An enlarged and improved version of "Arabisches Wèorterbuch fèur die Schriftsprache der Gegenwart" by Hans Wehr and includes the contents of the "Supplement zum Arabischen Wèorterbuch fèur die Schriftsprache der Gegenwart" and a collection of new additional material (about 13.000 entries) by the same author.
An enlarged and improved version of "Arabisches Wèorterbuch fèur die Schriftsprache der Gegenwart" by Hans Wehr and includes the contents of the "Supplement zum Arabischen Wèorterbuch fèur die Schriftsprache der Gegenwart" and a collection of new additional material (about 13.000 entries) by the same author.
Every year since 1933 many of the world's leading intellectuals have met on Lake Maggiore to discuss the latest developments in philosophy, history, art and science and, in particular, to explore the mystical and symbolic in religion. The Eranos Meetings - named after the Greek word for a banquet where the guests bring the food - constitute one of the most important gatherings of scholars in the twentieth century. The book presents a set of portraits of some of the century's most influential thinkers, all participants at Eranos: Carl Jung, Erich Neumann, Mircea Eliade, Martin Buber, Walter Otto, Paul Tillich, Gershom Scholem, Herbert Read, Joseph Campbell, Erwin Schrodinger, Karl Kereyni, D.T. Suzuki, and Adolph Portmann. The volume presents a critical appraisal of the views of these men, how the exchange of ideas encouraged by Eranos influenced each, and examines the attraction of these esotericists towards authoritarian politics.
Originally published in 1950. Hans Gatzke analyzes Germany's ambitions to expand westward during World War I. Germany's wartime plans for expansion to the west had important repercussions at home and abroad. Gatzke proceeds chronologically, starting with the German political parties' outlining of their war aims. Gatzke claims that a combination of interests, including those of industrialists, pan-Germans, the parties of the Right, and the Supreme Command was responsible for the stubborn propagation of Germany's large war aims, which condemned the German people to remain at war until the bitter end. Each of these forces had its own particular reasons for wanting to hold out for far-reaching territorial gains, yet one aim that most of them had in common was ensuring, through a successful peace settlement, the continuation of the existing order, to their own advantage and to the political and economic detriment of the majority of the German people.
Die Kombination von Wirtschaft und Recht ist insbesondere für Unternehmen, Übersetzer und Wirtschafts- bzw. Jurastudenten von starkem Interesse. Das Lexikon ist in vieljähriger Arbeit von einem Profi seines Fachs zusammengestellt worden. Es hat sich einen Platz im Handapparat vieler Nachfrager in kurzer Zeit erobert.
First published in 1990, this book traces the logic and the peculiarities of German economic development through the Weimar Republic, Third Reich and Federal Republic. Providing a comprehensive analysis of the period. The book also assesses controversial issues, such as the origins of the Great Depression, the primacy of politics or economics in the decision to invade Poland and the future risks to the Weltmeister economy of the Federal Republic oppressed by unemployment, the huge debts of some of its trading partners, and the possibility of worldwide protectionism.
The monograph aims at a historical and bibliographical survey of the qur??nic and rational world-view of early Islam, of the period of translations from Greek into Syriac and Arabic, and of the impact of Islamic thought on Europe.
