Most Americans--even environmentalists--date the emergence of laws protecting nature to the early 1970s. But Karl Boyd Brooks shows that, far from being a product of that activist decade, American environmental law emerged well before the first Earth Day, often in unexpected places far from Capitol Hill. Surveying the landscape from the end of World War II to Earth Day 1970, Brooks traces a dramatic shift in Americans' relationship to the environment and the emergence of new environmental statutes. He takes readers into legislative hearing rooms, lawyers' conferences, and administrators' offices to describe how Americans forged a new body of law that reflected their hopes for rescuing the land from air pollution, deforestation, and other potential threats. For while previous law had treated nature as a commodity, more and more Americans had come to see it as a national treasure worth preserving. Brooks explores the way key features of the New Deal's legal legacy influenced environmental law. This path-breaking environmental history examines how cultural, intellectual, and economic changes in postwar America brought about new solutions to environmental problems that threatened public health and degraded natural aesthetics. Visiting riverbanks and freeways, duck blinds and airsheds, Before Earth Day reveals the new strategies and efforts by which the unceasing process of legal change created environmental law. And through real-world examples-how Los Angelenos pressed cases about water and air quality, how an Idaho lawyer helped clients pursue new environmental regulations, how citizens challenged government and corporate plans to dam rivers-Brooks demonstrates that key changes in property, procedure, contract, and other legal rules in those early years stimulated the national environmental laws to come. Gracefully written and meticulously researched, Brooks's work dramatically updates our understanding of the origins of environmental law. By taking the postwar years more seriously, he shows that earlier actions across the country played a central role in shaping the structure and goals of well-known federal laws passed during the "environmental decade" of the seventies. Before Earth Day describes nothing less than an entirely new way of thinking, as environmental law emerged from local jurisdictions to reshape national agendas, firing the popular imagination and only then remodeling law school curricula. A long-needed corrective to standard political and legal history, it demonstrates both the longstanding environmental concerns of Americans and the resilience of law.
Presented as a series of lectures, this important volume achieves four major goals: 1) It integrates the results of the author's research as applied to pattern perception -- reviewing current brain research and showing how several lines of inquiry have been converging to produce a paradigm shift in our understanding of the neural basis of figural perception. 2) It updates the holographic hypothesis of brain function in perception. 3) It emphasizes the fact that both distributed (holistic) and localized (structural) processes characterize brain function. 4) It portrays a neural systems analysis of brain organization in figural perception by computational models -- describing processing in terms of formalisms found useful in ordering data in 20th-century physical and engineering sciences. The lectures are divided into three parts: a Prolegomenon outlining a theoretical framework for the presentation; Part I dealing with the configural aspects of perception; and Part II presenting its cognitive aspects. The appendices were developed in a collaborative effort by the author, Kunio Yasue, and Mari Jibu (both of Notre Dame Seishin University of Okayama, Japan).
The Bible proclaims a message of liberation. Though the Bible arose in an age when slavery and patriarchalism permeated society, the biblical authors sought to elevate the rights of slaves, the poor, and women. Their attempts to elevate the oppressed setin motion a trajectory of evolution, which we should still be advancing today. Critics of the Bible declare that it accepts slavery and the subordination of women, but they fail to understand the biblical texts in their historical context. For their age the biblical authors were advanced in their understanding of human rights, and the democratic values we hold today actually resulted from their early attempts to affirm the dignity and rights of slaves and women. It is equally important that we critique those spokespersons of the church who quote the Bible literally but have lost sight of its historical context so that they might still subordinate women today. Such spokespersons also declare that the Bible condemns homosexuality. But a closer reading of the text discerns that those few passages that address same-sex relations actually condemn rape, ritual prostitution, and master-slave relations. To use the Bible to condemn people is to misuse the Bible.
Shakespeare, Midlife, and Generativity is a study of relations between the generations in five of William Shakespeare's plays--King Lear, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra, The Winter's Tale, and The Tempest. The book draws on Erik Erikson's theory of generativity-understood by Erikson as a midlife shift from advancing one's own career to aiding a younger generation-to examine the difficulties Shakespeare's parents (mainly fathers) have in releasing power and authority to their children or to other young people.
