. Maka, lewat Javid Namah, Iqbal secara menawan mengajak kita melakukan perjalanan ruhani yang akan memantik kerinduan terdalam kita akan hakikat kemanusiaan dan ketuhanan. ISI BUKU Prakata — 9 Pengantar Edisi Prancis — 13 Munajat — 25 PROLOG DI LANGIT — 29 Hari Pertama Penciptaan: Langit Mencemooh Bumi — 29 Nyanyian Para Malaikat — 31 PROLOG DI BUMI — 33 Rumi Menerangkan Rahasia Mi‘raj — 33 Gazal — 31 Zarvan, Mengantar sang Musafir Menjelajahi Langit — 40 Nyanyian Bintang-Bintang — 41 DI LANGIT REMBULAN — 43 Jahan-Dust: Resi India yang Hidup Menyendiri — 45 Sembilan Wejangan sang Resi — 48 Munculnya Sorush — 49 Nyanyian Sorush — 50 Menuju Lembah “Thawasin” — 51 “Thasin” dari Buddha Gautama — 54 Penyesalan Seorang Gadis Penari — 54 “Thasin” dari Zarathustra — 55 Bujukan Ahriman — 55 “Thasin” dari Al-Masih — 57 Ru’yah dari Tolstoy — 57 “Thasin” dari Muhammad — 59 Ratapan Abu Jahal di Tepi Ka‘bah — 59 DI LANGIT MERKURIUS — 63 Perjumpaan Afghani dan Said Halim Pasya — 62 Agama dan Tanah Air — 66 Komunisme dan Kapitalisme — 67 Timur dan Barat — 68 Asas-Pokok Qur’ani tentang Dunia — 70 I. Manusia adalah Khalifah Tuhan — 70 II. Kedaulatan Tuhan — 72 III. Bumi Adalah Milik Tuhan — 74 IV. Hikmah Adalah Harta Tak Ternilai — 75 Pesan Afghani kepada Rakyat Rusia — 78 Rumi Meminta Zinda-Rud Bernyanyi — 81 Nyanyian Zinda-Rud — 82 DI LANGIT VENUS — 85 Majelis Dewa-Dewa Purba — 87 Nyanyian Baal — 88 Menyaksikan Fir‘aun dan Kitchener — 89 Gazal — 89 Menjumpai Darwis Sudan — 92 DI LANGIT MARS — 95 Keadaan Mars — 95 Berjumpa sang Astronom — 96 Tamasya di Negeri Marghadin — 98 Seorang Gadis Mengaku Nabi — 101 Pidato Nabi Wanita — 102 DI LANGIT JUPITER — 105 Senandung Hallaj — 106 Senandung Ghalib — 107 Nyanyian Tahira — 107 Zinda-Rud Berdialog dengan para Wali — 108 Kemunculan Setan — 118 Ratapan Setan — 120 DI LANGIT SATURNUS — 123 Lautan Darah — 124 Kehadiran Ruh India — 124 Rintihan Ruh India — 124 Penyesalan Kedua Penumpang — 126 DI LUAR LANGIT — 126 Menjumpai Nietzsche — 126 Menuju Taman Surga — 129 Istana Syarafun Nisa — 131 Mengunjungi Ali Hamadan dan Tahir Gani — 132 Di Hadapan Hamadan — 133 Percakapan dengan Penyair India, Bhartrihari — 139 Menuju Istana Raja-Raja Timur: Nadir, Abdali, dan Sultan yang Syahid — 141 Kemunculan Nasir Khusraw Alawi — 144 Pesan sang Syahid kepada Sungai Kaveri — 149 Makna Hidup, Mati, dan Pengorbanan — 149 Zinda-Rud Menuju Surga — 150 Doa para Bidadari Firdaus — 150 Gazal dari Zinda-Rud — 152 DI HADIRAT ILAHI — 155 Suara Keindahan Abadi — 157 Tajalli Kilau Ilahi — 160 PESAN UNTUK JAVID — 161 Pesan untuk Kaum Muda — 161 Indeks — 171 Tentang Penerjemah — 179 PRAKATA Di suatu pagi tahun 1976, saya berjumpa dengan Bapak (almarhum) Drs. Bahrum Rangkuti di lapangan Monas, yang seperti saya juga, sedang melakukan olahraga pagi. Walaupun kami tidak saling berkenalan sebelumnya, saya beranikan diri saja untuk menyapa dan beliau pun menjawab dengan ramah, seraya bertanya apa saya masih bekerja di sebuah perusahaan. Saya jawab, baru kali ini saya berkenalan dengan beliau. Sebelumnya, saya hanya pernah menyaksikan beliau di TIM, tahun 1974, dalam suatu acara memperingati Iqbal. Karya beliau pertama yang saya kenal ialah Rahasia-Rahasia Pribadi, terjemahan karya Iqbal Asrar-i-Khudi. Selanjutnya, dengan nada kurang serius, sekadar mengisi percakapan, saya bertanya, kapan kiranya dia akan menerjemahkan Javid Namah, salah satu magnum opus dari karya-karya Iqbal. Kebetulan saya baru mendapat terjemahan kitab tersebut dalam bahasa Inggris (aslinya dalam Persia), oleh Syaikh Mahmud Ahmad, terbitan Lahore. Terjemahan itu, berbentuk puisi, ternyata cukup sulit saya pahami. Beliau terperangah, mungkin tidak berharap pertanyaan seperti itu muncul di tengah suasana santai