This book intends to provide an overview of biostatistics concepts and methodology through the use of statistical software. It helps clinicians, health care and biomedical professionals who need to have basic knowledge of biostatistics as they come across clinical data related to patient, drug and dosage requirement, treatment modalities in day to day life and they are required to take clinical and health care decisions based on the data. This book covers basic concepts involved in the field of Biostatistics such as descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, correlation and regression along with the advanced concepts such as factor analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and survival analysis. Each topic is explained with the help of R statistical package (open source package). One important note that the book will not discuss about the formulas and equations involved in the statistical concepts and the author assumes that the readers have basic understanding of excel as the sample dataset is used in the book are mostly excel based datasets and also have some clinical background.
Forecasting models – an overview with the help of R software Preface Forecasting models involves predicting the future values of a particular series of data which is mainly based on the time domain. Forecasting models are widely used in the fields such as financial markets, demand for a product and disease outbreak. The objective of the forecasting model is to reduce the error in the forecasting. Most of the Forecasting models are based on time series, a statistical concept which involves Moving Averages, Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Averages (ARIMA), Exponential smoothing and Generalized Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (GARCH) Models. Forecasting models which we deal in this book will be explorative forecasting models which take into account the past data to predict the future values. Current day forecasting models uses advanced techniques such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms which are more robust and can handle high volume of data. This book starts with the overview of forecasting and time series concepts and moves on to build forecasting models using different time series models. Examples related to forecasting models which are built based on Machine learning also covered. The book uses R statistical software package, an open source statistical package to build the forecasting models. Editor International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics
Statistical Methods are widely used in Medical, Biological, Clinical, Business and Engineering field. The data which form the basis for the statistical methods helps us to take scientific and informed decisions. Statistical methods deal with the collection, compilation, analysis and making inference from the data. The book mainly focuses on non-parametric aspects of Statistical methods. Non parametric methods or tests are used when the assumption about the distribution of the variables in the data set is not known or does not follow normal distribution assumption. Non parametric methods are useful to deal with ordered categorical data. When the sample size is large, statistical tests are robust due to the central limit theorem property. When sample size is small one need to use non-parametric tests. Compared to parametric tests, non-parametric tests are less powerful i.e. if we fail to reject the null hypothesis even if it is false. When the data set involves ranks or measured in ordinal scale then non-parametric tests are useful and easy to construct than parametric tests. The book uses open source R statistical software to carry out different non-parametric statistical methods with sample datasets.
Clinical trials can be defined as an experiment which is conducted in a controlled environment to test the efficacy of drugs, procedures, methodology before bringing into the public domain. The clinical trials started in 2nd century BC by Daniel & King Nebuchadnezzar. Formal recorded therapeutic clinical trial was started way back in 1537 AD by a Surgeon. Current clinical trials include clear guidelines, adhering to regulatory requirements, getting consent from the patients, ensuring safety of the patients, adopting ethical practices, close monitoring of the trials and using advanced statistical tools to analyze and report the findings. Advancement in technology such as cloud computing, big data analytics, machine learning algorithms, data base management and advanced statistical software helped to transform the different stages of clinical trials - the data collection, data storage, data monitoring, data management and data analysis. This book provides an overview of clinical trials, different phases & types of clinical trial, randomization, blinding, allocation, ethical issues, protocol, data collection forms, data management, data analysis and reporting of the clinical trial. It is recommended to refer author’s book on Application of Statistical Tools in Biomedical Domain: An Overview with Help of Software ( and Essentials of Bio-Statistics: An overview with the help of Software if you need to familiarize yourself with the basic statistical knowledge.