Is it possible to believe that our life in this world is all there is and be Christian? Karl Peters says yes. We can think about God as the creativity of the world. About our life as beginning when we were hydrogen atoms, so that everything is family. About how the evils of sexism, racism, and speciesism (climate change) arose in human history. Peters says that Jesus is fully human. His mother, Mary, was raped by a Roman soldier. And he is savior by being an inspiring moral example of how we should live—loving God completely and our neighbor as ourselves. Through evolution we are related to everything else. Therefore, we should love as family all varieties of humans, other species, and the planet itself.
Economic Development Finance provides a foundation for students and professionals in the technical aspects of business and real estate finance and surveys the full range of policies, program models, and financing tools used in economic development practice within the United States."--Jacket.
The Eastern Front 1943. A massive Russian offensive has fragmented the German frontlines forcing them into a fighting retreat back towards the Oder River to establish defensive bridgeheads in an attempt to slow the Soviet masses. However elements of the 1st SS LAH Panzer division have managed to hold their positions within these lines and have withstood the brunt of the Soviet onslaught. Due to sketchy communications they are unaware that a major retreat has taken place as they continue to press forward into the increasing Red Army hoards, often forced into bloody hand to hand combat. Will word reach these men that they are in fact alone and pushing on in the wrong direction? Or will they realise their situation only to be engaged in a deadly race backwards through enemy held territory strewn with death and destruction to reach the Oder River and relative safety before the Russians reach its banks? Book reviews online: PublishedBestsellers website.
Draws on sources in evolutionary biology, process theology, and a range of world religions to propose that evolution can provide a key to religious faith, addressing such topics as the role of the Sacred, humanity's place in nature, and living a meaningful life. Original.
CIO Survival Guide is a leadership manual for the emerging role of the Chief Information Officer. This book supports and guides CIOs in acquiring or enhancing their technical skills and leadership competencies to be a full and respected member of the Executive Team. It includes exposition and practice of the skills and competencies required to be a successful CIO.
This seris keeps scientists and advanced students specialized on a particular subject informed of the latest developments and results in all different areas of botany. The present volume includes reviews on structuralbotany, physiology, genetics, taxonomy, geobotanic, as well as a contribution treating seed dispersal.
Early Judaism and early Christianity emerged during the Hellenistic and early Roman imperial era. They were, naturally, confronted with the Hellenistic and the Roman religion. The question therefore arose as to whether Jews or Christians were free to participate in religious activities alien to the religious heritage of their own. In his articles, Karl-Gustav Sandelin presents documentary material showing that this problem was a burning issue within Judaism from the beginning of the Hellenistic period until the end of the first century C.E. Several Jewish individuals converted to the Hellenistic or the Roman religion. Such behavior was also discussed and generally condemned, for example by the Books of Maccabees and authors such as Philo of Alexandria and Flavius Josephus. A similar problem is to be found in the New Testament, notably in the letters of Paul, especially in the first letter to the Corinthians and in the Revelation of John.
Careful analysis of the evidence for Hellenistic and Byzantine glosses, emendations and other notes interpolated into the text of Thucydides. A coarse but firm typology of the phenomenon, and clarification of many hard passages.
In this absorbing study--the first comprehensive exploration of the rhetoric of the novel--Zahava Karl McKeon investigates the complex interrelations of critical poetics, grammars, dialectics, and rhetorics to devise a systematic means of dealing with the structure of prose works as communicative objects. Using the vocabulary and conceptual resources of Aristotle and Cicero, she pursues this exploration to discover the kinds of arguments that characterize novels, to find a way of distinguishing novels from other discursive wholes, and to discriminate different genres of the novel. McKeon's arguments are supplemented by readings of a variety of texts, including the novels and stories of Gunter Grass, John Fowles, Robert Coover, and Flannery O'Connor.
Karl Maramorosch may be best known for his accomplishments as a top scientist, but the story of how he became such a success has never been tolduntil now. Born in Vienna in 1915, his family moved to Poland, and he fled with his wife, Irene, to Romania in September 1939. They spent four years in Polish refugee camps and were in Soviet-occupied Romania until October 1946, before coming to the United States in January 1947 on an immigration visa. But they did not arrive unscathed: Maramoroschs father died in the gas chamber in Belzec in 1942, and his mother also died at the camp. His brother died in the Kolomyya jail on Yom Kippur in 1942. His wifes closest relatives died in Treblinka in 1942. The inseparable couple refused to let any of that stop them from forging ahead: He began a scientific career that spanned more than sixty years, and she became a librarian at the New York Public Library, where she worked thirty years. Maramorosch recalls the painful losses of the past and the brutalities of war, but he also celebrates his love for his wife and life in The Thorny Road to Success.