Im Mittelpunkt dieser Untersuchung stehen die turkischen IntensivAdjektive (yeni - yepyeni, mavi - masmavi, sert - semsert, temiz - tertemiz). Die Regeln ihrer Bildung waren bisher unbekannt. Durch Anwendung morphophonologischer Analysemethoden konnten schliesslich im Rahmen dieser Arbeit auf der Basis eines umfassenden Korpus die Bildungsregeln herausgefunden, beschrieben und erklart werden. Ihnen liegt das Kontrastprinzip der Identitatsvermeidung zugrunde, d.h. die Bildung dieser emphatischen Adjektive beruht auf der Vorschaltung eines Morphems, das durch besondere Segmentierung - Reduplikation einer (Teil)Silbe, die durch kontrastreiches Zusatzmaterial aus der Menge der Laute {p, s, m, r} geschlossen wird - und durch eine fur das Turkische aussergewohnliche Akzentuierung - Betonung der ersten Silbe - jenen Signalcharakter erhalt, der der beabsichtigten Wirkung der Emphase Rechnung tragt. Zum ersten Mal wird hier "Kontrast" nicht nur qualitativ verstanden, sondern auf der Basis von Artikulationsort und art der Konsonanten auf quantitative Weise definiert und so objektiviert.Um zusatzliche Evidenz fur die gefundene Losung dieses alten turkischen Problems zu bekommen, wurden 1. samtliche Reduplikationsformen des Turkischen bestimmt, klassifiziert und zum Vergleich herangezogen, 2. umfangreiche Lautstatistiken erstellt, 3. zahlreiche synchrone und diachrone Untersuchungen angestellt und 4. ein Massentest mit turkischen Muttersprachlern zur Verifizierung der gefundenen Regeln durchgefuhrt.
The book focuses on system dependability modeling and calculation, considering the impact of s-dependency and uncertainty. The best suited approaches for practical system dependability modeling and calculation, (1) the minimal cut approach, (2) the Markov process approach, and (3) the Markov minimal cut approach as a combination of (1) and (2) are described in detail and applied to several examples. The stringently used Boolean logic during the whole development process of the approaches is the key for the combination of the approaches on a common basis. For large and complex systems, efficient approximation approaches, e.g. the probable Markov path approach, have been developed, which can take into account s-dependencies be-tween components of complex system structures. A comprehensive analysis of aleatory uncertainty (due to randomness) and epistemic uncertainty (due to lack of knowledge), and their combination, developed on the basis of basic reliability indices and evaluated with the Monte Carlo simulation method, has been carried out. The uncertainty impact on system dependability is investigated and discussed using several examples with different levels of difficulty. The applications cover a wide variety of large and complex (real-world) systems. Actual state-of-the-art definitions of terms of the IEC 60050-192:2015 standard, as well as the dependability indices, are used uniformly in all six chapters of the book.
In September, 1976, the International Federation for Cell Biology held its first congress in Boston. On this occasion Berlin was chosen as the site for the next congress. This meant an acknowledgement and at the same time a heavy burden for the still young European Cell Biology Organization, which repre sents a junction of European societies and groups for cell biology. In practical terms, this meant that the members of the young and, compared to the Ame rican Society for Cell Biology, small German Society for Cell Biology had to do a good deal of the organizing of the Cell Biology Congress. This is an op portunity for me, as Chairman of the Organizing Committee, and also on be half of the German Society for Cell Biology, to express my gratitude to all those who have actively participated in the preparations for this Cell Biology Congress. The success of the Congress in Berlin was to a significant extent due to their work. In particular, I would like to especially thank the Secretary General ofECBO Werner Franke, Heidelberg, as well as the Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee, Peter Giesbrecht, Berlin, for the excellent job they did. The Congress in Berlin proved to be significantly larger than that in Boston in 1976. The number of abstracts increased from 1200 to more than 1800. They have been published in the European Journal of Cell Biology. In a simi lar way the number of symposia and workshops expanded.
In Marco Polo was in China Hans Ulrich Vogel undertakes a thorough study of Yuan currencies, salts and revenues, by comparing Marco Polo manuscripts with Chinese sources and thus offering new evidence for the Venetian’s stay in Khubilai Khan’s empire.
