This book is intended as a text covering the central concepts and techniques of Competitive Markov Decision Processes. It is an attempt to present a rig orous treatment that combines two significant research topics: Stochastic Games and Markov Decision Processes, which have been studied exten sively, and at times quite independently, by mathematicians, operations researchers, engineers, and economists. Since Markov decision processes can be viewed as a special noncompeti tive case of stochastic games, we introduce the new terminology Competi tive Markov Decision Processes that emphasizes the importance of the link between these two topics and of the properties of the underlying Markov processes. The book is designed to be used either in a classroom or for self-study by a mathematically mature reader. In the Introduction (Chapter 1) we outline a number of advanced undergraduate and graduate courses for which this book could usefully serve as a text. A characteristic feature of competitive Markov decision processes - and one that inspired our long-standing interest - is that they can serve as an "orchestra" containing the "instruments" of much of modern applied (and at times even pure) mathematics. They constitute a topic where the instruments of linear algebra, applied probability, mathematical program ming, analysis, and even algebraic geometry can be "played" sometimes solo and sometimes in harmony to produce either beautifully simple or equally beautiful, but baroque, melodies, that is, theorems.
This research monograph summarizes a line of research that maps certain classical problems of discrete mathematics and operations research - such as the Hamiltonian Cycle and the Travelling Salesman Problems - into convex domains where continuum analysis can be carried out. Arguably, the inherent difficulty of these, now classical, problems stems precisely from the discrete nature of domains in which these problems are posed. The convexification of domains underpinning these results is achieved by assigning probabilistic interpretation to key elements of the original deterministic problems. In particular, the approaches summarized here build on a technique that embeds Hamiltonian Cycle and Travelling Salesman Problems in a structured singularly perturbed Markov decision process. The unifying idea is to interpret subgraphs traced out by deterministic policies (including Hamiltonian cycles, if any) as extreme points of a convex polyhedron in a space filled with randomized policies. The above innovative approach has now evolved to the point where there are many, both theoretical and algorithmic, results that exploit the nexus between graph theoretic structures and both probabilistic and algebraic entities of related Markov chains. The latter include moments of first return times, limiting frequencies of visits to nodes, or the spectra of certain matrices traditionally associated with the analysis of Markov chains. However, these results and algorithms are dispersed over many research papers appearing in journals catering to disparate audiences. As a result, the published manuscripts are often written in a very terse manner and use disparate notation, thereby making it difficult for new researchers to make use of the many reported advances. Hence the main purpose of this book is to present a concise and yet easily accessible synthesis of the majority of the theoretical and algorithmic results obtained so far. In addition, the book discusses numerous open questions and problems that arise from this body of work and which are yet to be fully solved. The approach casts the Hamiltonian Cycle Problem in a mathematical framework that permits analytical concepts and techniques, not used hitherto in this context, to be brought to bear to further clarify both the underlying difficulty of NP-completeness of this problem and the relative exceptionality of truly difficult instances. Finally, the material is arranged in such a manner that the introductory chapters require very little mathematical background and discuss instances of graphs with interesting structures that motivated a lot of the research in this topic. More difficult results are introduced later and are illustrated with numerous examples.
Controlled Markov Chains, Graphs & Hamiltonicity" summarizes a line of research that maps certain classical problems of discrete mathematics--such as the Hamiltonian cycle and the Traveling Salesman problems--into convex domains where continuum analysis can be carried out. (Mathematics)
Mathematical models are often used to describe complex phenomena such as climate change dynamics, stock market fluctuations, and the Internet. These models typically depend on estimated values of key parameters that determine system behavior. Hence it is important to know what happens when these values are changed. The study of single-parameter deviations provides a natural starting point for this analysis in many special settings in the sciences, engineering, and economics. The difference between the actual and nominal values of the perturbation parameter is small but unknown, and it is important to understand the asymptotic behavior of the system as the perturbation tends to zero. This is particularly true in applications with an apparent discontinuity in the limiting behavior?the so-called singularly perturbed problems. Analytic Perturbation Theory and Its Applications includes a comprehensive treatment of analytic perturbations of matrices, linear operators, and polynomial systems, particularly the singular perturbation of inverses and generalized inverses. It also offers original applications in Markov chains, Markov decision processes, optimization, and applications to Google PageRank? and the Hamiltonian cycle problem as well as input retrieval in linear control systems and a problem section in every chapter to aid in course preparation.
