The Government's draft Consumer Rights Bill has the potential to consolidate, simplify and modernise consumer law however issues and inconsistencies must be resolved. The current proposals would apply a statutory right that services under a contract must be provided with reasonable care and skill [a fault-based standard]. This does not provide sufficient consumer protection. The Draft Bill should require that services must achieve the stated result, or one which could be reasonably expected [an outcomes-based standard]. As the Bank of Ireland case demonstrated, the right to terminate a contract does not necessarily protect consumers from detriment. This report recommends an addition to the grey list - the indicative list of contract terms which may be regarded as unfair. The Government's proposals for enhanced consumer measures, which would require traders that have breached consumer law to compensate consumers, are welcome. However, private enforcers should also be able to use them. The collective proceedings regime has the potential to improve access to redress for victims of competition law breaches but the Government must clarify the certification requirements for such proceedings. The creation of rights and remedies for digital content is welcome, but the Government must do more to communicate how the proposals will work in practice. Under the draft Bill, the remedies available to consumers of digital content would depend on whether the content is intangible (such as a music download) or tangible (such as a CD). In appropriate circumstances, consumers should have the right to reject and obtain a refund irrespective of whether they purchase intangible or tangible digital content
The rapid expansion of the payday loan sector has been accompanied by a significant increase in the number of people experiencing serious debt problems which suggests people should think carefully before taking out such loans. Furthermore the number of payday loan adverts seen by 4-15 year olds has increased from 3 million in 2008 to 596 million in 2012. The Committee's recommendations include: all payday loan companies should be required to resubmit their affordability tests to the FCA for approval before they can continue in the sector and the FCA should make clear that if real-time data sharing has not been established by July 2014 it will mandate its use as a condition of trading in the sector; a limit should be set of one roll-over per payday loan; Payday lenders should be required to give 3 working days notice before using a continuous payment authority [CPA] and each notice should set out the right of a customer to cancel the CPA; the FCA should discuss with the Information Commissioners Office how texts on payday loans could be disaggregated to identify the extent of bad practice and if this evidence base demonstrates inappropriate targeting or marketing, the FCA should move to ban all brokering of payday loans through email, texts and other personal mobile devices; when payday loans come under the authority of the FCA, they will be subject to a levy which should be ring fenced by the Money Advice Service solely for the funding of front-line debt advice services
The Government's draft Consumer Rights Bill has the potential to consolidate, simplify and modernise consumer law however issues and inconsistencies must be resolved. The current proposals would apply a statutory right that services under a contract must be provided with reasonable care and skill [a fault-based standard]. This does not provide sufficient consumer protection. The Draft Bill should require that services must achieve the stated result, or one which could be reasonably expected [an outcomes-based standard]. As the Bank of Ireland case demonstrated, the right to terminate a contract does not necessarily protect consumers from detriment. This report recommends an addition to the grey list - the indicative list of contract terms which may be regarded as unfair. The Government's proposals for enhanced consumer measures, which would require traders that have breached consumer law to compensate consumers, are welcome. However, private enforcers should also be able to use them. The collective proceedings regime has the potential to improve access to redress for victims of competition law breaches but the Government must clarify the certification requirements for such proceedings. The creation of rights and remedies for digital content is welcome, but the Government must do more to communicate how the proposals will work in practice. Under the draft Bill, the remedies available to consumers of digital content would depend on whether the content is intangible (such as a music download) or tangible (such as a CD). In appropriate circumstances, consumers should have the right to reject and obtain a refund irrespective of whether they purchase intangible or tangible digital content