Jonas was a veritable intellectual celebrity, in Germany, owing to the runaway success of his 1979 book The Imperative of Responsibility, an extra-ordinarily timely work that mediates between humankind's enormous technological capacities and its diminished moral sensibilities. The book became something of a cultural shibboleth; Jonas himself became a celebrated public intellectual. For Jonas, this development must have been enormously gratifying. In the 1920s, Jonas studied philosophy with Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger at universities in Marburgh and Freiburg, but the Nazi regime's early attempts to Aryanize the universities forced Jonas to leave Germany for London. He emigrated to Palestine in 1935 and eventually enlisted in the British Army's Jewish Brigade to fight against Hitlerism. Following the Israeli War of Independence, in which he also fought, he emigrated to the US and took a position at the New School for Social Research in New York. He became part of a circle of friends around Hannah Arendt and Heinrich Blucher, which included Adolph Lowe and Paul Tillich. Because Jonas's life spanned nearly the entire twentieth century, this memoir provides nuanced pictures of a host of important historical moments--of German Jewry during the Weimar Republic, of German Zionism, of the Jewish emigrants in Palestine during the 1930s and 1940s, and of German Jewish emigre intellectuals in New York. In addition, Jonas outlines the development of his work, beginning with his studies under Husserl and Heidegger and extending through his later metaphysical speculations about "God after Auschwitz.
Dieses zweisprachige Fachwörterbuch beinhaltet Begriffe der Wissensgebiete Bodenkunde und Standortlehre sowie ihrer Nachbardisziplinen Angewandte Ökologie, Land- und Forstwirtschaft sowie Landschaftsplanung. Die Terminologie der aufgeführten Wissensgebiete umfasst etwa 10.000 Begriffe in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Ein Anhang enthält Pflanzennamen, Tiernamen, SI-Einheiten und Begriffe der Bodenklassifikation. An Teildisziplinen der Bodenkunde werden Bodengeologie, Bodenmineralogie, Bodenphysik, Bodenchemie, Bodenbiologie, Bodenökologie, Bodentechnologie und Bodenschutz berücksichtigt. Ferner werden relevante Begriffe aus folgenden Nachbardisziplinen aufgeführt: Mineralogie, Petrographie, Geologie, Geomorphologie, Geographie, Meteorologie und Klimakunde, Botanik, Mikrobiologie, Biochemie, Pflanzenernährung und Düngung, Acker- und Pflanzenbau, Waldbau und Immissionsforschung. Der Wortumfang reicht aus, um die moderne Fachliteratur auf den Gebieten der Geo- und Biowissenschaften zu verstehen, soweit sie sich mit der Entstehung, Beschreibung, Gestaltung und Nutzung von Landschaften befasst. Die Übersetzungsarbeit wird dadurch erleichtert, dass den Substantiven jeweils relevante Adjektive zugeordnet sind. This technical dictionary contains terms from soil and site science, as well as from overlapping disciplines such as agronomy, forestry, landscape planning, meteorology, geology, geomorphology, physical geography, botany, biochemistry, plant nutrition and fertilizer use, applied ecology, microbiology and technology. The terminology of the mentioned disciplines contains about 10,000 terms in German and English. Appendices include names of plants and animals, SI units, as well as tables of soil classification.
The christianization of Central and Northern Europe, fundamental for the formation of the unity of our civilization was considered by earlier scholarship only in terms of what took place but not in terms of the official norms of the medieval church. On the other hand, the spiritual starting point of so-called “missionary objects” was left largely out of view. Consequently, anachronistic terms came in to use and actual facts became distorted. 26 Studies, published over more than 50 years in four different countries, discuss these problems especially against the background of Carolingian Saxony, and the Slavonic tribes between Germany and Poland, -most of whom may also be seen as the ancestors of modern-day Germans-, with special reference to the strange “Wendenkreuzzug” (Wendish crusade) of 1147.
From the Greeks to the Arabs and Beyond written by Hans Daiber, is a six volume collection of Daiber’s scattered writings, journal articles, essays and encyclopaedia entries on Greek-Syriac-Arabic translations, Islamic theology and Sufism, the history of science, Islam in Europe, manuscripts and the history of oriental studies. It also includes reviews and obituaries. Vol. V and VI are catalogues of newly discovered Arabic manuscript originals and films/offprints from manuscripts related to the topics of the preceding volumes.