This is the second book in the Deep Learning models series by the author. Deep learning models are widely used in different fields due to its capability to handle large and complex datasets and produce the desired results with more accuracy at a greater speed. In Deep learning models, features are selected automatically through the iterative process wherein the model learns the features by going deep into the dataset and selects the features to be modeled. In the traditional models the features of the dataset needs to be specified in advance. The Deep Learning algorithms are derived from Artificial Neural Network concepts and it is a part of broader Machine Learning Models. The book starts with the Introduction part which is adopted from Author’s Deep Learning Models and its application: An overview with the help of R software book and move on to the Python’s important data processing packages such Numpy, and Pandas. Book then explores the Deep Learning models with the help of packages such as Pytorch, Tensor Flow and Keras and their applications in image processing, stock market prediction, recommender systems and natural language processing. Editor International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics ISBN: 9798558877953 E-Books: Paperbacks:
Everyone wants to become successful in their career from fresher to senior level professionals. One need to build a career in a particular field or area based on their aims or ambitions or long time goals. Career building is a long process as it might take years and might be made up one job or multiple connected jobs or starting an own business or organization. If we choose and build a career in a field or area and move in that ladder then the journey will give greater job satisfaction, more confident, recognition, opportunities, sense of achievement, independence, security, reduce stress as we will be liking whatever we are doing and most importantly it will help us to grow financially. If we focus on getting merely a job then the benefit will be short lived and we might need to search it all the time. This book throws light on the basic skills required in building a successful career. Different types of skills required for one to succeed in their field such as technical skills, leadership skills, managerial skills and soft skills such as communication, networking, interpersonal, problem solving skills, critical thinking, conflict management and organization skills. The book focuses on building a successful career by way of self-assessment, proper planning and improving their required skills set. Editor IJSMI International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics
Digital Technologies – An overview of concepts, tools and techniques associated with it Preface Digital technologies transformed the people’s day to day life and businesses organizations the way they work. It saved their time, accessibility and cost. It provided new opportunities, new markets, and new products to the organizations. Digital revolution started with the introduction of Computers, Internet, Mobile phones, Social media networks, Cloud computing, Big Data, Internet of Things, 3D Printing, Machine learning, Virtual reality, Natural Language Processing, Block Chain, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Quantum Computing. Digital technologies are so dynamic and it becomes difficult to cope up with the pace with which new technologies evolve over time. Currently digital technology is being used in the time of pandemic in many countries to contain the spread through detection, contact tracing and monitoring the people movement using Big Data, Machine learning, mobile applications and Artificial intelligence tools. This book provides an overview of digital technologies and concepts, tools and techniques associated with it and how organizations and business needs to adapt to these technologies and transform their business operations. Editor IJSMI International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics
R programming has gained importance in different fields due its flexibility, rich packages, platform independent characteristics, data analysis & data visualization capabilities and building various models like machine learning models. It facilitates the incorporation of codes of other languages such as C, C++ and Java in its programming environment. R programming is an open source platform which is developed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman from University of Auckland during the year 1991. It is a modified version of S language developed during 1976 by Bell Laboratories in USA. Currently the development process is being handled by the R core development team. The book starts with the basic concepts such as vectors, objects, factors, data frames, lists, reading data and writing data files, conditions, controls, functions and handling database connections. Book covers the R Programming rich graphical and data visualization tools, and web applications. Statistical concepts such as Descriptive, Inferential, and regression models are also covered. It also includes Machine Learning models such as classification and clustering models. All the data files used in book can be downloaded from author’s book website Editor IJSMI, International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics Link: - e-book - paperback ISBN-13: 979-8654217325
This book intends to provide an overview of Machine Learning and its algorithms & models with help of R software. Machine learning forms the basis for Artificial Intelligence which will play a crucial role in day to day life of human beings in the near future. A basic understanding of machine learning is required, as its application is widely seen in different fields such as banks and financial sectors, manufacturing, aviation, transportation and medical field. The book covers machine learning classification algorithms such as K-Nearest Neighborhood, Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees and also Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines. It is recommended to refer author’s book on Application of Statistical Tools in Biomedical Domain: An Overview with Help of Software ( and Essentials of Bio-Statistics: An overview with the help of Software if you need to familiarize yourself with the basic statistical knowledge. Editor International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics Amazon link (Paper Back) (Kindle Edition)