The Government's commitment to increasing access to published research findings and its desire to achieve full open access are welcomed in this report from the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee. However, whilst Gold open access - where authors publish their articles in an open access journal that provides free immediate open access to all of its articles on the publisher's website - is a desirable ultimate goal, focusing on it during the transition to a fully open access world is a mistake. The Government and Research Council UK should reconsider their preference for Gold open access during the five year transition period, and give due regard to the evidence of the vital role that Green open access and repositories have to play as the UK moves towards full open access. (Authors opting for Green open access publish in any subscription journal, and then make their peer-reviewed final draft freely accessible online by self-archiving or depositing the article in a repository (either institutional or disciplinary) upon acceptance for publication.) Other recommendations include: promotion of standardisation and compliance across subject and institutional repositories; mitigation against the impact on universities of paying Article Processing Charges out of their own reserves; introduce a reduced VAT rate for e-journals; non-disclosure clauses should not be used in publishing contracts that include the use of public funds; BIS must review its consultation processes to ensure that lessons are learned from the lack of involvement of businesses, particularly SMEs, in the formation of open access policy
The Committee calls for a wholesale review that goes beyond the administration of business rates to examine whether retail taxes should be based on sales rather than the rateable value of a property; whether retail needs its own system of business taxation; and how frequently revaluations should take place. In the interim, the Committee calls for a six months business rates amnesty for businesses occupying empty properties. This would go further than the 50% reduction announced in the Autumn Statement and would encourage new businesses to the High Street. The Committee also recommends that in the interim the Government review whether business rates are more appropriately linked to CPI or RPI and calls for annual increases to be linked to a 12 month average of either RPI or CPI, with a cap at 2%. This would replace the current link to a monthly snapshot of RPI. The Government should provide information on how and how much of the money allocated to the Portas Pilots is being spent. This follows concerns that much of the money allocated to the pilots has not been spent. The Government is also urged to outline the results of its latest STEM skills analysis and outline the action it will take to tackle any skills shortages. The retail sector also needs to encourage more staff to be trained at Apprenticeship Level 3 and above, and consider developing language skills to enhance the international consumers' experience
On cover and title page: House, committees of the whole House, general committees and select committees. On title page: Returns to orders of the House of Commons dated 14 May 2013 (the Chairman of Ways and Means)
While strong Armed Forces remain the bedrock in safeguarding national interests new kinds of power projection are now required, both to make the use of force ('hard power') more effective and in some instances to replace it with the deployment of what has been labelled 'soft power'. Soft power involves getting what a country wants by influencing other countries to want the same thing, through attraction, persuasion and co-option. The information and digital revolution has transformed international relations and foreign policy, meaning that the UK must win over new and wider audiences to its point of view. The UK must change the way it interacts with other nations and communities, and is well-equipped to do so. Soft power methods of exercising international influence must now be combined with older approaches in order to secure and promote the UK's interests and purposes. To ensure that the exercise of soft power takes its place at the core of government policy-making, the Committee calls for the creation of a new strategic unit at the heart of Government. Its purpose would be to assist the Prime Minister in ensuring all Departments understand the importance of soft power and of upholding the UK's reputation, and in swiftly counteracting any potentially damaging policies or messages. While investing in soft power takes time to produce results, the Committee makes a number of recommendations including that BBC World Service's budget is not reduced any further in real terms and that the British Council is properly resourced to encourage the UK's creative industries
In 2012 the House of Commons introduced a new 'core task' for all select committees that focused on public engagement as a distinctive and explicit factor of their work. This report focuses on how the select committees have responded to the new core task. Three core conclusions emerged: a) there has been a significant shift within the select committee system to taking public engagement seriously and this is reflected in many examples of innovation; b) this shift, however, has not been systematic and levels of public engagement vary significantly from committee to committee; and c) a more vibrant and systematic approach to public engagement is urgently needed but this will require increased resources, a deeper appreciation of the distinctive contribution that select committees can make and a deeper cultural change at Westminster. This report therefore details innovations in relation to the use of social media, the structure of inquiries and innovative outreach. Public engagement has not yet been fully embedded into the culture of parliament but there is evidence of significant 'cracks and wedges' that can now be built-upon and extended during the 2015-20 Parliament. Clearly the focus of the committee and the topic of the inquiry will have some bearing on the approach to engagement adopted but a more expansive and ambitious approach across the board is to be encouraged. This report leads to a ten-point set of inter-related recommendations but they can all be connected in the sense that the existing social research demonstrates a clear desire on the part of the public to 'do politics differently'.
