The effort of the author is lauded for bringing the conversation of faithful church administration to the context of churches in South East Asia in general and in particular in Indian sub-continent. Church administration marked with integrity and truthfulness is a witness to Christ. And, this book provides ample examples of Christ-centered leadership in the Church. Dr. Atola Longkumar Theological Education Consultant. I am deeply impressed by the book ‘Insights of the Local Church Administration’ written by Rev Dr. Koningthung Ngoru Moyon which can be used as reference book by all Pastors and church leaders in their administration. Unlike any other secular administration, Church administration is very complexed. Dr Ngoru has carefully balanced in his writings, I highly recommended this book for pastors, church elders and theological students. Rev Dr. Jolly Rimai Director Harvest Network Ministry-South East Asia. Physicians have Patients who schedule of appointments for physical check-up. Likewise Pastors or Christian ministers have congregation. Effective preaching, teaching and good administration is equally important and is a paramount task in the local churches. In this book, ‘Insights of the local church administration’, the author, Rev Dr. Koningthung Ngoru Moyon, has written for christian ministers and pastors or those who are planning to be at church ministry. Moreover, the book gathers up the information found in a broad overview of the Pastoral Ministry and Church administration and funnels it into practical area of services. The book is simple but well organized and excellently written and would be usable in the everyday experience of Pastoral ministry and administration. Besides, the author provides a comprehensive and good compilation of materials to enlarge one’s ministry concerning local church administration. This book will also be benefited to research students in the field of Christian ministry. Rev. Zuankamang Daimai Pastor Manipur Baptist Center Church, Imphal (MBCCCI)
Gods Mysteries and Paradoxes: Looking through the Glass Darkly is a book about paradoxes and how they were actually created by God to bring unique enlightenment but also to confound the so-called earthly wisdom. Paradoxes also keep believers humble by showing them that Gods ways are not always mans ways. For this is what the high and lofty One sayshe who lives forever, whose name is holy; I live in a high and holy place but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite (Isaiah 57: 15). This book introduces the reader to the ancient idea of The Divine Paradox written by Hermes Tristmegistus (thrice great) in The Divine Pylander. An additional book, Corpus Hermeticum, was translated by Marsilo Ficino during the early Renaissance and helps frame the philosophical paradox of nature versus faith. This book, along with other fragments written by Hermes Trismegistus, was translated in the early 1400s and caused a rebirth of its teachings during the Renaissance. Modern secret societies and the occult are using much of the same knowledge to deceive people in the world today. Evidence shows Albertus Magnus, Roger Bacon, and the Knights Templar possessed ancient knowledge and from it gave rise to secret organizations and societies operating today, including the Illuminati, Freemasons, and modern occultists.
Say No to Satans temptations! Are you struggling with temptation and sin? Do you want to learn how to resist Satan and say No to his temptations? If you answered yes, then this book will provide you with an in depth and insightful understanding of evil and temptation, and it will unlock the secret to winning your daily temptation battles. Speaking from his lifelong temptation experience, and with a solid Scriptural foundation, Dr. Voorn has loaded this book with real-life temptation examples, practical applications and a personal temptation self-assessment. This book will help you to: Learn about the spiritual warfare that rages around and in you on a daily basis. Recognize how and when Satan will tempt you. Understand Satans Dirty Dozen temptation strategies. Recognize that your temptation battles are mind games. Learn how to develop a battle plan against Satans temptations. Know how to engage and resist Satan when tempted. Learn how to use your God-given spiritual warfare battle armor. Conduct your personal temptation self-assessment. Resist and overcome daily temptations so that you can better serve Jesus Christ in your journey to God. Now, more than ever, it is time to deadbolt your spiritual warfare door as Dr. Voorn advises us. Why? Because the devil does want you! If you have ever found yourself slipping into the abyss of temptation or if you have been the target of others already corrupted by Satan, you need to read this book. Randy Voorn clearly details how Satan entangles our minds and teaches us how to shield his flaming arrows with bullet prayers! Think about it bullet prayers fast, strategic, and oh so powerful. From the Foreword, by Dr. Lori M. Scrementi, Dean, School of Adult Learning, North Park University.