Zehn Jahre nach der 1. Auflage in englischer Sprache legt der Autor sein Buch The History of the Theory of Structures in wesentlich erweiterter Form vor, nunmehr mit dem Untertitel Searching for Equilibrium. Mit dem vorliegenden Buch lädt der Verfasser seine Leser zur Suche nach dem Gleichgewicht von Tragwerken auf Zeitreisen ein. Die Zeitreisen setzen mit der Entstehung der Statik und Festigkeitslehre eines Leonardo und Galilei ein und erreichen ihren ersten Höhepunkt mit den baustatischen Theorien über den Balken, Erddruck und das Gewölbe von Coulomb am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts. Im folgenden Jahrhundert formiert sich die Baustatik mit Navier, Culmann, Maxwell, Rankine, Mohr, Castigliano und Müller-Breslau zu einer technikwissenschaftlichen Grundlagendisziplin, die im 20. Jahrhundert in Gestalt der modernen Strukturmechanik bei der Herausbildung der konstruktiven Sprache des Stahl-, Stahlbeton-, Flugzeug-, Automobil- und des Schiffbaus eine tragende Rolle spielt. Dabei setzt der Autor den inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt auf die Formierung und Entwicklung moderner numerischer Ingenieurmethoden wie der Finite-Elemente-Methode und beschreibt ihre disziplinäre Integration in der Computational Mechanics. Kurze, durch historische Skizzen unterstützte Einblicke in gängige Berechnungsverfahren erleichtern den Zugang zur Geschichte der Strukturmechanik und Erddrucktheorie vom heutigen Stand der Ingenieurpraxis und stellen einen auch einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Ingenieurpädagogik dar. Dem Autor gelingt es, die Unterschiedlichkeit der Akteure hinsichtlich ihres technisch-wissenschaftlichen Profils und ihrer Persönlichkeit plastisch zu schildern und das Verständnis für den gesellschaftlichen Kontext zu erzeugen. So werden in 260 Kurzbiografien die subjektive Dimension der Baustatik und der Strukturmechanik von der frühen Neuzeit bis heute entfaltet. Dabei werden die wesentlichen Beiträge der Protagonisten der Baustatik besprochen und in die nachfolgende Bibliografie integriert. Berücksichtigt wurden nicht nur Bauingenieure und Architekten, sondern auch Mathematiker, Physiker, Maschinenbauer sowie Flugzeug- und Schiffbauer. Neben den bekannten Persönlichkeiten der Baustatik, wie Coulomb, Culmann, Maxwell, Mohr, Müller-Breslau, Navier, Rankine, Saint-Venant, Timoshenko und Westergaard, wurden u. a. auch G. Green, A. N. Krylov, G. Li, A. J. S. Pippard, W. Prager, H. A. Schade, A. W. Skempton, C. A. Truesdell, J. A. L. Waddell und H. Wagner berücksichtigt. Den Wegbereitern der Moderne in der Baustatik J. H. Argyris, R. W. Clough, Th. v. Kármán, M. J. Turner und O. C. Zienkiewicz wurden umfangreiche Biografien gewidmet. Eine ca. 4500 Titel umfassende Bibliografie rundet das Werk ab. Neue Inhalte der 2. Auflage sind: Erddrucktheorie, Traglastverfahren, historische Lehrbuchanalyse, Stahlbrückenbau, Leichtbau, Platten- und Schalentheorie, Greensche Funktion, Computerstatik, FEM, Computergestützte Graphostatik und Historische Technikwissenschaft. Gegenüber der 1., englischen Ausgabe wurde der Seitenumfang um 50 % auf nunmehr etwas über 1200 Druckseiten gesteigert. Das vorliegende Buch ist die erste zusammenfassende historische Gesamtdarstellung der Baustatik vom 16. Jahrhundert bis heute. Über die Reihe edition Bautechnikgeschichte: Mit erstaunlicher Dynamik hat sich die Bautechnikgeschichte in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten zu einer höchst lebendigen, international vernetzten und viel beachteten eigenständigen Disziplin entwickelt. Auch wenn die nationalen Forschungszugänge unterschiedliche Akzente setzen, eint sie doch das Bewusstsein, dass gerade die inhaltliche und methodische Vielfalt und das damit verbundene synthetische Potenzial die Stärke des neuen Forschungsfeldes ausmachen. Bautechnikgeschichte erschließt neue Formen des Verstehens von Bauen zwischen Ingenieurwesen und Architektur, zwischen Bau- und Kunst-, Technik- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Mit der edition Bautechnikgeschichte erhält die neue Disziplin erstmals einen Ort für die Publikation wichtiger Arbeiten auf angemessenem Niveau in hochwertiger Gestaltung. Die Bücher erscheinen in deutscher oder englischer Sprache. Beide Hauptrichtungen der Bautechnikgeschichte, der eher konstruktionsgeschichtlich und der eher theoriegeschichtlich geleitete Zugang, finden Berücksichtigung; das Spektrum der Bände reicht von Überblickswerken über Monographien zu Einzelaspekten oder -bauten bis hin zu Biographien bedeutender Ingenieurpersönlichkeiten. Ein international besetzter Wissenschaftlicher Beirat unterstützt die Herausgeber in der Umsetzung des Konzepts.