Helping British businesses to thrive and grow is vital to the UK's long-term economic prosperity. The Government's ambition is for the UK to be one of the best places in Europe to start, finance and grow a business. In order to facilitate this, the Government offers support to business in accessing finance, promoting exports, developing manufacturing and encouraging growth at a local level. The Committee's inquiry considered the wide range of support that is on offer, and in particular those support programmes run by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills. Access to finance is fundamental to the success of business of all sizes. However, the Committee heard varying evidence about the availability of finance, in particular for SMEs. Too many business still report that they find it difficult to get the financial support they need. By drawing on the British Business Bank's expertise, the Government should be able to develop a better understanding of the blockages in the system, why they occur, and whether changes in regulation or funding are needed to address them. The British Business bank also has a clear role to play in enhancing SME access to finance though clearly signposting the services available from alternative finance providers. In particular, it should develop a menu of alternative finance providers for each different area of financial support.
UK strategic export controls annual report 2008, quarterly reports for 2009, licensing policy and review of export control legislation, first joint report of session 2009-10, seventh report from the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee of session 2009-10, ninth report from the Defence Committee of session 2009-10, fourth report from the Foreign Affairs Committee of session 2009-10, fifth report from the International Development Committee of session 2009-10, report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence
UK strategic export controls annual report 2008, quarterly reports for 2009, licensing policy and review of export control legislation, first joint report of session 2009-10, seventh report from the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee of session 2009-10, ninth report from the Defence Committee of session 2009-10, fourth report from the Foreign Affairs Committee of session 2009-10, fifth report from the International Development Committee of session 2009-10, report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence
The joint committee is known as the Committees on Arms Export Controls, formerly the Quadripartite Committee. The UK strategic export controls annual report 2008 was published as Cm. 7662 (ISBN 9780101766227)
Saudi Arabia and Bahrain remain key partners for the UK but relations are complicated by the differences between our societies and the pressing need for reform in the Gulf. Historic warm relations between the UK government and the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain are not mirrored in public opinion in Saudi Arabia and the UK, and the UK's reputation in Bahrain has also suffered since 2011. The Government must make its public profile and reputation a more central part of its work in the Gulf, consider how it can best support much-needed economic and political reforms, and how it can explain its policies and point to specific achievements when speaking to the public at home and in the Gulf. In Saudi Arabia, the Government must convert its promising steps so far in providing assistance on legal and judicial reform into solid and reportable programmes. In Bahrain, it must work to secure access for NGOs and the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, and press more strongly for swifter implementation of reforms. Saudi Arabia's role as a key buyer for the UK defence industry is controversial but the report finds little to suggest that ending defence sales from the UK would have any positive effect. The aggressive way in which the Bahraini security forces handled events in 2011 has deeply damaged Bahrain's reputation. The recommendations of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) were sensible and the Bahraini government's failure fully to implement them is inexplicable.
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is an ambitious attempt by the European Union and the United States to deliver a comprehensive trade and investment treaty. Negotiations between the two are currently underway and the Government hopes that an agreement can be reached by the end of 2015. The trade deal may be beneficial to the UK and EU economies but TTIP is not universally supported and the level of financial benefit to the UK is open to question. The lack of detail available on the negotiations means that it is difficult to assess which is the more accurate argument. However, this should not excuse the quality of debate which we have, on occasion, observed by campaigners and lobbyists on both sides of the argument. Everyone involved in the debate on TTIP - campaigners,lobbyists, the UK Government and the European Commission - must ensure that an evidence-based approach is at the heart of any TTIP debate. One of the key concerns about TTIP is the proposal to include Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions. These provisions - common in bilateral trade agreements - aim to protect foreign investors from illegal interference by the host government. However, campaigners have argued that such clauses could allow US healthcare investors to force the permanent privatisation of the NHS. Although this view has been rebutted repeatedly by the European Commission and the UK Government, until draft clauses are published, it will be difficult for them to convince those with concerns.
