How does John Calvin view the church? And how does the pivotal event of Pentecost influence his view on the church? In his commentary on the Acts of the Apostles Calvin shows how Pentecost and the preaching of the Gospel gives rise to the church. For Calvin the new and peculiar aspect of Pentecost is articulated by the phrases »I will pour out« and »on all flesh« (Acts 2:17). The first phrase ("I will pour out") leads to a discussion of the Holy Spirit who leads the church and the believers by the Word and his secret guidance. All gifts flow from the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the study focuses on Calvin's view on the gifts of the Holy Spirit and on their use in church. The author argues that the gifts of the Spirit are the basis of Calvin's interpretation of Christian church. The second phrase ("on all flesh") leads to a discussion of the inclusion of the Gentiles in the church. The author treats different ecclesiologic topics of importance: He analyses the most important aspects of church that Calvin identifies in the book of Acts. His reflections are aiming at a convincing theological appreciation of the sacraments, in particular of the sacrament of baptism. By addressing Calvin's thoughts as elements of his historical context and including contemporary impulses to these issues, the author is able to present conclusive arguments for his main claim: Calvin's commentary on Acts enriches and qualifies Calvin's own systematic ecclesiology as found in his main doctrinal work, the Institutes.
This collection of thirteen essays examines sixteenth-century type design in France. Typefaces developed during this period were to influence decisively the typography of the centuries which followed, and they continue to influence a great many contemporary typefaces. The papers' common goal is to establish the paternity of the typefaces described and critically to appraise their attributions, many of which have previously been inadequately ascribed. Such an approach will be of interest to type historians and type designers seeking better-documented attributions, and to historians, philologists, and bibliographers, whose study of historical imprints will benefit from more accurate type descriptions. The papers and illustrations focus on the most important letter-cutters of the French Renaissance, including Simon de Colines, Robert Estienne, Claude Garamont, Robert Granjon, Pierre Haultin, and also include a number of minor masters of the period.
This pioneer work is an annotated catalogue, illustrated with specimens of the types made during the sixteenth century in the area now covered by the Netherlands and Belgium. The influence of the sixteenth-century typecutters was considerable; in fact, many of their type faces, described in this book, were to be found in English printing offices of those days and even much later.
International publishing in the Netherlands had a glorious tradition in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. A remarkable revival took place after 1933, when several Dutch publishers began to issue books written by exiles of the Nazi regime in the German language. The decline of German scholarly and scientific publishing during the same time inspired a number of other Dutch publishers to expand their programs or start new ones. As the English language became more prominent internationally, enterprising Dutch publishers began to explore these markets as well. After the Germans invaded the Netherlands, a number of printers began to produce finely printed books and pamphlets in many languages clandestinely, as an act of defiance or to raise money for underground causes. This book documents these trends and events in the form of a series of bio-bibliographical portraits of the major participating publishers.
Economic Policy in a Demographically Divided World contains the economic analysis of the consequences of demographic change and the diverging population developments in an interdependent world economy in particular. The global divergence in demographic developments gives rise to a myriadof economic and ethical problems. This topic is treated with the help of themathematical apparatus of neoclassical optimal growth models. The author tries to disentangle the basic policy issues of a demographically divided world, such as a selective immigration policy, sustainable patterns of international lending and borrowing, development aid, and dynamic optimal taxation. The most important feature of the book is that it brings together information and theories of fairly recent date to analyse a practical policy problem, viz. issues related to a world economy that is characterised by a demographic division. This stylised fact is hardly given some attention in current economic theory and the book contains with respect to this stylised fact some new results. Customers might benefit from the book by gaining intuition concerning principles of economic policy in a world characterised by demographic change.
