A champion of the poor and advocate for women, Afro-Brazilian Senator Benedita de Silva shares the sometimes heart wrenching, always inspiring story of her life. Illustrations & photos.
Three titles in Andrew Hind and Maria Da Silva’s acclaimed series on the local history, maritime colour, and even the shadowy side of Ontario’s most picturesque communities. From ghost towns to actual ghosts, the unexpected abounds in this collection of the most surprising corners of Ontario — a must for cottagers and local-history lovers, brought to you by two of the best! Includes: RMS Segwun Ghost Towns of Muskoka Ghosts of Niagara-on-the-Lake
A stream flowing in alluvium deforms its bed surface, forming ripples, dunes, bars, etc., and, in many instances, it deforms its channel entirely, thereby creating meandering or braiding patterns. It could be said that, in general, an alluvial stream and its deformable boundary undergo a variety of fluvial processes leading to the emergence of a multitude of alluvial forms. This book concerns the physics and analytical treatment of various fluvial processes and the associated alluvial bed and plan forms listed above. Following an introductory chapter on the basics of turbulent flow and sediment transport, the book covers the origin, geometric characteristics and effects of bed forms, from small- to meso-scale (ripples, dunes, alternate and multiple bars); the initiation, geometry and mechanics of meandering streams; the computation of flow, bed deformation and the planimetric evolution of meandering streams; and braiding and delta formation. The book also covers the regime concept, the time-development of a stream towards its regime state, and the formulation of stable, or equilibrium, morphology. The book distinguishes itself by its comprehensive analysis and discussion of key processes involved in large-scale river morphodynamics. The book was written primarily for researchers and graduate students of hydraulic engineering, water resources and related branches of earth sciences, but it will also prove useful for river engineers and managers.
The Time In Between follows the story of a seamstress who becomes the most sought-after couturiere during the Spanish Civil War and World War II"--Provided by publisher.
Carolina Maria de Jesus' book, Quarto de Despejo (The Trash Room), depicted the harsh life of the slums, but it also spoke of the author's pride in her blackness, her high moral standards, and her patriotism. More than a million copies of her diary are believed to have been sold worldwide. Yet many Brazilians refused to believe that someone like de Jesus could have written such a diary, with its complicated words (some of them misused) and often lyrical phrasing as she discussed world events. Doubters prefer to believe the book was either written by Audáulio Dantas, the enterprising newspaper reporter who discovered her, or that Dantas rewrote it so substantially that her book is a fraud. With the cooperation of de Jesus' daughter, recent research shows that although Dantas deleted considerable portions of the diary (as well as a second one), every word was de Jesus'. But Dantas did "create" a different Carolina from the woman who coped with her harsh life by putting things down on paper. This book sets the record straight by providing detailed translations of de Jesus' unedited diaries and explains why Brazilian elites were motivated to obscure her true personality and present her as something she was not. It is not only about the writer but about Brazil as recorded by her sarcastic pen. The diary entries in this book span from 1958 to 1966, five years beyond text previously known to exist. They show de Jesus as she was, preserving her Joycean stream-of-consciousness language and her pithy characterizations.
This book investigates the Brazilian health cooperation in Mozambique looking at the interests of both actors and different power relations within this initiative. It counts with a case study looking at the implementation of SociedadeMocambicana de Medicamentos – a pharmaceutical factory that was implemented in Maputo as a result of the cooperation between the countries.
