For decades, Lew Hunter's Screenwriting 434 class at UCLA has been the premier screenwriting course, launching a generation of the industry's most frequently produced writers. Here, he shares the secrets of his course on the screenwriting process by actually writing an original script, step by step, that appears in the book.
In this “journey of spiritual transformation” (Publishers Weekly) award winning author Rabbi Alan Lew follows the practices and rituals of the Jewish High Holy Days and guides readers through heartbreak, contemplation, and re-birth. There are times in life when we are caught utterly unprepared: a death in the family, the end of a relationship, a health crisis. These are the times when the solid ground we thought we stood on disappears beneath our feet, leaving us reeling and heartbroken, as we stumble back to our faith. The Days of Awe encompass the weeks preceding Rosh Hashanah up to Yom Kippur, a period in which Jews take part in a series of rituals and prayers that reenact the journey of the soul through the world from birth to death. This is a period of contemplation and repentance, comparable to Lent and Ramadan. Yet, for Rabbi Alan Lew, the real purpose of this annual passage is for us to experience brokenheartedness and open our heart to God. In This is Real and You Are Completely Unprepared, Lew has marked out a journey of seven distinct stages, one that draws on these rituals to awaken our soul and wholly transform us. Weaving together Torah readings, Buddhist parables, Jewish fables and stories from his own life, Lew lays bare the meanings of this ancient Jewish passage. He reveals the path from terror to acceptance, confusion to clarity, doubt to belief, and from complacency to awe. In the tradition of When Bad Things Happen to Good People, This Is Real And You Are Completely Unprepared enables believers of all faiths to reconnect to their faith with a passion and intimacy that will resonate throughout the year.
For millions of men on the path to recovery, Victims No Longer is the next step. The first book written specifically for men, Victims No Longer examines the changing cultural attitudes toward male survivors of incest and other sexual trauma. Now, in this Second Edition, this invaluable resource continues to offer compassionate and practical advice, supported by personal anecdotes and statements of male survivors. Victims No Longer helps survivors to: Identify and validate their childhood experiences Explore strategies of survival and healing Work through issues such as trust, intimacy, and sexual confusion Establish a support network for continued personal recovery Make choices that aren't determined by abuse Psychotherapist Mike Lew has worked with thousands of men and women in their healing from the effects of childhood sexual abuse, rape, physical violence, emotional abuse, and neglect. The development of strategies for recovery from incest and other abuse, particularly for men, has been a major focus of his work as a counselor and group leader. Thoroughly updated and revised, and including an expanded Resources section, Victims No Longer educates survivors and professionals about the recovery process -- speaking to the pain, needs, fears, and hopes of the adult male survivor.
Mercury is the only metal that is a liquid at room temperature. Mercurys chemical symbol is Hg. The Hg comes from the Greek word hydrargyrum, which means liquid silver. Because of its silvery appearance and the way it moves, the metal was also called quicksilver. In fact, the chemical is named for the Roman god, Mercury, who was known for his speed and mobility. Students learn about the sources of mercury and its effects on the environment (coal-burning power plants are responsible for nearly 40 percent of the human-caused mercury emissions in the United States). They learn about mercurys chemical properties and classification as a transition metal. Mercurys place on the periodic table and its subatomic particles are also discussed. Readers will study mercury ions and isotopes. The book also explains the elements applications in thermometers, thermostats, silent wall switches, fluorescent lights, and dental amalgams.
Ben-Hur" by Lew Wallace is a captivating tale set against the backdrop of ancient Judea. At its core is the story of Judah Ben-Hur, a young Jewish prince who is betrayed by his childhood friend Messala and sentenced to a life of slavery. As he grapples with his newfound fate, Ben-Hur's path intersects with that of Jesus Christ, whose teachings of love and forgiveness ultimately transform his life. The novel takes readers on a journey through the tumultuous events of the time, from the grandeur of the Roman Empire to the humble beginnings of Christianity. Along the way, Ben-Hur encounters a cast of unforgettable characters and embarks on a quest for justice, redemption, and spiritual enlightenment. Through vivid prose and meticulous historical detail, Wallace brings the ancient world to life, immersing readers in the sights, sounds, and struggles of Judea during the time of Jesus. From the exhilarating chariot race in the Circus Maximus to the solemn crucifixion on Golgotha, "Ben-Hur" is a sweeping epic that captivates the imagination and touches the heart.
Lew Wallace’s powerful and poignant story of Judah Ben-Hur, a Jewish prince from Jerusalem living at the time of Jesus Christ, has been around for more than a century, yet it continues to attract and inspire readers to this day. Falsely accused of attempting to assassinate a Roman governor, Ben-Hur is enslaved and sentenced to work on a Roman galley, while his mother and sister are imprisoned and their possessions and land confiscated. Luckily, he survives when the ship is attacked by pirates, and comes home, determined to find his family and intent on revenge on the Romans. While organizing a resistance force, he journeys to see John the Baptist. After he realizes that Jesus stands for forgiveness rather than revenge, Ben-Hur becomes one of his followers and devotes his life to the church after the crucifixion. First published in 1880, Ben-Hur became a bestselling book upon publication, and was adapted to the celebrated 1959 film of the same title, which won eleven Academy Awards. A true classic, this suspenseful and moving tale gives a glimpse of life at the turn of an era.
