The Planning Act 2008 created a new system of development consent for certain types of nationally significant infrastructure, including major energy infrastructure, railways, ports, roads, airports, water and waste projects which were deemed to be of national significance. The regime is still fairly new, with only 12 applications having gone all of the way through the system to completion. However it is clear that the new regime is working as intended and is leading to quicker planning decisions. For example the approval of Hinkley Point C was approved within the one year statutory timeframe. A large part of the reason why that decision was taken more quickly is because the Energy National Policy Statements make it clear that the construction of new low carbon electricity generation infrastructure is of crucial national importance. The regime has not stood still since it was introduced. It has been amended by the Localism Act and the Growth and Infrastructure Act. The changes made by the Localism Act - the removal of the Infrastructure Planning Commission and the restoration of Ministers as the final decision makers - are seen as restoring democratic accountability to the regime. It is too early too judge the effectiveness of the changes introduced in the Growth and Infrastructure Act.
This White Paper sets out the Government's detailed proposals for the reform of the planning system, in light of the recommendations made by the Barker Review of Land Use Planning (2006, ISBN 9780118404853) and the Eddington Transport Study (2006, ISBN 9780118404877). These proposals are designed to ensure the planning system can meet a number of challenges including: climate change, supporting sustainable economic development, increasing the supply of housing, protecting and enhancing the environment and natural resources, improving local and national infrastructure and maintaining security of energy supply. For the first time, the reforms cover all development consent regimes, including those for major energy, water, transport and waste development, as well as the town and country planning system. The proposals are based on five core principles: i) responsiveness and integration of economic, social and environmental objectives to deliver sustainable development; ii) a planning system which is streamlined efficient and predictable; iii) full and fair opportunities for public consultation and community engagement; iv) transparency and accountability; and v) planning decisions taken at the right level of government, whether national, regional or local.
This Command White Paper entitled "Communities in control" (Cm.7427, ISBN 9780101742726) sets out an agenda to enhance the power of communities and help people to meet their own priorities. A number of proposals are put forward seeking to devolve more power to citizens and away from both central and local government. The Paper is divided into 8 chapters: Chapter 1: The case for the people and the communities having more power; Chapter 2: Active citizens and the value of volunteering; Chapter 3: Access to information; Chapter 4: Having an influence; Chapter 5: Challenge - holding people acountable who exercise power; Chapter 6: Redress; Chapter 7: Standing for office; Chapter 8: Ownership and control. These chapters set out, from the perspective of individual citizens, seven key issues for developing empowerment in the local community. The proposed policies in this White Paper largely apply to England but UK proposals wil be implemented in consultation with the devolved administrations.
The government proposes to give local authorities more freedom and powers to meet the needs of their citizens and communities. Local authorities will be encouraged to develop neighbourhood charters setting out local standards and priorities; to manage services at the level of the neighbourhood; to work more closely with neighbourhood policing teams. Local people will receive more information about services and standards, and will be able to question and get a response from local councilors through a new service, Community Call for Action. Executive power will be invested in the leader of the council, and there will be three choices of leadership model: a directly elected mayor, a directly elected executive of councillors, or a leader elected by fellow councillors with a four year mandate. New training opportunities will be provided for councillors. The making of byelaws will be fully devolved to local authorities. The authorities will be encouraged to bring together local partners to help improve services, and to develop a delivery plan - the Local Area Agreement - setting out a single set of priorities for local partners, for the Sustainable Community Strategy that they are already required to prepare. The performance framework for local government will be simplified: there will be about 35 priorities for each area, with a set of some 200 outcome based indicators replacing the many hundreds of indicators currently required by central government. Ambitious efficiency gains will be required as part of the 2007 comprehensive spending review. The second volume shows how these proposals will apply to major local public service areas and cross-cutting issues: community safety; health and well-being; vulnerable people; children and families; climate change; and economic development, housing and planning.
This report establishes the amounts of revenue support grant (RSG) and non-domestic rates (NDR) to be paid to local authorities in 2010-11, and the basis of their distribution. The final figures for 2010-11 confirm those originally published in January 2008. Total formula grant for 2010-11 will be £747m, or 2.6 per cent, higher than in 2009-10 on a like-for-like basis. Specific grants, such as the Dedicated Schools Grant, are on top of these figures and bring the total increase in funding for local authorities to 4 per cent in 2010-11.
