There are cynics who say that a party platform is something that no one bothers to read and it doesn't very often amount to much. Whether it is different this time than it has ever been before, I believe the Republican Party has a platform that is a banner of bold, unmistakable colors, with no pastel shades." –Ronald Reagan, 1976 Republican National Convention When Ronald Reagan was called to the podium by President Ford during the 1976 Republican National Convention, he had no prepared remarks. But the unrehearsed speech he gave that night is still regarded as one of the most moving speeches of his political career. The reason he was able to give such a powerful speech on a moment's notice was that he was proclaiming the core principles of his heart and soul, which he had been teaching and preaching for years. The New Reagan Revolution reveals new insights into the life, thoughts, and actions of the man who changed the world during the 1980s. The challenges and threats we face today are eerily similar to the conditions in the world before the beginning of the Reagan era. The good news is that we already know what works. Ronald Reagan has given us the blueprint. This book is not merely a diagnosis of our nation's ills, but a prescription to heal our nation, rooted in the words and principles of Ronald Reagan. In these pages, you'll find a plan for returning America to its former greatness, soundness, and prosperity. It's the plan Ronald Reagan developed over years of study, observation, and reflection. It's a plan he announced to the nation, straight from his heart, one summer evening during America's 200th year. It's the plan he put into action during his eight years in office as the most effective president of the 20th century, and it is the plan we can use today to help return America to its former greatness, soundness, and prosperity.
General aviation encompasses all the ways aircraft are used beyond commercial and military flying: private flights, barnstormers, cropdusters, and so on. Authors Janet and Michael Bednarek have taken on the formidable task of discussing the hundred-year history of this broad and diverse field by focusing on the most important figures and organizations in general aviation and the major producers of general aviation aircraft and engines. This history examines the many airplanes used in general aviation, from early Wright and Curtiss aircraft to the Piper Cub and the Lear Jet. The authors trace the careers of birdmen, birdwomen, barnstormers, and others who shaped general aviation—from Clyde Cessna and the Stinson family of San Antonio to Olive Ann Beech and Paul Poberezny of Milwaukee. They explain how the development of engines influenced the development of aircraft, from the E-107 that powered the 1929 Aeronca C-2, the first affordable personal aircraft, to the Continental A-40 that powered the Piper Cub, and the Pratt and Whitney PT-6 turboprop used on many aircraft after World War II. In addition, the authors chart the boom and bust cycle of general aviation manufacturers, the rising costs and increased regulations that have accompanied a decline in pilots, the creation of an influential general aviation lobby in Washington, and the growing popularity of “type” clubs, created to maintain aircraft whose average age is twenty-eight years. This book provides readers with a sense of the scope and richness of the history of general aviation in the United States. An epilogue examining the consequences of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, provides a cautionary note.
The Knowledge of God turns to consider the knowledge of God revealed in the Word of God, with several essays addressing the doctrine of God, then the person of Christ, and finally the miracle of the church. Michael Allen shows the exegetical shape of historical and dogmatic reasoning as well as the significance of thinking about these topics in their interrelationships with a range of other Christian themes, not least the doctrine of the living and true God. In each of these topics, the theme of the promise and nature of God's presence (whether in his own life or then in the economy of the incarnation and of the church) proves to be a unifying thread. The gospel is shown to be rooted backward in God's own life and to have consequence forward for the ongoing life of Christ displayed in his church. This volume explores what it means to learn of and come to know God, who has life in himself and then shares his life with us in the coming of his Son and the ongoing presence amidst his body, the church of Christ.
In the aftermath of the waves of discipleship programs that have swept over the church in the last 30 years, clergy, and laypersons alike are more confused than ever about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. What should a disciple of Jesus look and act like today? What is the relationship between discipleship and salvation, between discipleship and sanctification, between discipleship and ministry? How were disciples of Jesus different from other disciples in the ancient world? How did the early church carry out Jesus' agenda in "making disciples of all the nations"? In Following the Master, Michael J. Wilkins addresses these and many other questions that perplex the church today- not by offering another discipleship program or manual but by presenting a comprehensive biblical theology of discipleship. Following the Master compares other forms of master-disciple relationships in existence in the ancient Judaism and Greco-Roman world, traces Jesus' steps as he called and developed disciples, and Mediterranean world as it followed Jesus' command to make disciples. Following the Master lays the groundwork necessary for developing biblical discipleship ministries in the church, on the mission field, and in parachurch ministries. It is essential reading for all pastors, students, and Christian workers.