Beginning with "spiritual" interpretation and anti-Judaic polemic to secure the Pesach institution narrative (Ex 12) for Christian proclamation, major centers of Asia Minor and Syria, then Upper Egypt and the West, develop distinct rhetorical structures that load first the day, then the date of Pascha, with theological meaning. The emergence of the four-gospel canon at the end of the second century enriches, but does not supplant, a dialogue between Christian rituals and the scriptures inherited from Judaism. The Antenicene Pascha takes a fresh approach to the scattered literary remains of the earliest paschal feast by acknowledging them for what they are: relics of heated disputes about ritual boundaries that had elevated the Pascha, an observance with no explicite reference in first century literature, to an icon of unity and orthodoxy at the Council of Nicaea. Just as these disputes repeat familiar patterns of establishing Christian identity, much modern scholarship employs hermeneutical categories derived from other conflicts (Great Schism, Reformation) that often obscure, rather than reveal, the history of the paschal celebration. This book will be of value not only to students of the liturgy, but also to those interested in the history of biblical hermeneutics, the canon, and the roots of Christian anti-Judaism.
This volume evaluates the understanding of dreams and the form of dream reports in Josephus' writings, and it compares Josephan texts with ancient Near Eastern, biblical, and Hellenistic dream reports to discern Josephus' sources of literary inspiration and intellectual assumptions.
Put the world's most well-known kidney reference to work in your practice with the 11th Edition of Brenner & Rector's The Kidney. This two-volume masterwork provides expert, well-illustrated information on everything from basic science and pathophysiology to clinical best practices. Addressing current issues such as new therapies for cardiorenal syndrome, the increased importance of supportive or palliative care in advanced chronic kidney disease, increasing live kidney donation in transplants, and emerging discoveries in stem cell and kidney regeneration, this revised edition prepares you for any clinical challenge you may encounter. - Extensively updated chapters throughout, providing the latest scientific and clinical information from authorities in their respective fields. - Lifespan coverage of kidney health and disease from pre-conception through fetal and infant health, childhood, adulthood, and old age. - Discussions of today's hot topics, including the global increase in acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology, cardiovascular disease and renal disease, and global initiatives for alternatives in areas with limited facilities for dialysis or transplant. - New Key Points that represent either new findings or "pearls" of information that are not widely known or understood. - New Clinical Relevance boxes that highlight the information you must know during a patient visit, such as pertinent physiology or pathophysiology. - Hundreds of full-color, high-quality photographs as well as carefully chosen figures, algorithms, and tables that illustrate essential concepts, nuances of clinical presentation and technique, and clinical decision making. - A new editor who is a world-renowned expert in global health and nephrology care in underserved populations, Dr. Valerie A. Luyckx from University of Zürich. - Board review-style questions to help you prepare for certification or recertification. - Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices
Overcome the toughest clinical challenges in nephrology with the new 9th edition of Brenner/Rector’s The Kidney! A brand-new editorial team of Drs. Maarten W. Taal, Glenn M. Chertow, Philip A. Marsden, Karl Skorecki, Alan S. L. Yu, and Barry M. Brenner,, together with a diverse list of international contributors bring you the latest knowledge and best practices on every front in nephrology worldwide. Brand-new sections on Global Considerations in Nephrology and Pediatric Nephrology, as well as new chapters on recent clinical trials, cardiovascular and renal risk prediction in chronic kidney disease, identification of genetic causes of kidney disease, and many others, keep you at the forefront of this rapidly growing, ever-changing specialty. Brenner/Rector remains the go-to resource for practicing and training nephrologists and internists who wish to master basic science, pathophysiology, and clinical best practices. Broaden your knowledge base with expert, dependable, comprehensive answers for every stage of your career from the most comprehensive, definitive clinical reference in the field! Prepare for certification or recertification with a review of the basic science that