“An intelligent mind acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” – Proverbs 18:15 (RSV) The Bible speaks of the wisdom of learning from others, and this book is a compilation of wise thoughts from some of the greatest minds. The great theologian Augustine once said, “All truth is God’s truth,” so we can learn more about God and His world from the natural revelation and wisdom He has given to men. Here you’ll find insights on Christian living, divine guidance, evangelism, family, and ministry. You’ll be encouraged to more fully pursue the fruit of the Spirit, think deeply about devotion and self-denial, find comfort for anxiety and adversity, and ultimately grow in love for God. The book’s thematic organization makes it an excellent tool for communicators. Pastors, authors, speakers, bloggers and devotional writers can employ these timeless quotes to impress their message on the hearts and minds of their audience. However, this book is not only for professional use. It is also for those who are looking for an enriched personal life, who are searching for inspiration for virtuous living or a springboard to reflect on the deeper things of life. Whatever you are seeking, may Compelling Quotes for Christian Living deeply enrich your mind and touch your heart.
The twelve constellations that infl uence the twelve calendar months are prophetic pictures planted by God in the heavens to tell the story of redemption. Triumphing at the Gate of the Stars in their Seasons is a prophetic guide on how to wage and win wars with the twelve constellations based on the Jewish and Gregorian calendars. It is an indispensible manual for setting agenda for individuals, institutions, and nations. This book will help us to correctly interpret what the stars associated with the twelve months are saying. The contemporary sons of Isaachar can now better understand the times and know what the nations ought to do. They can now, more specifically, appreciate what the heavens are preaching in the day and teaching in the night based on the revelation of Psalm 19:14; The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun.
Experience Healing for your Body, Soul and Spirit through Kingdom emotions! In Christianity, human emotions are often considered to be misleading and untrustworthya lingering part of our fallen nature that distract us from Gods truth. But our emotions were created by God, and though the enemy may seek to manipulate our hearts, Jesus sets us free! Dr. Mark Virkler is a trusted authority on prayer, hearing Gods voice, and inner healing. In Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions, Dr. Virkler and his daughter Charity, help you to see emotions as unique channels through which the Holy Spirit works to bring miraculous life-transformation, deliverance and healing. Jesus died to redeem your whole personnot just your reason and intellect. This makes it possible to move beyond anxiety, confusion, and uncertainty. When you are made alive in Christ, you can hear God speaking through the emotions of your New Self. Mark and Charity help you to discover how Kingdom emotions can turn on healing genes Cleansing your cellular memories releases deliverance and freedom Heightened emotions can set the stage for supernatural miracles Embrace your redeemed emotions and experience miraculous healing in a fresh way today!
As a paediatrician, the author assisted with many difficult births, supported the development of the babies and treated them when they became sick, or were harmed by the negligence and inconsiderate actions of adults. In THE WONDER OF THE NEW BIRTH he describes the similarities between natural and Spiritual birth and development. Just as a child may fail to thrive if not properly fed, or be harmed by unwholesome substances from which he should have been protected, Spiritual malnutrition and poisoning are ever-present dangers to those starved of the Word of God or exposed to unGodly spiritual experiences. The Word is living and the strongest medicine able to cure every infirmity Heb 4:12 The world of the Spirit may be invisible to the natural senses, but it is no less real.
Are you stuck in your life journey and want to move forward? Do you want to learn why you are stuck and how to get out? Come and explore the following: The whys of procrastination The secondary gains for staying in stuck The forces of darkness thwarting your destiny The spiritual paralysis binding you The ungodly mindsets entrapping you Leaving the Place Called Stuck is a book to awaken the bride of Christ out of her slumber. In this new awakening, she will be propelled into her God-given destiny.
This is the first practical workbook for inner healing and deliverance through prayer counseling developed by Mark and Patti Virkler. There are specific prayers for these topics: breaking generational sins and curses, severing ungodly soul ties, replacing negative expectations, renouncing inner vows, receiving divine pictures/visions, and experiencing the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. Readers can work through heart issues on their own or with a friend or counselor.