Already as a young boy, I used to walk with my late father, an ardent naturalist at heart, though to his regret not by profession, in the fields and woods on Mt. Carmel where we lived. My father, being largely an amateur ornithologist but also loving other vertebrates, was less inter ested in the little creatures(-the invertebrates) so abundant under stones. These were, more often then not, isopods which are particularly abundant in the Mediterranean region of northern Israel, and therefore not difficult to encounter (Fig. 1). Thus, my interest in the terrestrial isopods started at an early stage. Many years later, after graduating from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, I worked as an assistant to my late friend and colleague, Professor Michael Costa, at the Teachers Seminary in Oranim. One day I found on my desk a copy of Edney's (1954) paper: Woodlice and the land habitat, which my friend left for me knowing of my interest in this group. Therefore, due to the stimulus of Edney's paper, and the many interesting questions it raised in my mind, I developed a lifelong interest in this amazing crustacean group. My research in the ecophysiology of this group followed to a large extent the directions formulated by Edney and Cloudsley-Thompson whose name will be mentioned throughout this book. I am also indebted to the many stimulating discussions with my friends and colleagues C. S. Crawford, K. E. Linsenmair, and E.
Kommentierte Bibliografie. Sie gibt Wissenschaftlern, Studierenden und Journalisten zuverlässig Auskunft über rund 6000 internationale Veröffentlichungen zum Thema Film und Medien. Die vorgestellten Rubriken reichen von Nachschlagewerk über Filmgeschichte bis hin zu Fernsehen, Video, Multimedia.
Comprehensive dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations of institutions and organizations / Großes Wörterbuch der Akronyme und ... und Organisationen: Pd - Soz: Volume 6.
A new and wide-ranging empirical overview of party policy in 47 modern democracies, including all of the new democracies of Eastern Europe. It updates and radically extends Policy and Party Competition (1992), which established itself as a key mainstream data source for all political scientists exploring the policy positions of political parties. This essential text is divided into three clear parts: Part I introduces the study, themes and methodology Part II deals in depth with the wide range of issues involved in estimating and analyzing the policy positions of key political actors. Part III is the key data section that identifies key policy dimensions across the 47 countries, detailing their party positions and median legislators, and is complemented by graphical representations of each party system. This book is an invaluable reference for all political scientists, particularly those interested in party policy and comparative politics.
Dieses kurze Buch enthAAlt viele faszinierende Informationen AAber eines der umstrittensten Gebiete der Psychiatrie - die psychedelische Therapie. Die Forschung in diesem Teilbereich der Medizin wurde erst vor kurzem wieder aufgenommen, nachdem sie ein halbes Jahrhundert lang verboten gewesen war, denn die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen AAber die Wirkung bewusstseinserweiternde Drogen bei Kriegsveteranen mit posttraumatischen Stress und bei Patienten mit behandlungsresistenter Depression waren vielversprechend. GegenwAArtig werden kontrollierte Studien AAber die Wirksamkeit psychedelischer Drogen bei der Behandlung von Depressionen durchgefAAhrt, und zwar an der Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in den Vereinigten Staaten sowie an der neuropsychopharmakologischen Einheit der Abteilung Gehirnwissenschaften am Imperial College, London. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Psychedelika innerhalb der nAAchsten zehn Jahre eine legale medikamentoese Behandlung fAAr Depressionen und PTBS werden koennten.DarAAber hinaus sind diese Substanzen dafAAr bekannt, die KreativitAAt dramatisch zu steigern und tiefe geistige Einblicke zu erlauben. Vielleicht noch faszinierender ist der zweite Teil des Buches, in dem viele bekannte Persoenlichkeiten ihre Erfahrungen mit Psychedelika beschreiben, die ihr Leben verAAnderten und denen sie ihren Erfolg verdanken. Diese sind: A Apple-Pionier Steve Jobs fAAhrte seine aus dem Rahmen fallende Sichtweise auf LSD zurAAck. Es verlieh ihm eine voellig andere Vision der Existenz, durch die dann viele sehr erfolgreiche Apple-Produkterfindungen inspiriert wurden. Francis Crick, der Vater der modernen Genetik, stellte sich die Doppelhelixform der DNS-MolekAAle auf einem LSD Trip vor. Der vielfach ausgezeichnete Kosmologe Carl