The project EUROSTUDENT has been delivering data on the social and economic conditions of student life in Europe for the past 20 years. The current edition presents the data and results from the period 2018 to 2021, and is based on information provided by students from 25 countries in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The project also examines the social dimensions of studying at a higher education institute, as well as, in part, the impact of COVID-19. The EHEA emphasised this social dimension in its 2020 Rome Communiqué; it was therefore one of the key topics the project group focused on with the aim of inspiring education policy debates and establishing the basis for future research work. The latest report therefore includes data on access to higher education and the respective conditions experienced by the students, their willingness to relocate internationally to pursue their studies, the quality of higher education courses and the planned courses of study. The report is the EUROSTUDENT project's most important publication, and is developed by a network of researchers and national ministry representatives as well as other stakeholders from all over Europe. Seit 20 Jahren liefert das Projekt EUROSTUDENT Daten zu den sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen für Studierende in Europa. Der aktuelle Band präsentiert die Daten und Ergebnisse aus dem Zeitraum 2018-2021, die bei Studierenden in 25 Ländern des Europäischen Hochschulraums (EHEA) erhoben wurden. Untersucht wurden dabei auch die gesellschaftlichen Dimensionen des Studiums sowie teilweise soziale Auswirkungen von COVID-19. Die soziale Dimension des Studiums, die im Rom Communiqué der EHEA 2020 betont wurde, ist ein zentrales Thema der Untersuchungen, mit denen die Projektgruppe bildungspolitische Debatten anregen und die Basis für künftige Forschungsarbeit legen will. Daher werden Daten zum Zugang zu höherer Bildung, zu Studienbedingungen, zur internationalen Mobilität der Studierenden, zur Qualität von Studiengängen und zu geplanten Studienprogrammen aufbereitet. Der Bericht ist die wichtigste Publikation des Projektes EUROSTUDENT, das von einem Netzwerk aus Forscher:innen und Vertreter:innen nationaler Ministerien sowie weiterer Stakeholder aus ganz Europa erarbeitet wird.
Hendrik Petrus Berlage, the Dutch architect and architectural philosopher, created a series of buildings and a body of writings from 1886 to 1909 that were among the first efforts to probe the problems and possibilities of modernism. Although his Amsterdam Stock Exchange, with its rational mastery of materials and space, has long been celebrated for its seminal influence on the architecture of the 20th century, Berlage's writings are highlighted here. Bringing together Berlage's most important texts, among them "Thoughts on Style in Architecture", "Architecture's Place in Modern Aesthetics", and "Art and Society", this volume presents a chapter in the history of European modernism. In his introduction, Iain Boyd Whyte demonstrates that the substantial contribution of Berlage's designs to modern architecture cannot be fully appreciated without an understanding of the aesthetic principles first laid out in his writings.
Een bloemlezing gebaseerd op Wouter Nijhoff’s L’Art typographique uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van het 125-jarig bestaan van Martinus Nijhoff op 1 januari 1978 / A selection based on Wouter Nijhoff’s L’Art typographique published in commemoration of the 125th anniversary of Martinus Nijhoff on January 1, 1978
Een bloemlezing gebaseerd op Wouter Nijhoff’s L’Art typographique uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van het 125-jarig bestaan van Martinus Nijhoff op 1 januari 1978 / A selection based on Wouter Nijhoff’s L’Art typographique published in commemoration of the 125th anniversary of Martinus Nijhoff on January 1, 1978
In de wereld van het oude en zeldzame boek en In the world of Bibliography and old and rare van de bibliografie is de naam Martinus Nijhoff books the name Nijhoff is a famous one mainly bekend, voornamelijk om twee redenen. In de for two reasons. In the first place it refers to the eerste plaats als de gevestigde uitgever van werken old-established Dutch publisher of works about betreffende de nationale geschiedenis en typogra national history and typography. lts Monuments ty fie. De Monuments typographiques des Pays Bas au quin pographiques des Pays Bas au quinzieme siecle (1856-1868), zieme siecle (1856-1868), een album met een 130-tal an album containing some 130 reproductions of reproducties van incunabelen, en de Annales de Ia incunabula, and its Annales de Ia typographie neerlandaise typographie neerlandaise au XVe siecle (1874-1890), een au XVe siecle (1874-1890), a bibliography of Nether bibliographie van de Nederlandse incunabelen, landish incunabula, by J.W. Holtrop and M.F.A. resp. door J.W. Holtrop en M.F.A.G. Campbell, G. Campbell respectively, both Librarians at the beiden bibliothecaris van de Koninklijke Biblio Royal Library in The Hague, have always been fa theek te 's-Gravenhage, zijn in de kringen van miliar works to historians and bibliophiles. Models historici en bibliofielen welbekend. Als modellen of their genre, too, are the catalogues of the Anti quarian Department of Martinus Nijhoff. in het genre gelden ook de catalogussen van de Afdeling Antiquariaat van Martinus Nijhoff.
