After his victory against the evil Dragonlord, Kleo returned to the Kingdom of GreatTree in triumph. But Kleo's not the only Monster Master in the world, and one of them's got a bone to pick with him. Dino is a hard-edged kid from the next kingdom over, and he's gunning to prove himself and his monsters by taking Kleo down!
Kleo dreams of becoming a gallant, monster-slaying hero, and when a twist of fate sees him whisked off to a strange and distant land, it seems he's finally got his chance. But the king doesn't want Kleo slaying monsters--he wants him training them, preparing mighty creatures to fight against the forces of darkness. Unfortunately, the kingdom's a little short on monsters at the moment...and Kleo's journey begins with only one sassy slime to back him up. It's a quirky quest with one majorly reluctant hero!
Kleo is now a Monster Master: a champion of the throne, empowered to recruit and lead monsters in the fight to save the kingdom of GreatTree! After narrowly surviving an attack by the nefarious Dragonlord, the pressure's on to rescue Terry, the kingdom's last champion. With only a slime and a junior dragon at his side, Kleo's quest won't be easy. It's a dangerous foray into monster-haunted lands with the fate of the world on the line!
Kleo vs. Marumo, Loran vs. Pazuzu...what awaits each of them at the end of their battles to the death? And then your own "story" is added to the Adventure Log. A new afterstory about Terry is included in the touching final volume to Yoshizaki Mine's wonderful DQ manga!
Keroro's latest and greatest plan to conquer Earth takes a turn for the cunning, the corrupt, and...the cute?! When gang green transforms itself into a group of adorable little plushy versions of themselves, will those frog fatales finally take the upper webbed hand in the battle for the planet? It may take a friendly game of bowling to ultimately settle the score - just don't be surprised if Keroro ends up in the gutter. The madness and mayhem is enough to make you want to hop and chew gum at the same time. -- VIZ Media
The invasion continues! Humanity's downfall is imminent! And Natsumi is in a real real bad mood! When Keroro and Fuyuki deepen their friendship in the tub, Natsumi ends up feeling stuck in the shallow end. But Keroro comes down with a mysterious illness, and it looks like he won't make it! Will our amphibious invader finally croak?! Oh, c'mon--we're not gonna kill off our main characters just yet! Especially when we've got an adventure filled with a big-ass watermelon, a raucous Halloween party, and a jump-rope exhibition in space. With page after page of merry gambol and leaping adventure, it's enough to make you want to sleep through New Year's! -- VIZ Media
When Koyuki, the new student in school, instantly falls in love with Natsumi, the secret of the Hinata family might be in jeopardy! Koyuki claims to be from the country, but she's really a special agent with a direct line to the Fifth One! When she moves in next door to the Hinata household, she finds that there's something a little bit alien about the family. One thing's for sure: The strange and beautiful Pokopen is turning out to be quite a frog-eat-frog world! -- VIZ Media
When Keroro is left home alone, Fuyuki's innocent Children's Day decorations become weapons for the sergeant. When Fuyuki finds out, not even Natsumi can stop his outraged rampage! During the monsoon season, Keroro has to use a power limiter or else he loses all control. When they try to remove the limiter, the frog goes haywire! And when the Platoon is about to be sent back to Keron for taking too long to conquer Pokopen, Kururu has the solution-an Earth replica operation! -- VIZ Media
Sgt. Keroro, a frog-like alien, and his special-forces invasion team, are cut off from their planet and take refuge with the Hinata family, where they are watched by two children, Fuyuki and Natsum, as they plot to take over the Earth.
Sgt. Keroro, a frog-like alien, and his special-forces invasion team, are cut off from their planet and take refuge with the Hinata family, where they are watched by two children, Fuyuki and Natsum, as they plot to take over the Earth.