Bayesian methodology differs from traditional statistical methodology which involves frequentist approach. Bayesian methodology was introduced by Thomas Bayes (Statistician and minister at the Presbyterian Chapel) during the 18th Century. Bayesian methodology is now widely being used due to its simple, straightforward and interpretable characteristics of probability values and the efficiency of modern day computer systems. Bayesian methodology is now being used in the field of clinical research, clinical trials, epidemiology, econometrics, statistical process control, marketing research and statistical mechanics. It also used in the emerging field such as data science (machine learning and deep learning) and big data analytics. The book provides an overview of Bayesian methodology, its uses in different fields with the help of R statistical open source software. Editor International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics
Python programming language is an open source programming language which can be used under different operating system. Python programming redefined the programming concepts with its important features like flexibility, adaptability and reusability of codes. Python programming language has numerous libraries or modules which helps the programmer to save their time. The book starts with the overview of basic Python topics such as data structures, data types, conditions and controls, functions, lists, file handling and handling external datasets and database connections. The book also covers the topics in data science such as graphical and chart visualization, statistical modeling, text mining and machine learning algorithms. The book uses popular libraries of Python like matplotlib, sciket-learn and numpy, to perform graphical and machine learning related tasks. Users are encouraged to refer to the author’s book on “Machine Learning: An overview with the help of R software package” (ISBN- 978-1790122622) if they are familiar with R software package which is also an open source package The book requires users to download the Python version 3.0 and any of the Integrated Development Environments (IDE) such as Liclipse, Wing,PyCharm and Eric. Editor International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics Back) (e-Book)
Statistical methods are now widely used in different fields such as Business and Management, Economics, Biological, Physical sciences and including the new fields such as Data Science and Machine Learning. The data which form the basis for the statistical methods helps us to take scientific and informed decisions. Statistical methods deal with the collection, compilation, analysis and making inference from the data. This book deals with the statistical methods which are useful in Business and Management decision making. The methods include Probability, Sampling, Correlation, Regression and Hypothesis Testing, Time Series, Forecasting and Non-Parametric tests and advanced statistical models. The book uses open source R statistical software to carry out different statistical analysis with sample datasets. This book is third in series of Statistics books by the Author. Some of the contents are adopted from the author’s previous statistical book introduction to statistical methods and non-parametric methods.
Deep Learning Models and its application: An overview with the help of R softwarePrefaceDeep learning models are widely used in different fields due to its capability to handle large and complex datasets and produce the desired results with more accuracy at a greater speed. In Deep learning models, features are selected automatically through the iterative process wherein the model learns the features by going deep into the dataset and selects the features to be modeled. In the traditional models the features of the dataset needs to be specified in advance. The Deep Learning algorithms are derived from Artificial Neural Network concepts and it is a part of broader Machine Learning Models. This book intends to provide an overview of Deep Learning models, its application in the areas of image recognition & classification, sentiment analysis, natural language processing, stock market prediction using R statistical software package, an open source software package. The book also includes an introduction to python software package which is also open source software for the benefit of the users.This books is a second book in series after the author’s first book- Machine Learning: An Overview with the Help of R Software Journal of Statistics and Medical
This book is an edited book from the papers of International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics authored by Editor, International of Statistics and Medical Informatics. It covers topics such as systematic review and meta-analysis, factor analysis, structural equation modelling and quantile regression in the field of biomedical domain. It also provides insight into the post hoc comparison, clinical trail data management and natural language processing
Clinical Trials word became a buzz word during this pandemic situation. It played a crucial role in developing vaccine to fight the pandemic. Experts from different fields contribute to the development of vaccine which includes (not limited) clinical researchers, health care providers, pharmaceutical industry, data managers, biostatisticians, data scientist and clinical trial programmers. Data collection, management, analysis and reporting also play an important role in helping decision makers in approving and rejecting the vaccine. This book provides an overview of clinical trial management process including protocol development, subject recruitment, professionals and organizations involved in clinical trial, data collection, analysis and reporting. It also covers the models related to Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDSIC) standards such as Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) and Analysis Data Model (ADaM). This book is the second book in the clinical trials series written by the author. Readers are encouraged to refer to the author's book on Essentials of Biostatistics - An overview with the help of Software for biostatistics related contents. This book is intended for Clinical Trial Managers and clinical research professionals. Editor IJSMI International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics
R programming has gained importance in different fields due its flexibility, rich packages, platform independent characteristics, data analysis & data visualization capabilities and building various models like machine learning models. It facilitates the incorporation of codes of other languages such as C, C++ and Java in its programming environment. R programming is an open source platform which is developed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman from University of Auckland during the year 1991. It is a modified version of S language developed during 1976 by Bell Laboratories in USA. Currently the development process is being handled by the R core development team. The book starts with the basic concepts such as vectors, objects, factors, data frames, lists, reading data and writing data files, conditions, controls, functions and handling database connections. Book covers the R Programming rich graphical and data visualization tools, and web applications. Statistical concepts such as Descriptive, Inferential, and regression models are also covered. It also includes Machine Learning models such as classification and clustering models. All the data files used in book can be downloaded from author’s book website Editor IJSMI, International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics Link: - e-book - paperback ISBN-13: 979-8654217325
