It is the tenth anniversary of the introduction of the National Minimum Wage. The remit for this annual report (Cm. 7611, ISBN 9780101761123), is the monitoring and evaluation of the impact of the minimum wage and the effects on different groups of workers. Also under review is the current apprenticeship exemptions. The Low Pay Commission consults with employers, workers and their representatives, with written evidence taken from over 90 organisations and individuals. The report is divided into 8 chapters with appendices, and covers the following areas: Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Aggregate impact of the National Minimum Wage; Chapter 3: Low-paying sectors & small firms; Chapter 4: Particular groups of workers; Chapter 5: Young people; Chapter 6: Apprentices; Chapter 7: Compliance and enforcement; Chapter 8: Setting the rates. The Commission made the following recommendations, including: that the adult minimum wage rate should increase from £5.73 to £5.80 in October 2009; that youth development should increase from £4.77 to £4.83 and the rate for 16-17 year olds from £3.53 to £3.57 from October 2009. Also, that 21 year olds should be entitled to the adult rate of the National Minimum Wage and that a minimum wage for apprentices should be introduced under the National Minimum Wage.
This White Paper, divided into two parts, lays out the Government's policy objectives in relation to "National Security through Technology", particularly in relation to technology, equipment, and support for UK defence and security. Part 1: UK Defence and Security Procurement - sets out the Government's aims for the procurement of technology, equipment and support to meet the UK's defence and security needs; Part 2: The UK Defence and Security Industry - looks at the wider UK perspective, including growth, skills, and emerging sectors, within the context of defence and security procurement policy and at government action to encourage UK-based companies to fulfil defence requirements here and develop successful exports. The publication follows up and develops themes and issues raised in the Green Paper "Equipment, support and technology for UK defence and security: consultation paper" (Cm.7989, ISBN 9780101798921, published December 2010). A second publication, published alongside this White Paper, Cm. 8277 (ISBN 9780101827720), contains the Government's responses to the original Green Paper.
A Review of the Operation of the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007, Ninth Report of Session 2012-13, Report, Together with Formal Minutes, Oral and Written Evidence
A Review of the Operation of the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007, Ninth Report of Session 2012-13, Report, Together with Formal Minutes, Oral and Written Evidence
In this report the Public Administration Select Committee (PASC) concludes that, despite the positive steps implemented by the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 (the Act), there remain issues and concerns about the way government statistics are produced and disseminated which remain a genuine risk to public confidence in the statistical system and must be addressed. The Act was intended to ensure that statistics are produced to the highest professional standards and that effective governance structures are in place to protect transparency and accountability and the Committee found the Act had helped to improve the operation of the statistical system. However, the Act needs to have greater clarity and transparency in the way it operates and in the functioning of the UK Statistics Authority (the Statistics Authority). Those who regulate the quality of National Statistics are in the same organisation as those officials who produce data: the two groups should have a clear separation in practice, but this is hard to demonstrate when they work in the same building and share support services. It is also not appropriate that ministers should have lengthy prior access to certain statistics but other interested parties do not. The Statistics Authority does not seem to have sufficient control over the quality and integrity of the different data sets and statistical products produced by departments and their agencies. Planning and improving data access both within Government and for users outside Government should be given greater attention by the Statistics Authority, as well as by Government departments.
This issue of the Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics (DUKES) is part of a series and updates the figures given in the DUKES 2009. The publication consists of seven chapters; the first chapter deals with overall energy, with the other chapters covering specific fuels, combined heat and power and renewable sources of energy. The statistics presented in this digest will generate widespread interest from anyone working within or with an interest in energy sources, consumption and climate change. Chapters covering specific fuels and renewable sources of energy contain details on the production and consumption of individual fuels, presented using commodity balances. A commodity balance illustrates the flow of a fuel through from production to final consumption. These individual commodity balances are also combined in an energy balance, showing the interaction between different fuels. General energy statistics are presented in a table, revealing energy consumption by final users and an analysis of energy consumption by main industrial groups. Surveys conducted by AEA Energy & Environment on behalf of DECC estimate the contribution made by combined heat and power and renewable energy to energy production and consumption in the UK.