New Wine , A journey into refueling your life in the spirit * New Wine will cause you to embark on a soul-stirring journey as you dive into revelations of what happens when you are a recipient of God's outpouring of new wine. * Have you ever wondered if there's more to life? Felt that inner dryness that saps your spirit? It's time to uncork the New Wine of the Lord. Within these pages, you'll encounter a tapestry of narratives meticulously woven to awaken the dormant embers deep within your soul. * New wine will provoke you stir up an insatiable hunger for the extraordinary. Don't surrender to the mundane; embrace the promise of greater things ahead. * No matter your past, your trials, or the passage of years, know this: Your story is far from over. The Lord isn't finished with you yet. He will, at times, shake your very core to beckon you to a higher plane of spiritual awakening. * Just as He summoned the prophets to new horizons, He is calling you to venture beyond your comfort zone. When you return, you'll carry a fresh perspective, a blazing passion, and the taste of New Wine within your spirit. As you glide through these pages, prepare to be challenged, ignited and refreshed. Pick up your copy and begin your journey into new depths!
Satan and demonic spirits are topics described in the scriptures that pastors and other Christians want to ignore or of which they are afraid. Even in Jesus' time, when he cast out demons from the demon-possessed man in the cemetery, and the demons went into the swine, the people wanted Jesus to leave. Today, there is very little teaching on demons, demon possession, demon deliverance, and false prophets. There are three types of spirits in the world: the Holy Spirit, demonic spirits, and our own human spirit. In this book, scriptures are given to test the spirits to see if they are from God. In dealing with demonic spirits, one should first know the enemy, Satan, who is an angel fallen from heaven, is the father of lies, and one who desires to rule the world. Satan imitates God, possesses men, desires to destroy, and takes men prisoners. A believer in Jesus Christ who is a born-again Christian cannot be demon-possessed because the Scriptures declare that greater is he (Jesus) that is in you than he (Satan) that is in the world. Christians are to put on the whole armor of God to stand against the devil. The disciples overcame by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and they feared not their lives unto death. God gave the disciples power over the demonic spirits, and he gives Christians that power in Jesus's name over the demonic spirits. Scriptures and examples are given on how to recognize and deliver demon-possessed people by using the Word of God. False prophets and ministers of righteousness are also discerned by using God's Word and the fruit of their lives.
• Restore Me! dives right into the matter from the first page: Who cares for the one who gives care? You may be caught in the complex place of taking care of a congregation, a group of people, or even one while dealing with your own personal issues. • You may be wondering why you feel empty, fatigued, not relevant to society, yet feeling the need to appear strong to others. Restore me! gives you the opportunity to honestly assess your life from the inside, not as others see you, but as you see yourself without the masks. It brings you face to face with the reality of the dichotomy between your internal struggles and your external successes, and then offers keys to breaking you free of the cage you may find yourself in. • Through these dynamic pages Dr. Agbenoto has one-on-one sessions with you in the privacy of your home. She gives you the opportunity to identify and confront problems, prays with you, and empowers you to take the necessary next steps. Restore me! leaves you challenged, renewed in restorative hope and refreshed. Pick up your copy and begin your journey of restoration!
A long time ago, In a place far, far away, Plans were conceived for An invasion of a rebel planet Called Earth. Jesus came from This place-a far country-the Dwelling place of God and a perfect Reflection of His nature, His government And His administrative principles. The Bible calls this place HEAVEN.
Experience Miraculous Answers to Every Prayer Are your prayers for breakthrough met with silence? Do you pray the "right way" only to wonder if your prayers are even being heard? Too often we approach prayer as a formula, failing to understand that the Courts of Heaven are a dimension in the Spirit...where unanswered prayers are answered! Trained to operate in this realm, global apostolic leader and bestselling author Dr. Francis Myles has seen incredible, miraculous results—and now he shares how you can too. Walking you through Scripture's ultimate model of intercession, Dr. Myles helps you navigate the Courts of Heaven, empowering you to partner with Rabbi Jesus and employ His proven methods to secure breakthrough results. Full of dynamic, Bible-based revelations and real-world teachings, this groundbreaking book will help you: Apply the finished work of Jesus, our Advocate in God’s Heavenly Courtroom. Experience a deeper intimacy and dynamic partnership with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Silence the accuser. Trace the Footsteps of Rabbi Jesus into the Courts of Heaven. Receive every blessing Jesus made available as our High Priest. Don’t settle for silence when answers are your legal right through Jesus Christ. It’s time to pray with power, partnering with the Holy Spirit to enter the Courts of Heaven and experience the supernatural results waiting for you.