This report calls on the Government to record overseas students under a classification that does not count against the overall limit on net migration in order to allow the UK to continue to expand its share of the overseas student market. The Committee notes the Government's desire to reduce net migration. However, there is a clear conflict between this policy and the desire to attract more overseas students to the UK. Moreover, the way in which the policy has been implemented and measured is clearly having a detrimental impact. At a time of such economic difficulty, it is vital that the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills demonstrates it has an active strategy to support the expansion of this important and lucrative market. The Committee argues that, for domestic policy purposes, overseas students should be recorded under a separate classification and not be counted against the overall limit on net migration, along similar lines to the United States. The Committee supports the Government's policy to remove bogus students and colleges from our Higher Education system. However, the way in which this policy is communicated must be handled carefully to ensure it does not give the impression that the UK no longer welcomes genuine students
This report from the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee concludes that while the Government has proposed a number of interventions which have the potential to help promote economic growth, it does not add up to a comprehensive growth strategy. The report highlights the fact that in the absence of clear performance measurements the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills' strategy runs the risk that economic success could mask failures in policy while economic hardship could overshadow excellent strategies or interventions. The report argues that different sectors of the economy have different requirements when it comes to government support and that the Department will have to develop a strong awareness of the needs of individual sectors and have the flexibility to react to them if we are to build capability across all sectors of the economy. While the Government's growth strategy appears to move in this direction, evidence from three sectors has shown that much work needs to be done. The banks' role in providing finance to business is crucial to the success of the economy. The report believes that the agreement struck between Government and the banks (Project Merlin) is a step in the right direction but the agreement must be shown to deliver real benefits to industry. If the economic recovery is to be sustained then both Government and banks need to move quickly from rhetoric to meaningful of support to the private sector.
the Government's proposed Adjudicator for the Groceries Code, ninth report of session 2010-12, Vol. 1: Report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence
the Government's proposed Adjudicator for the Groceries Code, ninth report of session 2010-12, Vol. 1: Report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence
The Commons Business, Innovation and Skills Committee calls for changes to the Bill creating an adjudicator for disputes between suppliers and retailers under the Groceries Code. Evidence was heard of some improvement in Code compliance, but there is evidence too of continuing difficulties, and of reluctance by suppliers to invoke their rights under the Code. The Adjudicator will provide protection for suppliers in the form of a cloak of anonymity and will have its own powers to investigate alleged bad practice and it is agreed that those powers are needed so that suppliers will feel more secure in coming forward. The Committee does not believe however that the Adjudicator needs powers to investigate proactively, without any supporting complaint. They do recommend widening the scope of the Bill to cover additional sources, allowing indirect suppliers such as farmers and trade associations - and whistleblowers - to put forward their own evidence of Code breaches that would spark an investigation by the adjudicator. They disagree with the introduction of fines and propose that fines be an available penalty from the start, not least so that the Adjudicator's performance can be judged on the basis of a full package of remedies. The report also makes a number of suggestions on how the issue of costs should be addressed, including an early review of the Adjudicator's performance
This report considers the Commission's 2011 Communication on the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility and the UK's participation in EU asylum and immigration measures. As countries in Europe face an ageing population and a declining birth rate, legal third country immigration into the EU will be needed to keep the economy on track and retain Europe's competitiveness in a global market. While Member States should retain primary responsibility for their own migration policies, the EU also has a role to play. As the majority of irregular migrants enter the EU with authorisation and then overstay their visas, rather than crossing the EU's external border by boat or land routes illegally, the EU should adopt a more effective approach in preventing irregular migration. The EU also has a role it can play in refugee management and building capacity in the asylum systems of countries of origin and transit. Moreover, migration policy cannot and should not be the sole concern of interior ministries and a more integrated approach with development and foreign affairs ministries - at the national and EU level - would help maximise the EU's development aims. The reduction of trade barriers with non-EU countries and measures to facilitate remittances, mitigate the effects of brain drain and assist diasporas to contribute to their countries of origin would also be beneficial. The Committee also considers the position of international students in the UK: they should not be subjected to the Government's policy objective of reducing net migration.