Following the Machinery of Government changes in June 2007 three new departments were set up in place of the Department for Education and Skills and the Department of Trade and Industry. This 2007 Autumn Performance Report identifies the targets applicable to the Department of Children, Schools and Families (DCFS) and charts its progress against the Spending Review 2004 (SR04), Public Service Agreement (PSA) targets and introduces a new suite of Comprehensive Spending Review Public Service Agreements (CSR07). There is also a chapter on targets from the Spending Review 2002 PSA targets that are still outstanding.
In this report the Public Administration Select Committee recommends that departmental press officers and government statistics staff should work together much more closely to ensure that press releases give an accurate and meaningful picture of the truth behind the figures. Government statistics press releases do not always give a true and fair picture of the story behind the statistics, sometimes going too far to create a newsworthy headline. And the Committee says the ways that statistics are presented can be a challenge even for expert users. The lay user is left confused and disengaged. The Office for National Statistics website makes figures hard to find and statistics are often presented in a confusing way, for example, in formats which are not easily understandable. Other recommendations include: the UK Statistics Authority should work proactively to bring together and clearly present key statistics, from various sources, around common themes or events, such as elections and referendums, as well as broader topics such as the labour market and economic trends; the ONS website must be improved; the Statistics Authority should find more creative ways of communicating statistics, for example, through interactive guides; publication of more raw data in machine-readable format for experts who want the full results, not just the edited highlights presented in releases for a mass audience; government statisticians produce thousands of pieces of data on demand, known as 'ad hoc statistics' and these should be published proactively, rather than simply in reaction to requests.
This report, made by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, sets out the determination for the financial year 2011/12 of the amount of Revenue Support Grant for that year, what amount of the grant he proposes to pay to receiving authorities and what amount of the grant he proposes to pay to the specified body. The report also sets out the basis on which the Secretary of State proposes to distribute among receiving authorities the amount which falls to be paid to such authorities for the year 2011/12 under Part V of the Local Government Finance Act 1988. It also sets out the specification of the amount arrived at under paragraph 9 of schedule 8 to the 1988 Act and, under paragraph 10 of that schedule, the basis on which the Secretary of State proposes to distribute among the receiving authorities the distributable amount for 2011/12
The Autumn Statement sets out the Government's actions in three areas: protecting the economy; building a stronger economy for the future; and fairness. This document details plans for: public spending in 2015-16 and 2016-17; raising state pension age to 67 between 2026 and 2028; setting public sector pay awards at an average of one per cent for each of the two years after current pay freeze ends; £21 billion credit easing measures to support smaller and mid-sized businesses. To build a stronger economy, the Government is funding £6.3 billion of additional infrastructure spending, £1 billion of private sector investment in regulated industries will be supported by Government guarantee, and the Regional Growth Fund for England will be increased by £1 billion. Other measures on credit easing and enterprise include: up to £20 billion National Loan guarantee Scheme; investigation of alternatives to tribunal hearings; possible changes to collective redundancy processes; two proposals for radical reform of employment law; a Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme offering 50 per cent income tax relief on investments. Education will see an extra £600 million to fund 100 more free schools, and £600 million for local authorities with the greatest demographic pressures. Housing support includes a new build indemnity scheme to increase the supply of affordable mortgage finance and a revised right to buy scheme. Fairness measures cover fuel duty, rail fares, a Youth Contract worth £940 million, and extending the offer of 15 hours free education and care a week for disadvantaged two year olds.
At the start of this Parliament, the Minister for the Cabinet Office indicated the ten-yearly census should be axed and the 2011 census should be the last. But in this report the Public Administration Select Committee urges the government not to scrap the 2021 census. Good figures on the people in the country are of fundamental importance to the statistical system, policy makers and society more widely, and the ten-yearly census gives detailed information on small areas. This report follows the National Statistician's announcement in March 2014 that she recommends that Government keep the Census in 2021, but that it should be conducted largely online, and that the Government should make much greater use of the data which it already holds in order to improve the accuracy of population estimates. The Committee supports the recommendation from the National Statistician, but urges the Office for National Statistics to do much more to make the best use of the data which the Government already collects, for example through the Department for Work and Pensions, HM Revenue and Customs and the Department of Health. The Committee says that the Office for National Statistics' work on the future of the Census has, to date, been limited, and recommends that the Office for National Statistics now sets out a much more ambitious vision for the use of this data to provide rich and valuable population statistics.
