As Commissioner Alberto Ruggeri stands in the rain, flashes of lightning and a floodlight show a murdered man on a merry-go-round. Someone shot the victim, identified as a Romanian mason, once to the temple. A three-story building and a wooded area flank the playground that is now a crime scene. Now, Ruggeri must try to find out who the laborer is, why he was killed and who is to blame. His investigation leads him to the building nearby and its odd cast of characters. By picking apart statements from witnesses, Ruggeri discovers that the victim was killed in the woods and that a dog chased the killer. One witness even says she saw someone leave the body in the playground. But even these details do little to reveal why the laborer was killed and by whom. As Ruggeri continues to investigate, he comes upon mysteries within mysteries, including another murder victim. Join Ruggeri in a mystery full of quirky characters and unexpected twists. Another person just might turn up dead if the detective is unable to follow The Serpent's Tracks.
As Commissioner Alberto Ruggeri stands in the rain, flashes of lightning and a floodlight show a murdered man on a merry-go-round. Someone shot the victim, identified as a Romanian mason, once to the temple. A three-story building and a wooded area flank the playground that is now a crime scene. Now, Ruggeri must try to find out who the laborer is, why he was killed and who is to blame. His investigation leads him to the building nearby and its odd cast of characters. By picking apart statements from witnesses, Ruggeri discovers that the victim was killed in the woods and that a dog chased the killer. One witness even says she saw someone leave the body in the playground. But even these details do little to reveal why the laborer was killed and by whom. As Ruggeri continues to investigate, he comes upon mysteries within mysteries, including another murder victim. Join Ruggeri in a mystery full of quirky characters and unexpected twists. Another person just might turn up dead if the detective is unable to follow The Serpent's Tracks.
There are a surprising number of stories from antiquity about people who fall in love with statues or paintings, and about lovers who use such visual representations as substitutes for an absent beloved. In a charmingly conversational, witty meditation on this literary theme, Maurizio Bettini moves into a wide-ranging consideration of the relationship between self and image, the nature of love in the ancient world, the role of representation in culture, and more. Drawing on historical events and cultural practices as well as literary works, The Portrait of the Lover is a lucid excursion into the anthropology of the image. The majority of the stories and poems Bettini examines come from Greek and Roman classical antiquity, but he reaches as far as Petrarch, Da Ponte, and Poe. The stories themselves—ranging from the impassioned to the bizarre, and from the sublime to the hilarious—serve as touchstones for Bettini's evocative explorations of the role of representation in literature and in culture. Although he begins with a consideration of lovers' portraits, Bettini soon broadens his concerns to include the role of shadows, dreams, commemorative statues, statues brought to life, and vengeful statues—in short, an entire range of images that take on a life of their own. The chapters shift skillfully from one theme to another, touching on the nature of desire, loss, memory, and death. Bettini brings to the discussion of these tales not only a broad learning about cultures but also a delighted sense of wonder and admiration for the evocative power and endless variety of the stories themselves.
An acute reappraisal for our time of the very concept of revolution. In order to be effective, union struggles, struggles for national liberation, worker mutualism, or struggles for emancipation were strategies that were necessarily connected to revolution. Starting from the historic defeat of the global Revolution in the mid-1970s, this book draws a portrait—whose elaboration is still lacking—of the concept of revolution. What conditions could lead us to speak of revolution once again? In The Intolerable Present, the Urgency of Revolution, Maurizio Lazzarato ponders the fundamental importance of the passage from the historical class struggle (the conflict between capital and labor) to the more recent class struggles that open onto plural trajectories: social, sexual, gender, and race struggles. Expanding the notion of class as a rejoinder to the normative appropriation of minority politics, the revolution is returned as the horizon where subjection can be resorbed. In this sense, Marxist, feminist, anticolonial, and postcolonial theories provide the necessary critical tools to understand the relations between classes and minorities, between the global North and the global South, and between the time of revolutions and the eruption of new subjectivities.
In Crimes of Peace, Maurizio Albahari investigates why the Mediterranean Sea is the world's deadliest border, and what alternatives might improve this state of affairs. Albahari transforms abstract statistics into names and narratives that place the responsibility for the Mediterranean migration crisis in the heart of liberal democracy.
