The Committees report examines the wide range of outdoor learning experiences, from lessons held within school grounds to residential expeditions abroad, and considers the place of outdoor learning in the curriculum from foundation stage to higher education. Issues discussed include: the value of outdoor learning and the decline of opportunities for educational opportunities outside the classroom; the barriers that deter schools from teaching outside the classroom, including perceptions of risks in school trips, the resources and curriculum time available for such trips, availability and costs involved; policy options for the Department for Education and Skills to help encourage schools improve and expand provision for outdoor learning; and funding implications. The Committees recommendations include that the DfES should issue a Manifesto for Outdoor Learning which gives all students the right to outdoor learning and which should attract a similar funding level to the music manifesto (around £30 million) in order to deliver real change.
The Committee's report examines issues in the further education and skills training sector, including the findings of the independent review into the future of FE colleges conducted by Sir Andrew Foster (2005, ISBN 1844786153) (more information on the review can be found at and the funding of learning for those adults outside the Government's current priority funding groups. Amongst its 51 conclusions and recommendations, the report welcomes the Government's recent statements on the importance of the FE sector to the UK economy and society. However, concerns are expressed that some of the Foster review proposals are not radical enough, such as suggested improvements in the administration and functioning of the DfES and the Learning and Skills Council in relation to FE matters. It argues that current funding priorities for adult learning have not been been adequately addressed in the Government's recent White Paper ('Further education: raising skills, improving life chances' Cm 6768, March 2006, ISBN 0101676824) and that a more coherent planning and funding machinery is essential to the overall development of further education.
In light of the recommendations of the Crick report on citizenship education ('Education for citizenship and the teaching of democracy' which can be downloaded at published in September 1998, the subject was introduced into the school curriculum in 2002, on a compulsory basis for secondary schools and as part of the non-statutory framework for primary schools. The Committee's report assesses the progress made during the last four years to deliver quality citizenship programmes and examines the barriers that exist to its successful implementation. It finds that, when well done, citizenship education motivates and inspires young people, but the quality and extent of these programmes are still inconsistent across the country. This patchiness needs to be tackled head-on, and progress accelerated, requiring strong support from the DfES and Ministers as well as action from those on the ground. The Committee welcomes the Government's decision to accept the recommendations of the report by Sir Keith Ajegbo which highlighted the need for citizenship curriculum to have a closer focus on issues of identity, diversity and belonging. More can be done to disseminate between settings good practice information about approaches that are working in other institutions, particularly in relation to 'whole-school' (or college) approaches that develop opportunities for active citizenship, although it is essential that programmes are locally-owned and relevant to the particular context. The development of the workforce is also important to the success of citizenship education, and although the expansion of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) citizenship certificate programme is welcome, more resources are needed to develop capacity in initial teacher training places for citizenship education.
In October 2004, the Tomlinson report (downloadable at set out wide-ranging proposals for changes to the curriculum and examination arrangements for the education of 14 to 19 year olds. In February 2005, the Government published its response in the form of a White Paper (Cm. 6476, ISBN 9780101647625) detailing a 10-year reform programme including the introduction of 14 new awards (originally called vocational Diplomas); thus rejecting the overarching Diploma award recommended in the Tomlinson report. Whilst stating its belief that the proposed changes would have been better structured and more coherent had Tomlinson's proposals been adopted, the Committee's report examines the design, development and implementation of the Government's Diplomas scheme.
The Bologna Process is a non-binding inter-governmental initiative to develop a European Higher Education Area (EHEA), by 2010, which would enable higher education qualifications to be comparable, whilst maintaining national autonomy and flexibility. This inquiry has been undertaken to make a contribution to the London Ministerial Summit on 17-18 May 2007. There are five main conclusions: 1) there is overwhelming support for the UK to play a leading role; 2) there is a desire to maintain the distinction between the voluntary, bottom-up process, which is focussed on academic cooperation, and the European Community; 3) there are anxieties about a rigid commitment to a three cycle (bachelors, masters, doctoral) course structure, especially in relation to self-standing integrated Masters courses; 4) there are doubts that the full that the full significance of the coming into existence of the EHEA has been fully recognised; 5) the government has not been sufficiently pro-active in disseminating information and identifying and possibly resolving potential difficulties.
This publication contains a range of oral and written evidence taken by the Committee in relation to its inquiry into special educational needs (SEN) provision, including contributions from Baroness Warnock, DfES officials and local authorities, Ofsted, the Audit Commission, the Disability Rights Commission, SEN advisors and organisations, charities and trade unions.
