An introduction to the Large-Eddy-Simulation (LES) method, geared primarily toward hydraulic and environmental engineers, the book covers special features of flows in water bodies and summarizes the experience gained with LES for calculating such flows. It can also be a valuable entry to the subject of LES for researchers and students in all fields of fluids engineering, and the applications part will be useful to researchers interested in the physics of flows governed by the dynamics of coherent structures.
This book contains a series of papers on some of the longstanding research problems of geometry, calculus of variations, and their applications. It is suitable for advanced graduate students, teachers, research mathematicians, and other professionals in mathematics.
This book covers the basic ideas of quantum mechanics, with emphasis on concepts, calculations, and their applications in many areas of modern science and technology. As opposed to other available introductions to quantum mechanics, this book was developed in close collaboration with students in order to guarantee that the explanations and exercises are clear and effective.
Omagiu M riei Sale, Cititorul Motto: E vreme de suflet, de ridicat un altar, / E vreme de adunat din istoria ta, pagini de sanctuar; / Ca pas rea care se-ntoarce din departe / La vechiul cuib, cuminte / Vino cu mine înapoi, s facem o carte Din aduceri aminte ( Benone Burtescu Adu- i aminte ). De-a lungul anilor, am primit multe telefoane de la cititori. i tot de la cititori p strez mald re de scrisori. Pe cei mai mul i nu i-am v zut niciodat . Le-am cunoscut îns în elepciunea i frumuse ea lor sufleteasc . Telefoanele i scrisorile primite de la ace ti sensibili consumatori de art , le-am sim it ca pe ni te bucurii trec toare, dar deosebit de stimulatoare, în acele momente ale scrisului meu. Oricât m-a str dui, nu mai pot retr i acele clipe de bucurie, cu intensitatea i ritmul b t ilor inimii mele de atunci. Faptul de a putea împ rt i o parte dintre bucuriile i gândurile transmise pe calea undelor i a scrisorilor, îmi d sentimentul utilit ii i al comuniunii, al continuit ii i al împlinirii unei datorii sacre fa de lumea în care sunt fericit c mai tr iesc. i dac ast zi, mai mult ca oricând, avem nevoie de bucurii, de ce nu am purcede a ne recrea pe noi în ine, cu ideile i bucuriile noastre, r spl tindu-ne unii pre al ii? Exilul a însemnat pentru mine, mai presus de orice, libertatea de a m exprima. Dar aceast libertate nu ar fi fost suficient , dac scrisul meu nu ar fi g sit acel imens suport din partea cititorilor. Pe ei i-am c utat de la început i m-am bucurat când i-am descoperit, în familie, printre prieteni i cunoscu i, printre editorii sensibili care m-au publicat, dar mai ales printre abona ii i cump r torii de ziare, reviste i c r i, sau pur i simplu, printre miile de necunoscu i din lumea cea mare. Scriind toate acestea, nu vreau decât s aduc un omagiu no iunii de cititor, autor sau neautor, în eles deopotriv ca spirit însetat de Adev rul con inut în Lumina Cuno tin ei . Acestor iubitori ai luminii din cuvânt, le datorez cu prisosin rândurile de fa , pe care le voi întrerupe cu subtitluri inspirate din convorbiri i scrisori memorabile. Din Youngstown, Ohio, am primit ni te cuvinte generoase, înso ite de îndemnuri, cu o delicat nuan cre tin : M-am bucurat s primesc aceste c r i de la Dumneavoastr i m-ar bucura mult s tiu c mai scrie i i l sa i muza s vorbeasc . Acum, mai mult ca oricând, to i avem nevoie de hran spiritual . Ferice de cel ales s aduc aceast hran Cu dragoste în Domnul Hristos! Pr. Remus Bleahu . V mul umesc, P rinte! Cuvintele Sfin iei Voastre m inspir i îmi dau putere s ignor propria-mi suferin i s -mi reiau scrisul, acum, dup aproape trei luni de întrerupere. C ci ce ar putea fi mai folositor pentru cei ce m citesc i pentru cei ce scriu, ca i mine, decât s le ofer o parte din bucuria bucuriei mele de a mai tr i? Au trecut mul i ani de când primesc i citesc literatur scris de exila i români de pe diferite meridiane ale planetei. Sunt profund impresionat de talentul multora dintre ace ti autori, ca i de valoarea scrierilor ce le semneaz , multe dintre ele fiind publicate în regie proprie, deci prin eforturi de renun are la priorit i de ordin personal i ignorând riscul de a nu fi recenza i la vreme, de critica literar . Iat de ce mi-am f cut eu însumi o misiune din a aduce, într'un timp cât mai scurt, asemenea autori, în aten ia publicului cititor de aici i din ar . O asemenea lucrare a avut ca efect imediat, o mai mare fluen a scrisorilor ce le-am primit. Insemn rile din aceast carte sunt rezultatul unui proiect mai vechi, cuprinzând idei de interes general, ce ar putea interesa un public mai larg, doritor s cunoasc ceva despre preocup rile spirituale din comunitatea româno-american i di alte comunit i române ti din lume.