The main aim of this book is to raise and clear up the intriguing problems of noise and chaos in the nervous system. What functional role do fluctuations in neural systems play? Are there chaotic processes in the brain? What is the neural code, and how robust is it towards noise? Are there mechanisms that can control noise and chaos? The book provides an introduction to this new and hot field of research, and at the same time brings the reader to the forefront of scientific inquiry. It is intended primarily for biologists involved in theoretical treatment and for physicists with an interest in biology, but the overview character of the articles makes it also well suited for a broader readership.
Klauck's is a uniquely well-informed and comprehensive guide to the world of religion in the Graeco-Roman environment of early Christianity. Drawing on the most up-to-date scholarship, his volume paints a carefully nuanced portrait of the Christians' religious context. Besides describing ordinary domestic and civic religion and popular belief (including astrology, divination and "magic"), there is extended discussion of mystery cults, ruler and emperor cults, the religious dimensions of philosophy, and Gnosticism. An authoritative work, Klauck's will become a new standard for reference and teaching.
Niveau A1 bis B2 Dieser thematische Lernwortschatz für Anfänger bietet rund 8000 Wörter in 18 Haupt- und über 100 Unterkapiteln und eignet sich zum gezielten und systematischen Vokabellernen sowie zum schnellen Nachschlagen. Anwendungsbeispiele und typische Zusammenhänge verdeutlichen den Gebrauch der Stichwörter. Zusätzliche Info-Boxen weisen auf Besonderheiten im Sprachgebrauch, grammatische Regeln oder landeskundliche Informationen hin. Ein zweifarbiges und lernerfreundliches Layout ermöglicht ein optimales Lernen und Wiederholen in beide Richtungen (Englisch–Deutsch und Deutsch–Englisch). - mit Lautschrift zur korrekten Aussprache; - mit einer Auflistung der allerwichtigsten englischen Wörter und deren Übersetzungen zum schnellen Einstieg; - mit farbig markiertem Alltagswortschatz - mit zweifachem Register (Englisch und Deutsch) zum komfortablen Nachschlagen. Das Werk eignet sich gleichermaßen für Schüler der Sekundarstufe I, Lernende in der Erwachsenenbildung und Selbstlerner. Ideal auch zur gezielten Vorbereitung auf Schülerarbeiten, berufliche Aufgaben, Mediennutzung und den Urlaub. Auch für die Sprachen Arabisch (978-3-19-009567-4), Französisch (978-3-19-009521-6), Italienisch (978-3-19-009522-3), Polnisch (978-3-19-009565-0), Russisch (978-3-19-009566-7) und Spanisch (978-3-19-009523-0) lieferbar.
This WWII pictorial history vividly captures the Allied liberation of Europe from Normandy to Berlin through rare wartime photographs. With this volume in the Images of War series, readers witness the intensity of the fighting as Allied forces make their way from the beaches of Normandy through France and the Low Countries and finally into Germany itself. Despite demoralizing withdrawals and reversals, the German military forces—including the Wehrmacht, Waffen-SS, Hitlerjugend, and Volkssturm—continued to inflict significant losses on their superior enemies. But when the Allies crossed the Rhine in early 1945 with the Russians closing on Berlin from the East, the shattered remnants of Hitler’s once all-conquering forces had nowhere to go. Though fanatical elements of Nazi guerrillas continued to fight to the death, most of the survivors accepted surrender. The graphic images in this volume capture the drama of that historic period.
Reprint of the original, first published in 1859. The publishing house Anatiposi publishes historical books as reprints. Due to their age, these books may have missing pages or inferior quality. Our aim is to preserve these books and make them available to the public so that they do not get lost.
This book is a unique collection of experimental data in the field of internal friction, anelastic relaxation, and damping properties of metallic materials. It reviews virtually all anelastic relaxation phenomena ever published. The reader is also supplied with explanations of the basic physical mechanisms of internal friction, a summary of typical effects for different groups of metals, and more than 2000 references to original papers.