Sagan stellte fest: Das aazmystische hinduistische Erleben"e; der Vereinigung mit dem Universum aazist fest in uns verankert und es braucht nur 200 Mikrogramm LSD, um sich zu manifestieren."e; Oliver Wolf Sacks, Schriftsteller und Professor fAAr Neurologie und Psychiatrie an der Columbia UniversitAAt, stellte fest: aazIch bin glAAcklich, diese Erfahrung machen zu dAArfen. Sie hat mir gezeigt, wozu der Geist fAAhig ist."e; Susan Blackmore, freie englische Schriftstellerin, Lektorin und Autorin des Bestsellers "e;Die Meme-Maschine"e; sagte: Das faszinierendste Psychedelikum, dessen Entdecker sich mit hundert Jahren noch guter Gesundheit erfreut, ist das LSD... Es kann nicht nur mystische Erlebnisse herbeifAAhren, sondern man kann damit auch Neurosen behandeln sowie Schmerz und Furcht bei Todkranken lindern. Aber wir ziehen keinen Nutzen aus dieser potentiellen aazWundermedizin!"e; Tom Robbins, ein amerikanischer Schriftsteller, der von Writer's Digest zu einem der hundert besten Autoren des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts gewAAhlt wurde: aazTatsAAchlich war der Tag, an dem ich 300 Mikrogramm reines LSD von Sandoz nahm, der lohnenswerteste Tag meines Lebens. Ich wAArde diesen Tag gegen keinen anderen tauschen... Psychedelika koennen das Leben jedes intelligenten und mutigen Menschen bereichern und sie sind vielleicht unsere letzte Hoffnung fAAr das Aoeberleben des Planeten."e; A Diese Liste enthAAlt noch viele andere berAAhmte Persoenlichkeiten, als da sind: Aldous Huxley; Nobelpreis fAAr Chemie, Kary Banks Mullis; der Erfinder der VRML (Virtual Reality) Mark Pesce; Andrew Weil, Arzt und Bestsellerautor der New York Times; Bill Wilson, GrAAnder der anonymen Alkoholiker ; Rupert Sheldrake; Colin Wilson; Walter Houston Clark; Stephen John Fry; Robert Greene; Robin Skynner; Abraham Maslow; Robert Anton Wilson; Huston Smith; Alan Watts; Ken Kesey; Cary Grant und Time Magazine Verleger Henry Luce, der in den 1950er Jahren im Time Magazin nacheinander einige AAberaus positive Artikel AAber das Potenzial der Droge veroeffentlichte, in denen er Sandoz lobte, weil diese Firma den Psychiatern mit LSD aazein wertvolles Heilmittel"e; zur VerfAAgung gestellt hatte.
This landmark study in the sociology of religion sheds new light on the question of what has happened to religion and spirituality since the 1960s in modern societies. Exposing several analytical weaknesses of today's sociology of religion, (Un)Believing in Modern Society presents a new theory of religious-secular competition and a new typology of ways of being religious/secular. The authors draw on a specific European society (Switzerland) as their test case, using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to show how the theory can be applied. Identifying four ways of being religious/secular in a modern society: 'institutional', 'alternative', 'distanced' and 'secular' they show how and why these forms have emerged as a result of religious-secular competition and describe in what ways all four forms are adapted to the current, individualized society.
This is the definitive treatment of the phenomenology of galaxies--a clear and comprehensive volume that takes full account of the extraordinary recent advances in the field. The book supersedes the classic text Galactic Astronomy that James Binney wrote with Dimitri Mihalas, and complements Galactic Dynamics by Binney and Scott Tremaine. It will be invaluable to researchers and is accessible to any student who has a background in undergraduate physics. The book draws on observations both of our own galaxy, the Milky Way, and of external galaxies. The two sources are complementary, since the former tends to be highly detailed but difficult to interpret, while the latter is typically poorer in quality but conceptually simpler to understand. Binney and Merrifield introduce all astronomical concepts necessary to understand the properties of galaxies, including coordinate systems, magnitudes and colors, the phenomenology of stars, the theory of stellar and chemical evolution, and the measurement of astronomical distances. The book's core covers the phenomenology of external galaxies, star clusters in the Milky Way, the interstellar media of external galaxies, gas in the Milky Way, the structure and kinematics of the stellar components of the Milky Way, and the kinematics of external galaxies. Throughout, the book emphasizes the observational basis for current understanding of galactic astronomy, with references to the original literature. Offering both new information and a comprehensive view of its subject, it will be an indispensable source for professionals, as well as for graduate students and advanced undergraduates.