Der Keroro-Trupp schwingt zum Neujahrsfest richtig die Schenkel und die Party hat es in sich: In der lockereren Atmosphäre gesteht Moa dem "Onkel" sehr freizügig ihre wahren Gefühle für ihn... Private Tamama, kocht vor Eifersucht und sieht dies als weitere Gefahr für seine Beziehung zum Sergeant und dreht durch! Jetzt herrscht nicht nur im Kopf "Katerstimmung". Und wer steht den unausweichlichen Ereignissen hilflos gegenüber? Natürlich, die Hinatas. In dem ganzen Chaos hat die Invasionstruppe von Keron aber eines komplett vergessen: Das fünfte Mitglied der Einheit fehlt immer noch! Aber nicht mehr lange...
Welche finsteren Pläne haben diese amphibischen Schlitzohren unter ihren Seerosenblättern versteckt?! Ködern sie die Erdlinge mit heißen Quellen, so dass diese dort nutzlos relaxen – bis zu ihrem Untergang?! Oder nehmen sie die Bundesjugendspiele auseinander... nur so aus Spaß? Ein aufregendes Spiel "Parcheesi" spielen, bei dem der Gewinner Pokopen gewinnt? Die Antwort ist: Das alles und noch viel mehr! Und am Ende wird nur die unvergleichlich liebliche Frühlingssonne alle ein bisschen zu einem Gefühl der Milde und Sanftheit hinführen.
Wissenschaft und Technik sind wahrlich geheimnisvoll und für viele ein Schloss mit sieben Siegeln. Nicht aber in den Händen eines hochgradig verwirrten Mitglieds aus Sgt. Kereros Trupp: "First Sergeant Kululu". Technik und Waffenkunde ist sein Spezialgebiet. So ist es auch nicht verwunderlich dass der erst kürzlich wieder aufgetauchte, taktische Offizier, Kululu bereits die rückständige Kriegskunst der Pokopenianer durschaut hat und gerade dabei ist, wirre Waffen zu entwickeln: Biochemische Waffen, denen auf der Erde kein Kraut gewachsen ist oder verrückte Atomstrahlen die die ganze Erde in hilflose Babys verwandeln können sind nur die Spitze seiner Forschungen. Aber wo findet ein gestrandeter Außerirdischer nun die passenden Versuchsobjekte um seine teuflischen Waffen zu testen? Richtig! Die Familie Hinata...Unterdessen wollen alle Liebe und Aufmerksamkeit: Private Tamama und Moa Angol im, Wettstreit um Sgt. Keroro. Momoka gibt alles bei Fuyuki. Und selbst Natsumi kanns nicht lassen und nimmt an einem Bikini-Wettbewerb teil...
Fische, Frösche, Sensationen!Alles lässt sich gegen Pokopen einsetzen, sogar ein friedlicher Karpfen. Dank fachkundiger Bearbeitung durch den Kerontrupp, sollen Kampfkarpfen den Weg zur Weltherrschaft frei schwimmen. Vorsicht, denn Wasser weckt nicht nur den Kampfgeist bei Fischen, sondern macht auch müde Frösche wieder munter. So entfacht die jährliche Regenzeit beim Kommandanten ein Feuerwerk an Mut und Kraft. Um Sgt. Keroro besser kontrollieren zu können, baut der erfinderische Kululu eine "Regendosierungs-Maschine" zum Aufsetzen. Doch scheinbar war die Zeit zu knapp, um herauszufinden, was passiert, wenn die Maschine abgenommen und die angestaute Frosch-Energie auf einmal freigesetzt wird... Aber was ist schon ein kampfwütiger Frosch, der nicht mehr kämpfen darf? "Truppen-Abzug von Pokopen wegen Unfähigkeit", so lautet der Befehl vom Hauptquartier. Die militärische Führung hat die weinerliche "Quakerei" endlich satt, da die Eroberung der Erde viel zu lange dauert. Ein herber Schlag für die ganze Truppe, aber Kululu bastelt schon an der Simulation fürs Hauptquartier: die täuschend echte Eroberungs-Show für Keron!