Spiritual warfare needs spiritual intelligence. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, warfare was often fought in the spirit, and it manifested in the natural. Based on tried and tested methods in a remote village in India, the author carried out a 6 weeks course on Zoom. Michael Van Vlymen's book on spiritual warfare was the inspiration of this course and the writing of this book. About 60 Pastors,Leaders and Believers attended the weekly sessions where they were given teaching and practical on the job training to take grounds for the Kingdom of God. The results and feedback was phenomenal. Lives were changed and empowered by The Holy Spirit when the participants were introduced to Spiritual Intelligence in engaging the enemy's territory. 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 says that, "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
This book explores the Pentecostal and charismatic movements, tracing their development and their variety. Hocken shows how these movements of the Holy Spirit, both outside the mainline churches and as renewal currents within the churches, can be understood as mutually challenging and as complementary. The similarities and the differences are significant. The Messianic Jewish movement possesses elements of both the new and the old. Addressing the issues of modernity and globalization, this book explores major phenomena in contemporary Christianity including the relationship between the new churches and entrepreneurial capitalism.
This generation has seen more scientific discoveries and an increase in greater intellectual knowledge than ever before. As a result, a worldview has immerged that puts its faith in human potential, intelligence, and self-gratification rather than in God. This generation is also witnessing a greater increase in biblical prophecy being fulfilled along with an increase of supernatural phenomenon. Is it possible that God, because of His extreme love for humanity, is zealously declaring that He is the Creator who holds all power and authority over life, death, time, and seasons? Is it possible that this may be the last generation before our Messiah returns? Each of us has a worldview, and that worldview is very important because it determines our behavior. Our behavior, which influences how we think, feel, and act, is guided by what we believe to be true about God. Such truth is very important because it affects our goals, relationships, our peace of mind, and our destiny, as well as the destiny of our nations. It is my desire to posit that truth is a personal knowledge of God and the truths in the Bible are relevant today, for it has all the answers to life, death, time, and our future. What you believe about God and the Bible will determine your destiny. Only dare to believe!
The Holy Ghost Fire will only come with true repentence in water Baptism Acts 2: 38 and Acts 19: 1 to 6 Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed, they said to Paul, we have not so much heard there be any Holy Ghost? So Paul said then what were you baptized into? They said John's Baptism. Paul said John's baptism unto repentance, now you need to be baptized in Jesus name for the gift of the Holy Ghost and Fire. True Repentance like the original Apostolic Church when all the original doctrines are observed then we have true Salvation. Reverend Dr. Brian Richards raising money for the victims of Floods and Earthquakes in Philippines and South East China sea.""Word of Faith Ministries International""is a registered Charity doing an evangelist ministry that visits Philippines as much as each year at least one or two possible times, to preach salvation, healing and deliverance. These videos go freely to all on the mailing list with free e-book-downloads, hard copy http: //
The Beginning Of The Story The Bible therefore, the Creator's word to us, has to be our only true source of information concerning these things. Now the first three chapters of the Bible deal with this beginning, and lead us into the continuum in which we seem to find ourselves. Thus, when we read the Bible, we ought really to be considering these chapters as though they were a preface rather like some T.V. dramas, which 'set the scene' before the titles appear. If there is to be a break in the whole book, then the end of that part is, I believe, where it ought to come. Those three chapters tell us about the perfect world God made and Man's rejection of both it and God. The rest of the book both Testaments tell us about God's rescue package, by which he aims to regain, not only Man, but the whole of his creation.
The symbols of the cross that Dr. Shaw taught on in this book makes the book a must-read. God has laid on Dr. Shaw's heart the contents that are enclosed between the covers. God has used him mightily to deliver the message of hope, grace, mercy forgiveness, love, and peace. The book has given relevance to the power and deliverance of the cross of Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost and the Word of God are the clear and present drivers and motivators for this book. In it are words that will give hope to anyone who thinks that all is lost. It emphasizes on the work that was done on the cross that makes it possible for the grace of God to flow in our lives. It shows that mercy is still available to us, even when we are undeserving. Dr. Shaw makes it very plain that we are to forgive our brothers and sisters because of the finished work that was done on the cross of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This book tells us to love God, our family, our friends, ourselves, and our ministries. God intentionally points out in this book that His peace is always available to anyone who needs it, especially in trying times. It is a book that is powerfully and divinely written to emphasize the presence of God in this world, using the cross of His Son, Jesus Christ. aEURoeFor God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting lifeaEUR (John 3:16, NKJV).