He argues that the concept of family resemblances, as that concept has been refined and extended in prototype theory in the contemporary cognitive sciences, is the most plausible analytical strategy for resolving the central problem of the book. In the solution proposed, religion is conceptualized as an affair of "more or less" rather than a matter of "yes or no," and no sharp line is drawn between religion and non-religion."--BOOK JACKET.
A research focus on hazards, risk perception and risk minimizing strategies is relatively new in the social and environmental sciences. This volume by a prominent scholar of East African societies is a powerful example of this growing interest. Earlier theory and research tended to describe social and economic systems in some form of equilibrium. However recent thinking in human ecology, evolutionary biology, not to mention in economic and political theory has come to assign to "risk" a prominent role in predictive modeling of behavior. It turns out that risk minimalization is central to the understanding of individual strategies and numerous social institutions. It is not simply a peripheral and transient moment in a group’s history. Anthropologists interested in forager societies have emphasized risk management strategies as a major force shaping hunting and gathering routines and structuring institutions of food sharing and territorial behavior. This book builds on some of these developments but through the analysis of quite complex pastoral and farming peoples and in populations with substantial known histories. The method of analysis depends heavily on the controlled comparisons of different populations sharing some cultural characteristics but differing in exposure to certain risks or hazards. The central questions guiding this approach are: 1) How are hazards generated through environmental variation and degradation, through increasing internal stratification, violent conflicts and marginalization? 2) How do these hazards result in damages to single households or to individual actors and how do these costs vary within one society? 3) How are hazards perceived by the people affected? 4) How do actors of different wealth, social status, age and gender try to minimize risks by delimiting the effect of damages during an on-going crisis and what kind of institutionalized measures do they design to insure themselves against hazards, preventing their occurrence or limiting their effects? 5) How is risk minimization affected by cultural innovation and how can the importance of the quest for enhanced security as a driving force of cultural evolution be estimated?
The Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter traces how an industry of lies was created to persecute Hillary Clinton: “thoroughly researched [and] incisive” (Kirkus Reviews). A pioneer for women, Hilary Clinton was burdened in ways no male politician ever was. Maligned by an avalanche of sexist insults and baseless accusations, she couldn’t call out her right-wing attackers lest she be cast as weak and whiny. Nevertheless, she persisted. And her many achievements in politics and policy are all the more remarkable for the unprecedented smear campaign that attempted to stop her. The 2016 presidential election can only be understood in the context of the primal and primitive response of those who just couldn’t imagine that a woman might lead. For those who seek to understand the experience of the most accomplished woman in American politics, The Hunting of Hillary offers insight. For those who recognized what happened to her, it offers affirmation. And for those who hope to carry Clinton’s work into the future, it offers inspiration and instruction. “I’m biased! But I think Michael D’Antonio’s book, cataloging decades of right-wing misogyny and mythmaking, is a stunner.” —Hillary Clinton
A comprehensive annotated bibliography of texts relating to the Northern European artist, with an historiographic essay on various aspects of Holbein's reception. This is volume 2 in the ARTISTS RESOURCE MANUALS series.
Winner of the 2013 Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award for Theological Promise Michael Peppard examines the social and political meaning of divine sonship in the Roman Empire. He begins by analyzing the conceptual framework within which the term ''son of God'' has traditionally been considered in biblical scholarship. Then, through engagement with recent scholarship in Roman history - including studies of family relationships, imperial ideology, and emperor worship - he offers new ways of interpreting the Christian theological metaphors of ''begotten''and ''adoptive'' sonship. Peppard focuses on social practices and political ideology, revealing that scholarship on divine sonship has been especially hampered by mistaken assumptions about adopted sons. He invites fresh readings of several early Christian texts, from the first Gospel to writings of the fourth century. By re-interpreting several ancient phenomena - particularly divine status, adoption, and baptism - he offers an imaginative refiguring of the Son of God in the Roman world.
Rigorously researched and accessibly written, Cognitive Psychology: A Student’s Handbook is widely regarded as the leading undergraduate textbook in the field. The book is clearly organised, and offers comprehensive coverage of all the key areas of cognitive psychology. With a strong focus on considering human cognition in context, the book has been designed to help students develop a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of cognitive psychology, providing them with detailed knowledge of the very latest advances in the field. New to this edition: Thoroughly revised throughout to include the latest research and developments in the field Extended coverage of cognitive neuroscience Additional content on computational cognitive science New and updated case studies demonstrating real life applications of cognitive psychology Fully updated companion website Cognitive Psychology: A Student’s Handbook will be essential reading for all undergraduate students of psychology. Those taking courses in computer science, education, linguistics, physiology, and medicine will also find it an invaluable resource.