On 17 October 2014, the European Commission informed HM Treasury that the UK would have to make an additional contribution to the EU budget of approximately 2.1 billion euro. This additional contribution had been prompted by revisions to EU Member States' historic Gross National Income (GNI) data, dating back to 1995. Member States make several annual contributions to the EU budget, by far the most significant being a levy on GNI. This levy is charged as a percentage rate on Member States' annual GNI, with the rate set at a level designed to cover exactly the portion of the EU Budget which remains unfunded once the other sources of income - namely Traditional Own Resources' and VAT-based resources - have been taken into account. The result is that an individual Member State contributes to this portion of the budget in proportion to its share of total GNI across all Member States. In 2013, GNI-based contributions amounted to 74 per cent of the EU's total budget. Emerging from the ECOFIN summit of 7 November 2014, the Chancellor claimed to have "halved the bill" of £1.7 billion demanded by the EU. He later described this as the result of "hard-fought negotiation" with the Commission to ensure that the consequential change to the UK's rebate would apply. The calculation of the rebate, and the circumstances in which it applies, are embedded in EU law. This is set out in detail in Council Decision 2007/436/EC and the supporting Council document on the UK correction. These documents establish the precise method for calculating the rebate. On the basis of the evidence the Committee has seen, it should have been unambiguously clear to the Treasury, well in advance of ECOFIN on 7 November 2014, that the UK was entitled to a rebate on any additional budget contributions that could arise from the GNI revisions.
The Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 received Royal Assent on 26 July 2007 and introduced substantial reforms to the official statistical system across the whole of the UK and setting it in statute for the first time. The major stakeholders were consulted on the effectiveness of the Act and overall they felt the Act is meeting its original aims and objectives. There were some areas where it was felt further reforms could strengthen the Act's aims. These include: considering the case for widening the data sharing powers in the Act; managing and where possible minimising the costs incurred by the producers of official statistics in complying with the Code of practice; whether more needs to be done to distinguish official statistics from those that are not; whether more needs to be done to strengthen the internal separation between the statistics producer and regulator roles of the UK Statistics Authority; and how to further raise the profile of the Authority.
The statistics presented, in brief, show that: International arrivals outside the Common Travel Area increased 3%; work permit holders admitted to UK increased 6%; Non-EEA student to the UK increased 9%; refusals of entry at port increased 6%; asylum applications decreased 8% including and excluding dependents with the highest number of applicants from Eritrea, Afghanistan, Iran, China and Somalia; decisions on asylum applications decreased 24%; 26% of applications resulted in grants of asylum, humanitarian protection/discretionary leave or in allowed appeals. There was a 2% increase in after entry decisions; grants of settlement fell by 25% and total number of persons removed from the UK increased 10%
The Department of Health introduced a target to reduce MRSA across all NHS trusts by 50 per cent by 2008 and C. difficile by 30 per cent by 2010-11. MRSA had been reduced by 57 per cent by the end of March 2008 and C. difficile by 41 per cent. While a quarter of trusts have reduced MRSA by more than 80 per cent, in 12 per cent of trusts there has been an increase in MRSA infections. Twenty-nine per cent of trusts have reduced C. difficile by more than 50 per cent, but in 19 per cent of hospital trusts the numbers of C. difficile infections have increased. Since the introduction of the targets, the Department has spent some £120 million tackling healthcare associated infections. There have also been unquantifiable administrative costs and local expenditure on the drive to reduce infection rates. These initiatives have led to savings on treatment of between £141 million and £263 million, as well as reducing discomfort, disability and, for some, death that might have been caused by these avoidable infections. There has also been a perceptible change in trust leadership on tackling infections. The impact has not, however, been the same in all trusts or for other infections. Following the Department's intervention to improve recording on death certificates where MRSA or C. difficile was the underlying cause or a contributory factor, in 2007 around 9,000 people were reported as having died in such circumstances. There is still no national information on deaths from other healthcare associated infections such as urinary tract infections and pneumonia and blood stream infections due to other causes may be increasing.