The Impact of Government Reforms on 14-19 Education, Seventh Report of Session 2012-13, Report, Together with Formal Minutes, Oral and Written Evidence
The Impact of Government Reforms on 14-19 Education, Seventh Report of Session 2012-13, Report, Together with Formal Minutes, Oral and Written Evidence
In the UK we teach young people to become computer users and consumers rather than programmers and software engineers. This is creating a chronic skills gap in ICT. We need around 82,000 engineers and technicians just to deal with retirements up to 2016 and 830,000 SET professionals by 2020. On the plus side, the Government's proposal to include computer science as a fourth science option to count towards the EBac is welcomed. The Committee also welcomes the EBac's focus on attainment of mathematics and science GCSEs but is concerned that subjects such as Design and Technology (D&T) might be marginalised. A Technical Baccalaureate (TechBac) is being designed but if it is to be a success, schools should be incentivised to focus on the TechBac by making it equivalent to the EBac. Reforms to vocational education following the Wolf Review meant that Level 2 of the Engineering Diploma, a qualification highly regarded, would count as equivalent to one GCSE despite requiring curriculum time and effort equivalent to several GCSEs. The Engineering Diploma, however, is currently being redesigned as four separate qualifications. The Committee also expressed concerns over the Department for Education's (DfE) lack of clarity on its research budget, and use of evidence in decision-making. The DfE needs to place greater focus on gathering evidence before changes to qualifications are made, and must leave sufficient time for evidence to be gathered on the effectiveness of policies before introducing further change. The possibility of gathering evidence from randomised controlled trials (RCTs) should be seriously considered
maintaining UK excellence in motorsport and aerospace, sixth report of session 2009-10, report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence
maintaining UK excellence in motorsport and aerospace, sixth report of session 2009-10, report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence
Motorsport and aerospace are two industries in which the United Kingdom is a world leader and the Committee believes that the future success of the UK economy will be based on these types of industries. Concerns regarding the aerospace included the current US complaint in the World Trade organisation and the Government's right to support the industry through Repayable Launch Investment; and that the UK aerospace sector has access to export trade credit at less favourable rates and through a more complex system than other countries. In examining the motorsport industry the Committee felt that there was a lack of understanding and effective engagement by Government. They are not content with the Government's current plans to take forward its work with the sector through the UK Automotive Council. Instead they recommend that the Government establish a dedicated motorsport policy team within the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Small and medium-sized enterprises also play a very important role in supporting both sectors but they have been hit worst by the recession and the Government needs to do more to encourage high performance engineering firms to diversify. Both sectors require a highly skilled workforce and more needs to be done to align the education system with the skills needs of the industries. Finally is the problem of the 'non-green' image that both industries have.