Eighteenth-century Europe witnessed a commercialization of culture as it became less courtly and more urban. The marketing of culture became separate from the production of culture. New cultural entrepreneurs entered the stage: the impresario, the publisher, the book seller, the art dealer, the auction house, and the reading society served as middlemen between producers and consumers of culture, and constituted at the same time the beginning of a cultural service sector. Cultural consumption also played a substantial role in creating social identity. One could demonstrate social status by attending an auction, watching a play, or listening to a concert. Moreover, and eventually more significant, one could demonstrate connoisseurship and taste, which became important indicators of social standing. The centres of cultural exchange and consumption were initially the great cities of Europe. In the course of the eighteenth century, however, cultural consumption penetrated much deeper, for example into the numerous residential and university towns in Germany, where a growing number of functional elites and burghers met in coffee houses and reading societies, attended the theatre and opera, and performed orchestral and chamber music together. Journals, novels and letters were also crucial in forming consumer culture in provincial Germany: as the German states were remote from the cultural life of England and France, the material reality of London and Paris often passed as a literary construction to Germany. It is against this background, and stimulated by the research of John Brewer on England, that the book systematically explores this field for the first time in regard to the Continent, and especially to eighteenth-century Germany. Michael North focuses, chapter by chapter, on the new forms of entertainment (concerts, theatre, opera, reading societies, travelling) on the one hand and on the new material culture (fashion, gardens, country houses, furniture) on the other. At the centre of the discussion is the reception of English culture on the Continent, and the competition between English and French fashions in the homes of German elites and burghers attracts special attention. The book closes with an investigation of the role of cultural consumption for identity formation, demonstrating the integration of Germany into a European cultural identity during the eighteenth century.
In seinem zweisprachigem Werk: HOFFNUNG trotz all der Krisen / HOPE despite all the crises, legt Michael Thalhammer eine ganze Reihe von Vorschlägen vor, um die Forderungen der Klimapolitik in die Tat umzusetzen. Seine lizenzfreien Innovationen sind ein Angebot an Wirtschaft und Politik, jetzt zu handeln, jetzt neue Wege zu beschreiten und jetzt mit praktikablem Umwelt- und Klimaschutz zu beginnen; somit sind 80 % an Ressourcen und CO2-Ausstoss einzusparen. Die Vorteile der Innovationen sind anschaulich und auch für technische Laien gut verständlich abgefasst. Gelegentliche Verweise auf den Schöpfergott erinnern den Leser daran, dass nachhaltiges Leben nur im Einklang mit der göttlichen Weltordnung möglich ist, und dass wir mit der Schöpfung verantwortlich umgehen müssen.
Crinoids have graced the oceans for more than 500 million years. Among the most attractive fossils, crinoids had a key role in the ecology of marine communities through much of the fossil record, and their remains are prominent rock forming constituents of many limestones. This is the first comprehensive volume to bring together their form and function, classification, evolutionary history, occurrence, preservation and ecology. The main part of the book is devoted to assemblages of intact fossil crinoids, which are described in their geological setting in twenty-three chapters ranging from the Ordovician to the Tertiary. The final chapter deals with living sea lilies and feather stars. The volume is exquisitely illustrated with abundant photographs and line drawings of crinoids from sites around the world. This authoritative account recreates a fascinating picture of fossil crinoids for paleontologists, geologists, evolutionary and marine biologists, ecologists and amateur fossil collectors.