This book was motivated by the notion that some of the underlying difficulty in challenging instances of graph-based problems (e.g., the Traveling Salesman Problem) may be “inherited” from simpler graphs which – in an appropriate sense – could be seen as “ancestors” of the given graph instance. The authors propose a partitioning of the set of unlabeled, connected cubic graphs into two disjoint subsets named genes and descendants, where the cardinality of the descendants dominates that of the genes. The key distinction between the two subsets is the presence of special edge cut sets, called cubic crackers, in the descendants. The book begins by proving that any given descendant may be constructed by starting from a finite set of genes and introducing the required cubic crackers through the use of six special operations, called breeding operations. It shows that each breeding operation is invertible, and these inverse operations are examined. It is therefore possible, for any given descendant, to identify a family of genes that could be used to generate the descendant. The authors refer to such a family of genes as a “complete family of ancestor genes” for that particular descendant. The book proves the fundamental, although quite unexpected, result that any given descendant has exactly one complete family of ancestor genes. This result indicates that the particular combination of breeding operations used strikes the right balance between ensuring that every descendant may be constructed while permitting only one generating set. The result that any descendant can be constructed from a unique set of ancestor genes indicates that most of the structure in the descendant has been, in some way, inherited from that, very special, complete family of ancestor genes, with the remaining structure induced by the breeding operations. After establishing this, the authors proceed to investigate a number of graph theoretic properties: Hamiltonicity, bipartiteness, and planarity, and prove results linking properties of the descendant to those of the ancestor genes. They develop necessary (and in some cases, sufficient) conditions for a descendant to contain a property in terms of the properties of its ancestor genes. These results motivate the development of parallelizable heuristics that first decompose a graph into ancestor genes, and then consider the genes individually. In particular, they provide such a heuristic for the Hamiltonian cycle problem. Additionally, a framework for constructing graphs with desired properties is developed, which shows how many (known) graphs that constitute counterexamples of conjectures could be easily found.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Computer Science Logic, CSL 2004, held as the 13th Annual Conference of the EACSL in Karpacz, Poland, in September 2004. The 33 revised full papers presented together with 5 invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from 88 papers submitted. All current aspects of logic in computer science are addressed ranging from mathematical logic and logical foundations to methodological issues and applications of logics in various computing contexts.
The book is about history of Lithuania and Russia in Medieval Ages, about writing chronicles, and meanings of words used at the time. It is an analysis of over 30 volumes of the Full Collection of Russian Chronicles, that dates back to 855 A.D. The chronicles in Medieval Ages were written in Slavic using Cyrillic alphabet by monks of the Russian Orthodox Church and in Old German and Medieval Latin by monks of the Teutonic Order. Full texts from Lithuanian in Old Belorussian tongue and excerpts in translations from Russian and Teutonic are included. The book starts in 13th century Lithuania—the time Lithuania emerged as state. The analysis of chronicles takes its reader through said above records made by Russian Orthodox monks (855 - 1453 A.D.), and to records and documents made by Catholics—Teutons and Poles (1191 - 1434 A.D.), Lithuanian (1345 - 1446), and ends with remarks about errors in dictionaries. The book describes the order in which chronicles were copied and therefore contains solutions to unsolved problems of sequence. The book contains graphs, tables, maps, that clarify explanations, a dictionary with almost 2200 entries and an Indices of Names, Tribes, Geographical Places, in which the Author provided extended information about the people, tribes, and places.