Sgt. Keroro, befehlshabender Offizier der Invasionstruppen vom Planeten Keron, hat ein Problem. Nachdem er mit seinem Raumschiff auf der Erde notlanden muss und seine Geheimwaffe, den Quak-Ball, verloren hat, kann er keinen Kontakt mehr zu seiner Heimatwelt aufnehmen. Er findet Unterschlupf bei der Familie Hinata, muss dafür aber die Hausarbeit erledigen. Nebenher schmiedet er Pläne, um seine geheime Mission, die Erderoberung, weiter voranzutreiben!
Es ist Schleim-Zeit!Die größte Bedrohung für Sergeant Keroro auf Pokopen ist immer noch Natsumi. Sie bildet die vorderste Verteidigungslinie der Erde. Aber Sergeant Keroro hat einen wunden Punkt bei seiner Erzfeindin entdeckt: glitschig-schleimige Nacktschnecken! Der Sergeant nutzt seine Chance und entwickelt die ultimative Waffe gegen Natsumi: Schnecko-Mann! Dieses glitschige Monster ist 1000mal stärker und schleimiger als gewöhnliche Garten-Nacktschnecken! Aber Schnecko-Mann ist nur der Anfang der gentechnisch manipulierten Spielereien. So macht sich der Keron-Trupp auf, um im örtlichen Zoo neue Rekruten für die Invasionsarmee von Pokopen anzuwerben...
Der Planet Pokopen wird Zeuge einer intergalaktischen Schlacht, als Keroro und seine Mannen von einem mysteriösen Typen mit dunklen Kumpanen angegriffen werden. Werden die furchtlosen Frösche in der Lage zu sein, ihr Areal zu halten? Als hätten sie damit nicht schon genug zu tun, gibt es Order von ganz oben, dass ab sofort Tamama der neue Anführer sein soll! Und Giroro muss seine Hosen runterlassen, weil sein Gürtel geklaut wird...
After Sgt. Keroro blew his cover and lost his top-secret weapon, the frog-like alien has been cut off from the homeworld. To make matters worse, he's lost communications with the rest of his platoon. Now he has taken cover in the Hinata family household, where in exchange for doing his share of the chores, he gets his own room from which to secretly devise new plans of world domination! -- VIZ Media
Keroro's latest and greatest plan to conquer Earth takes a turn for the cunning, the corrupt, and...the cute?! When gang green transforms itself into a group of adorable little plushy versions of themselves, will those frog fatales finally take the upper webbed hand in the battle for the planet? It may take a friendly game of bowling to ultimately settle the score - just don't be surprised if Keroro ends up in the gutter. The madness and mayhem is enough to make you want to hop and chew gum at the same time. -- VIZ Media
Sgt. Keroro, befehlshabender Offizier der Invasionstruppen vom Planeten Keron, hat ein Problem. Nachdem er mit seinem Raumschiff auf der Erde notlanden muss und seine Geheimwaffe, den Quak-Ball, verloren hat, kann er keinen Kontakt mehr zu seiner Heimatwelt aufnehmen. Er findet Unterschlupf bei der Familie Hinata, muss dafür aber die Hausarbeit erledigen. Nebenher schmiedet er Pläne, um seine geheime Mission, die Erderoberung, weiter voranzutreiben!