In this book, through a distinctive evangelical and critical approach, Michael Bird explores the historical development of the four canonical Gospels. He shows how the memories and faith of the earliest believers formed the Gospel accounts of Jesus that got written and, in turn, how these accounts further shaped the early church. Bird's study clarifies the often confusing debates over the origins of the canonical Gospels. Bird navigates recent concerns and research as he builds an informed case for how the early Christ followers wrote and spread the story of Jesus -- the story by which they believed they were called to live. The Gospel of the Lord is ideal for students or anyone who wants to know the story behind the four Gospels. Watch an interview with Michael Bird from our Eerdmans Author Interview Series:
This book is a comprehensive overview of multiple nationality in international law, and contains a survey of current State practice covering over 75 countries. It examines the topic in light of the historical treatment of multiple nationality by States, international bodies and commentators, setting out the general trends in international law and relations that have influenced nationality. While the book's purpose is not to debate the merits of multiple nationality, but to present actual state practice, it does survey arguments for and against multiple nationality, and considers States' motivations in adopting a particular attitude toward the topic. As a reference work, the volume includes a detailed examination of the nature of nationality under international law and the concepts of nationality and citizenship under municipal law. The survey of State practice also constitutes a valuable resource for practitioners.
Now in its second edition, Stopping Anxiety Medication updates and enhances this comprehensive and effective program. The guide is to be utilized in conjunction with the corresponding workbook for patients, which includes monitoring forms, exercises, and psychoeducation. Together, they form a complete and easy-to-implement treatment package."--BOOK JACKET.
Providing an ideal balance of theory and practice, Low Vision: Principles and Management covers all aspects of providing effective eye care to individuals with visual impairment. This concise yet comprehensive resource covers everything from theoretical background to current rehabilitative aids and low vision treatment strategies—all while adopting a practical approach to vision care. It brings practising eye care professionals and students fully up to date with current optical and electronic devices and how they are used in everyday practice, as well as evidence-based vision rehabilitation guidelines. - Features comprehensive guidance on visual rehabilitation for acuity loss and visual field loss. - Describes a wealth of practical advice and real-world case scenarios to help guide your day-to-day patient interactions as well as your most challenging situations. - Covers hot topics, including the link between mental health and low vision, assistive technologies, measures of quality of life and other outcome measures, WHO classifications of visual impairment, and best practices for auditing and commissioning vision services. - Contains over 200 diagrams, illustrations, and patient photos to aid in visual understanding. - Explains how eye care professionals can work within a multi-disciplinary team to provide complete care. - An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
This newly revised and updated guide tells you everything you need to know about visiting Germany. Covering the entire country region by region, the guide begins in the youthful capital of Berlin and proceeds to Mecklenburg, Hamburg, Niedersachsen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Hessen, Thuringe, Sachsen, northern Bavaria, Munich and the Alps, and finally Baden-Wurtemberg. Interesting narratives describe the best sites to visit (as well as lesser-known ones), complete with detailed background descriptions and how best to tour each one. Among the special features are self-guided walking and driving tours: Stroll along the streets of ever changing Berlin, for instance, or through a breathtaking corner of the Black Forest. National Geographic and local experts provide insider tips on favorite or little known sites and events, and dozens of sidebars highlight experiences that show you how to truly get the most from your trip, including attending the medieval festivals celebrated at many castles in the Rhine Valley; touring underground Berlin; surfing and windsurfing off the northern Baltic coast; and learning how to brew beer in Bavaria. A chapter full of practical information rounds out the guide, including how to get to Germany and an extensive listing of author-picked hotels and restaurants in all price ranges. The National Geographic Traveler series is aimed at active travelers who want authentic, enriching, cultural experiences and look to a guidebook for expert advice and insider tips from a trustworthy source. We offer ways for people to experience a place rather than just visit, and give the feel of each destination not easily found online.
Governing Europe's Marine Environment is a coherent up-to-date multidisciplinary analysis of current approaches and challenges to the sustainable governance of Europe's marine environment. Structured in three parts, Part 1 outlines general theoretical ideas about governance, governing, and governability and serves as a starting point for analysing the development of marine governance in Europe from the perspective of different disciplines. Part 2 includes studies of EU marine governance. Part 3 focuses on Europe's regional seas, namely the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the Black Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. This book presents a better understanding of the fragmented governance of marine governance in Europe and in particular the tension between the Europeanization of regional seas and the regionalization of EU policies.
Recently there has been a revival of interest in the views held by Reformed theologians within the parameters of confessional orthodoxy. For example, the doctrine known as 'hypothetical universalism'--the idea that although Christ died in some sense for every person, his death was intended to bring about the salvation only for those who were predestined for salvation. Michael Lynch focuses on the hypothetical universalism of the English theologian and bishop John Davenant (1572-1641), arguing that it has consistently been misinterpreted and misrepresented as a via media between Arminian and Reformed theology. A close examination of Davenent's De Morte Christi, is the central core of the study. Lynch offers a detailed exposition of Davenant's doctrine of universal redemption in dialogue with his understanding of closely related doctrines such as God's will, predestination, providence, and covenant theology. He defends the thesis that Davenant's version of hypothetical universalism represents a significant strand of the Augustinian tradition, including the early modern Reformed tradition. The book examines the patristic and medieval periods as they provided the background for the Lutheran, Remonstrant, and Reformed reactions to the so-called Lombardian formula ('Christ died sufficiently for all, effectually for the elect'). It traces how Davenant and his fellow British delegates at the Synod of Dordt shaped the Canons of Dordt in such a way as to allow for their English hypothetical universalism.