It's Time to Know And Understand ... There is no doubt God is restoring the prophet today and that we are in the midst of a crucial prophetic movement. Therefore, there is a desperate need for apostolic wisdom, prophetic perspective and pastoral counsel to bring clarity, balance and understanding to these needed truths and ministries in the Body of Christ. What is God's Intention for Prophets Today? Who are Prophets, Prophetic Ministries and Prophetic People? Why "NOW" for Prophetic Movement? How Does It Effect Me? True Prophetic Ministry vs. Counterfeit New-Agers The Prophet and Fivefold Ministry
“The Winning Father” wants to focus on the great need for fathers to be real men in a time where the absent parent syndrome is so crucial and domestic violence is on the increase, world-wide . Genuine fathers in every sense of the word are urgently needed in our day. Men who are real, leaders, providers, men who are concerned and involved in the upbringing process of their children, but especially leaders and examples to their children. Several important research statistics are being brought forward in “The Winning Father” and at the end several proposals are made to fathers in general but also to the Government of South Africa to support them in their search for answers for the alarming escalation of violence against women and children. Fathers all over the world can benefit from the information shared in this book. Fathers need to be educated to be fathers in a “father hunger” world.
This book presents a masterful understanding of the times and seasons of God and how we can partner with Him to see the Third and Final Church Reformation and the last Great Awakening sweep the earth. This masterpiece will mobilize a passionate church to bring kingdom transformation everywhere we go. Jane Hamon The world has entered a new erathe last of the Last Days. What is the Churchs role in this final season? This is the question that veteran prophetic leader, Dr. Bill Hamon, answers in The Final Reformation and Great Awakening. Over a lifetime of searching and prophetic scholarship, Dr. Hamon has received profound revelation regarding end-times events and Gods purposes for His Bride, the Church. In this captivating work, Dr. Hamon offers revelatory insight for many complex questions regarding the Last Days. In this book you will Find your personal role in the final move of God. Learn of Kingdom rewards, offered all those who overcome through the power of Jesus. Discover the connection between historic moves of God and the Church today. Become demonstrators and enforcers of the Kingdom of God. Witness Kingdom values infiltrating every aspect of human society. This is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the DNA of the Lord Jesus Christ that is flowing through their blood, and how He gathers us to rule in the season to come. Chuck D. Pierce
The end times are upon us and since God is more concerned about redemption than judgment He is calling all people, especially the church, to return to Him in first love. We have been given a commandment to love God with all of our mind, soul, will, and strength, and to love others as we love ourselves. Unfortunately, such love is lacking. Many are crying out for revival, but unless there is a turning back to God with sincere repentance, there will be no substance for the fires of revival to be ignited during these end times. Gods love, as does all love, demands a response and He is waiting for your response. When love is returned wholeheartedly, who knows if God will rend the heavens and come down in power, thus ushering in a revival that will blaze through our churches and nations bringing the much needed healing to our lands.
Today, our world is replete with sayings that stem from human wisdom. Hence, they add little or nothingto improve the lot of people who hear or read them. Wise words needed for direction and godly conduct are very hard to come by. Anyone who stumbles on one is fortunate and someone who has 50 pieces of such godly wisdom has treasure. This, then, is a compilation of 50 wise sayings that will serve as beacons to lighten your path. They are words of wisdom mined and distilled from the treasure-room of God. They are inspired and Spirit-breathed for your edification, enlightenment and encouragement. Read and apply them to your life, and you will experience the creative and fulfilling power of God.