Mano a Mano: Português para Falantes de Espanhol vem preencher uma importante lacuna no mercado editorial: a carência de livros didáticos que, considerando as necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol, favoreçam um desenvolvimento mais rápido de sua proficiência em português. A coleção reúne uma série de características favoráveis à aprendizagem do português em diferentes contextos (ensino médio, universidades, cursos livres): Convida o(a) aluno(a) a desenvolver sua proficiência em português ao mesmo tempo que forma uma imagem multifacetada do Brasil, em diálogo com suas próprias construções culturais, desconstruindo discursos estabilizados e ampliando seus horizontes; Favorece o trânsito por múltiplas práticas de letramento, em que circulam diferentes gêneros discursivos, oferecendo oportunidades para que o(a) estudante aprimore suas capacidades de linguagem em contextos reais, ou próximos a situações autênticas de interação; Sensibiliza o(a) aluno(a) para diferentes variedades da língua portuguesa; Permite ao(à) estudante desenvolver suas capacidades léxico-gramaticais e fonético-fonológicas de maneira reflexiva e contextualizada, levando em consideração necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol; Propõe tarefas semelhantes às encontradas no Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (Celpe-Bras), do Ministério da Educação brasileiro; É acompanhado por dois cadernos complementares integrados, com explicações detalhadas referentes a recursos léxico-gramaticais e fonético-fonológicos, além de uma série de atividades; Disponibiliza online os vídeos e áudios de tarefas de compreensão oral e de atividades de pronúncia. Preparado para o desenvolvimento de um curso de até 60 horas em contexto de imersão, ou 90 horas de não-imersão, Mano a Mano, Volume 1 – Básico permite levar falantes de espanhol (como língua materna ou estrangeira/adicional) que nunca tiveram contato significativo prévio com o português até o início do nível Intermediário do Celpe-Bras, do B1 do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas, ou do Intermediário Médio do American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
This publication is aimed to support two MoMoWo traveling exhibitions which will be presented in six European countries in two years (2016-2017): indoor exhibition catalogue “100 Works in 100 Years. European Women in Architecture and Design. 1918-2018”, and outdoor exhibition “Women’s Tale. A Reportage on Women Designers”. Exhibition catalogue 100 Works in 100 Years. European Women in Architecture and Design. 1918-2018 brings together a selection of some of the most significant and representative examples of European architecture and design created by 100 women from the end of the First World War up until today. The number of works is symbolic, as ‘one hundred’ could also mean ‘countless’ as in the Latin word centium. While, the number of authors –each work has a different author– derives from MoMoWo’s choice to represent many different creators, consequently popularising lesser known figures, too. It includes biographies of women architects, civil engineers, furniture and industrial designers, urban planners, interior and landscape designers. It represents the main trends and major ‘schools’ of architecture and design all over Europe. The biographical data covers education and training, professional histories, networks women have operated in, including informal societies, memberships in trade bodies and associations, their profile as international, national, local and regional designers, as well as looking at how women have promoted their work i.e. in exhibitions, publications, competition entries, etc. The catalogue entries are followed by thirteen thematic essays on women architects and designers and by the outdoor exhibition catalogue “Women’s Tale. A Reportage on Women Designers”, where photographs by ten finalists of the MoMoWo Photo competition are presented. By seeking to identify women who worked in Europe as well as European women who worked outside Europe over last 100 years, the main aim of this catalogue is to increase the awareness of historians and the general public about their enormous contribution to architecture and design, and indirectly providing accessibility to their works. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Razstavni katalog 100 Works in 100 Years. European Women in Architecture and Design. 1918-2018 prinaša izbor nekaterih najbolj reprezentativnih primerov evropske arhitekture in oblikovanja, ki jih je sto žensk ustvarilo v obdobju od konca prve svetovne vojne do danes. Izbrano število del je simbolično, saj 'sto' v latinščini lahko pomeni tudi 'nešteto' (lat. centium), medtem ko število ustvarjalk – vsako delo ima drugo avtorico – izhaja iz namena MoMoWo projekta predstaviti čim več različnih avtoric in s tem posledično osvetliti tudi manj znane osebnosti. Katalog vsebuje biografije arhitektk, gradbenih inženirk, oblikovalk na področju notranjega in industrijskega oblikovanja, urbanistk in krajinskih arhitektk iz 26-tih držav. Zastopane so glavne smeri in pomembne 'šole' na področju arhitekture in oblikovanja iz vse Evrope. Biografski podatki obsegajo izobrazbo in šolanje, poklicno pot ustvarjalk, mreže v katerih so ženske delovale, vključno z neformalnimi skupinami, članstvom v institucijah in združenjih, njihov profil na mednarodnem, nacionalnem, lokalnem in regionalnem nivoju, kot tudi kako so predstavljale svoje delo na razstavah, v publikacijah, na javnih natečajih itd. Kataložnim enotam sledi trinajst tematskih esejev o arhitektkah in oblikovalkah ter katalog razstave na prostem “Women’s Tale. A Reportage on Women Designers”, ki predstavlja fotografije desetih finalistov mednarodnega MoMoWo fotografskega natečaja. S predstavitvijo žensk, ki so delovale v Evropi, in Evropejk, ki so delovale izven nje v zadnjih sto letih je glavni namen kataloga razširiti vedenje strokovne in širše javnosti o ogromnem prispevku žensk na področju arhitekture in oblikovanja in jima hkrati približati njihovo delo. Publikacija je izšla v okviru dveh MoMoWo potujočih razstav, ki bosta v dveh letih (2016-2017) predstavljeni v šestih evropskih državah: razstava “100 del v 100 letih. Evropejke na področju arhitekture in oblikovanja. 1918-2018”, in razstava na prostem “Ženska zgodba. Reportaža o oblikovalkah”.