pagi hari. Lalu, beliau meminta saya mampir di rumah beliau, bila ada waktu, untuk membicarakan hal itu, suatu permintaan yang, saya sesalkan, hingga kini tidak pernah saya penuhi. Beberapa bulan kemudian, Ramadhan, kami berjumpa di tangga Masjid Istiqlal. Kali ini beliau yang menegur lebih dulu dan menyinggung soal penerjemahan Javid Namah yang ternyata sudah lama beliau pikirkan. Dia bertanya, mengapa saya belum juga singgah ke rumahnya untuk memperbincangkan masalah tersebut. Terus terang saya akui, ada perasaan segan pada saya untuk membicarakan Iqbal dengan seorang yang menguasai pemikirannya karena saya merasa tidak tahu banyak tentang alam pikiran Iqbal. Tidak berapa lama kemudian, terdengar kabar, Bapak Bahrum Rangkuti berpulang ke rahmatullah. Saya sungguh menyesal, pertama, tidak memenuhi undangan beliau untuk datang ke rumahnya, dan kedua, telah mengingatkan almarhum tentang suatu rencana yang belum sempat dilaksanakan walaupun sudah lama dipikirkan. Tiga tahun kemudian 1979, saya ditugaskan untuk belajar ke Prancis, dan harus bermukim di sana selama beberapa tahun. Suatu saat ketika sedang berjalan-jalan di Quartier Latin, suatu tempat terkenal di Paris itu, mata saya tertumpu ke etalase toko buku, yang antara lain memajangkan buku berjudul Le Livre de l’Éternité (“Kitab Keabadian”) terjemahan Prancis dari judul aslinya, Javid Namah karya Iqbal. Saya beli, dan ketika saya baca, ternyata puisi panjang Iqbal ini diterjemahkan dalam bentuk prosa, dan ini bagi saya jauh lebih mudah dipahami. Terjemahan bahasa Prancis ini dikerjakan oleh Eva de Vitray-Meyerovitch dan Dr. Mohammad Mokri. Eva de Vitray-Meyerovitch adalah seorang muslimah Prancis, sering muncul dalam siaran Agama Islam hari Minggu pagi di saluran satu televisi Prancis dengan nama Islam Hajjah Hawa. Beliau menduduki jabatan Directeur de la Recherce (Direktur Penelitian) pada CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, semacam LIPI kita), dan juga profesor tamu pada Universitas Al-Azhar dan Universitas Kairo. Dia seorang spesialis yang mendalami karya dan pikiran Jalaluddin Rumi. Beliau menulis tesis doktor tentang alam pikiran dan ide yang terkandung dalam puisi-puisi Jalaluddin Rumi. Selain itu, dia banyak menerjemahkan karya Rumi ini ke dalam bahasa Prancis, misalnya kumpulan puisi Diwan-i-Shamsi Tabriz dan Matsnawi, dan karya Rumi yang berbentuk prosa Fihi Ma Fihi. Terjemahan bahasa Indonesia ini saya lakukan tidak langsung dari buku aslinya, karena saya sama sekali tidak paham bahasa Persia. Terjemahan ini dilakukan berdasarkan terjemahan Prancis Eva de Vitray-Meyerovitch dan Dr. Mohammad Mokri tadi. Sengaja ini saya lakukan, karena ternyata puisi dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam bentuk prosa, dan juga penerjemahan Prancis ini lebih mudah dimengerti. Namun demikian, dalam melakukan terjemahan ini, saya selalu membandingkan terjemahan Prancis dengan terjemahan Inggris yang dilakukan oleh Syaikh Mahmud Ahmad, untuk memeriksa dan mengontrol pengertian saya. Tentu, terjemahan yang saya lakukan ini banyak kurangnya. Mengubah puisi menjadi prosa saja sudah mengurangi kekayaan dan kedalaman makna yang terkandung pada puisi aslinya. Sesudah itu, terjemahan dilakukan dari tangan kedua, tidak langsung dari bahasa yang asli. Sungguhpun demikian, saya berharap bagai pepatah lama: calak-calak keganti asah, sembari menunggu sang ahli tiba, untuk sementara terjemahan Indonesia dari Javid Namah ini ada gunanya memperkaya khazanah budaya dan memperluas cakrawala alam pikiran Islam di Indonesia. Mudah-mudahan kelak ada di antara kita yang menerjemahkan Javid Namah ini langsung dari bahasa Persia, dan akan lebih baik lagi bila ia menerjemahkannya juga dalam bentuk puisi, seperti telah dilakukan almarhum Bapak Drs. Bahrum Rangkuti atas karya Iqbal, Asrar-i-Khudi. Penerjemah dr. Mohammad Sadikin, D.Sc. [Mizan Publishing, Islam, Terjemahan, Klasik, Indonesia]