The EUROSTUDENT 8 - Synopsis of Indicators is the central publication of the EUROSTUDENT project and the result of the collaboration of a European-wide network including researchers, data collectors, representatives of national ministries, and other stakeholders. It comprises data from student surveys conducted in 25 countries in the European Higher Education Area during the eighth round of the EUROSTUDENT project. Adopting a broad, comparative perspective, the EUROSTUDENT 8 - Synopsis of Indicators provides information on students' socio-economic and study-related backgrounds, their study conditions and experiences, including international mobility, and their living conditions. It aims to inspire policy debates on the topic of the social dimension and lay the ground for further research. Die EUROSTUDENT 8 ist die zentrale Veröffentlichung des EUROSTUDENT-Projekts und das Ergebnis der Zusammenarbeit eines europaweiten Netzwerks aus Forschern, Datenerhebern, Vertretern nationaler Ministerien und anderen Beteiligten. Sie enthält Daten aus Studierendenbefragungen, die in 25 Ländern des Europäischen Hochschulraums während der achten Runde des EUROSTUDENT-Projekts durchgeführt wurden. Die Publikation nimmt eine breite, vergleichende Perspektive ein und liefert Informationen über den sozioökonomischen und studienbezogenen Hintergrund der Studierenden, ihre Studienbedingungen und -erfahrungen, einschließlich internationaler Mobilität, sowie ihre Lebensbedingungen. Sie soll politische Debatten zum Thema der sozialen Dimension anregen und die Grundlage für weitere Forschung schaffen.
The Story of Mankind was written and illustrated by Dutch-American journalist, professor, and author Hendrik Willem van Loon and published in 1921. In 1922, it was the first book to be awarded the Newbery Medal for an outstanding contribution to children's literature. Written for Van Loon's children (Hansje and Willem), The Story of Mankind tells in brief chapters the history of western civilization beginning with primitive man, covering the development of writing, art, and architecture, the rise of major religions, and the formation of the modern nation-state. Van Loon explains in the book how he selected what and what not to include by subjecting all materials to the question: Did the person or event in question perform an act without which the entire history of civilization would have been different?
The history of printing, books, and libraries, is confined only to a limited extent within the boundaries of individual countries. There are, indeed, few historical developments which have played a more universal role, in reaction against all kinds of particularism, than type design, printing, book production, publishing, illustration, binding, librarianship, journal ism, and related subjects. Their history should be assessed and studied primarily in an international, not in a local, context. The bibliographical resources, however, which the historian of these sub jects has at his disposal correspond hardly at all to the essentially inter national character of the object of his studies. Since the appearance of the retrospective bibliography of BIG MORE and WYMAN, covering the subject comprehensively up to r88o, the only current bibliography has been the lnternationale Bibliographie des Buck-und Bi bliothekswesens. Covering a representative part of newly published liter ature, it appeared from rgz8, but did not survive the Second World War. More recently, several useful, but limited, bibliographies have appeared.