This book offers a comprehensive study concerning the reliability of renewable electricity production in the Faroe Islands. The first part reports on a RoadMap with investments in generation, storage and transmission capacity. Multiple scenarios, considering different technologies, are analysed. Practical constraints like the local resource potential, power plant locations and sizes are discussed, as well as the potential of tidal power. The second part of the book describes dynamic simulations studies carried out to investigate grid stability of the power system on the isolated island of Suðuroy. The available information about governor and automatic voltage regulators of the synchronous generators was very limited, therefore different approaches were combined to parameterise and validate the dynamic models. All in all, this book offers extensive information concerning the transition of the Faroese power system into a 100% renewable system. It is practice-oriented, and describes methods that can be applied to other power systems as well.
A unique resource that synthesizes existing primary and secondary sources to provide a fascinating introduction to the development and dissemination of science within history's great empires, as well as the complex interaction between imperialism and scientific progress over two centuries. Imperialism and Science is a scholarly yet accessible chronicle of the impact of imperialism on science over the past 200 years, from the effect of Catholicism on scientific progress in Latin America to the importance of U.S. government funding of scientific research to America's preeminent place in the world. Spanning two centuries of scientific advance throughout the age of empire, Imperialism and Science sheds new light on the spread of scientific thought throughout the former colonial world. Science made enormous advances during this period, often being associated with anti-Imperialist struggle or, as in the case of the science brought to 19th-century China and India by the British, with Western cultural hegemony.
This book examines the meat provision system of Rio de Janeiro from the 1850s to the 1930s. Until the 1920s, Rio was Brazil’s economic hub, main industrial city, and prime consumer market. Meat consumption was an indicator of living standards and a matter of public concern. The work unveils that in the second half of the nineteenth century, the city was well supplied with red meat. Initially, dwellers relied mostly on salted meat; then, in the latter decades of the 1800s, two sets of changes upgraded fresh meat deliveries. First, ranching expansion and transportation innovation in southeast and central-west Brazil guaranteed a continuous flow of cattle to Rio. Second, the municipal centralization of meat processing and distribution made its provision regular and predictable. By the early twentieth century, fresh meat replaced salted meat in the urban marketplace. This study examines these developments in light of national and global developments in the livestock and meat industries.
Challenged by sustainability imperatives, the world faces a transition in how it uses and produces energy. Yet, despite the indisputable interdependence between energy and the environment, law in these two areas has developed separately, with little consideration for how the logic and aims of each might be reconciled. This innovative book addresses this crucial nexus, exploring the role that law must inevitably play as the effects of fossil fuel–induced climate change continue to radically affect every aspect of life on Earth. Focusing on the emerging concept of reflexive regulation, the analysis takes giant steps in paving the way for effective legal engagement in the energy transition process. Issues and topics explored in detail include the following: energy’s distinctive characteristic as an economic activity that works in a chain; relation of physical aspects of energy to its legal and social dimensions; main aspects of regulation, environmental law and the concept of sustainability; specific security of supply challenges faced by the industry; and emergence and worldwide adoption of the environmental impact assessment as a procedural mechanism and its connection with Reflexive Regulation. The author supports her arguments with detailed and critical examination of the regulation theoretical framework and includes citations of case law, rules and regulations from diverse jurisdictions. A case study on the development of the Brazilian electricity sector – an exemplary case, considering the country’s abundance of natural energy resources, industrial efficiency prerogatives, regulatory incentives to ensure investment in supply expansion, and increasing demands in meeting sustainability objectives, all as highlighted by ongoing litigation – illustrates the arguments put forward. This book makes a substantial contribution to developing a framework aimed at linking potential divergent policy objectives in diverse and distinct interdependent fields. It will be welcomed by energy and environmental lawyers and policy makers, as well as by economists, scholars and other professionals concerned with the meaning of law and regulation in relation to energy, the environment and development, and the possible roles law and regulation may play in a pressing scenario of change.
The Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities is held every other year at the Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas e de Computacao (Sao Carlos, Brazil) and brings together specialists in the vanguard of singularities and its applications. This volume contains articles contributed by participants of the seventh workshop.
Based on extensive research into opposition and government documents, including the previously unavailable Manual Básico da Escola de Guerra, Maria Helena Moreira Alves provides a rich description of the long and tortuous attempt by the Brazilian military government to create a workable “national security state” in the face of determined and resilient opposition. She interviewed more than one hundred key figures in government, the military, business, professional associations, the Catholic church, grassroots organizations, and trade unions in order to analyze politically and historically the relationship between civil society and government structures in Brazil during the years 1964–1983. Her study charts the rise and subsequent decline of the military government’s power, concluding with a discussion of the abertura policy instituted under General João Batista Figueiredo.