This is the Government's strategy to tackle the housing shortage, boost the economy, create jobs and give people the opportunity to get on the housing ladder. It covers: help for home buyers; help for housebuilders; improving fairness in social housing; support for the private rented sector; action on empty homes; supporting older people to live independently. The strategy also proposes accelerating the release of public sector land with capacity to build up to 100,000 new homes by 2015, and support up to 200,000 construction and related jobs during development.
Report by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government under section 78A of the Local Government Finance Act 1988. On cover and title page: Local government finance (England)
The National Planning Policy Framework 2012 sets out the Government's planning policies for England in achieving sustainable development and how these are expected to be applied. It sets out the requirements for the planning system only to the extent that it is relevant, proportionate and necessary to do so. It provides a framework within which local people and their accountable councils can produce their own distinctive local and neighbourhood plans, which reflect the needs and priorities of their communities. This Framework does not contain specific policies for nationally significant projects for which particular considerations apply. Divided into thirteen chapters, with three annexes, it looks at the following areas, including: building a competitive economy; ensuring town centre vitality; supporting a high quality communications infrastructure; delivering high quality homes; protecting the Green Belt; meeting the challenges of climate change, flooding and coastal change; conserving the natural and historic environments and facilitating the sustainable use of minerals.
Lord Heseltine, 'No stone unturned: in pursuit of growth' (available at made 89 wide-ranging recommendations to the Government, across areas of public policy that affect economic growth. Today, the Government announced it is accepting the overwhelming majority of these recommendations and setting out how the Government is addressing the priorities Lord Heseltine identified, equipping the UK to compete and thrive in the global race. At the heart of this is action to reverse excessive centralisation, freeing local areas from Whitehall control and giving businesses and local leaders the power and the funding to do what they need to achieve their potential. The Government will create a new Single Local Growth Fund from 2015 that will include the key economic levers of skills, housing and transport funding, with full details set out at the forthcoming Spending Round. It will also harness the power of competition to get the best from places, negotiating a local Growth Deal with every Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), with the allocation of the Single Local Growth Fund reflecting the quality of their ideas and local need. This is a something-for-something deal and local areas will be challenged to put in place the right governance across local authorities, pool resources, and find match funding from the private sector. £2.6 billion has already been allocated through the Regional Growth Fund, forecast to deliver and safeguard 500,000 jobs and £13 billion of private investment
Following on from a consultation process, this White Paper contains a number of proposals based around three core principles: developing a unified approach to the historic environment; maximising opportunities for inclusion and involvement; and supporting sustainable communities by putting the historic environment at the heart of an effective planning system. The first section sets out legislative change and implementation arrangements for England; the second part cover implementation arrangements for Wales; and the third section covers legislative change effecting the marine historic environment across the UK. Proposals include: the creation of a single system for national designation to replace listing, scheduling and registering; the publication of new detailed selection criteria for national and local designation; responsibility for national designation devolved in England to English Heritage; improved public access to designation records through new internet portals, along with new consultation and appeal processes; new statutory management agreements for historic sites; clearer and enhanced protections for World Heritage Sites; and the introduction of a new statutory duty for local authorities to maintain or have access to Historic Environment Records.
The Government's initial response, Patients First and Foremost (Cm. 8576, ISBN 9780101857628), set out a radical plan to prioritise care, improve transparency and ensure that where poor care is detected, there is clear action and clear accountability. This document now provides a detailed response to the 290 recommendations the Inquiry made across every level of the system. It also responds to six independent reviews commissioned to consider some of the key issues identified by the Inquiry. This document sets out how the whole health and care system will prioritise and build on this, including major new action in vital areas including: transparent monthly reporting of ward-by-ward staffing levels and other safety measures; a statutory and professional duties of candour; legislate at the earliest available opportunity on Wilful Neglect; a new fit and proper person's test which will act as a barring scheme; all arm's length bodies and the Department of Health have signed a protocol in order to minimise bureaucratic burdens on Trusts; a new Care Certificate to ensure that Healthcare Assistants and Social Care Support Workers have the right fundamental training and skills in order to give personal care to patients and service users; and the Care Bill will introduce a new criminal offence applicable to care providers that supply or publish certain types of information that is false or misleading, where that information is required to comply with a statutory or other legal obligation. It looks at preventing problems; detecting problems quickly; taking action promptly; ensuring robust accountability and ensuring staff are trained and motivated
This white paper outlines the Government's proposals to foster and encourage informal adult learning. Informal adult learning is part-time, non-vocational learning where the primary purpose is not to gain a qualification but learning for its intrinsic value. People participate for enjoyment and are driven by their desire for personal fulfillment or intellectual, creative and physical stimulation. Activities cover a huge range, from dance classes and book clubs, visits to museums, galleries and historic properties, online research, volunteer projects. Such activity contributes to the health and well-being of communities by building the confidence and resilience of the individuals involved, developing social relationships, and acting as a stepping stone to further learning and skill development. The Government will establish a clear identity for informal learning and promote four initiatives: a Learning Pledge; a Festival of Learning; an Open Space Movement and a Transformation Fund of £20 million. Partner organisations from the private and public sector will be invited to contribute to the strategy. Increased access to informal adult learning will be addressed through: widening learning opportunities for older people; reaching out to the disadvantaged; developing a package of support for community learning champions; increasing availability of informal working in the workplace. Technology and broadcasting are seen as crucial in transforming the way people learn: 65 per cent of all households now have an internet connection and 90 percent of the population has at least one digital television. Government will act as a catalyst, investing additional funding in building the capacity and linkages that enable innovative learning opportunities to flourish.