The Ordnance Survey has existed for 216 years as a publicly funded and managed agency of government. It became a Trading Fund, then an Executive Agency in 1980s and 1990s, and is now overseen by the Department for Communities and Local Government. The Survey though ceased to be publicly funded in October 2006, and since that time is required to make a profit and so engage in commercial competition. This in turn raises the question of whether such a dominant organisation can operate fairly in the information market. A previous report (HCP 481, session 2001-02, ISBN 9780215003812), concluded that there needed to be defined boundaries between public service and national interest work. The Communities and Local Government Committee has set out 12 conclusions and recommendations, including: now that Ordnance Survey is self supporting, both funding its public task and commercial work entirely from its own revenues, the distinction between public duty and commercial interest is no longer clear; the Committee believes that the Surveys' annual report and accounts should distinguish between its public and private tasks; that the Survey needs to co-operate with the private sector in regard of licences that cover intellectual property rights, particularly if the licence is too stringent in its' requirements, such as requiring competitors not to compete with the Survey; greater clarity is needed on what use can be made of data bought from the Survey and that licensing conditions appear to be too complex and inflexible.
This paper is the latest in the Scotland analysis series and explores how an integrated domestic environment for research in publicly funded institutions supports the UK's, including Scotland's, excellent and thriving research base which is vital for innovation and economic success. An independent Scottish state would become responsible for deciding how much to spend on research activity and how to distribute research funding. In order to replace the 2012-13 level of Research Council expenditure in Scotland (£307 million), the government of an independent Scottish state would have to spend 0.23 per cent of 2012 GDP on research or seek additional funding from elsewhere such as overseas, businesses or charities. Businesses and research charities could, however, face additional administrative burdens created by divergences in regulatory regimes and tax jurisdictions, meaning funding projects in both the continuing UK and an independent Scottish state could become more complex. UK national institutions would operate on behalf of the continuing UK as before but would have no power or obligation to act in, or on behalf of, an independent Scottish state. In the event of independence the single strategic and highly integrated research framework would be likely to diverge as an independent Scottish state set and deliver its own research priorities. Research collaborations between the continuing UK and an independent Scottish state would be international collaborations associated with levels of risk not present in domestic collaborations. Research excellence is also supported by the ability of researchers and staff to move freely across the UK and elsewhere, thereby supporting the flow of knowledge
The London Regional Committee warns that preparations for the 2011 Census risk a repeat of the difficulties of the 2001 Census, where the population of several London boroughs was seriously undercounted. The acknowledged undercounting of London's population in the 2001 Census continues to have an effect on the funding provided to London's boroughs for the services they are expected to provide for the capital's population. The report welcomes improvements which have been made to arrangements for the conduct of the 2011 Census and acknowledges that substantial lessons have been learned from the 2001 exercise. However, the MPs raise concerns that these preparations will not be enough to boost the number of census forms delivered, completed and collected in the capital to acceptable response levels. The Committee callS on the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to address potential problems with recruitment of skilled enumerators with the local knowledge required to ensure the successful delivery and collection of as many Census forms as possible. The MPs also recommend that ONS discusses with London boroughs the methods it proposes to use to calculate final Census figures and estimate missing returns, in order to share expertise on the particular population profiles in each borough.
This paper (Cm. 7513, Helping to Shape Tomorrow, ISBN 9780101751322), sets out the terms of the next census, which is to be held on Sunday 27 March, 2011, in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, subject to separate legislative procedures in the Scottish Parliament and the Northern Ireland Assembly. The Census will be the 21st in a series carried out every 10 years in England and Wales since 1801, except 1941. The census provides reliable information on the number and characteristics of the population and their holdholds which is used by government, local authorities, the health service, the education and academic community, commercial business and professional organisations. Key design features of this census will be as follows: that the 2011 Census will cover everyone usually resident in England and Wales; forms will be primarily delivered by post, with the public being able to return completed forms either by post, online or via doorstep collection; there will be more questions in this census, covering issues such as national identity and citizenship, ethnicity, second residences, language, civil partnerships, and the date of entry into the UK for immigrants. The publication in divided into seven chapters.