Informed by a global space animated by various conflicts, this book brings a refreshing perspective on how the disciplines of literature and language engage this phenomenon. In its shift from a purely political interrogation of conflict, the volume provides a broad analytic canvas on which human behaviour in such contexts can be examined. This is an ultimate invitation to a re-visioning of socio-cultural parameters of identity construction, borders, natural resources, religion, cultural values, beliefs, governance, ideology, and globalisation. The book’s varied perspective, animated by a rich diversity of literary and linguistic approaches, gives it an interdisciplinary emphasis that will appeal to readers across disciplines. Its ultimate message is that conflict is not subject-bound. The liberal analysis of different aspects makes the volume an invaluable asset not only to literature and language scholars but also to everyone with inclinations towards conflict creation and management.
Over 200 previously unpublished photographs document the building and development of the many check points, barbed wire barriers, and alarmed fences which formed the concrete wall around Berlin. This book tells dramatic tales of spectacular escapes and terrible deaths, and explains the history making events surrounding the building and fall of the Wall. Contemporary photographs are contrasted with photographs from the eighties to offer surprising insights into how the former death strip has changed since 1990. Relics of the wall in the current cityscape are prominently illustrated, including remnants of the Wall itself, expanded metal lattice fences, observation towers, barbed wire and concrete posts. Also included are statistics showing the numbers of refugees and victims of the Wall, a guide to the museums and memorials and a summary of the literature and cinema treatment of the Wall, along with a brief chronicle of its history.
As a work in comparative theology, this book presents how an Islamic concept of sainthood (walāya) informs Christian theology in answering one question that emerges from today’s multi-faith context: “Is it possible for Christians to recognize non-Christians as saints?”
This book describes genomic uracil in evolution, as a DNA constituent in adaptive and innate immune responses and as a mutagenic lesion causing cancer. Genomic uracil is as old as life and may have been a component in self-replicating molecules in the prebiotic era. The first living cells probably contained uracil in DNA, later to be replaced by thymine. The pioneering work of Nobel Laureate, Tomas Lindahl on spontaneous deamination of DNA cytosine to uracil was followed by his discovery of uracil-DNA glycosylase, which initiates repair of genomic uracil in base excision repair (BER). Uracil-DNA glycosylases are found in all forms of life and in DNA viruses, having roles in DNA repair, replication and epigenetics. The surprising discovery of enzymatic DNA cytosine deamination by the AID/APOBEC deaminases subsequently has implicated genomic uracil in the development of human cancer. The aim of the book is to contribute a reference text for graduate students, molecular biologists, immunologists and cancer biologists.Genomic uracil has become a hot research topic of wide interest after the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015 was awarded for DNA repair (Paul Modrich, Aziz Sancar and Tomas Lindahl). Furthermore, genomic uracil has received wide interest among both immunologists and cancer biologists due to its unexpected and fundamental role in adaptive immunity. Genomic uracil, thus, is highly relevant to researchers in different areas of research, but to our knowledge there is no published text that treats genomic uracil in an interdisciplinary way. The authors of this book have in the last three decades worked on genomic uracil and its processing and are among the most highly cited authors in the field.
In this definitive analysis of the Weimar Republic, Hans Mommsen surveys the political, social, and economic development of Germany between the end of World War I and the appointment of Adolf Hitler as chancellor in 1933. His assessment of the German experiment with democracy challenges many long-held assumptions about the course and character of German history. Mommsen argues persuasively that the rise of totalitarianism in Germany was not inevitable but was the result of a confluence of specific domestic and international forces. As long as France and Britain exerted pressure on the new Germany after World War I, the radical Right hesitated to overthrow the constitution. But as international scrutiny decreased with the recognition of the legitimacy of the Weimar regime, totalitarian elements were able to gain the upper hand. At the same time, the world economic crisis of the early 1930s, with its social and political ramifications, further destabilized German democracy. This translation of the original German edition (published in 1989) brings the work to an English-speaking audience for the first time. European History
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