This book is an edited book from the papers of International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics authored by Editor, International of Statistics and Medical Informatics. It covers topics such as systematic review and meta-analysis, factor analysis, structural equation modelling and quantile regression in the field of biomedical domain. It also provides insight into the post hoc comparison, clinical trail data management and natural language processing
Bayesian methodology differs from traditional statistical methodology which involves frequentist approach. Bayesian methodology was introduced by Thomas Bayes (Statistician and minister at the Presbyterian Chapel) during the 18th Century. Bayesian methodology is now widely being used due to its simple, straightforward and interpretable characteristics of probability values and the efficiency of modern day computer systems. Bayesian methodology is now being used in the field of clinical research, clinical trials, epidemiology, econometrics, statistical process control, marketing research and statistical mechanics. It also used in the emerging field such as data science (machine learning and deep learning) and big data analytics. The book provides an overview of Bayesian methodology, its uses in different fields with the help of R statistical open source software. Editor International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics
Clinical trials can be defined as an experiment which is conducted in a controlled environment to test the efficacy of drugs, procedures, methodology before bringing into the public domain. The clinical trials started in 2nd century BC by Daniel & King Nebuchadnezzar. Formal recorded therapeutic clinical trial was started way back in 1537 AD by a Surgeon. Current clinical trials include clear guidelines, adhering to regulatory requirements, getting consent from the patients, ensuring safety of the patients, adopting ethical practices, close monitoring of the trials and using advanced statistical tools to analyze and report the findings. Advancement in technology such as cloud computing, big data analytics, machine learning algorithms, data base management and advanced statistical software helped to transform the different stages of clinical trials - the data collection, data storage, data monitoring, data management and data analysis. This book provides an overview of clinical trials, different phases & types of clinical trial, randomization, blinding, allocation, ethical issues, protocol, data collection forms, data management, data analysis and reporting of the clinical trial. It is recommended to refer author’s book on Application of Statistical Tools in Biomedical Domain: An Overview with Help of Software ( and Essentials of Bio-Statistics: An overview with the help of Software if you need to familiarize yourself with the basic statistical knowledge.
Forecasting models – an overview with the help of R software Preface Forecasting models involves predicting the future values of a particular series of data which is mainly based on the time domain. Forecasting models are widely used in the fields such as financial markets, demand for a product and disease outbreak. The objective of the forecasting model is to reduce the error in the forecasting. Most of the Forecasting models are based on time series, a statistical concept which involves Moving Averages, Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Averages (ARIMA), Exponential smoothing and Generalized Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (GARCH) Models. Forecasting models which we deal in this book will be explorative forecasting models which take into account the past data to predict the future values. Current day forecasting models uses advanced techniques such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms which are more robust and can handle high volume of data. This book starts with the overview of forecasting and time series concepts and moves on to build forecasting models using different time series models. Examples related to forecasting models which are built based on Machine learning also covered. The book uses R statistical software package, an open source statistical package to build the forecasting models. Editor International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics
Deep Learning Models and its application: An overview with the help of R softwarePrefaceDeep learning models are widely used in different fields due to its capability to handle large and complex datasets and produce the desired results with more accuracy at a greater speed. In Deep learning models, features are selected automatically through the iterative process wherein the model learns the features by going deep into the dataset and selects the features to be modeled. In the traditional models the features of the dataset needs to be specified in advance. The Deep Learning algorithms are derived from Artificial Neural Network concepts and it is a part of broader Machine Learning Models. This book intends to provide an overview of Deep Learning models, its application in the areas of image recognition & classification, sentiment analysis, natural language processing, stock market prediction using R statistical software package, an open source software package. The book also includes an introduction to python software package which is also open source software for the benefit of the users.This books is a second book in series after the author’s first book- Machine Learning: An Overview with the Help of R Software Journal of Statistics and Medical
This book intends to provide an overview of Machine Learning and its algorithms & models with help of R software. Machine learning forms the basis for Artificial Intelligence which will play a crucial role in day to day life of human beings in the near future. A basic understanding of machine learning is required, as its application is widely seen in different fields such as banks and financial sectors, manufacturing, aviation, transportation and medical field. The book covers machine learning classification algorithms such as K-Nearest Neighborhood, Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees and also Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines. It is recommended to refer author’s book on Application of Statistical Tools in Biomedical Domain: An Overview with Help of Software ( and Essentials of Bio-Statistics: An overview with the help of Software if you need to familiarize yourself with the basic statistical knowledge. Editor International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics Amazon link (Paper Back) (Kindle Edition)