This is the first report of the 2008-09 session from the Select Committee on Communications on the subject of Government Communications (HLP 7, ISBN 9780104014189). One of the most important tasks of government is to provide clear, truthful and factual information to citizens. Accurate and impartial communication of information about government policies, activities and services is critical to the democractic process. Government communication falls into two areas, with the media and with the public. The growth in the 24 hour media, has meant that the cost of Government communications have grown considerably. The last external review of Government communications took place in the 2003-04 session by Sir Robert Phillis, the Chief Executive of the Guardian Media Group ( Since that review a number of changes to the structure and focus of Government Communications has taken place. This report sets out a number of recommendations, including: when there is sensitive information, the Government should commit to return to Parliament at the earliest opportunity to give an account of developments; that the Prime Minister should draw all Ministers' attention to the guidance in the Ministerial Code that the most important announcements of Government policy should be made in the first instance to Parliament; further, that new information should always be provided on a fair and equal basis to all interested journalists; that the morning briefing to journalists, should appear live on the Number 10 website; that the Leader of the House of Commons should reinstate a weekly briefing on parliamentary business; that all major press conferences should be live on the internet; it is important that Ministers make clear that special advisers must follow the guidance available and stay within set limits; that where possible, high-flying civil servants should spend a period of service in the departmental press office; that the Chief Executive of the Central Office of Information should take the lead in improving standards, with training and guidance to regional press officers, tailoring regional press releases, having greater contact with the regional media and making more senior officials and Ministers available for interview on the local impact of policies; the Committee states that Government information should always be available and accessible to as many people as possible and that the Cabinet Office should collate annual statistics on the costs of Government Communications across departments.
Although road accident deaths have halved between 1958 and 2007 whilst the number of licensed motor vehicles and vehicle mileage covered increased by 400 per cent, the current rate of 3,000 deaths and 250,000 injuries is still an unacceptably high level. Road accidents are the largest single cause of death for people between the ages of 5 and 35 in Britain, and road accidents cost our economy some £18 billion each year. The number of deaths and injuries on roads far outweighs the deaths and injuries in other transport modes, and should be viewed as a major public health problem. The Government should establish a British Road Safety Survey to track overall casualty and safety trends, and review current methods for recording road-traffic injuries. The Committee recommends a systems approach to road safety: ensuring the vehicle, the road infrastructure, regulations and driver training are designed to similar safety and performance standards. Other recommendations include: more 20 mph speed limits; a more proactive approach to determining the safety benefits of new vehicle technologies; action on young drivers - who represent a disproportionate risk to road users - and vulnerable users: motorcyclists, elderly and child pedestrians and cyclists, horse riders; a higher priority given to enforcement of drink-drive and drug-drive offences. The Committee recommends the establishment of an independent Road Safety Commission with powers to work across the whole of government, ensuring that a high priority and adequate resources are given to road safety and that all government departments and agencies give active support. The Government should also establish a road accident investigation branch, like those in aviation, rail and marine.