Published as part of the managing radioactive waste safely (MRWS) programme, this white paper sets out the UK Government's framework for managing higher activity radioactive waste in the long-term through geological disposal, coupled with safe and secure interim storage and ongoing research and development to support its optimised implementation. It also invites communities to express an interest in opening up, without commitment, discussions with Government on the possibility of hosting a geological disposal facility at some point in the future. In June 2007 the Government published a MRWS consultation document in conjunction with the devolved administrations for Wales and Northern Ireland. Responses to this consultation have been taken into consideration in the development of this white paper. The paper sets out the framework for the future implementation of geological disposal that includes: the approach to compiling and updating the UK Radioactive Waste Inventory (UKRWI) and using it as a basis for discussion with potential host communities; the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority's technical approach for developing a geological disposal facility, including the use of a staged implementation approach and ongoing research and development to support delivery. The white paper covers the amount of waste for disposal; preparation and planning for geological disposal; protecting people and the environment: regulation, planning and independent scrutiny; site selection using a voluntarism and partnership approach; the site assessment process; timing and next steps.
This Health Technical Memorandum takes the form of best practice guidance and recommendations. It provides guidance on the design of fire precautions in new healthcare buildings and major extensions to existing healthcare buildings. It supersedes HTM 81 (ISBN 9780113210824), and HTM 85 (ISBN 9780113217335). This publication provides guidance to achieve a satisfactory standard of fire safety, and recognizes the special requirements of fire precautions in the design of healthcare premises and should allow the current statutory regulations to be applied sensibly within a framework of understanding. The guidance in this HTM satisfies all requirements of Part B - Fire Safety of the Building Regulations 2000 (as amended).
High speed rail is already being constructed or been used in many nations. Britain's exile from this would mean losing out to global competitors. The long term option in investing in high speed rail would transform and allow Britain to compete globally and for national economic prosperity. Such investment in faster and more convenient journeys between the major cities and international networks will achieve two objectives; supporting companies and wealth creators and also better connect communities. Further upgrades of existing lines can provide additional capacity but growth in demand looks set to outstrip the pace of this and is seen as a short term approach unable to meet long term challenges. The choice is not between building new lines or not but what type of new line to build and new lines only built to enable conventional speeds would certainly fail to reap the economic rewards offered by high speed. HS2 is also about enough capacity for passengers - those on crowded inter city trains will increasingly be forced to stand for long periods and for commuters who eventually will be unable to get on their trains at peak times. There are further benefits of increasing rail freight, getting lorries off roads and saving carbon. The Government is also committed to developing a national high speed rail network with the lowest feasible impacts on local communities and the natural environment. In response to the consultation process there have been changes - additional tunnelling and alignment of the route in a number of places. The Government wishes to see further engagement with local people as the project progresses and as further environmental assessment is undertaken. The Government wants to reassure people that the project is both affordable and can be delivered to time and budget
Care and support affects a large number of people: eight out of 10 people aged 65 will need some care and support in their later years; some people have impairments from birth or develop them during their working life; some 5 million people care for a friend or relative, some for more than 50 hours a week. The current system does not offer enough support until a crisis point is reached, the quality of care is variable and inconsistent, and the growing and ageing population is only going to increase the pressure. Consequently, two core principles lie at the heart of this White Paper. The first is that individuals, communities and Government should do everything possible to prevent, postpone and minimise people's need for formal care and support. The system should be built around the promotion of people's independence and well-being. The second principle is that people should be in control of their own care and support, with personal budgets and direct payments, backed by clear, comparable information and advice that will allow individuals and their carers to make the choices that are right for them. This paper sets out the principles and approach, with sections covering: strengthening support within communities; housing; better information and advice; assessment, eligibility and portability for people who use care services; carers' support; defining high-quality care; improving quality; keeping people safe; a better local care market; workforce; personalised care and support; integration and joined-up care.