This study is devoted to recent developments in Central European (especially Polish) political thought, and concentrates on the emergence of liberal ideas, a subject largely neglected by Western observers. It provides a clear account of protoliberal and liberal thinking in Central Europe both before and after 1989, a critical appraisal of the democratic opposition to communism, and an analysis of economic liberalism as its rival orientation. The author examines the changes which occur in classical liberal ideas when they are implemented in a region with practically no liberal tradition and no socioeconomic infrastructure, and shows how liberal ideas in Central Europe are becoming constructivist, functioning as the ideological justification for a new kind of Utopian social engineering that aims at constructing capitalism.
Przygodowo-detektywistyczna powieść dla dzieci i młodzieży, która także spodoba się dorosłym. Mocnymi stronami tej książki są błyskotliwe dialogi, zróżnicowane postacie pięciorga głównych, dziecięcych bohaterów oraz obfitująca w zaskakujące zwroty akcja. Jest tu przygoda, tajemnica, zabawa i początki pierwszych miłości. „Długi deszczowy tydzień”, to tekst z klasą, napisany inteligentnie i w pełni profesjonalnie. To świetna, pełna pozytywnej energii i humoru książka, która przykuwa uwagę czytelnika od pierwszej do ostatniej strony! Fabuła. Pięcioro nastoletnich dzieci rozpoczyna wakacje w podgórskiej miejscowości. Niestety mają pecha, bo pogoda jest wybitnie niesprzyjająca – pada deszcz. Tymczasem prasa donosi, że w regionie w którym właśnie przebywają grasuje groźny złodziej dzieł sztuki. Nasi bohaterowie postanawiają więc zastawić na niego pułapkę... Pierwsze wydanie „Długiego deszczowego tygodnia” ukazało się w 1966 roku. Jednak tekst ten wcale się nie zestarzał – jest ponadczasowy – jak każda dobra literatura. Można nawet powiedzieć, że obecnych czasach, gdy klimaty dotyczące PRL-u stały się wręcz modne, nabrał dodatkowych walorów. Jerzy Broszkiewicz napisał osiem powieści dla młodzieży. „Długi deszczowy tydzień” jest niewątpliwie najlepszą z nich, wręcz kultową. Od czasu pierwszego wydania w 1966 roku była wielokrotnie wznawiana a także tłumaczona na języki obce. W sumie do rąk czytelników trafiło kilkaset tysięcy egzemplarzy. Natomiast wszystkie młodzieżowe powieści Broszkiewicza osiągnęły łączny nakład kilku milionów egzemplarzy. W 1979 roku na motywach zaczerpniętych z „Długiego deszczowego tygodnia” został nakręcony telewizyjny serial przygodowy dla dzieci „Detektywi na wakacjach”. Powstało i zostało wyemitowanych pięć 30-to minutowych odcinków. Okładka: Katarzyna Kołodziej
Mathematical models are often used to describe complex phenomena such as climate change dynamics, stock market fluctuations, and the Internet. These models typically depend on estimated values of key parameters that determine system behavior. Hence it is important to know what happens when these values are changed. The study of single-parameter deviations provides a natural starting point for this analysis in many special settings in the sciences, engineering, and economics. The difference between the actual and nominal values of the perturbation parameter is small but unknown, and it is important to understand the asymptotic behavior of the system as the perturbation tends to zero. This is particularly true in applications with an apparent discontinuity in the limiting behavior?the so-called singularly perturbed problems. Analytic Perturbation Theory and Its Applications includes a comprehensive treatment of analytic perturbations of matrices, linear operators, and polynomial systems, particularly the singular perturbation of inverses and generalized inverses. It also offers original applications in Markov chains, Markov decision processes, optimization, and applications to Google PageRank? and the Hamiltonian cycle problem as well as input retrieval in linear control systems and a problem section in every chapter to aid in course preparation.