The presidency of Ronald Reagan has become a Rorschach Test for politicians and citizens alike. While many conservatives see the Reagan era of the 1980s as the high-water mark for their movement and a time of national recovery from the difficulties of the 1970s, many liberals maintain that the rosy Reagan legacy is based largely on myth, and that in fact his eight years as president caused serious harm to the country. John Ehrman and Michael W. Flamm give due attention to the lasting controversies surrounding the Reagan record and provide a balanced view of the fortieth president's foreign and domestic policies. Students are encouraged to draw their own conclusions by reading key primary documents.
The household was the basic unit of the early church; it also constituted the basic unit of political economy until the Industrial Revolution. This richly detailed work uses the notion of house as a unifying theme, establishing the identity and concerns of the early Christian churches. What emphases did Matthew's gospel have for that audience - which Crosby establishes was urban-based and prosperous - and what does it mean to First World Christians today? Through an in-depth exploration of Matthew's gospel and its socioeconomic milieu, 'House of Disciples' shows how the world of the early church continues to challenge Christians nineteen hundred years later. It makes a unique contribution to both New Testament scholarship and the practice of a contemporary spirituality.
In the book that predicted our current political climate, conservative talk-show host and #1 New York Times bestselling author Michael Savage shows how true patriots can defend America's freedoms before it's too late. The split between the right and the left is growing every day, and our country is in real trouble. Not between the states, but between true patriots who believe in our nation's founding principles and those he believes are working every day to undermine them and change the very nature of the country. Michael Savage is convinced we face more than just political differences. He believes the split between right and left is possibly irreversible unless we understand what's destroying American values and how to stop it. This fervent warning offers the Savage truth - a call to action in the voting booth - in order to defend the freedoms our Constitution so brilliantly established.
First published in 1990. The book surveys of the development of German theatre from a market sideshow into an important element of cultural life and political expression. It examines Schiller as ‘theatre poet’ at Mannheim, Goethe’s work as director of the court theatre at Weimar, and then traces the rapid commercial decline that made it difficult for Kleist and impossible for Büchner to see their plays staged in their own lifetime. Four representative texts are analysed: Schiller’s The Robbers, Goethe’s Iphigenia on Tauris, Kleist’s The Prince of Homburg, and Büchner’s Woyzeck. This title will be of interest to students of theatre and German literature.
This volume of essays is dedicated to Professor Ralph Martin of the University of Sheffield, formerly Director of the Graduate Studies Program at Fuller Theological Seminary, widely known for his incisive and disciplined scholarship on the New Testament. The editors called on associates from his various teaching posts, former students, and colleagues in the field for these original essays, the range of which reflects Professor Martin's own broad interests in New Testament studies, worship and ministry. Contributors to the volume are: Ernest Best, Colin Brown, James Dunn, E. Earle Ellis, Donald Guthrie, Donald Hagner, Gerald Hawthorne, Colin Kruse, Andrew Lincoln, I. Howard Marshall, Leon Morris, Peter T. O'Brien, Terence Paige, Eduard Schweizer, Graham Stanton, Marianne Meye Thompson and Michael J. Wilkins, with a curriculum vitae and reminiscences supplied by Lynn A. Losie and Leslie Allen.