The Natural History of Rabies, Volume I explores the fundamental aspects of the rabies virus, including its growth, latency, morphology, chemistry, physical characteristics, and relationships with other viruses. It looks at the virus' in vivo pathogenesis and pathology, from entrance to transmission in the central nervous system (CNS) and subsequent exit. It also reviews current diagnostic methods including those used for antibody titration and for determination of virus presence. Organized into three sections encompassing 21 chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the history of rabies as well as its morphology and morphogenesis. It then discusses the virus' antigenic composition and relationships, hemagglutinin and the optimal conditions for its preparation and demonstration, advantages and disadvantages of the passive hemagglutination test, methods for concentration and purification of the virus, and growth in cell culture. It explains the virus' pathogenesis to and spread within and from the CNS, electron microscopy of CNS and extraneural rabies infection, lipotropism in rabies virus infection, use of exogenous and endogenous interferon to inhibit rabies virus infection, mouse inoculation and Negri body diagnosis, and fluorescent antibody test in rabies. The book concludes with an assessment of the serum neutralization, indirect fluorescent antibody, and rapid fluorescent focus inhibition tests. This book is a valuable resource for virologists, pathologists, epidemiologists, and students.
This comprehensive textbook provides detailed information on calving management in dairy and beef cattle. Enriched with diverse learning opportunities, it conveys the fundamentals of reproductive anatomy and physiology, parturition, birth complications and various obstetrical manoeuvres, as well as dam and calf care. In order to promote best practices in this specialized subject, the book covers all significant points from conception to calving and the perinatal period. Clear chapter structures, a wealth of illustrations and videos, obstetrical case studies, and question-and-answer lists round out the reading experience, making the book a unique source of information on how to support mother cows and obtain viable offspring. In addition, readers can download the free Springer Nature Flashcards App and benefit from 77 digital study questions to test their knowledge. Calving is a significant event in terms of providing care and nutrition for mother cows and calves. The reproductive health status in cattle farms is crucial to immediately initiate lactation and new conception. Assistance by technical personnel, dystocia and stillbirth occurrences can reach ca. 50%, 14% and 6% of parturitions, respectively. Hence, zootechnical and veterinary management of calving is of great importance for animal welfare. This textbook makes a valuable contribution to teaching and everyday practice in cattle medicine and obstetrics. Veterinary students, residents, practitioners and technical personnel will discover it to be a rich learning and reference resource.
Generalized Measure Theory examines the relatively new mathematical area of generalized measure theory. The exposition unfolds systematically, beginning with preliminaries and new concepts, followed by a detailed treatment of important new results regarding various types of nonadditive measures and the associated integration theory. The latter involves several types of integrals: Sugeno integrals, Choquet integrals, pan-integrals, and lower and upper integrals. All of the topics are motivated by numerous examples, culminating in a final chapter on applications of generalized measure theory. Some key features of the book include: many exercises at the end of each chapter along with relevant historical and bibliographical notes, an extensive bibliography, and name and subject indices. The work is suitable for a classroom setting at the graduate level in courses or seminars in applied mathematics, computer science, engineering, and some areas of science. A sound background in mathematical analysis is required. Since the book contains many original results by the authors, it will also appeal to researchers working in the emerging area of generalized measure theory.