The first in-depth study of Hendrick ter Brugghen to address questions beyond connoisseurship and attribution, this book illuminates the complex meanings of some of the Dutch master's works. The author explores in particular Caravaggio's influence, his use of archaism, and materiality in Ter Brugghen's paintings. At the same time, she offers insights into the image debates and status of devotional art in Italy and Utrecht in the seventeenth century.
This book is an introduction to philosophy of religion from the perspective of a religiously pluralistic culture. It deals with introductory questions such as whether we can we understand, compare, and judge the insights of others and the ways in which people can speak and think about God. It introduces the classical themes of philosophy of religion - immanent and transcendent ideas of God and (im)personality; transcendence, good, and evil; religion, morality and society - using a distinction between cosmic, acosmic and theistic ideas of the divine. This introduction helps us discover differences and commonalities and thus helps further an emphatic and critical dialogue. This book explores how comparative theology and philosophy of religion can move beyond the dead-end roads of relativism and exclusivism.
A rich and profound contribution to the debate on the position of modern Christianity opened up Kraemer's The Christian Message in a Non-Christian World. In Religion and the Christian Faith he deals with many of the criticisms of his position, and offers an apologia, at once luminous and massive, of the Christian religion as the revelation of God to Man and the faith for all mankind. There is a decisive Christian finality about Kraemer's writing, and his book is a significant contribution to the sharp discipline of faith and action under which the universal Christian community lives. All the way through his formidably marshalled arguments run the undertones of Christian involvement in a real, world ' a world which, by his astonishing grasp of philosophy, Biblical theology and the claims of religion and religions, the Author brings alive to the reader. The reading of this formative book, with its strenuous demands on the reader's intelligence and Christian understanding, is a rewarding experience. Its significance for the Christian Church throughout the world is obvious, but it is also a monumental witness to the Christian religion for all those who ask not only for a faith 'once delivered' but a faith to believe in their own day and generation.
First published in 1921, The Story of Mankind has charmed generations of readers of all ages with its warmth, simplicity, and wisdom. Beginning with the origins of human life and sweeping forward to illuminate all of history, Hendrik van Loon's incomparable prose enlivens the characters and events of every age. His unique ability to convey history as a fascinating tale of adventure has endeared the book to countless readers and has accorded it a unique place in publishing history.
TOE EK IN MY EERSTE WÊRELDBEKERWEDSTRYD UITDRAF, WAS DAAR IETS SOOS 54 000 MENSE. JY SIEN NET KAMERAFLITSE, DIS AMPER HIPNOTIES . . . DIE COACH SKREE VIR MY: 'CHUCKY, WAARMEE IS JY BESIG?' TOE BESEF EK EK IS BESIG OM VIR DIE MENSE TE WAAI." – LOUIS 'CHUCKY' VAN DER WESTHUIZEN Het jy al ooit gewonder hoe 50 000 ekstatiese ondersteuners op die paviljoen klink of wat dit beteken om 'n Springbokbaadjie in jou kas te hê? In die aanloop tot die Rugbywêreldbeker het die joernalis Hendrik Hancke die land deurkruis om met oud-Springbokke, provinsiale spelers, breiers en 'n rugbyskrywer te gesels oor hul liefde vir rugby. Hulle deel persoonlike oorwinnings en teleurstellings, die lesse wat rugby hulle al geleer het, spesiale kleedkamer-oomblikke en stories oor wat van die veld af gebeur. Schalk Brits verduidelik byvoorbeeld waarom dit so noodsaaklik is vir 'n Springbok om 'n spanspeler te wees, terwyl Gcobani Bobo aangrypend vertel van sy reis met rugby van King Williamstown tot Nieu-Seeland. Frik du Preez lig weer die sluier oor hoe dit was om in die 1960's te toer en die kattekwaad wat hulle aangevang het, terwyl Jean de Villiers deel wat dit beteken om Springbokkaptein te wees. As jy Saterdagmiddae kliphard vir die televisie skree, of op die sypaadjie sal slaap om 'n kaartjie vir 'n groot wedstryd te kry, dan is dié boek vir jou.
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