This report concludes that the Government's communications strategy on tuition fees could have been more effectively realised. It urges the government to "reconsider funding widening participation in higher education through a programme similar to the 'pupil premium'." The committee also concluded that "focusing financial support on providing money for living costs to students while they are studying would be a more effective means of support than fee-waivers and would be more consistent with the message that students should not be dissuaded from applying to university because of the cost." and recommends that the National Scholarship Programme be refocused accordingly. Furthermore reforms are not yet complete with a number of consultation exercises currently out for responses, including early repayment penalties for loans, the future of student number controls, loans for students studying at alternative providers, "off quota" students and a new regulatory framework for new and alternative providers. The detail to be required in the Key Information Sets has yet to be finalised. There will also need to be changes to both OFFA and HEFCE to reflect their changing responsibilities in higher education. The committee highlights the fact that the new fee regime is to start at the beginning of the next academic year and there is concern that the necessary coherent package of reforms be delivered to that timetable. The report also stresses that the reforms should be implemented as a package and not in a piecemeal way
In light of the transfer of responsibility for prison education to the Department for Education and Skills (DfES), the Committee's report examines the provision of education and training in prisons, including the overall strategy for prison education, delivery structures at national, regional and local levels, programme contents in comparison to external standards, and barriers to delivery across the wider prison regime. Findings include that current provision is unacceptable in terms of quantity and quality of provision, and a fundamental shift in approach is required. Although there has been an increase in resources available, in 2004 on average only a third of prisoners had access to prison education at any one time. The Committee highlights the need for an overarching strategy and higher priority to be given to prison education, based on recognition of its role in helping to reduce recidivism through rehabilitation, and suited to meet the needs of individual prisoners to ensure they have a real alternative to crime on release.
This document contains a range of written evidence submitted to the joint inquiry by the Home Affairs Committee and the Work and Pensions Committee, in relation to the Governments proposals to reform the law on corporate manslaughter, as set out in the draft Bill (Cm 6497, ISBN 010164972X) published in March 2005 for consultation.
In 2012 the House of Commons introduced a new 'core task' for all select committees that focused on public engagement as a distinctive and explicit factor of their work. This report focuses on how the select committees have responded to the new core task. Three core conclusions emerged: a) there has been a significant shift within the select committee system to taking public engagement seriously and this is reflected in many examples of innovation; b) this shift, however, has not been systematic and levels of public engagement vary significantly from committee to committee; and c) a more vibrant and systematic approach to public engagement is urgently needed but this will require increased resources, a deeper appreciation of the distinctive contribution that select committees can make and a deeper cultural change at Westminster. This report therefore details innovations in relation to the use of social media, the structure of inquiries and innovative outreach. Public engagement has not yet been fully embedded into the culture of parliament but there is evidence of significant 'cracks and wedges' that can now be built-upon and extended during the 2015-20 Parliament. Clearly the focus of the committee and the topic of the inquiry will have some bearing on the approach to engagement adopted but a more expansive and ambitious approach across the board is to be encouraged. This report leads to a ten-point set of inter-related recommendations but they can all be connected in the sense that the existing social research demonstrates a clear desire on the part of the public to 'do politics differently'.
Incorporating HC 852-i and ii, Session 2012-13. Additional written evidence is contained in Volume 3, available on the Committee website at Incorrect paper number 346-II printed on document
The Government needs to prove that it is serious about closing the attainment gap for disadvantaged children by setting out coherent, long-term thinking on early years and children's centres. Ministers should start by making clear the Government's strategy for realising its aspiration to put in place a highly qualified workforce with equal pay and status between early years teachers and those in primary schools. The Government also needs to be clear what children's centres should be offering and who they are for. The Committee identified three different types of centres but this is not reflected in current policy. They also found that the stated core purpose is far too vague and broad. The core purpose needs to focus on achievable outcomes and reflect the difference between centres, especially where they do not offer early education or childcare. Stronger accountability is needed for how well individual children's centres perform and, critically, for how effectively local authorities use children centres to improve outcomes for children in their areas. Closing children's centres should go ahead only after proper consultation and where alternative options have been considered. While some changes may make the network as a whole more effective, it should be up to local authorities to decide how best to organise and commission services. Funding pressures mean some targeting of services is inevitable but all families should be able to access the services they need and that universal services of some sort play a significant part in encouraging families to engage in the first place
The Government wants schools to take more responsibility for themselves and each other in delivering a true self-improving school system. It wants schools to look not to local authorities for expertise but to each other. We have no problem with that vision and think the wide range of models and structures already in place is a strength and proof of vitality. We support moves to give schools more freedom to innovate but we argue that the creation of a self-improving system needs a degree of coordination and strong incentives to encourage schools to look beyond their own school gate. Otherwise there is a danger that many schools will operate in isolation rather than in cooperation. Academy chains are generally performing well but raise particular questions and need specific solutions. We recommend that it should be made clear how academies can leave chains either with or without mutual consent. We also call for the Department for Education to monitor more effectively the extent to which convertor academies meet the expectation that they should support other schools. The report calls for, amongst other recommendations, that: Ofsted to be given the powers to inspect academy chains and for Government to formalise procedures for schools to leave academy chains by mutual consent, and to set out how an outstanding school can leave a chain against the wishes of the chain management
Since the establishment of the National Curriculum and the National Literacy and Numeracy strategies in 1998 and 1999, concerns have been expressed that creativity and innovative approaches to teaching may have been unintentionally constrained. Creative Partnerships was introduced as a two-year pilot scheme in 2002 in 16 local areas, and then more widely from 2004. The scheme funds creative professionals to go into schools and work in partnership with teachers and students, offers continuing professional development to school staff, and also provides guidance on creativity in relation to wider school improvement. This report focuses predominantly on Creative Partnerships as a scheme. Policy-makers now appear agreed on a definition of creativity which goes beyond the expressive and aesthetic arts, and agree that in educational terms creativity should extend right across the curriculum. Evidence suggests a very high level of support for more creative approaches to teaching among school staff and creative practitioners. Continuing professional development is of fundamental importance to embedding more creative approaches to teaching and learning, and should be seen as the core of the operation. Extending creative approaches beyond a particular activity and firmly embedding them in the wider curriculum remains a key challenge for schools and also for Creative Partnerships as an organisation. A priority now for Creative Partnerships and its two sponsoring Government departments in planning for the future should be to produce replicable models or templates, which can then be used and adapted to initiate work in other schools.