This book develops methods which explore some new interconnections and interrelations between Analysis and Topology and their applications. Emphasis is given to several recent results which have been obtained mainly during the last years and which cannot be found in other books in Nonlinear Analysis. Interest in this subject area has rapidly increased over the last decade, yet the presentation of research has been confined mainly to journal articles.
The study of anosognosia has witnessed an unprecedented increase in interest over the last 20 years. This has resulted in numerous empirical investigations as well as theoretical writings on the nature of human consciousness and how disorders of the brain may influence the person's subjective awareness of a disturbed neurological or neuropsychological function. This edited text summarizes many of the advances that have taken place in the field of anosognosia. It reviews research findings on anosognosia for hemiplegia following stroke, Anton's syndrome, and a variety of disorders in which impaired self-awareness is common. It also provides suggestive guidelines for the management and rehabilitation of persons who have anosognosia or impaired self-awareness.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. This extensive title, which combines scientific principles with up-to-date clinical procedures, has been thoroughly updated for the fourteenth edition. You’ll find in-depth material on the biology and pathophysiology of lymphomas, leukemias, platelet destruction, and other hematological disorders as well as the procedures for diagnosing and treating them.
In This Short But Authoritative Book, Drs. Ray And Kauffman Succinctly Review All Important Studies On Complexes Of Biguanide And Its Derivatives Published Since Priyadaranjan Rays Classical Chemical Review Article By Giving Special Attention To Synthesis, Properties, Magnetism, Spectroscopy, Reactions, Kinetics, Structures And Applications. This Book Is The Only One Of Its Kind. The Structures Of The Ligands And Their Complexes As Revealed By Magnetic Moments, Electronic Spectra, Epr And X-Ray Crystallography Have Been Considered.The Books References Which Number More Than Four Hundred Should Give Practising Scientists Ready Access To The Crucial Details Needed For Research And Development On These Theoretically And Practically Significant Compounds. As Such, It Provides Data That Widely Scattered Is In Scientific Literatures In A Single Handy Source Book. This Book Is Heartily Recommend To Inorganic, Organic, Medical And Pharmaceutical Chemists, As Well As To Anyone Concerned With This Unique Class Of Ligands And Their Complexes With A Wide Variety Of Elements Of Varying Oxidation States And Coordination Numbers.
Contains a collection of the lectures of the invited speakers presented at the International Conference of Computational methods in Science and Engineering (ICCMSE 2006), held in Chania, Greece, October 2006. This book presents developments of Computational Science pertinent to Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Mathematics and Engineering.
Scale, or deposits, can build up in the wellbore tubulars and other downhole components, causing considerable damage to the life of the well. Infrastructure provides the support for the wells system and with oil and gas consumption on the rise and transportation required to feed that demand, all petroleum and pipeline engineers must have accurate corrosion and scaling information. The Fundamentals of Corrosion and Scaling for Petroleum and Environmental Engineers will provide the quick knowledge that engineers need to not only enhance the reliability of corrosion and scale control technologies but also manage scale deposits, prevent fatigue and ensure equipment integrity.