As for this second book, each topic of the books explains the following matters: The Blessed Christian Family Family is a unit created by God Himself. Since the very beginning when God created man, He planned to make man as the object of His love. This book explains what kind of people are blessed with a good family and what kind of blessed family God promised. Family Worship Inviting God to be present in our homes is the core or essence of family worship which was revealed by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 18:19-20. The writer’s family has been doing family worship for more than twenty-five years and he give an example of the liturgy of family worship they usually do. He also explained the blessing he and the rest of his family received because of this family worship. The Major Ministry Serving or ministering is not an unfamiliar word for God’s children, and if we intend to discuss matters related to service or ministry, certainly there are many related aspects we can dig into. Therefore, this book discusses only two of them. Those are: The concept or perception of ministry. The major ministry. Blessings Since 2003 the writer has been spending time to make a study of blessings. Why? Because the writer wondered why God has been so kind and generous to him and his family. This book explained that in fact God has provided incredible blessings for us and the writer will discuss only 7 greatest blessings. What are they, and how can we get them, and where do they come from. Our Attitude in the House of God Many people assume that because we are saved by grace, we may act at will in worship. If we read Isaiah 1:10-15 we will find out that God was so angry at people who entered God’s house improperly, exceeding His wrath to the idol worshippers. Why was so? Because when we enter the house of God in inappropriate manners and attitudes, we are actually insulting God as the owner of the house. And the Lord pronounces His punishment to those who insult Him. Worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth John 4:20-24 explains three types of worship, namely: Worship prior to the existence of the Law. Worship based on the Law. Worship in spirit and in truth, that is applying the Word of God in every second of our lives wherever we are. To be Children of God or Servants of God Today there are many Christian sermons and songs with the theme that “Our life is for serving God.” If we read Luke 10:38-42 which tells about Maria and Marta, Jesus said that sitting at the Lord’s feet and listening to His Words considered to be the best choice, because God has made us His children so as to become the object of His love! For to be near to God and keep listening to His Words will enable us to draw closer to Him and get a deeper relationship with Him, to understand His will so that we can do His will and become God-pleasing children.
* All pastors who have been given the sacred task of preparing members for the divine institution of marriage and family life. *All church Leaders and elders to assist the pastors in marriage counselling * Burden to counsel those with matrimonial problem * Guide Singles planning to get married * Assist parents to deal with their troubled children * Assist troubled marriages in handling conflicts * Promote drug awareness and prevention * Train those who are keen in marriage counselling and to facilitate family seminars ENDORSED BY * GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT OF THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD OF MALAYSIA * BISHOP OF METHODIST CHURCH OF MALAYSIA * BISHOP OF EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF MALAYSIA * BISHOP OF ANGLICAN CHURCH OF WEST MALAYSIA * PRESIDENT OF MALAYSIAN TAMIL BIBLE COLLEGE
Dr. Rosetta Stamp is an international teacher, Author, Motivational Speaker, Lecturer, Businesswoman, Advisor and Minister, teaching the body of Christ how to live a victorious and powerful life in Christ. She accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and savior at the age of five. Dr. Rosetta Stamp is the President and Founder of Caribbean Theological College (CTC), and Liberty Bible Institute (LBI). She is an International Evangelist and motivation speaker. Her mission is to proclaim Jesus Christ to the nations. Her favorite expression is to God be the Glory Great things he hath done. If you are interested in having Dr. Rosetta Stamp come to your area for conferences or workshops, write, phone or e-mail. Caribbean Theological College P.O. Box 5596 Kingston 6, Jamaica, W.I. Telephone: (876) 538.3623, (876) 770-7182
Tear down unholy altars and close the enemy’s entryways into your life! Do you feel like invisible barriers are keeping you from the life you want? This may be the result of hidden, evil altars in the spirit-realm. An “altar” is not simply a physical object used for religious or occultic practice; it’s an...
Anyone desiring financial prosperity will welcome this revealing and effective insight into how God has promised to richly bless us and give us abundance. When it comes to going to the next level in life, the area of finances is one in which God desires to increase and expand us to greater levels. As we prioritize our finances and commit to making God's way of doing things our primary focus, we can begin to experience the financial blessing God promises in His Word. In YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE WEALTHY, Creflo Dollar gives spiritual and practical wisdom on how to position yourself for financial increase. Not only must you activate spiritual principles such as walking by faith and obedience, but you must also learn how to operate in a level of stewardship that demonstrates character, responsibility, and wisdom.