Strategic Export Control, Her Majesty's Government's Annual Report for 2010, Quarterly Reports for 2010 and 2011, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny, Response of the Secretaries of State for Defence, Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, International Development and Business, Innovation and Skills
Strategic Export Control, Her Majesty's Government's Annual Report for 2010, Quarterly Reports for 2010 and 2011, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny, Response of the Secretaries of State for Defence, Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, International Development and Business, Innovation and Skills
Drawing on reports from committees, evidence from outside observers and academic research, this report concludes that two years after the general election and the Wright reforms, the evidence is "broadly encouraging" - although committees face some obstacles and there is room for improvement. The "old doctrine by which ministers alone are accountable to Parliament for the conduct of their department is being stretched to implausibility and there is a need for a changed approach. It recommends that the Government engage with the Liaison Committee in a review of the relationship between Government and select committees with the aim of producing joint guidelines for departments and committees, which recognise ministerial accountability, the proper role of the Civil Service and the legitimate wish of Parliament for more effective accountability. The report also makes numerous recommendations for Committees, including: that they be forward-looking in scrutiny of departmental performance, devoting less effort to raking over the coals of past events unless there are lessons to be learnt; give more attention to the financial implications of departmental policy and how departments assess the effectiveness of their spending; experiment with different approaches to evidence-taking, broaden the range of witnesses, and make more use of commissioned research; follow up recommendations to ensure that reports have impact and report to the House at least once each Session on what has been done The Committee intends to ask the Backbench Business Committee for time for a debate in the House of Commons on a motion endorsing its conclusions and recommendations
This report provides an overview of the work of the European Union Committee in session 2012-13. It highlights some of the key policies examined through scrutiny work and inquiries, reflects on the Committee's work with thie EU institutinos and other national parliaments, and gives a forward look at the work being undertaken in session 2013-14.
Digital Britain is a vital part of public policy which will define the United Kingdom's telecommunications networks for years to come, and so there must be a full-time Minister dedicated to the issue. This report supports a swift roll-out of Next Generation Access (NGA) networks across the country.
the Committee's evidence session with Baroness Wilcox, thirty-second report of session 2010-12, report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence
the Committee's evidence session with Baroness Wilcox, thirty-second report of session 2010-12, report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence
Enhanced cooperation for the EU Patent : The Committee's evidence session with Baroness Wilcox, thirty-second report of session 2010-12, report, together with formal minutes, oral and written Evidence
UK strategic export controls annual report 2009, quarterly reports for 2010, licensing policy and review of export control legislation, first joint report of session 2010-11, fourth report from the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee of session 2010-11, second report from the Defence Committee of session 2010-11, fifth report from the Foreign Affairs Committee of session 2010-11, sixth report from the International Development Committee of session 2010-11, report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence
UK strategic export controls annual report 2009, quarterly reports for 2010, licensing policy and review of export control legislation, first joint report of session 2010-11, fourth report from the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee of session 2010-11, second report from the Defence Committee of session 2010-11, fifth report from the Foreign Affairs Committee of session 2010-11, sixth report from the International Development Committee of session 2010-11, report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence
This is the first joint report on arms export controls since the present Government took office in May 2010. As in previous years, the report reviews the Government's policy on arms exports, its administration and enforcement, and the adequacy or otherwise of current legislation. This year the Committees have paid particular attention to the Government's policy of intensifying the promotion of arms exports. The policy has come under scrutiny following the uprisings and demonstrations in recent weeks in North Africa and the wider Middle East and the armed response made to them. Since January 2011 the Government has been vigorously backpedalling on a number of arms export licence approvals to authoritarian regimes across the region. The MPs conclude that both the present Government and its predecessor misjudged the risk that arms approved for export to certain authoritarian countries in North Africa and the Middle East might be used for internal repression. The Committees welcome the revocation of a number of arms export licences to Bahrain, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia, and recommend that the Government extends immediately its review of UK arms export licences for countries in North Africa and the wider Middle East to authoritarian regimes worldwide. The Government should also set out how it intends to reconcile the potential conflict of interest between increased emphasis on promoting arms exports with the staunch upholding of human rights.