underpins clinical nephrology as well as a comprehensive selection of the most important bibliographical sources in nephrology. Visually grasp and better understand critical information with the aid of over 700 full-color high-quality photographs as well as carefully chosen figures, algorithms, and tables to illustrate essential concepts, nuances of clinical presentation and technique, and decision making. Get internationally diverse, trusted guidance and perspectives from a team of well-respected global contributors, all of whom are at the top and the cutting edge of your field. A new editorial team headed by Dr. Taal and hand-picked by Dr. Brenner ensures the ongoing adherence to previous standards of excellence. Access information quickly thanks to a new, reorganized format and supplemental figures, tables, additional references, and expanded discussions. Keep current with the rapid development of care and research worldwide. A new section, "Global Considerations", focuses on regions outside Europe and North America. Leading experts from Latin America, Africa, Near and Middle East, Indian Subcontinent, Far East, Oceania and Australia present their expert insights into specific conditions, as well as progress and challenges in the development of the specialty. Improve therapy and outcomes for children with renal disease. New to this edition, "Pediatric Nephrology" addresses renal pathologies that usually present in childhood and covers topics such as Maturation of Kidney Structure and Function; Fluid; Electrolyte and Acid-Base Disorders in Children; Diseases of the Kidney and Urinary Tract in Children; Dialysis in Children; and Kidney Transplantation in Children. Stay up to date with all the latest clinical information including recent clinical trials, genetic causes of kidney disease, and cardiovascular and renal risk prediction in chronic kidney disease.
This handbook is a compendium giving a comprehensive description of the basics of semiconductor physics relevant to the design and analysis of thin film solar cell materials. It starts from the basics of material science, describing the material and its growth, defect and electrical properties, the basics of its interaction with photons and the involved statistics, proceeding to space charge effects in semiconductors and pn-junctions. Most attention is given to analyze homo- and hetero-junction solar cells using various models and applying the field-of-direction analysis for discussing current voltage characteristics, and helping to discover the involvement of high-field effects in solar cells. The comprehensive coverage of the main topics of - and relating to - solar cells with extensive reference to literature helps scientists and engineers at all levels to reach a better understanding and improvement of solar cell properties and their production. The author is one of the founders of thin film solar cell research.
This text covers the basics of normal and abnormal neurologic function and provides complete clinical guidance on performing and interpreting today's full range of diagnostic studies, including EEG, EMG, NCS, EP, and sleep studies. The 3rd Edition includes a CD-ROM with all the contents of the book in HTML format · step-by-step instructions for various techniques, accompanied by videos, photographs, and diagrams (including details on electrode placement and arrays) · technical details about the equipment · mathematical derivations of the formulae in the text · additional sample recordings with expert interpretations · and questions and answers for self-assessment. Provides a practical overview of the field, making it a useful tool for board preparation. Covers the studies used to evaluate epilepsy, coma, dementia, movement disorders, neuromuscular diseases, nerve dysfunction, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and more. Includes a new companion CD-ROM with all the contents of the book in HTML format · step-by-step instructions for various techniques, accompanied by videos, photographs, and diagrams (including details on electrode placement and arrays) · technical details about the equipment · mathematical derivations of the formulae in the text · additional sample recordings with expert interpretations · and questions and answers for self-assessment. Covers the latest advances in technology and explains their clinical implications. Expands the presentation of methodology so that procedures may be performed without reference to other texts. Features more examples of tracings.
Knowledge management is an increasingly important part of any corporate strategy, but until now the available literature has tended to focus on technology, systems, or culture. This book goes a step further and explores how people use knowledge in the course of their working lives.