Der Roman »Anna Karenina« entstand in den Jahren 1873 bis 1878 in der Epoche des russischen Realismus und gilt als eines von Tolstois bedeutendsten Werken. Das Buch wurde 1877/78 veröffentlicht und handelt von Ehe und Moral in der adligen russischen Gesellschaft des 19. Jahrhunderts. Das achtteilige Romanepos verwebt die Geschichten dreier adliger Familien: des Fürsten Stepan Oblonski und seiner Frau Darja Oblonskaja, genannt Dolly, ihrer jüngeren Schwester Jekatarina Schtscherbazkaja, genannt Kitty, und des Gutsbesitzers Ljewin, sowie vor allem Anna Kareninas, der Schwester des Fürsten, die mit dem Staatsbeamten Alexej Karenin verheiratet ist. Annas Liebesaffäre mit dem Grafen Alexej Wronskij führt schließlich zum Bruch der Ehe und ihrem Selbstmord. Die scheiternde Beziehung der Karenins auf der einen und die Entwicklung der Ehe Kittys mit Ljewin auf der anderen Seite bilden die Handlungsschwerpunkte. Die Oblonski-Geschichte ergänzt und kontrastiert die beiden Haupthandlungen. Über die Frage, ob es sich bei Anna Karenina um einen typisch Tolstoischen Doppelroman oder um ein dreisträngiges Werk handelt, gibt es in der Literaturwissenschaft unterschiedliche Ansichten. [Wikipedia]
Für Freunde von zeitlosen Liebesgeschichten: Tolstois wohl berühmtester Roman erzählt die Geschichte von zwei Liebesbeziehungen und hinterfragt dabei, wie die große Liebe im realen Alltag bestehen kann. Beim Anblick der verheirateten Anna Karenina ist es um Graf Wronskij geschehen. Ihre gegenseitige Anziehung muss sich gegen alle gesellschaftlichen Widerstände durchsetzen. Der junge Gutsbesitzer Ljewin hingegen hält um die Hand der jungen Kitty an, die ihn jedoch zurückweist, da sie sich wiederum in Graf Wronskij verliebt hat. Episch und voller Mitgefühl entfaltet Tosltoi einen großen, zeitlosen Liebesreigen der jeden Leser in seinen Bann zieht.-
Handbook of Polytrauma Care and Rehabilitation will summarize the most frequent medical and psychological problems encountered by these patients, and offer a roadmap on how to initiate and follow through the continuum of care necessary to achieving positive outcomes. Individual chapters focus on the myriad problems and conditions that polytrauma patients present with, including traumatic injuries (TBI, concussion, SCI, amputation, PTSD, etc.) and other medical and psychological issues such as pain, depression, headache, insomnia, fatigue, alcohol and substance abuse, dizziness, light sensitivity, and work and family issues.
Anna Karenina - hier in neuer Übersetzung ins Deutsche - , Roman des russischen Schriftstellers Leo Tolstoi, der erstmals 1878 erschien, gilt als eines der größten literarischen Werke, die je geschrieben wurden. Tolstoi selbst bezeichnete ihn als seinen ersten echten Roman. Anna Karenina ist ein komplexer Roman in acht Teilen mit mehr als einem Dutzend Hauptfiguren. Er behandelt Themen wie Verrat, Glaube, Familie, Ehe, die kaiserliche russische Gesellschaft, Begehren und das Leben auf dem Land und in der Stadt. Im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte steht eine außereheliche Affäre zwischen Anna und dem schneidigen Kavallerieoffizier Graf Alexej Kirillowitsch Wronskij, die in den gesellschaftlichen Kreisen von Sankt Petersburg einen Skandal auslöst und das junge Liebespaar dazu zwingt, auf der Suche nach dem Glück nach Italien zu fliehen, doch nach ihrer Rückkehr nach Russland gerät ihr Leben weiter aus den Fugen. Züge ziehen sich wie ein roter Faden durch den Roman, und mehrere wichtige Ereignisse finden entweder in Personenzügen oder auf Bahnhöfen in Sankt Petersburg oder anderswo in Russland statt. Die Geschichte spielt vor dem Hintergrund der von Kaiser Alexander II. eingeleiteten liberalen Reformen und der darauf folgenden rasanten gesellschaftlichen Umwälzungen. Der Roman wurde in verschiedenen Medien adaptiert, darunter Theater, Oper, Film, Fernsehen, Ballett, Eiskunstlauf und Hörspiel. Anna Karenina besteht nicht nur aus der Geschichte der verheirateten Anna Karenina und ihrer Affäre mit dem wohlhabenden Grafen Wronskij, obwohl ihre Beziehung ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Handlung ist. Die Geschichte beginnt, als Anna Karenina inmitten der Familie ihres Bruders ankommt, die durch dessen ungezügelte Frauengeschichten zerrüttet wird - etwas, das ihre eigene spätere Situation vorwegnimmt. Der Junggeselle Wronskij will Anna heiraten, wenn sie bereit ist, ihren Mann Karenin, einen hohen Regierungsbeamten, zu verlassen. Obwohl Vronsky und Anna nach Italien gehen, wo sie zusammen sein können, und