The second edition of Rosen's Atlas of Abdominal Wall Reconstruction has been refreshed and updated to include today's latest advances in abdominal wall surgery. Coverage of 10 brand-new operative procedures provides the clear guidance needed to make the most effective use of both commonly performed and new and emerging surgical techniques for reconstruction. Comprehensive in scope and lavishly illustrated throughout, it's a must-have resource that residents and practitioners alike will reference for repairs ranging from the simple to the complex. - Covers congenital as well as acquired abdominal wall problems and surgeries, presenting readers with the full range of disorders which cause these defects and their surgical therapies. - High-quality 4-color anatomic illustrations and clinical intra-operative photos allow users to view internal structures in a meaningful way. - Features laparoscopic, open, and hybrid surgical approaches, providing surgeons with the skills necessary to repair both simple and complex defects. - Familiarizes readers with all aspects of the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative care of the patient. - Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, images, videos, and references from the book on a variety of devices. - Covers the latest advances in reconstruction, including mesh deployment techniques and minimally invasive techniques for hernia repair. - Real-time video clips on Expert Consult capture key moments and techniques in abdominal wall surgery and are performed by masters in their respective fields. - Highlights 10 brand-new operative procedures with companion videos: -Posterior Component Separation with Transversus Abdominus Muscle Release -Open Ventral Hernia Repair with Onlay Mesh -Chemical Component Separation with Botox -Perineal Hernia Repair -Robotic Transabdominal Preperitoneal (r-TAPP) Hernia Repair for Ventral Hernias -Surgical Approach to the Rectus Diastasis -Umbilical Hernia Repair -Repair of the Post-TRAM Bulge/Hernia -Transabdominal Preperitoneal Inguinal Hernia Repair -Laparoscopic Totally Extraperitoneal Inguinal Hernia Repair - Includes a new chapter on the Preoperative Optimization of the Hernia Patient.
Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts is the first publication to list every surviving manuscript or manuscript fragment written in Anglo-Saxon England between the seventh and the eleventh centuries or imported into the country during that time. Each of the 1,291 entries in Helmut Gneuss and Michael Lapidge's Bibliographical Handlist not only details the origins, contents, current location, script, and decoration of the manuscript, but also provides bibliographic entries that list facsimiles, editions, linguistic analyses, and general studies relevant to that manuscript. A general bibliography, designed to provide full details of author-date references cited in the individual entries, includes more than 4,000 items. Compiled by two of the field's greatest living scholars, the Gneuss-Lapidge Bibliographical Handlist stands to become the most important single-volume research tool to appear in the field since Greenfield and Robinson's Bibliography of Publications on Old English Literature. Their achievement in the present book will endure for many decades and serve as a catalyst for new research across several disciplines.
Transforming the transformation? The East European Radical Right in the Political Process examines the significance of radical right parties, along with other organizations, in terms of their involvement in the political process of new democracies. This groundbreaking study highlights firstly the radical right’s interaction with other political actors, such as parties, governments and interest groups, in their respective countries. Secondly, the contributors analyze the effects of such interaction with regard to agenda setting and policies in "loaded" policy fields, namely minorities and immigration, law and order, religion, territorial issues and democratization. Through an examination of the role of radical right actors in political processes and an assessment of the resulting measurable outcomes, this book shows how policies, election results and regime changes indicate shifts away from the liberal-democratic order institutionalized in the course of post-Communist transformation. Offering a unique cross-national comparison of particular facets and themes, as well as in-depth analysis of country cases, this book will be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as scholars, of European politics and far right studies.
The author concentrates on Matthew's explicit references and allusions to the prophet Jeremiah, and as a result sheds fresh light upon an important and distinctive theme in Matthew's Gospel. Taking a theme never examined in detail before, and using the varied resources of sociological criticism and Jewish studies, Knowles makes an original and substantial contribution to Matthaean scholarship.
A magnificent new biography of the man who gave us David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, and Ebenezer Scrooge This long-awaited biography, twenty years after the last major account, uncovers Dickens the man through the profession in which he excelled. Drawing on a lifetime's study of this prodigiously brilliant figure, Michael Slater explores the personal and emotional life, the high-profile public activities, the relentless travel, the charitable works, the amateur theatricals and the astonishing productivity. But the core focus is Dickens' career as a writer and professional author, covering not only his big novels but also his phenomenal output of other writing--letters, journalism, shorter fiction, plays, verses, essays, writings for children, travel books, speeches, and scripts for his public readings, and the relationships among them. Slater's account, rooted in deep research but written with affection, clarity, and economy, illuminates the context of each of the great novels while locating the life of the author within the imagination that created them. It highlights Dickens' boundless energy, his passion for order and fascination with disorder, his organizational genius, his deep concern for the poor and outrage at indifference towards them, his susceptibility towards young women, his love of Christmas and fairy tales, and his hatred of tyranny. Richly and precisely illustrated with many rare images, this masterly work on the complete Dickens, man and writer, becomes the indispensable guide and companion to one of the greatest novelists in the language.
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