A Treasury led 'dash for gas' could make the UK's carbon targets under the Climate Change Act unachievable. The Committee is calling on the Government to restore investor confidence in the future direction of energy policy by setting a clear decarbonisation objective in the forthcoming Energy Bill to clean up the power sector by 2030. Ongoing policy uncertainty could mean that the UK loses out on millions of pounds of green investment. Global competition for green growth is fierce and the UK is competing with other countries to secure renewables investment. The Committee heard a variety of suggestions to boost take-up of energy efficiency measures in its inquiry on the Autumn Statement and received suggestions for new environmental taxes that could be implemented to help deliver the Coalition Agreement commitment to increase the proportion of tax revenues accounted for by environmental taxes
For the three-year period to March 2008, Sport England, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport's delivery body for sports participation, spent £660 million to promote sport and physical activity. Whilst adult participation in sport over the three-year period to March 2008 increased by 520,000, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport did not meet its targets to increase participation by priority groups. In consequence, a positive conclusion by the NAO on value for money up to 2008 is not possible. As part of a new approach, the Department has set Sport England a new target, to be achieved by March 2013, of increasing by one million the number of people aged 16 and above doing three 30 minute sessions of moderate intensity sport a week. One year into the five-year delivery period an additional 115,000 people were participating in sport, against the initial delivery plan forecast of 160,000 additional participants. Sport England's new approach has a number of known risks to delivery. It is heavily dependent on a small number of sporting national governing bodies delivering 60 per cent of the increase in participation expected through governing bodies, and on key assumptions about how the activities it funds will lead to more frequent participation. Moreover, it expects the bulk of the additional participants to be delivered towards the end of the four-year target period.
This study considers the feasibility of options for a new system of charging for road use in the UK, in order to make better use of road capacity and to help reduce traffic congestion. This would mean moving away from the current motoring taxation system and introducing a variable charging system depending on the level of road congestion. Issues discussed include: public attitudes, travel trends, options for national road pricing, institutional aspects of implementation, possible interim options to a national scheme, including the UK lorry road user charging scheme and local congestion charging pathfinder schemes. Amongst the report's conclusions, it finds that national road pricing is becoming feasible in the medium-term (in 10 to 15 years) and could meet the Government's objectives. However, its successful implementation requires the promotion of a greater degree of public acceptance. Although a national scheme is still some years off, a number of practical steps can be taken now in preparation, including promoting a public debate to inform and raise awareness, with research into road users' behaviour and implications for business; working with car manufacturers in the development of vehicle technology standards; and working with local authorities on introducing local charging schemes to tackle congestion problems. This document is published alongside the Transport White Paper "The future of transport: a network for 2030" (Cm. 6234, ISBN 0101623429).
This is the report of an inquiry into the policy and practice of immigration control, examining entry clearance (visa) system, the granting or refusing of further leave in the UK and the enforcement of immigration control. It considered the degree to which the aims of the Immigration and Nationality Directorate and UK visas are being met; the progress in implementing recommendations from recent reports; and lessons to be learnt from the operation of the current system. Although it is recognised that staff are working hard and diligently there are a number of problems , especially related to fragmentation and lack of communication. The Committee make a number of recommendations including the establishment of a Cabinet Committee and an Independent Immigration Inspectorate; a redrafting of the Immigration Rules and a greater focus on the quality of decision making as opposed to speed.
A report that recommends a reform of the way, financial liabilities arising from private finance projects (PFPs) are treated in public accounts. It also deals with the growth in the secondary market for PFPs where investors sell on their stake in a project, in many cases once the construction period of that project has been completed.
The Chancellor's departments faced extraordinary challenges during 2008-09, mainly arising from the need to respond to the emerging financial crisis and associated economic downturn. The report concludes that it is very difficult to draw final conclusions regarding their level of success - too much remains unfinished business. It draws attention, in particular, to the new relationship between the Treasury and UKFI, and recommends that the Government considers whether the formal terms of the relationship need some re-definition in the light of experience. The report is particularly concerned by the dire results for HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) of a cross-Government staff survey pilot study. The Report calls for HMRC management to publish a clear and detailed plan to provide focus and direction to their efforts to re-engage with their workforce. Noting a rise in customer complaints and that, on average, only 57 per cent of calls to HMRC contact centres were answered during 2008-09. HMRC should publish more data to enable effective scrutiny of its performance against its targets, data which is essential for tax gaps to be closed and for the take up of the working tax credit to be assessed and improved. The Report is critical of the failure of most departments to provide accurate and timely monthly in-year figures to the Treasury. Other sections of the report cover National Savings & Investment, the revaluation of UK statutory ports and the performance of the Royal Mint.