Stipulare un contratto con una controparte estera può far sorgere dubbi e problemi più complessi ed articolati rispetto a quelli generati dai rapporti contrattuali con soggetti nazionali. Il contesto in cui si sviluppa una transazione con l'estero è, infatti, caratterizzato dalla diversità di sistemi giuridici, dalla diversità di norme, di consuetudini, di significato attribuito a termini di uso comune che suggeriscono un esame attento delle diverse clausole contrattuali per ricercare quelle più idonee. Le componenti valutarie, finanziarie, creditizie, logistiche e commerciali, gli usi e le consuetudini, la scelta dei termini di consegna delle merci, le forme di pagamento in uso nei singoli Paesi possono, infatti, incidere in misura rilevante nella determinazione della natura e del contenuto del rapporto contrattuale. Nel volume sono approfondite le normative che interessano l'operatore italiano impegnato nel recupero di somme di denaro all'estero. Si esaminano il quadro normativo in vigore nell'Unione Europea, le norme italiane di diritto internazionale privato e processuale nonché le principali disposizioni di diritto uniforme relative alla vendita di beni mobili previste dalla Convenzione di Vienna. Si analizzano poi le disposizioni in essere in alcuni principali Paesi del mondo, ossia gli USA, la Cina, il Brasile, l'India, la Turchia e la Russia. STRUTTURA DEL VOLUME CAPITOLO 1 - Normativa comunitaria CAPITOLO 2 - La Convenzione di Vienna e la tutela contrattuale della parte venditrice CAPITOLO 3 - Il diritto internazionale privato italiano CAPITOLO 4 - Il recupero dei crediti negli Stati Uniti CAPITOLO 5 - Il recupero dei crediti in Cina CAPITOLO 6 - Il recupero dei crediti in Brasile CAPITOLO 7 - Il recupero dei crediti in India CAPITOLO 8 - Il recupero dei crediti in Turchia CAPITOLO 9 - Il recupero dei crediti in Russia Appendice
This unique ground-breaking work, authored by renowned Harvard-based researchers G I Papakostas and M Fava, represents, by far, the most comprehensive compilation to date of medical studies and reports involving the use of antidepressants for the treatment of major depressive disorder, one of the most prevalent and devastating medical illnesses afflicting mankind today. Given the breadth of the scientific literature focusing on the use of antidepressants for major depressive disorder, this work represents an invaluable tool for clinicians as well as scientists in search of a reference manual to help guide them through the field. The book is organized into four parts; each part focusing on a separate theme that will facilitate the reader to precisely access particular information of interest, whether be it clinical or scientific in nature. Each part is then sub-divided into several thematic chapters, which are enriched with tables and figures citing results from the most influential studies in the field. Finally, clinical and research ?pearls? are listed throughout the book in bullet-point fashion to help summarize the available knowledge-base in a user-friendly format.
Comparative study covering three models of trust : the English, the international and the civilian. More than forty countries are examined and a unified theory of trusts is submitted. The effects of the Hague Convention of 1985 are discussed, as well as its implementation in ratifying civil law countries, where it is now possible to form trusts under a foreign law.
Religion and liberty are often thought to be mutual enemies: if religion has a natural ally, it is authoritarianism--not republicanism or democracy. But in this book, Maurizio Viroli, a leading historian of republican political thought, challenges this conventional wisdom. He argues that political emancipation and the defense of political liberty have always required the self-sacrifice of people with religious sentiments and a religious devotion to liberty. This is particularly the case when liberty is threatened by authoritarianism: the staunchest defenders of liberty are those who feel a deeply religious commitment to it. Viroli makes his case by reconstructing, for the first time, the history of the Italian "religion of liberty," covering its entire span but focusing on three key examples of political emancipation: the free republics of the late Middle Ages, the Risorgimento of the nineteenth century, and the antifascist Resistenza of the twentieth century. In each example, Viroli shows, a religious spirit that regarded moral and political liberty as the highest goods of human life was fundamental to establishing and preserving liberty. He also shows that when this religious sentiment has been corrupted or suffocated, Italians have lost their liberty. This book makes a powerful and provocative contribution to today's debates about the compatibility of religion and republicanism.
How Machiavelli's Christianity shaped his political thought To many readers of The Prince, Machiavelli appears to be deeply un-Christian or even anti-Christian, a cynic who thinks rulers should use religion only to keep their subjects in check. But in Machiavelli's God, Maurizio Viroli, one of the world's leading authorities on Machiavelli, argues that Machiavelli, far from opposing Christianity, thought it was crucial to republican social and political renewal—but that first it needed to be renewed itself. And without understanding this, Viroli contends, it is impossible to comprehend Machiavelli's thought. Viroli places Machiavelli in the context of Florence's republican Christianity, which was founded on the idea that the true Christian is a citizen who serves the common good. In this tradition, God participates in human affairs, supports and rewards those who govern justly, and desires men to make the earthly city similar to the divine one. Building on this tradition, Machiavelli advocated a religion of virtue, and he believed that, without this faith, free republics could not be established, defend themselves against corruption, or survive. Viroli makes a powerful case that Machiavelli, far from being a pagan or atheist, was a prophet of a true religion of liberty, a way of moral and political living that would rediscover and pursue charity and justice. The translation of this work has been funded by SEPS—Segretariato Europeo per le Pubblicazioni Scientifiche.