Digital Technologies – An overview of concepts, tools and techniques associated with it Preface Digital technologies transformed the people’s day to day life and businesses organizations the way they work. It saved their time, accessibility and cost. It provided new opportunities, new markets, and new products to the organizations. Digital revolution started with the introduction of Computers, Internet, Mobile phones, Social media networks, Cloud computing, Big Data, Internet of Things, 3D Printing, Machine learning, Virtual reality, Natural Language Processing, Block Chain, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Quantum Computing. Digital technologies are so dynamic and it becomes difficult to cope up with the pace with which new technologies evolve over time. Currently digital technology is being used in the time of pandemic in many countries to contain the spread through detection, contact tracing and monitoring the people movement using Big Data, Machine learning, mobile applications and Artificial intelligence tools. This book provides an overview of digital technologies and concepts, tools and techniques associated with it and how organizations and business needs to adapt to these technologies and transform their business operations. Editor IJSMI International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics
Statistical Methods are widely used in Medical, Biological, Clinical, Business and Engineering field. The data which form the basis for the statistical methods helps us to take scientific and informed decisions. Statistical methods deal with the collection, compilation, analysis and making inference from the data. Statistical knowledge is also essential for the emerging field such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial intelligence. This book deals with the statistical methods such as Probability, Sampling, Correlation, Regression and Hypothesis Testing and non-parametric tests and advanced statistical models. Examples discussed in the book are from different areas such as clinical, financial and marketing. The book uses open source R statistical software to carry out different statistical analysis with sample datasets. This book is third in series of Statistics books by the Author. Some of the contents are adopted from the author’s previous statistical books: Essentials of Biostatistics an overview with the help of software (ISBN-97817237120740) Editor International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics e-Book
Python programming language is an open source programming language which can be used under different operating system. Python programming redefined the programming concepts with its important features like flexibility, adaptability and reusability of codes. Python programming language has numerous libraries or modules which helps the programmer to save their time. The book starts with the overview of basic Python topics such as data structures, data types, conditions and controls, functions, lists, file handling and handling external datasets and database connections. The book also covers the topics in data science such as graphical and chart visualization, statistical modeling, text mining and machine learning algorithms. The book uses popular libraries of Python like matplotlib, sciket-learn and numpy, to perform graphical and machine learning related tasks. Users are encouraged to refer to the author’s book on “Machine Learning: An overview with the help of R software package” (ISBN- 978-1790122622) if they are familiar with R software package which is also an open source package The book requires users to download the Python version 3.0 and any of the Integrated Development Environments (IDE) such as Liclipse, Wing,PyCharm and Eric. Editor International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics Back) (e-Book)
Statistical Methods are widely used in Medical, Biological, Clinical, Business and Engineering field. The data which form the basis for the statistical methods helps us to take scientific and informed decisions. Statistical methods deal with the collection, compilation, analysis and making inference from the data. The book mainly focuses on non-parametric aspects of Statistical methods. Non parametric methods or tests are used when the assumption about the distribution of the variables in the data set is not known or does not follow normal distribution assumption. Non parametric methods are useful to deal with ordered categorical data. When the sample size is large, statistical tests are robust due to the central limit theorem property. When sample size is small one need to use non-parametric tests. Compared to parametric tests, non-parametric tests are less powerful i.e. if we fail to reject the null hypothesis even if it is false. When the data set involves ranks or measured in ordinal scale then non-parametric tests are useful and easy to construct than parametric tests. The book uses open source R statistical software to carry out different non-parametric statistical methods with sample datasets.
Everyone wants to become successful in their career from fresher to senior level professionals. One need to build a career in a particular field or area based on their aims or ambitions or long time goals. Career building is a long process as it might take years and might be made up one job or multiple connected jobs or starting an own business or organization. If we choose and build a career in a field or area and move in that ladder then the journey will give greater job satisfaction, more confident, recognition, opportunities, sense of achievement, independence, security, reduce stress as we will be liking whatever we are doing and most importantly it will help us to grow financially. If we focus on getting merely a job then the benefit will be short lived and we might need to search it all the time. This book throws light on the basic skills required in building a successful career. Different types of skills required for one to succeed in their field such as technical skills, leadership skills, managerial skills and soft skills such as communication, networking, interpersonal, problem solving skills, critical thinking, conflict management and organization skills. The book focuses on building a successful career by way of self-assessment, proper planning and improving their required skills set. Editor IJSMI International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics
International Journal of Statistics and Medical Informatics
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