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this monograph on the rules on immigration and right of residence of non-nationals in Portugal examines the legal and administrative conditions for persons not having the citizenship of a State to enter the country and to stay and reside there. It provides a survey of the subject that is both usefully brief and sufficiently detailed to answer most questions likely to arise in any pertinent legal setting. It follows the common structure of all monographs appearing in the International Encyclopaedia for Migration Law, thus allowing easy comparison between the country studies. As migration and economic activities are often interlinked, the analysis pays particular attention to labour market access and regulation of self-employed activities for non-nationals. The book describes the status of such specific categories of persons as students, researchers, temporary workers, and asylum seekers, as well as the position of family members, detailing applicable legislation and providing practical information on administrative procedures, sanctions, and legal remedies and guarantees. The impact of international human rights law and various bilateral and multilateral agreements is considered, along with the broader application of national and local law to non-citizens in such areas as family relations, labour, social security, and education. Lawyers, scholars, practitioners, policymakers, government administrations, and non governmental organizations involved in the development, practice and study of migration law will find this book indispensable. It will be welcomed by lawyers representing parties with interests in Portugal and immigration specialists in both public and private organizations. Academics and researchers also will appreciate its value in the study of comparative trends and harmonization initiatives affecting migrants.
Nanoarchitectonics for Smart Delivery and Drug Targeting is one of the first books on the market to exclusively focus on the topic of nanoarchitectonics, a rapidly developing area of nanotechnology which allows scientists to arrange nanoscale structural units, typically a group of atoms or molecules, in an intended configuration. This book assesses novel applications of nanomaterials in the areas of smart delivery and drug targeting using nanoarchitectonics and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each application. - Provides a scholarly introduction to the uses of nanoarchitectonics in drug delivery and targeting - Explores novel opportunities and ideas for developing and improving nanoscale drug delivery systems through the use of nanoarchitectonics, allowing scientists to see how this exciting new technology is used in practice - Assesses the pros and cons of each application, allowing readers to assess when it is most appropriate to use nanoarchitectonics in drug delivery
Have you ever wondered what makes the Mediterranean diet so healthy? Do you enjoy olives, tomatoes, Chouriço and Mozzarella, basil, rosemary and oregano, grapes, figs, and dates; and would you like to learn more about the substances they contain? Then this book is for you! The Mediterranean diet, designated as an ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity’, has a reputation of being particularly beneficial to your health and for reducing the risk of diseases like cardiovascular disorders. Read this book to find out which chemical compounds contribute to these health benefits. Typical ingredients of the Mediterranean diet include olive oils, fresh and dried vegetables and fruits, cereals, moderate amounts of fish, dairy and meat, and various condiments and spices, typically accompanied by wine and infusions. The book will introduce you to the most typical ingredients, providing information about their use in Mediterranean cuisine and explaining more about the healthy substances they contain – from their chemistry to their occurrence in the foods and the resulting intake. Summarizing important facts and data from available scientific literature, this book even gives recommendations for guidelines to a healthy diet – guidelines that are becoming more and more important. In recent years, it has been observed that nutritional habits in the geographical area have started to deviate further and further away from the typical Mediterranean nutritional pattern, representing an alarming trend that this book also critically addresses, since the WHO has reported increases in obesity and malnutrition in the Mediterranean area. Illustrations of important chemical compound structures, as well as appetizing photos of select ingredients for Mediterranean dishes, accompany the text.
In The Ripple Effect: Gender and Race in Brazilian Culture and Literature, Barbosa adopts a comparative, multilayered, and interdisciplinary line of research to examine social values and cultural mores from the first decades of the twentieth century to the present. By analyzing the historical, cultural, religious, and interactive space of Brazil’s national identity, The Ripple Effect surveys expressive cultures and literary manifestations. It uses the martial art-dance-ritual capoeira as a lynchpin to disclose historical ambiguities and the negotiation of cultural and literary boundaries within the context of the ideological construct of a mestizo nation. The book also examines laws governing gender in Brazil and discusses honor killings and other types of violence against women. The Ripple Effect appraises the contributions that some iconic female figures have made to the development of Brazil’s distinctive cultural and literary production. Drawing on more than fifteen years of field, archival, and scholarly research, this work offers new interpretative venues, and broadens the critical focus and the methodological scope of previous scholarship. It reveals how literature and other arts can be used to document cultural norms, catalog life experiences, and analyze complex constructions of social values, ideas, and belief systems.
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