In November 2009 the previous Government published six draft energy NPSs and associated documents for public consultation and Parliamentary scrutiny. In the House of Commons, the previous Energy and Climate Change (ECC) Select Committee scrutinised the draft energy NPSs and published a report (HC 231-I, session 2009-10, ISBN 9780215545237) of itsfindings. This included a recommendation that the draft NPSs should be subject to a debate in the main chamber of the House of Commons. This debate took place on 1st December 2010 on the basis of revised draft NPSs and a number of issues were raised there. This is the Government response to the 18 recommendations made by the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee to the revised NPSs.
The 2001 outbreak of Foot and Mouth was set out in a report published in 2002, providing an analysis of what happened with recommendations (HCP 888, session 2001-02, ISBN 9780102976243). Another FMD outbreak occurred in the Summer of 2007 and the Government again asked Dr Iain Anderson to conduct a review and find out if the lessons of 2001 had been learned and whether new recommendations are needed. This report is built around the findings of 2001, with a particular look at the Pirbright facility, the source of the virus incriminated in this recent outbreak. Dr Anderson's states that he found much to applaud in the handling of the 2007 outbreak along with some deficiencies, but states the positive outweighs the negative. The report commends the strong leadership of the Prime Minister, as well as the contingency planning and better integration of scientific advice and the capabilities at the centre of disease control strategies. External communication was also greatly improved. Less encouraging were the inadequate infrastructure and governance of the Pirbright facility where the Institute for Animal Health is located and the poor regulatory regime in place to licence work with dangerous animal pathogens. Defra's information systems too were found wanting. The report also recommends that the Institute of Animal Health should become the new National Institute of Infectious Diseases, supported by multiple sources of funding from government and elsewhere. Also recommended is the creation of an Independent Advisory Committee on Animal and Emerging Infectious Diseases, combining a high level group of experts along with other stakeholders with a mission to provide independent advice to government and link closely with the Government's and departmental Chief Scientific Advisors and include the Chief Veterinary Office and Chief Medical Officer amongst its members. The publication is divided into five sections: Section 1: Foreword; Section 2: Summary and recommendations; Section 3: Lessons learned, the lessons are - Lesson 1: Maintain vigilance; Lesson 2: Be prepared; Lesson 3: React with speed and certainty; Lesson 4: Explain policies, plans and practices; Lesson 5: Respect local knowledge; Lesson 6: Apply risk assessment and cost benefit analysis; Lesson 7: Use data and information management systems; Lesson 8: Have a legislative framework; Lesson 9: Base policy decisions on the best available science; Section 4: Pirbright; Section 5: Appendices.
With an amendment slip which incorporates the Directions relating to the register of public sector land. Supersedes the document 'Estatecode: essential guidance on estates and facilities management' (2002, ISBN 9780113225491). On cover and title page: Core elements
This paper puts forward policy proposals based on a consultation exercise launched in December 2009 by Margaret Hodge, Minister for Culture. The proposals presented are grouped under 6 main aims gleaned from the exercise: to drive the quality of all library services up to the level of the best; to reverse the current trend of decline in library usage and grow the numbers using the library service; that the library service is able to respond to limited public resources and public pressures; to ensure that all libraries respond to a 24/7 culture; that all libraries grasp the opportunities presented by digitisation; and to demonstrate to citizens, commentators and politicians that libraries are still relevant and vital.
This Command Paper sets out the Government's strategy for sustainable development, taking into account the national and international developments that have occurred since its previous policy statement ('A better quality of life: a strategy for sustainable development in the United Kingdom', Cm 4345; ISBN 0101434529) published in May 1999, including devolution in Scotland and Wales and the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development. The strategy is based on four agreed priorities of sustainable consumption and production, climate change, natural resource protection, and sustainable communities with a focus on tackling environmental inequalities; and uses a new indicator set with commitments to look at new indicators such as on well-being. Proposals include: the establishment of a new Community Action 2020 programme; and strengthening the role of the Sustainable Development Commission to ensure an independent review of government progress, with all central government departments and executive agencies to produce sustainable development actions plans by December 2005.