The 30th edition of this annual publication contains a wide range of transport statistics which gives a comprehensive picture of transport use in Britain. It includes data tables relating to: general and cross modal transport; aviation; energy and the environment; freight; maritime transport; public transport, including rail, tube, bus and coaches; roads network and traffic; transport accidents and casualties; motor vehicles and goods vehicles; and international comparisons.
This annual report 2006 provides detailed analyses of road casualties and reports on trends in relation to casualty reduction targets. It presents statistics collected to an agreed national standard about personal injury road accidents and their consequent casualties. These statistics are used to inform public debate on matters of road safety and to provide both a local and national perspective for road safety problems and their remedies. In addition to the detailed statistical tables, the publication also includes six articles: review of progress towards the 2010 casually reduction targets; a valuation of accident, casualty costs and insurance claims data; drinking and driving; contributory factors to road accidents; hit and run accidents; the use of hospital data on road accidents.
Over the next ten years, development aid in the form of grants should be replaced for lower middle income countries. DFID should continue to channel some of its finance through multilaterals, making greater use of their specialist skills and expertise rather than replicating these within its own bilateral programmes. DFID should also establish a financial instrument team, prepare a development finance strategy and publish a Development Finance White Paper during 2014. This strategy should include consideration of whether to establish a UK development bank. The overwhelming drive in UK aid should continue to focus on lifting people out of poverty and meeting post-2015 development objectives. The UK should continue to fund the development and delivery of key services to the very poorest people in low income countries through a system of grants. We should also continue to channel 0.7 % of GNI into development cooperation. But, to support structural transformation in lower middle income countries a significant proportion of future UK development finance should also be delivered via a system of concessional loans and other financial instruments
The Government's objective is to build a strong economy and a fair society, in which there is opportunity and security for all. The 2007 Pre-Budget Report and Comprehensive Spending Review, 'Meeting the aspirations of the British People' (Cm 7227), presents updated assessments and forecasts of the economy and public finances, describes reforms that the Government is making and sets out the Government's priorities and spending plans for the years 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11, including: maintaining macroeconomic stability; investing in the future with total public spending rising from £589bn in 2007-08 to £678bn in 2010-11 including an additional £2bn for capital investment in public services; continuing the sustained investment in the NHS, with resources rising from £90bn in 2007-08 to £110bn by 2010-11 and with value for money savings of at least £8.2bn contributing to the funding of the conclusions of the Darzi Review 'Our NHS, our future'; further sustained increases in resources for education, science, transport, housing, child poverty, security and international poverty reduction and the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games; simplifying the tax system to make it fairer, simpler and more efficient; modernising the tax system through major reforms to inheritance tax and capital gains tax; steps to protect the environment, including reforms of the tax regime for aviation and a new Environmental Taxation Fund to support the demonstration and deployment of new energy and efficiency technologies. For related publications, see 9780102944556 (2007 Budget Statement), 9780101698429 (2006 Pre-Budget), and for the Darzi Review see (
This report reviews how government uses Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to deliver public services. The review gives an overview of existing uses, as well as initiatives and changes underway. It details a number of big challenges the government faces in protecting and improving the value for money of ICT and in ensuring that ICT is deployed fully in the drive to secure sustainable cost reduction. In response to such challenges and a worsening financial situation, the government has made a number of changes, prominent among which was the formation in June 2010 of the Efficiency and Reform Group that is taking a new approach to securing value for money from ICT. The Group has been responsible for a number of new initiatives, including the moratorium on central government's signing new ICT contracts worth more than £1 million without agreement from the Minister for the Cabinet Office; a mandatory review of all ICT projects currently underway to identify waste; and a drive to renegotiate contracts with suppliers. Most of the Group's initiatives are at a very early stage and it is too early for the National Audit Office to evaluate their effect. This review will, however, set the ground for future evaluations of these and other initiatives designed to achieve value for money from ICT spending.