Put the world's most well-known kidney reference to work in your practice with the 11th Edition of Brenner & Rector's The Kidney. This two-volume masterwork provides expert, well-illustrated information on everything from basic science and pathophysiology to clinical best practices. Addressing current issues such as new therapies for cardiorenal syndrome, the increased importance of supportive or palliative care in advanced chronic kidney disease, increasing live kidney donation in transplants, and emerging discoveries in stem cell and kidney regeneration, this revised edition prepares you for any clinical challenge you may encounter. - Extensively updated chapters throughout, providing the latest scientific and clinical information from authorities in their respective fields. - Lifespan coverage of kidney health and disease from pre-conception through fetal and infant health, childhood, adulthood, and old age. - Discussions of today's hot topics, including the global increase in acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology, cardiovascular disease and renal disease, and global initiatives for alternatives in areas with limited facilities for dialysis or transplant. - New Key Points that represent either new findings or "pearls" of information that are not widely known or understood. - New Clinical Relevance boxes that highlight the information you must know during a patient visit, such as pertinent physiology or pathophysiology. - Hundreds of full-color, high-quality photographs as well as carefully chosen figures, algorithms, and tables that illustrate essential concepts, nuances of clinical presentation and technique, and clinical decision making. - A new editor who is a world-renowned expert in global health and nephrology care in underserved populations, Dr. Valerie A. Luyckx from University of Zürich. - Board review-style questions to help you prepare for certification or recertification. - Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices
Now in its fourth edition, this book offers a detailed yet concise introduction to the growing field of statistical applications in finance. The reader will learn the basic methods of evaluating option contracts, analyzing financial time series, selecting portfolios and managing risks based on realistic assumptions about market behavior. The focus is both on the fundamentals of mathematical finance and financial time series analysis, and on applications to given problems concerning financial markets, thus making the book the ideal basis for lectures, seminars and crash courses on the topic. For this new edition the book has been updated and extensively revised and now includes several new aspects, e.g. new chapters on long memory models, copulae and CDO valuation. Practical exercises with solutions have also been added. Both R and Matlab Code, together with the data, can be downloaded from the book’s product page and
Highly researched and referenced, Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Health Professionals: A Holistic Approach to Consumer Health educates students about the many complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) modalities that are available, in addition to the more traditional methods that exist. Early chapters provide an overview of both traditional and alternative medicine, scientific method and steps in scientific research, and look at the cost of health care in the U.S. Later chapters introduce students to integrative medicine and provide a thorough overview of CAM practices employed today. Topics that are covered include acupuncture, meditation, herbals and aromatherapy. By reading this text, students will become astute at distinguishing among those traditional and CAM health practices that are helpful, those that have been scientifically tested, and those that may offer no benefit. Case studies throughout the text give students an opportunity to apply material and ideas to real life situations.
Primarily intended for physicians and health care professionals who are treating obese patients, this book explores current and future options for drug treatment of obesity puts them into perspective against available alternative treatments. Distinguished scientists and clinical investigators provide reviews of each individual topic, covering a wide range of subjects from pathophysiology of obesity to the benefits of weight loss. The core sections on pharmacotherapy deal with currently available drugs and drugs in pre-clinical development. These sections are complemented with sections on non-drug treatment and general therapeutic aspects. This design provides an integrated view of therapeutic approaches to the treatment of obesity and its associated syndromes.