When a mysterious man and his sidekick attack Keroro and company, will our fearless froggy fighters be able to hold down their lily pads? Later an inexplicable order from the higher-ups makes Tamama the new general! The madcap mutant mutiny continues as someone steals Giroro's trusty belt--will this bold member be exposed? -- VIZ Media
Question: What sinister plans do these amphibian fibbers have hiding under their lily pads? (a) Luring Earthlings to hot springs so that they can their doom. (b) Crashing the school sports festival...just for fun. (c) A thrilling game of Parcheesi where the winner gets Pokopen. Answer: All of this and much, much more! And in the end, there's nothing like the warmth of the spring sun to make everyone feel a little mellow... -- VIZ Media
When Keroro and his gang become mixed up with a ghastly ghost, will life in the Hinata household turn into a fright fest? Later, a soccer match between Keroro Platoon and the Select Keron Forces Team shows that the sport is indeed universal...and one big bore! But not to worry - excitement is just a hop away, as Earth is suddenly anesthetized by Planet Anesthesia: Keroro Platoon members are silenced - and their friends are eliminated! Is there no one on Earth who can save our poor planet? Don't bet on it - you can't keep a frog-like alien down forever! -- VIZ Media
While messing around with the Kero Ball, Fuyuki accidentally makes contact with Planet QQ--a planet of swindlers that has its greedy eyes set on Keroro. The reason? They want o-n-e b-i-l-l-i-o-n Q's from a penniless Keroro! Will he be able to dupe them into taking Natsumi as payment? Later, a ski holiday with the Hinata kids and Keroro and his gang turns into a Snow Beauty contest...with a Gundam prize! Can you say Pokopen's Next Top Model? April 1st is around the corner, so watch out for being made a fool. It's enough madness and mayhem to make Keroro want to play with dolls! -- VIZ Media
The Keroro Platoon rings in the New Year with a bang-and has the hangover to prove it. But not everyone is celebrating. Underneath the cans, bottles and dismembered Gundam models lies the ultimate scandal: the liquidly courageous Lady Moa reveals her secret crush and Tamama's jealousy threatens to ignite the ultmate smack down! Once the Hinata family discovers this tangled web-footed love triangle (and you know they will) the house will really be in an uproar. And in the midst of it all, there is someone the platoon has completely forgotten... Its fifth member! -- VIZ Media
Follows the attempts of a platoon of frog-like alien invaders to conquer Earth. Sergeant Keroro, the titular character, is the leader of the platoon, but is at the mercy of a human family of three.
The invasion continues! Humanity's downfall is imminent! And Natsumi is in a real real bad mood! When Keroro and Fuyuki deepen their friendship in the tub, Natsumi ends up feeling stuck in the shallow end. But Keroro comes down with a mysterious illness, and it looks like he won't make it! Will our amphibious invader finally croak?! Oh, c'mon--we're not gonna kill off our main characters just yet! Especially when we've got an adventure filled with a big-ass watermelon, a raucous Halloween party, and a jump-rope exhibition in space. With page after page of merry gambol and leaping adventure, it's enough to make you want to sleep through New Year's! -- VIZ Media
Sgt. Keroro, a frog-like alien, and his special-forces invasion team, are cut off from their planet and take refuge with the Hinata family, where they are watched by two children, Fuyuki and Natsum, as they plot to take over the Earth.
She looks like a mere human to you and me...And she might be one of Keroro's dear, childhood friends...But sh has exactly what the Keroro platoon needs... In this, the 15th volume of Sgt. Frog, a new member hops onto the invasion as it reaches its threshold, and our planet and everyone on it has 30 seconds before complete and utter annihilation... The main question on everyone's mind is this: Can you keep a straight face through it all? -- VIZ Media
In this prequel to "Multiple Personality Girl" -- the story of Momoka Nishizawa just before she entered the world of Fuyuki and Keroro--"Dark Momoka" makes her first appearance when she sees Tamama being beaten up by an alien dog...Grrr! Also in this paper-cut-filled volume, as the sun hit high noon, Giroro discovers he's in too deep when a day at the beach turns into 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. And somewhere in all this madness, Sgt. Frog comes up with another ingenious plan to get back at Natsumi. But will his bark be worse than his bite...Or will his scheme just downright suck? -- VIZ Media
You smell it in the air and feel it in your bones. There's even a certain hop in your walk. Yes, indeed, summertime is finally here! But Keroro and the Hinata clan seem too busy to take notice of a little war of the worlds. As temperatures rise in the heat of battle, there's one cure for this group of hot heads: Soaking in a cool pool! Alas, there's just a little problem of shrinkage, and we don't mean from an alien member. So tune into your cosmic radio and broadcast to everyone you know--that giant sucking sound you hear is the latest in Keroro's new line of toys! But the question is: will we all make it through this adventure without croaking? -- VIZ Media
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