Launched by the Government in 2003, 'Every Child Matters' is a comprehensive programme of reform for children's services that aims to more closely integrate educational, health, social and specialist services so that there could be earlier intervention and closer working between professionals. This inquiry is an initial overview of progress that looks at: the background to the reform; overarching issues; placing young children at the centre of the reforms; integrated services and processes; integrated strategy and governance and inter-departmental issues. Overall the drive to improve both universal and targeted services in the same suite of reforms has been well received and there is evidence that progress has been made. The issues of concern are: the proposed network of computerised 'child indexes'; whether efficiency savings can pay for improvements; the fact that some agencies such as schools and general practitioners have not been placed under a duty to co-operate; and that there are tensions between different policies affecting children and young people.
The Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) is a non-ministerial government department with responsibility for regular inspection of schools, further education, and the regulation of childminding and day care. As part of its ongoing scrutiny of the work of Ofsted, the Committee's report considers Ofsted's work in 2003-04, including its annual report, structure and strategy; the growth of its remit, including its new responsibilities under the Children Bill relating to the inspection of children's services; value for money aspects of its inspection activities; the process and conduct of school inspections and reporting. The Committee's findings include support for the Ofsted's proposed new streamlined inspection regime to be established under the banner of 'a new relationship with schools'; and some concern that Ofsted's strategic expansion into new areas of responsibility needs to be carefully managed to ensure effective integration of new staff and efficient use of its increased resources. The Committee also welcomes Ofsted's proposal to publish a self-assessment review of its inspection activities, and urges the inspectorate to pursue the development of rigorous benchmarking measures.
A recurrent theme of the Government's education policy has been the need to improve skill levels in the workforce. In this light this report looks at the Government's proposals for the provision of education between the ages of 14-19 and the work of the Working Group on 14-19 Reform. One of the clear conclusions is that the whole education experience is significant for a child, not just one particular part and that the labour market really requires young people who are literate, numerate and work prepared. On the subject of the proposed unified diploma to replace GCSEs and A levels, the Committee understands why the Government thought its introduction would be a risk but it nevertheless urges to the subject to be kept under review. However the burden for change does not solely rest with the government, employers must also engage with the process to help devise a system that meets their needs.
The ability to read is the key to educational achievement, and poor literacy skills will limit a person's opportunities throughout life. The Committee's inquiry examines current practice in schools used to teach children to read, in order to consider which method works best based on available evidence. Recognition is given that the subject is a complex one and is also influenced by a range of factors outside a school's control. Issues discussed include the impact of the National Literacy Strategy (NLS); literacy teaching methods including the phonics method, which focuses on sound-letter correspondence; the need to promote reading for pleasure; research evidence findings; barriers to reading acquisition; learning difficulties and disabilities. Current statistics indicate that around 20 per cent of children aged 11 years still underachieve in reading and writing skills for their age level. The Committee's recommendations include the need for a review of the NLS prescribed methodology for the teaching of reading in primary schools, and that further large-scale comparative research should be commissioned by the DfES to determine which methods are most effective.
There has been an increasing awareness over the past few decades of bullying and the effect it has on the educational and social achievements of children and young people. The Committee's report examines the progress that has been made to address this problem since the introduction of the 'Don't Suffer in Silence' pack in 1994, the barriers that prevent schools from tackling bullying effectively, issues of prejudice-driven bullying including SEN-related, homophobic and faith-based bullying, and cyber-bullying. The report finds that defining what bullying is and identifying instances of bullying is the first potential barrier to successfully tackling the problem. Teachers and staff, pupils and parents should all be aware of their school's definition of bullying and how this affects their own behaviour, with the attitude and engagement of head teachers vital to tackling bullying. The focus of anti-bullying guidance should be tackling bullying behaviour and making it clear that such behaviour is not acceptable, rather than attempting to change the behaviour of the victim. The DfES should issue new guidance to local authorities and schools on when the use of exclusion is appropriate. The lack of accurate reliable data on bullying is another barrier to more effective anti-bullying work, and the Government should commission a long-term study of a number of schools, looking at both general trends in bullying and also the effectiveness of different approaches in different circumstances. The report also recommends that the Government needs to foster a culture where schools are encouraged to be open about incidents of bullying, have effective ways of dealing with bullying when it occurs and provide support the victims of bullying, rather than fearing reporting incidents of bullying will damage their reputation.
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