There is tension between the twin goals of ensuring a flow of high quality students into the UK and ensuring and maintaining public confidence in the immigration system. The Home Office, through the UK Border Agency, introduced Tier 4 of the Points Based System for student immigration in March 2009 to control the entry of students from outside the European Economic Area. The Agency, however, implemented the new system before proper controls were in place and removed the controls it relied on under the old system. The controls gap enabled a surge in student visas and, in 2009 an estimated 40,000 to 50,000 additional migrants came to the UK to work rather than study. The Agency has had to spend the subsequent three years amending rules and procedures in an effort to reduce abuse. This constant change has made it very difficult and costly for students and education institutions to keep up to date with the increasingly complex set of rules and guidance that has emerged. The Government expected that clamping down on abuse of student visas would play a part in reducing net migration. However the measurement of net migration is still based on inaccurate International Passenger Survey data. The e-Borders system for counting all migrants in and out of the UK will not be in place fully until 2015 at the earliest. It would also be more informative to also report net migration statistics excluding students, as a number of other comparable countries do
As the government strives to get everyone using online services, it must make sure it doesn't ignore people without internet access. This group of approximately 4 million people is skewed towards those aged over 65, in lower socio-economic grops or iwth disability. The Cabinet Office needs to make sure it understands these people's needs better and move forward with its plans to support them. They must not be put at a disadvantage because they either can't or don't want to go online. In some cases, fewer than 50% of transactions are completed online. To achieve its expectation that 82% of transactions are completed online, the Cabinet Office needs to understand better and break down the barriers that stop people with internet access from using online government services.
2005 Budget : Oral and written evidence, Monday 21 March 2005: Mr Robert Chote, Professor Peter Spencer, Mr David Walton, Mr Martin Weale and Mr John Whiting, HM Treasury officials: Tuesday 22 March 2005: Rt Hon Gordon Brown, MP, Chancellor of the Exchequ
This volume presents detailed statistics about the circumstances of personal injury road accidents. Some 50 data items are collected by the police STATS19 system for each accident, including the time and location of the accident, the types of vehicles involved and what they were doing at the time of the accident, as well as some information on the drivers and casualties involved. In 2009 there was a reported total of 222,146 casualties of all severities (4 per cent lower than 2009). Of those, 2,222 people were killed in road accidents, 316 fewer (12 per cent lower) than in 2008. It has long been known that a considerable proportion of non-fatal injury accidents are not reported to the police and the current best estimate is that the total number of road casualties in Great Britain each year is around 700,000. In addition to the detailed tables there are seven articles containing further analysis on specific road safety topics: an overview and trends in the police data; valuation of road accidents and casualties; drinking and driving; contributory factors in road accidents; survey data on road traffic accidents, including an overall estimate of total casualties; hospital admissions data on road casualties; road safety research. The statistics in STATS19 were reviewed recently and some changes recommended. Also, a new electronic police accident reporting system, CRASH, for secure collection, validation, transmission and storage of road traffic collision reports, is to be introduced in 2011 and 2012.
This annual publication contains a compilation of statistics about passenger and freight traffic through UK ports, as well as on merchant ships owned or registered in the UK and the Crown Dependencies, and the world fleet. Statistics for 2006 include: total freight traffic through all UK ports totalled 584 million tonnes, one million lower than in 2005; ports in England and Northern Ireland saw increase in freight traffic whilst Scottish and Welsh ports saw a decrease, a trend which has continued since 2000; liquid bulk totalled 250 million, by tonnage the largest cargo handled at UK ports (mostly crude oil and oil products), whilst dry bulk movements totalled 133 million tonnes (mostly coal); Grimsby and Immingham remained the UK's leading port, followed by Tees and Hartlepool and London.
This annual publication contains a compilation of statistics about passenger and freight traffic through UK ports, as well as on merchant ships owned or registered in the UK and the Crown Dependencies, and the world fleet. Findings include that, during 2003, total freight traffic through UK ports fell 2.7 million tonnes to 555.7 million tonnes. Scottish ports traffic fell by 10 per cent during this period, whilst the volume of traffic through English ports rose by two per cent, rose in Welsh ports by one per cent and in Northern Irish ports by three per cent. Imports through all UK ports in 2003 were estimated at 229.3 million tonnes, up four per cent, with exports estimated at 174 million tonnes, down two per cent, whilst domestic traffic declined by four per cent.
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