The apocalyptic end times have finally arrived. What is coming to an end, though, is not what you have been led to believe. Do you desire the truth about God, our foremost religions, the purpose of life and the future of our planet? Are you ready to challenge the religious powers that be to learn what most would rather not know? If so, this revolutionary book will help you transcend the darkness on your eternal journey home to a God of pure, unconditional love (a God who has no cause or need to ever judge or condemn anybody). Illuminating the Narrow Gate reveals the flaws of the mainstream Western religions as it guides and empowers its readers to embrace an enlightened spirituality. Brimming with astonishing insights and revelations, it will shock the world by debunking the “fire and brimstone” theology of mainstream Christianity. It primarily accomplishes this by unraveling the apocalyptic prophecies of Daniel, the gospels and Revelation in their entirety. In fact, they contain hidden spiritual messages that contradict what has been confidently preached for all these centuries. Like a challenging riddle that cannot be solved, the answer is obvious in hindsight. Only the blinding power of a paradigm can explain how we missed it for so long. The revelations will strike with devastating force because the book first arrives at the same conclusion through more traditional means. It convincingly describes how Jesus had come to uproot Judaism, but the version of Christianity that developed in his wake failed to make the paradigm shift. Erroneous tenets that should have been discarded were instead institutionalized in both theology and authority. The book also blazes a third independent trail to the same destination by showing how this ancient religious tree bore its poisonous fruit in both the Holocaust and the abomination of slavery that fathered the Civil War. Furthermore, the book illuminates the nature of evil and its well-cloaked ways, which is essential for unraveling the prophecies. This wisdom yields a new and astonishing interpretation of the Book of Job that delivers a quantum leap in insight over the prevailing understanding. As the first devout Christian to read this interpretation commented, “It rocked my apple cart to the core.” In addition, it presents an array of scientific evidence for the spiritual realm’s existence that complements its amazing demonstration that long-range prophecy is truly possible. It thus shows the atheistic religion of scientism is also doomed. Meanwhile, the book proves Jesus was the “Anointed One” (Messiah) with a telescoping trio of prophecies (from Daniel) that foretold the onset of his ministry to the reign of the Roman Empire, to its first ten emperors in the 1st century CE and to 27–34 CE. Most Christians will thus either fearfully denounce the book as a satanic assault upon their religion or courageously embrace it as the inevitable completion of the Reformation. The great spiritual awakening will soon be kicking into high gear, which is exactly what the apocalyptic prophecies long ago foretold and the spiritual realm has long been awaiting. As Jesus and a group of angels informed an atheist during his near-death experience in 1985, “The world is at the beginning of a major transformation. It will be a spiritual revolution that will affect every person in the world.” Can you handle the truth? Are you ready to awaken? If so, this world-changing book is at your service. * You only have to purchase Vol. I to get the book’s core insights and revelations. A PDF document of the Endnotes, Bibliography, Index, et al. (published in Vol. II) can be downloaded for free from the book’s website to make Vol. I a self-standing book.
Taking up where the first volume left off, this work provides coverage of the inhomogeneous semiconductor. It deals mainly with Si and GaAs, but also investigates other materials of theoretical and practical interest, such as Ge, other III-V and II-VI compounds, and amorphous SiH. Equipped with this source, physicists, semiconductor engineers, device engineers and fabrication engineers will have access to a vast reservoir of practical information on the design, production and operations of semiconductor devices.
This volume offers a unique perspective on a key issue of monetary economics: the effect of money on output. Karl Brunner and Allan Meltzer address the theoretical aspects of this issue with the purpose of understanding their policy implications. They offer an historical and at times provocative overview on the relationship between money and output, and go on to present their well-known model of a monetary economy, before examining the real sector. Throughout the volume, their views are confronted with competing explanations in order to highlight differences. The monetarist flavour of the volume emerges most clearly in frequent arguments pointing to the relative stability of the private sector.
Coming Home to New Orleans documents grassroots rebuilding efforts in New Orleans neighborhoods after hurricane Katrina, and draws lessons on their contribution to the post-disaster recovery of cities. The book begins with two chapters that address Katrina's impact and the planning and public sector recovery policies that set the context for neighborhood recovery. Rebuilding narratives for six New Orleans neighborhoods are then presented and analyzed. In the heavily flooded Broadmoor and Village de L'Est neighborhoods, residents coalesced around communitywide initiatives, one through a neighborhood association and the second under church leadership, to help homeowners return and restore housing, get key public facilities and businesses rebuilt and create new community-based organizations and civic capacity. A comparison of four adjacent neighborhoods in the center of the city show how differing socioeconomic conditions, geography, government policies and neighborhood capacity created varied recovery trajectories. The concluding chapter argues that grassroots and neighborhood scale initiatives can make important contributions to city recovery in four areas: repopulation, restoring "complete neighborhoods" with key services and amenities, rebuilding parts of the small business economy and enhancing recovery capacity. It also calls for more balanced investments and policies to rebuild rental and owner-occupied housing and more deliberate collaboration with community-based organizations to undertake and implement recovery plans, and proposes changes to federal disaster recovery policies and programs to leverage the contribution of grassroots rebuilding and more support for city recovery.
Escalation is a natural tendency in any form of human competition, and today's security environment demands that the United States be prepared for a host of escalatory threats. This analysis of escalation dynamics and approaches to escalation management draws on a range of historical examples from World War I to the struggle against global Jihad to inform escalation-related decisionmaking.
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