This White Paper, entitled "Creating growth, cutting carbon: making sustainable local transport happen", sets out the Government's aims in meeting two key objectives: (i) to help create growth in the economy; (ii) tackling climate change by cutting carbon emissions. Action at the local level is seen as delivering gains at the national level. For example, around every three trips made by car are less than 5 miles in length, and it could be argued many such trips could alternatively be cycled, walked or undertaken by public transport. The Government sees the encouragement of sustainable travel choices benefiting the economy, cutting carbon and contributing to road safety and public health. The new Local Sustainable Transport Fund aims to help local authorities to encourage people to travel sustainably. The publication is divided into nine chapters with one annex, and looks at the following areas: local transport - choices and implications; decentralising power - enabling local delivery; enabling sustainable transport choices; active travel; making transport more attractive; managing traffic to reduce carbon and tackle congestion; local transport in society.
This white paper sets out proposals for a detailed programme of action to repair damage done to the environment in the past, and urges everyone to get involved in helping nature to flourish at all levels - from neighbourhoods to national parks. The plans are directly linked to the groundbreaking research in the National Ecosystem Assessment that showed the strong economic arguments for safeguarding and enhancing the natural environment. They also act on the recommendations of 'Making Space for Nature', a report into the state of England's wildlife sites, led by Professor John Lawton and published in September 2010, which showed that England's wildlife sites are fragmented and not able to respond to the pressures of climate change and other pressures we put on our land. Key measures proposed include: i) Reconnecting nature with New Nature Improvement Areas (NIAs) with a £7.5 million fund for 12 initial NIAs, biodiversity offsetting, New Local Nature Partnerships with £1 million available this year, phasing out peat, ii) Connecting people and nature for better quality of life with Green Areas Designation, better urban green spaces; more children experiencing nature by learning outdoors, strengthening local public health activities, the new environmental volunteering initiative "Muck in 4 Life" to improve places in towns and countryside for people and nature to enjoy and iii) Capturing and improving the value of nature with a Natural Capital Committee; an annual statement of green accounts for UK Plc, a business-led Task Force to expand the UK business opportunities from new products and services which are good for the economy and nature alike.
This Interim report on digital Britain has been produced by a Steering Board for two Government departments, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. Divided into six sections, it looks specifically at the following areas: digital networks; digital content; universal connectivity and equipping everyone to benefit from digital Britain, along with an introduction and conclusion. The conclusion sets out a number of goals that the Government would like to aspire to by 2012 and before publishing a final report. Those goals include: universal participation in the broadband world; highly capable and robust networks; a world leading position in the communications and creative industries and a high quality digital delivery of essential public services. In all there are 24 recommendations within this report, and the Government has set out five key measures, which are: achievement of universal connectivity; a set of digital networks (wired and wireless); a digital economy; compelling programmes and online content; public service transactions which form part of the Government's objectives in acheiving the goals. Organisations and individuals interested in joining the discussion about digital Britain should register at
This discussion paper describes the Government's transport policy objectives, in light of the recommendations of the Eddington transport study (2006, ISBN 9780118404877) and the Stern report on the economics of climate change (2007, ISBN 9780102944204). It sets out the Department for Transport's policy and investment plans for the period to 2013-14. It goes on to propose a new approach to longer-term strategic transport planning and development, building on the Eddington model, and explains how it will engage with key stakeholders during its implementation. Four key steps are identified in this approach: clarity about policy goals; identifying transport challenges; generating options to address them; and selecting options that deliver the best value for money in the context of sustainable development. The document highlights five broad goals within the Government's transport agenda: maximising the competitiveness and productivity of the economy; addressing climate change; protecting people's safety, security and health; improving quality of life through a healthy natural environment; and promoting greater equality of opportunity.
This White Paper sets out the key principles for supporting the public to make healthier and more informed choices in regards to their health. The Government will provide information and practical support to get people motivated and improve emotional wellbeing and access to services so that healthy choices are easier to make." -- Publisher's website.
The Children's Plan, conceived after consultation with both parents and professionals, sets out the Government's ambitions for improving children and young people's lives over the next decade. The six strategic objectives are to: secure the health and wellbeing of children and young people; safeguard the young and vulnerable; achieve world class standards; close the gap in educational achievement for children from disadvantaged backgrounds; ensuring young people are participating in achieving their potential to 18 and beyond; and keeping children and young people on the path to success. The ambition depends on all children's services working together at the local level and the final chapter looks at the systems which are needed for this to happen
This White Paper sets out proposals to tackle the effects of the recession and to get back to full employment. Its aims are to give young people a chance to a better start to their working lives and to help more people back to work and make sure they are better off in work, to keep them in work and to build a fair and family-friendly labour market
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