This book is intended as a text covering the central concepts and techniques of Competitive Markov Decision Processes. It is an attempt to present a rig orous treatment that combines two significant research topics: Stochastic Games and Markov Decision Processes, which have been studied exten sively, and at times quite independently, by mathematicians, operations researchers, engineers, and economists. Since Markov decision processes can be viewed as a special noncompeti tive case of stochastic games, we introduce the new terminology Competi tive Markov Decision Processes that emphasizes the importance of the link between these two topics and of the properties of the underlying Markov processes. The book is designed to be used either in a classroom or for self-study by a mathematically mature reader. In the Introduction (Chapter 1) we outline a number of advanced undergraduate and graduate courses for which this book could usefully serve as a text. A characteristic feature of competitive Markov decision processes - and one that inspired our long-standing interest - is that they can serve as an "orchestra" containing the "instruments" of much of modern applied (and at times even pure) mathematics. They constitute a topic where the instruments of linear algebra, applied probability, mathematical program ming, analysis, and even algebraic geometry can be "played" sometimes solo and sometimes in harmony to produce either beautifully simple or equally beautiful, but baroque, melodies, that is, theorems.
This research monograph summarizes a line of research that maps certain classical problems of discrete mathematics and operations research - such as the Hamiltonian Cycle and the Travelling Salesman Problems - into convex domains where continuum analysis can be carried out. Arguably, the inherent difficulty of these, now classical, problems stems precisely from the discrete nature of domains in which these problems are posed. The convexification of domains underpinning these results is achieved by assigning probabilistic interpretation to key elements of the original deterministic problems. In particular, the approaches summarized here build on a technique that embeds Hamiltonian Cycle and Travelling Salesman Problems in a structured singularly perturbed Markov decision process. The unifying idea is to interpret subgraphs traced out by deterministic policies (including Hamiltonian cycles, if any) as extreme points of a convex polyhedron in a space filled with randomized policies. The above innovative approach has now evolved to the point where there are many, both theoretical and algorithmic, results that exploit the nexus between graph theoretic structures and both probabilistic and algebraic entities of related Markov chains. The latter include moments of first return times, limiting frequencies of visits to nodes, or the spectra of certain matrices traditionally associated with the analysis of Markov chains. However, these results and algorithms are dispersed over many research papers appearing in journals catering to disparate audiences. As a result, the published manuscripts are often written in a very terse manner and use disparate notation, thereby making it difficult for new researchers to make use of the many reported advances. Hence the main purpose of this book is to present a concise and yet easily accessible synthesis of the majority of the theoretical and algorithmic results obtained so far. In addition, the book discusses numerous open questions and problems that arise from this body of work and which are yet to be fully solved. The approach casts the Hamiltonian Cycle Problem in a mathematical framework that permits analytical concepts and techniques, not used hitherto in this context, to be brought to bear to further clarify both the underlying difficulty of NP-completeness of this problem and the relative exceptionality of truly difficult instances. Finally, the material is arranged in such a manner that the introductory chapters require very little mathematical background and discuss instances of graphs with interesting structures that motivated a lot of the research in this topic. More difficult results are introduced later and are illustrated with numerous examples.
Modem game theory has evolved enonnously since its inception in the 1920s in the works ofBorel and von Neumann and since publication in the 1940s of the seminal treatise "Theory of Games and Economic Behavior" by von Neumann and Morgenstern. The branch of game theory known as dynamic games is-to a significant extent-descended from the pioneering work on differential games done by Isaacs in the 1950s and 1960s. Since those early decades game theory has branched out in many directions, spanning such diverse disciplines as math ematics, economics, electrical and electronics engineering, operations research, computer science, theoretical ecology, environmental science, and even political science. The papers in this volume reflect both the maturity and the vitalityofmodem day game theoryin general, andofdynamic games, inparticular. The maturitycan be seen from the sophistication ofthe theorems, proofs, methods, and numerical algorithms contained in these articles. The vitality is manifested by the range of new ideas, new applications, the numberofyoung researchers among the authors, and the expanding worldwide coverage of research centers and institutes where the contributions originated.