This report highlights four main areas of ongoing concern relating to debt management: regulation of consumer debt, payday loans, debt management companies and the Money Advice Service. It makes a number of recommendations for future Government action including reforms for higher licensing fees to be charged for higher-risk credit businesses, for a fast track procedure be put in place to suspend credit licenses, and for the new regulator be given the power to ban harmful products. The Financial Services Bill did little to clarify the way in which the consumer credit market is to be regulated. The Committee also wants be certain that the payday loan industry adheres to the highest standards - either through the codes of practice that are currently being developed or, failing that, by the new regulator. Regulations also need to be introduced to ensure that debt management companies publish the cost of their debt advice and their outcomes, if an agreement cannot be reached during discussions with the industry. Furthermore, effective auditing of debt management companies' client accounts needs to be established. The Money Advice Service needs to provide details of its business plan. Given that the legal aid budget for such services is being cut by 75% the Minister's assertion that there will be no diminution of face-to-face debt advice is confusing. The Money Advice Service will be up and running by April and yet its remit, and in particular its relationship with highly respected brands such as Citizens Advice, remains unclear
This report includes within its definition of infrastructure not only large and mid-range facilities, but also data, expertise and national capabilities such as those in Public Sector Research Establishments (PSREs), for example, the British Geological Survey and the Institute for Animal Health. On PSREs, the Committee expresses concern that the ability of PSREs and National Laboratories to deliver national objectives is being eroded by underfunding. While the Committee is broadly positive about the state of scientific infrastructure in the UK, the Committee warns that a lack of a clear long term strategy and investment plan, with a clear commitment to engagement with international projects, is impairing the UK's ability to remain internationally competitive over the long term. The Committee also found a 'damaging disconnect' between capital investment and funding for operational costs, i.e. that building important large scale infrastructure has been budgeted for, but the costs to keep it running have not. One example cited in the report is the ISIS centre in Oxfordshire, a world-leading base for neutron research. ISIS cost £50 million to build, and has recently doubled in size through a government-funded £145 million investment. Despite this, there was not the budget available to run the site at full capacity, and that it was only being used to two thirds of its potential. This resulted in hundreds of potential experiments not happening, industrial projects losing out and a missed opportunity for UK research.
UK Strategic Export Controls Annual Report 2010, quarterly reports for July to December 2010 and January to September 2011, the Government's review of arms exports to the Middle East and North Africa, and wider arms control issues, first joint report of session 2012-13, second report from the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee of Session 2012-13; fourth report from the Defence Committee of session 2012-13; first report from the Foreign Affairs Committee of session 2012-13; second report from the International Development Committee of Session 2012-13, Vol. 2: Oral and written evidence and the Committees' correspondence with Ministers
UK Strategic Export Controls Annual Report 2010, quarterly reports for July to December 2010 and January to September 2011, the Government's review of arms exports to the Middle East and North Africa, and wider arms control issues, first joint report of session 2012-13, second report from the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee of Session 2012-13; fourth report from the Defence Committee of session 2012-13; first report from the Foreign Affairs Committee of session 2012-13; second report from the International Development Committee of Session 2012-13, Vol. 2: Oral and written evidence and the Committees' correspondence with Ministers
The joint committee is known as the Committees on Arms Export Controls, formerly the Quadripartite Committee. The UK strategic export controls annual report 2010 was published as HC 1402, session 2010-12 (ISBN 9780102973662)
When the Committee published the Scrutiny Reform Report 18 months ago asked the Government to ensure that it responded to the Report within the customary two-month deadline. This did not happen, the Government response was received on the day the House rose for the summer recess, 22 July 2014, eight months after the Report's publication. Moreover, the tone of the Government's response to the key recommendations was overwhelmingly negative and did not sufficiently address our proposals, including those relating to the introduction of a form of national veto and the disapplication of EU law. In this Report the Committee first consider in more detail the background to, possible causes of and the implications of the Government's failure to schedule EU document debates, before turning to some of the other outstanding issues covered in the Scrutiny Reform Report, in particular papers deposit, limitâ documents, and the coverage of EU scrutiny and wider EU issues by the BBC. The Committee also sets out some outstanding scrutiny issues which the successor Committee may wish to consider, in particular scrutiny of the proposed EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