This broadly-based work gathers the vast bulk of information published on cyclopolymerization since its discovery - including the symmetrical diene counterparts of all classical monomers that can undergo addition polymerization, all unsymmetrical dienes, and cyclopolymerizable monomers such as dialdehydes, diynes, diisocyanates, diepoxides, dinitriles, and some organometallic monomers.;Providing access to contemporary knowledge in the field and offering discussions of interest to a wide variety of polymer scientists, Cyclopolymerization and Cyclocopolymerization: delineates theory; summarizes polymerization procedures; furnishes theoretical justification for mechanistic proposals; details commercial applications; and describes new monomer syntheses. Supplying over 2700 references as well as chemical abstract citations, Cyclopolymerization and Cyclocopolymerization is a resource which should be of practical value to polymer, academic, theoretical and industrial chemists; chemical and plastics engineers; research and development directors in chemistry and chemical engineering programmes; and graduate-level students in these disciplines
The new edition of this practical multimedia resource shows you exactly how to perform successfully a full range of peripheral nerve block techniques. Over four hundred illustrations, the majority of which are in colour, plus online video clips, portray the relevant surface anatomy, the internal anatomy, the ultrasonographic anatomy to vividly depict correct needle placement in real patients. Peripheral Nerve Blocks and Peri-Operative Pain Relief has been extensively revised to reflect changes in contemporary practice. Provides a detailed foundation upon which trainees and practitioners can develop their skills in peripheral nerve block. Explains fundamental principles such as the mechanism of action of local anesthetic drugs, needle types, as well as toxicity and safety. Uses a consistent, user-friendly format to present each nerve block’s indications, contraindications, relevant anatomy, technique, adverse effects, and complications. Provides a complete, all-in-one resource in which each block is described in terms of its relevant anatomy, its ultrasonographic anatomy, and its clinical performance. Shows you how to proceed using high quality clinical photographs, radiographic images and specially commissioned line drawings. Offers "Clinical Pearls" in every chapter to help you obtain optimal results. Each chapter in this new edition is supplemented with practical advice and examples of how to use ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve blocks to its greatest effect. Includes a brand new chapter on Transversus abdominis plane block. Features more than two hours of narrated video clips via the Expert Consult online platform to demonstrate a full range of nerve block procedures and enables the user to access full text and images from any computer. Includes the latest ultrasound guided applications for regional anesthesia and pain relief procedures.Ultrasound guided blocks are increasingly being used in the administration of nerve blocks. Reflects the rapid development and acceptance of ultrasound guided techniques. The “hot area in regional anesthesia. Includes new techniques and neural blocks such as Transversus abdominis plane block. Keeps the user up-to-date with the most effective delivery of anesthesia and analgesia. Additional commonly used procedures for pain relief. Provides comprehensive coverage of the full range of regional anesthetic techniques. Each chapter in this new edition is supplemented with practical advice and examples of how to use ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve blocks to its greatest effect. Additional photographs and line drawings in the text accompanied with further online video procedures.The reader is provided with a unique visual guide to not only the approach to and anatomy of specific nerves, but also to the surrounding anatomy, its ultrasonographic anatomy and its clinical performance.. Illustrations and video loops can be used in lectures, presentations and easily downloaded into presentation software.
Comprehensive in scope and thoroughly up to date, Wintrobe’s Clinical Hematology, 15th Edition, combines the biology and pathophysiology of hematology as well as the diagnosis and treatment of commonly encountered hematological disorders. Editor-in-chief Dr. Robert T. Means, Jr., along with a team of expert section editors and contributing authors, provide authoritative, in-depth information on the biology and pathophysiology of lymphomas, leukemias, platelet destruction, and other hematological disorders as well as the procedures for diagnosing and treating them. Packed with more than 1,500 tables and figures throughout, this trusted text is an indispensable reference for hematologists, oncologists, residents, nurse practitioners, and pathologists.
Encompassing a range of disciplines—notably anthropology, politics, history, comparative literature, and philosophy—the unprecedented annual publication Late Editions exposes unsettling dilemmas and unprecedented challenges facing cultural studies on the brink of the twenty-first century. Successive volumes will appear annually until the year 2000, each engaging the predicaments of particular institutions, nations, and persons at this point of social, cultural, and political change. The project will test the limits of scholarly conventions by finding new ways to expose cultural formations emerging from the maturation or exhaustion of once-powerful ideas whose validity is now deeply in question. Perilous States, the first volume of Late Editions, presents conversations between American scholars, most of whom are anthropologists, and individuals situated amidst political and social upheaval. Pimarily but not exclusively from Eastern Europe, the cast includes Russian writers, Hungarian scientists and academics, Armenian politicians, Siberian religious and medical leaders, a Gypsy leader, a Polish poet, a French politician, and a white South African musician who is a self-styled Zulu. Their voices unite around themes of democracy, market economy, individual rights, and the reawakened force of suppressed ethnic and racial identities. To obtain fresh perspectives on these cultural and social transformations, the volumes will consist of in-depth conversations, relayed in essay form, between scholars and individuals in other cultures with whom they share affinities. This novel approach blends the immediacy of interviews, the objectivity of journalism, and the intellectual rigor of scholarship. Contributors to this volume are Marjorie Balzer, Sam Beck, David B. Coplan, Michael M. J. Fischer, Nia Georges, Bruce Grant, Douglas R. Holmes, Stella Gregorian, George E. Marcus, Kathryn Milun, Eleni Papagaroufali, Paul Rabinow, Julie Taylor, and Tom White.