Il T.U. del pubblico impiego, giunto alla IV° edizione, testimonia il peculiare interesse che il legislatore attribuisce alla materia del pubblico impiego in continua evoluzione L'opera è aggiornata alle più recenti modifiche introdotte dalla L. n.111 del 15/07/11 (di conversione del D.L. 6/07/11 n.98 disposizioni urgenti per la stabilizzazione finanziaria) .Il testo recepisce altresì tutte le modifiche operate con il D.Lgs. n.150 del 27 ottobre 2009 ( su G.U. n.197 del 31 ottobre 2009), ed è aggiornato con le modifiche operate con L. n.183 del 04/11/201in tema di procedure di conciliazione ed arbitrato, di aspettativa e di mobilità . Presenta infine tra gli allegati l'intero testo del D.Lgs. n.150/09, un estratto essenziale della L. n.183 del 04/11/2010 e le recenti delibere della Commissione per la valutazione,trasparenza e l'integrità delle amministrazioni pubbliche relative alla valutazione della performance, nonché la Costituzione Italiana.
L'opera reca nella sua prima parte un accurato commento giurisprudenziale e dottrinario, articolo per articolo al D.lgs n.28/2010 istitutivo della mediazione, seguito da una selezione delle fonti regolamentari del Ministero della Giustizia e delle norme che nel corso del 2011 hanno introdotto talune modifiche in materia, tra cui la recentissima circolare 20 del dicembre 2011. Pratico strumento di lettura e di approfondimento dell'istituto della mediazione, per quanti iniziano a districarsi nel complesso panorama del peculiare istituto deflattivo introdotto dalla legge, contenendo un formulario con i modelli degli atti relativi alla procedura di mediazione. Presenta una descrizione di tutte le fasi del processo di mediazione anche attraverso la realizzazione di diapositive, che riproducono in forma schematica tutte le fasi e gli istituti della mediazione, tratte dalle lezioni dell'Avv.Danza tenute quale docente nei corsi per mediatori professionisti.
DANIELE MENOZZI, Tra “cambiamento d’epoca” e “cambiamenti epocali”. le radici di un giudizio sul presente di papa Francesco / Between “epochal Change” and “epochal Changes”. The Roots of a Judgement on the Pre- sent by Pope Francis AGOSTINO GIOVAGNOLI, Papa Francesco e la storia della Chiesa dopo il vati- cano II / Pope Francis and the History of the Church after vatican II PHILIPPE BORDEYNE, le courage de l’incomplétude dans une Église syno- dale / The Courage of Incompleteness in a synodal Church ORIETTA RACHELE GRAZIOLI, Donne, sinodo e sinodalità / Women, synod and synodality MAURIZIO CHIODI, gender studies e teologia / genders studies and Theology SIMONA SEGOLONI RUTA, Il gender come categoria euristica in teologia. alcune linee di sviluppo / gender as a Heuristic Category in Theology. some lines of Development JAIME RODRIGUEZ DÍAZ , la “Recíproca complementariedad”: interpretación de efesios 5 desde las Catequesis sobre el amor Humano de Juan Pa- blo II / The “Mutual Complementarity”: Interpretation of ephesians 5 from John Paul II’s Catechesis on Human love CYRIL PASQUIER, Toothing-stones in Irenaeus of lyon to apprehend Mar- riage Today / addentellati in Ireneo di lione per comprendere oggi il matrimonio NICOLA REALI, Per una teologia pastorale del sacramento della penitenza / For a Pastoral Theology of the sacrament of Penance
Nunzio è il classico bravo ragazzo. Studioso, corretto e, soprattutto, ottimista, come il Candido di Voltaire si lascia coinvolgere in grandi amicizie e profondi amori. Avvocato di successo, deve lasciare la toga ed emigrare in Germania dove è costretto a lavorare come operaio in un'azienda di stoccaggio e commercializzazione del pesce. Poi, improvvisamente, succede qualcosa che cambierà tutta la sua vita. Vince in premio con una bibita una bellissima Rolls e torna al suo paese natio. Al suo arrivo viene accolto come un esule che torna vittorioso e non ha il coraggio di spiegare come la vita sia dura per un emigrante e come non sia possibile riscattare le proprie origini nè metter soldi da parte. La mattina seguente, al suo risveglio, si rende conto di essere rimasto solo. Lui, le galline e pochi vecchi che non avevano più la forza di mettersi in viaggio.
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