Annas Kind aus ihrer ersten Ehe zurücklassen, haben sie Schwierigkeiten, Freunde zu finden. Als sie nach Russland zurückkehren, wird Anna wegen ihrer Beziehung gemieden und isoliert. Während Wronskij sein gesellschaftliches Leben weiterführt, wird Anna zunehmend besitzergreifend und paranoid wegen seiner angeblichen Untreue. Eine parallele Geschichte innerhalb des Romans ist die von Konstantin Levin, einem wohlhabenden Landbesitzer, der Kitty, die Schwester von Dolly und Schwägerin von Annas Bruder Stepan Oblonsky, heiraten möchte. Levin muss ihr zweimal einen Antrag machen, bevor Kitty ihn annimmt. Der Roman schildert Levins Schwierigkeiten bei der Verwaltung seines Anwesens, seine letztendliche Heirat und seine Bemühungen, den christlichen Glauben anzunehmen, bis zur Geburt seines ersten Kindes. Themen sind eine Bewertung des Feudalsystems, das zu jener Zeit in Russland existierte, die Politik, nicht nur in der russischen Regierung, sondern auch auf der Ebene der einzelnen Figuren und Familien, Religion, Moral, Geschlecht und soziale Klasse. Die Geschehnisse des Romans spielen sich vor dem Hintergrund der rasanten Veränderungen ab, die durch die liberalen Reformen des russischen Kaisers Alexander II. ausgelöst wurden, darunter vor allem die Emanzipationsreform von 1861, gefolgt von einer Justizreform einschließlich eines Geschworenensystems; Militärreformen, die Einführung gewählter lokaler Regierungen - Zemstvo, die rasche Entwicklung von Eisenbahn, Banken, Industrie und Telegrafie, der Aufstieg neuer Wirtschaftseliten und der Niedergang der alten Landaristokratie, eine freiere Presse,
LeBron James is simultaneously on the cutting edge of basketball greatness and as a cultural icon. Through the international exposure of the National Basketball Association and its televised games in more than 100 countries, and as a global marketing presence, the star of the Cleveland Cavaliers is rapidly becoming one of the world's most familiar faces. This biography traces the key events in the life of LeBron James during his dizzying rise to fame in high school to his emergence as the first overall pick in the NBA draft as an 18-year-old, to his carrying the underdog Cavaliers to the 2007 NBA Finals. Hyped relentlessly from the time he was a high school sophomore in Ohio, James has lived up to all advance billing and with his charm, smile, and extraordinary basketball skills. James' all-around talent and unselfishness on the court are the trademarks of his play that have made him one of the most feared scorers in the league, but also one of its most versatile rebounders and passers. This biography offers a well-rounded portrait James from the difficulties encountered being raised by a single mother and overcoming poverty, which at times caused the family to move from home to home. Lew Freedman of the Chicago Tribune chronicles the milestones in the life of LeBron James during his dizzying rise to fame. Also highlighted are James' remarkable endorsement deals, particularly his $90 million deal with Nike. The volume is rounded out with a timeline and a bibliography of print and electronic sources to provide suggested readings for students and sports fans alike.
This two-volume encyclopedia is the Daytona 500 of stock car racing books—an essential "Bible" that provides an all-encompassing history of the sport as well as an up-to-date examination of modern-day stock car racing. How did stock car racing become firmly entrenched in American pop culture, especially in light of the lack of interest in motorsports overall as a spectator activity in the United States? And what has been the secret to NASCAR's financial success and growth over the last six decades? Encyclopedia of Stock Car Racing highlights approximately 250 subjects that have defined the sport since stock car racing was first organized. Organized in A-Z order, it covers all of the greatest drivers, such as Richard Petty, Jimmie Johnson, Junior Johnson, and David Pearson; the special races such as the Daytona 500 and Brickyard 400; and the famed tracks across the country, from Bristol Motor Speedway to Darlington Raceway to Talladega Superspeedway. This unprecedented resource collects information about every element of NASCAR history in one place: the early personalities who shaped the sport and set things in motion, the past greats who have now retired, and today's rising stars who continue to make stock car racing one of the most popular sports in the United States.
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