This book is the first to offer a general discussion on the cupling methods for nonliner problems, and provides all material necessary for an introductory course on the subject. Readers are assumed to have only a basic knowledge of applied functional analysis and partial differential equations at graduate level. This book can be used as an advanced graduate text as well as a reference for specialists working in the areas of partial differential equations, boundary integral equations and scientific computing. This book will be of particular interest to students and researchers in applied mathematics, numerical analysis and partial differential equations.
Completely revised and updated, the third edition of this bestseller discusses the concept and ongoing development of using methanol and derived dimethyl ether as a transportation fuel, energy storage medium, and as a chemical raw material to replace fossil fuels. The contents have been expanded by 35% with new and up to date coverage on energy storage, methanol from biomass and waste products, as well as on carbon dioxide capture and recycling. Written by the late Nobel laureate George Olah, Alain Goeppert and G. K. Surya Prakash, this is an inspiring read for anyone concerned with the major challenge posed by environmental problems including global warming and ocean acidification due to massive increase in fossil fuel use. The book provides a comprehensive and sustainable solution to replace fossil fuels in the long run by chemical recycling of carbon dioxide through renewable methanol utilizing alternative energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and nuclear. The Methanol Economy is being progressively implemented in many parts of the world.
Overviews manufacturing systems from the ground up, following the same concept as in the first edition. Delves into the fundamental building blocks of manufacturing systems: manufacturing processes and equipment. Discusses all topics from the viewpoint of four fundamental manufacturing attributes: cost, rate, flexibility and quality.
Solar Energy Index is an index of resources dealing with solar energy, including archival materials from the International Solar Energy Society collection; references to articles in major solar journals; patents and pamphlets; National Technical Information Service reports; unbound conference proceedings; and other assorted reports. Both theoretical and ""how-to-do-it"" publications are well represented. This book places particular emphasis on terrestrial solar thermal and photovoltaic applications of solar energy. Subjects are classified according to physics, terrestrial wind, collectors, space heating and cooling, economics, materials, distillation, thermal-electric power systems, photoelectricity, solar furnaces, cooking, biological applications, water heaters, photochemistry, energy storage, mechanical devices, evaporation, sea power, space flight applications, and industrial applications. Topics covered range from wind energy and bioconversion to ocean thermal energy conversion, heliohydroelectric power plants, solar cells, turbine generation systems, thermionic converters, batteries and fuel cells, and pumps and engines. This monograph will be of interest to government officials and policymakers concerned with solar energy.
Providing the first comprehensive treatment of the subject, this groundbreaking work is solidly founded on a decade of concentrated research, some of which is published here for the first time, as well as practical, ''hands on'' classroom experience. The clarity of presentation and abundance of examples and exercises make it suitable as a graduate level text in mathematics, decision making, artificial intelligence, and engineering courses.
This book is an introduction to residuated structures, viewed as a common thread binding together algebra and logic. The framework includes well-studied structures from classical abstract algebra such as lattice-ordered groups and ideals of rings, as well as structures serving as algebraic semantics for substructural and other non-classical logics. Crucially, classes of these structures are studied both algebraically, yielding a rich structure theory along the lines of Conrad's program for lattice-ordered groups, and algorithmically, via analytic sequent or hypersequent calculi. These perspectives are related using a natural notion of equivalence for consequence relations that provides a bridge offering benefits to both sides. Algorithmic methods are used to establish properties like decidability, amalgamation, and generation by subclasses, while new insights into logical systems are obtained by studying associated classes of structures. The book is designed to serve the purposes of novices and experts alike. The first three chapters provide a gentle introduction to the subject, while subsequent chapters provide a state-of-the-art account of recent developments in the field.