LIFE IS NOT A REHEARSAL Some of the decisions you make and habits you adopt as a youth or young adult will affect your life forever! In this book Dr Mutizwa O. Muzari reveals the keys to spiritual, relational and financial well-being for youth and young adults who want to progress in life the Biblical way. Topics include: Re-connecting with your Creator Dealing with limitations of your family background Teaming up with a super-power, the Holy Spirit Exposing the tricks of your enemy What married people do not tell you Dealing with youthful lusts How to find a suitable wife or husband Career-development tips for believers Throughout the book Dr Muzari shares a lot of Scriptures that are essential for a successful Christian walk and for making the right choices in life. There is no need to learn everything the hard way because God has given us His Word and the Holy Spirit to guide those who are positioned to receive His help. This book will help you to position yourself to receive the help of God and walk in victory!
There Are More Examples of Personal Prophecy in Scripture Than Any Other Biblical Subject "Prophets and Personal Prophecy is not an abstract theological doctrinal statement but a practical "how to" guide on what personal prophecy is and what you are supposed to do with it. This book is an absolute must for anyone who has ever heard (or even thought they heard) from God." Dr. John Gimenez Jim Jackson, Earl Paulk, Kem Sumrall, Gary Greenwald, Norvel Hayes and Emanuele Cannistraci have also endorsed this manuscript. Rad their comments in the front pages of this book. Prophets and Personal Prophecy, God's Prophetic Voice Today, makes incredible strides towards restoring Personal Prophecy to the Church and is the only book of its kind. Topics covered include: Putting Personal Prophecy in proper perspective The nature of Personal Prophecy Decisions for marriage, business and geographic moves Guidelines for handling Personal Prophecy God's purposes for Prophets
God has always dealt with his people through the covenant, yet covenant theology from a Baptist perspective is a teaching that is all too often neglected. Many Baptists don't know why they are Baptist. If questioned they are most likely to respond by alluding to the mode of baptism rather than its underlying theology. This book is easily accessible, providing the reader with a clear understanding of the historical Baptist position. The work points out the errors inherent in the Reformed paedobaptist paradigm, and seeks to show that the only covenant of grace is the new covenant in Christ.
I have realised over the years that the Scriptures actually tells us a lot about Demons and devils, but that an intensive study of The Bible was nesecary to bring that particular knowledge to the front. I found through research other non-Biblical books that also refer to one and the same demons and devils we face. My aim was to write a comprehensive study guide to the world of demons/devils, what possible influence they have over us and importantly, how we can rid ourselves of these cursed beings so that we can live happy, spiritually fulfilled lives.I have managed to compile information I researched in such a way that it must make a difference in people's lives. After reading this book, one will be compelled to be more attentive towards certain things than before. One will also have a better understanding of God's plan with us and how we must live our lives.
The Unshakable Truth is a nondenominational Christian guide to inner peace, based on true biblical facts. A system of cross-referencing is used to quote multiple scriptures to provide the believer with the truth in God's instruction from His written Word. With divine inspiration, I clarify all the confusion to the questions asked: Was Jesus Christ the Son of God? Is there really the Trinity? Is there only one God? As Christians today, are we expected to live under the Ten Commandments or abide in the blood covenant of Jesus Christ crucified? Do Christians of today live by sight or faith? What does it mean to live in faith, love, and blood and fear? Is there really a history and message of the cross, or is it just a shocking holy thing? I have answered these questions and more, through biblical facts and revelation from God. I can tell you that God does have a prescribed order for Christian living today and that God spoke to Jesus and that there is only one God and none like God.
Afraid? Who? Me? Of What?! No way! Maybe that’s what you sound like to others today, maybe even to yourself. But when the doors are all shut, the noise and voices around dimmed, and you have to face life without the decorations, there’s no denying the struggle with the doubts, the pain and the fear. God speaks into that innermost place of your heart as clearly today as He has done from the beginning of creation. ‘Fear Not!’ He says. As you walk through the events from the Bible and through the life experiences of the author and many well-known missionaries, be prepared to be thrown off guard at what can happen to your deepest darkest fears when you let God take hold of your hand. Are you sure? the sceptical mind may ask. Well, find out with Fear Not!
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