Accountability to the House of Commons of secretaries of state in the House of Lords : Third report of session 2009-10, report, together with formal minutes and written Evidence
This inquiry was launched in summer 2009 in order to investigate the progress of the EU Better Regulation agenda. The agenda has been running since 2005 with the aim of cutting red tape, reducing administrative burdens and improving the legislative process by means of impact assessment. In January 2009, new Impact Assessment Guidelines were issued, which, among other things, introduced the inclusion of an "SME test", that is, an assessment of the particular impact any likely legislation would have on small businesses, to the standard Commission impact assessment. This report focuses to a large extent on the impact assessment process, in particular how IAs are produced, the role of the Impact Assessment Board in monitoring their quality, and their subsequent use by the European Institutions. The intention of this report is to take the views of various stakeholders in EU better regulation and to suggest areas where further examination might be necessary. It does seem to be the case that the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament are not making as full use of impact assessments as they might. Certain other areas have been highlighted where the situation is unclear and further investigation might be warranted. These include the conformity of IAs to the Guidelines, the production and use of IAs on comitology proposals, the adequacy of consultation exercises in the preparation of assessments, whether the SME test is working and the use of ex-post evaluation
Previous report on this subject was HC 26-I, session 2008-09 (ISBN 9780215530127) by this Committee's predecessor the Business and Enterprise Committee
The Business Innovation and Skills Committee publishes a report - "The Hargreaves Review of Intellectual Property: where next?" - as part of its inquiry into the Hargreaves Review of Intellectual Property and Growth. The Committee believes further work remains to be done in analysing whether the economic benefits of a parody exception would be as extensive as claimed. However, other grounds may yet support a change to the law by extending what is legally permissible. which would probably help improve public respect for copyright law in general. On content mining, the Committee agrees that the ability to read published scientific data automatically is useful and needs to be opened up. On the the issue of Digital Copyright Exchange, the Committee encourages the Government to push forward with this idea provided that the system is kept simple and there is a proper cost/benefit analysis. On the Government's approach to negotiations on the Unified Patents Court, the Committee is concerned about the Government's approach on this. A unified patent and litigation system could bring many benefits, particularly if the central court were situated in London, but the current proposals have not been welcomed by practitioners or industry.
Having looked at the Draft Deregulation Bill in some detail and taken evidence from a wide range of witnesses, the Committee does not think it is appropriate for Ministers to be given power to scrap legislation by order on the subjective test that it is 'no longer of practical use'. There is a risk that to give Ministers that power would undermine effective Parliamentary scrutiny. It was also felt unnecessary when the Law Commissions currently have the power to put forward outdated Bills for abolition anyway. The Law Commissions will need to make changes to their working practices in order to produce more frequent and more responsive Statute Law (Repeals) Bills. The Government should work with the Law Commissions to streamline the process for bringing forward these Bills. As for the duty on regulators to have regard to economic growth, whilst this is supported in principle, it is important that it is not used by Government to undermine the independence of regulators in the way it is implemented. It might be helpful if that provision were explicitly included in the Bill
The Select Committee report Waste Or Resource? Stimulating A Bioeconomy? (HL 141) advises that the UK could miss out on a massive opportunity to create a flourishing multibillion pound economy from waste. Although there are many kinds of waste generated from a variety of sources, the Lords inquiry looked specifically at waste which contains carbon. Around 100 million tons of carbon-containing-waste are available every year which could potentially be exploited as a resource. While preventing the creation of waste in the first place is a laudable policy goal, it is inevitable that there will always be waste, or unavoidable by-products such as orange peel, coffee grounds or waste gas from factories and power stations. Using cutting edge technologies, wastes such as these can be converted into valuable products such as fuels, flavors and fragrances, plastics, paint or pharmaceuticals. There are environmental benefits to be had from harnessing the was
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