``This book attempts to give answers to some serious questions; such as: What is right? What is wrong? What is good? What is bad? Does God exist? Is there؟ life after death? Are there Paradise and Hell? Is there؟ Doomsday? Is Islam؟ revealed religion?..etc.`` Descriptor(s): ISLAMIC ETHICS | ISLAMIC CULTURE | PROPHETS | MARRIAGE | THE HOLY KORAN
Many books have been written about the life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). In writing this book, the author had a specific objective. He used the life of the Prophet (SAW) to go onto depth about the Prophet (SAW) many historians only touched on the various aspects of his life. This book goes into detail and provides reasons and explanations for whatever took place. It is a blend of modern analysis and ancient detail. Its objective is to nurture faith, purify characters and fan the struggle to embrace the truth and be faithful to it. Indeed, the life of the Prophet (SAW) has been documented as a message for practical implementation, not intellectual entertainment 'You may think that you have studied the life of Muhammad by following his history from birth to death but this is a grave mistake. You will never really understand the Sirah unless you study the noble Qur'an and the purified Sunnah. The amount that you derive from these will tell the strength of your connection with the prophet of Islam, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam' From the Epilogue An important work of the Egyptian scholar Sheikh Muhammad al-Ghazali. Drawing upon his profound classical Islamic learning and an extensive knowledge of modern science, Sheikh al-Ghazali has broken new ground in the study of Seerah, bringing to bear a fresh but wholly authentic approach. This is a work which all serious students should have, to complement the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Sheikh Muhammad al-Ghazali was one of the most influential Islamic scholars of the twentieth century, both as an author and in the field of Da'wa. Born at Buhayra, Egypt in 1335/1917, he received his schooling at the Alexandria Religious Institute before entering the Faculty of Usul al-Din at the University of al-Azhar.
Shining Sun is a tribute to the life and thought of the renowned Islamic scholar, Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i, written soon after his death by one of his students. Shining Sun includes an overview of Tabataba’i’s life and transcriptions of discussions between Tabataba’i and his students. These discussions cover history, philosophy, mysticism, theology, and the Qur’an. Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i (1902-1981), commonly referred to as the most learned (‘Allamah), was a prominent Muslim scholar who breathed new life into the Shi‘a seminaries by establishing courses on the interpretation of the Qur’an and by introducing a novel method of Qur’anic interpretation. He was a master of Islamic philosophy and a model of spirituality. "‘Allamah Tabataba’i is undoubtedly the major Shi`a thinker of modern times, and his impact on Persian philosophy and theology is incomparable. Anyone who approaches his work is bound to be impressed by it, and the fertility of his thought can be seen in the considerable contributions that his many students have continued to make to Islamic philosophy. It is wonderful to see the Persian tradition of respecting great personalities in writing continuing in modern times." - Oliver Leaman, University of Kentucky, USA
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