Controlled Markov Chains, Graphs & Hamiltonicity" summarizes a line of research that maps certain classical problems of discrete mathematics--such as the Hamiltonian cycle and the Traveling Salesman problems--into convex domains where continuum analysis can be carried out. (Mathematics)
This book was motivated by the notion that some of the underlying difficulty in challenging instances of graph-based problems (e.g., the Traveling Salesman Problem) may be “inherited” from simpler graphs which – in an appropriate sense – could be seen as “ancestors” of the given graph instance. The authors propose a partitioning of the set of unlabeled, connected cubic graphs into two disjoint subsets named genes and descendants, where the cardinality of the descendants dominates that of the genes. The key distinction between the two subsets is the presence of special edge cut sets, called cubic crackers, in the descendants. The book begins by proving that any given descendant may be constructed by starting from a finite set of genes and introducing the required cubic crackers through the use of six special operations, called breeding operations. It shows that each breeding operation is invertible, and these inverse operations are examined. It is therefore possible, for any given descendant, to identify a family of genes that could be used to generate the descendant. The authors refer to such a family of genes as a “complete family of ancestor genes” for that particular descendant. The book proves the fundamental, although quite unexpected, result that any given descendant has exactly one complete family of ancestor genes. This result indicates that the particular combination of breeding operations used strikes the right balance between ensuring that every descendant may be constructed while permitting only one generating set. The result that any descendant can be constructed from a unique set of ancestor genes indicates that most of the structure in the descendant has been, in some way, inherited from that, very special, complete family of ancestor genes, with the remaining structure induced by the breeding operations. After establishing this, the authors proceed to investigate a number of graph theoretic properties: Hamiltonicity, bipartiteness, and planarity, and prove results linking properties of the descendant to those of the ancestor genes. They develop necessary (and in some cases, sufficient) conditions for a descendant to contain a property in terms of the properties of its ancestor genes. These results motivate the development of parallelizable heuristics that first decompose a graph into ancestor genes, and then consider the genes individually. In particular, they provide such a heuristic for the Hamiltonian cycle problem. Additionally, a framework for constructing graphs with desired properties is developed, which shows how many (known) graphs that constitute counterexamples of conjectures could be easily found.
The 21st century promises to be an era dominated by international response to c- tain global environmental challenges such as climate change, depleting biodiversity and biocapacity as well as general atmospheric, water and soil pollution problems. Consequently, Environmental decision making (EDM) is a socially important ?eld of development for Operations Research and Management Science (OR/MS). - certainty is an important feature of these decision problems and it intervenes at very different time and space scales. The Handbook on “Uncertainty and Environmental Decision Making” provides a guided tour of selected methods and tools that OR/MS offer to deal with these issues. Below, we brie?y introduce, peer reviewed, chapters of this handbook and the topics that are treated by the invited authors. The ?rst chapter is a general introduction to the challenges of environmental decision making, the use of OR/MS techniques and a range of tools that are used to deal with uncertainty in this domain.
This book collects some recent works on the application of dynamic game and control theory to the analysis of environmental problems. This collec tion of papers is not the outcome of a conference or of a workshop. It is rather the result of a careful screening from among a number of contribu tions that we have solicited across the world. In particular, we have been able to attract the work of some of the most prominent scholars in the field of dynamic analyses of the environment. Engineers, mathematicians and economists provide their views and analytical tools to better interpret the interactions between economic and environmental phenomena, thus achiev ing, through this interdisciplinary effort, new and interesting results. The goal of the book is more normative than descriptive. All papers include careful modelling of the dynamics of the main variables involved in the game between nature and economic agents and among economic agents themselves, as well-described in Vrieze's introductory chapter. Fur thermore, all papers use this careful modelling framework to provide policy prescriptions to the public agencies authorized to regulate emission dy namics. Several diverse problems are addressed: from global issues, such as the greenhouse effect or deforestation, to international ones, such as the management of fisheries, to local ones, for example, the control of effluent discharges. Moreover, pollution problems are not the only concern of this book.
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