This volume is a collection of original and expository papers in the fields of Mathematics in which Gauss had made many fundamental discoveries. The contributors are all outstanding in their fields and the volume will be of great interest to all research mathematicians, research workers in the history of science, and graduate students in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics.
From the reviews: "The work is one of the real classics of this century; it has had much influence on teaching, on research in several branches of hard analysis, particularly complex function theory, and it has been an essential indispensable source book for those seriously interested in mathematical problems." Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society
Few mathematical books are worth translating 50 years after original publication. Polyá-Szegö is one! It was published in German in 1924, and its English edition was widely acclaimed when it appeared in 1972. In the past, more of the leading mathematicians proposed and solved problems than today. Their collection of the best in analysis is a heritage of lasting value.
A current survey and synthesis of the most important findings in our understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms of addiction is detailed in our Neurobiology of Addiction series, each volume addressing a specific area of addiction. Alcohol, Volume 3 in the series, explores the molecular, cellular, and neurocircuitry systems in the brain responsible for alcohol addiction using the heuristic three-stage cycle framework of binge/intoxication, withdrawal/negative affect, and preoccupation/anticipation. - Outlines the history and behavioral mechanism of action of alcohol relevant to the neurobiology of alcohol addiction - Includes neurocircuitry, cellular, and molecular neurobiological mechanisms of alcohol addiction in each stage of the addiction cycle - Explores evolving areas of research associated with all three stages of the alcohol addiction cycle, including neurobiological studies of neurodevelopmental effects of early exposure to alcohol, sleep disturbances caused by alcohol, pain interactions with alcohol, sex differences in the response to alcohol, and epigenetic/genetic interactions with alcohol
Considerable progress has been made in the development of models to predict the response of wire ropes and to determine the effects of variations in the design on its performance. The book begins with the equations of equilibrium for a thin curved wire in space, before going on to solve these equations, and apply them to determine the stresses in a simple strand. These results are then extended to ropes with more complex cross sections. Numerous examples are worked out to illustrate the theory and the test results discussed. This second edition includes new chapters on tension and compression of a cord, fatigue, and approximations. Intended for graduate students and practising engineers, this makes for a comprehensive theoretical review of the subject.
Neurobiology of Addiction is conceived as a current survey and synthesis of the most important findings in our understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms of addiction over the past 50 years. The book includes a scholarly introduction, thorough descriptions of animal models of addiction, and separate chapters on the neurobiological mechanisms of addiction for psychostimulants, opioids, alcohol, nicotine and cannabinoids. Key information is provided about the history, sources, and pharmacokinetics and psychopathology of addiction of each drug class, as well as the behavioral and neurobiological mechanism of action for each drug class at the molecular, cellular and neurocircuitry level of analysis. A chapter on neuroimaging and drug addiction provides a synthesis of exciting new data from neuroimaging in human addicts — a unique perspective unavailable from animal studies. The final chapters explore theories of addiction at the neurobiological and neuroadaptational level both from a historical and integrative perspective. The book incorporates diverse finding with an emphasis on integration and synthesis rather than discrepancies or differences in the literature.· Presents a unique perspective on addiction that emphasizes molecular, cellular and neurocircuitry changes in the transition to addiction · Synthesizes diverse findings on the neurobiology of addiction to provide a heuristic framework for future work · Features extensive documentation through numerous original figures and tables that that will be useful for understanding and teaching
The papers in this volume address the state-of-the-art and future directions in applied mathematics in both scattering theory and biomedical technology. A workshop held in Metsovo, Greece during the summer of 1997 brought together some of the world's foremose experts in the field with researchers working in Greece. Sixteen of the contributed papers appear in this volume. All the papers give new directions, and in several cases, the most important scientific contributions in the fields.
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