Duane The Great Educator, is an ALLHumanitarian Developer and Professional Writer. His only intent and purpose is to provide a RealEducation for ALLPeople Everywhere. Most of the public is not aware of the complexity of the hidden side of how the Controlling Systems of the Earth actually work. Since 1970, Duane has been in the public, and even paying his way to provide a better understanding for people to Become MoreAware. For those who do take the time to read what Duane is presenting, then patiently test it out, they will come to experience what very few people ever do. There is a much Bigger Picture of The Whole of Life, than what can be thought of and understood from the Literal Senses and mental capabilities of most people, no matter how well they have been educated according to the systems that have been invented here. Duane, has taught people how to look to themselves for a better understanding and discover their own answers for a RealCure. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
Duane The Great Educator, is an ALLHumanitarian Developer and Professional Writer. His only intent and purpose is to provide a RealEducation for ALLPeople Everywhere. Most of the public is not aware of the complexity of the hidden side of how the Controlling Systems of the Earth actually work. Since 1970, Duane has been in the public, and even paying his way to provide a better understanding for people to Become MoreAware. For those who do take the time to read what Duane is presenting, then patiently test it out, they will come to experience what very few people ever do. There is a much Bigger Picture of The Whole of Life, than what can be thought of and understood from the Literal Senses and mental capabilities of most people, no matter how well they have been educated according to the systems that have been invented here. Duane, has taught people how to look to themselves for a better understanding and discover their own answers for a RealCure. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
Science, has only guessed at what came first, the chicken or the egg. In Real Truth, it is neither, but then again we are all living in a society of propaganda and almost total conspiracy, so where is it that people can find The Real Connection to The TruReality? First, one has to find the right knowledge to start their journey into The Incredible Unknown LifeIS. To most people, the Earth is their home, as it has been for lifetimes. There are many books on the market about people who remember their past lives. This information can get some people to start to explore, but most of the masses will always be 'home bodies,' as they feel there can nothing other than what they are experiencing right here. The human body, with its senses, is a huge burden for all of us to carry, but this is the process we have all come through, because Reality IS Far Too Real. Once a person can understand the process they have been through, then they can start The RealAdventure! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
THE ALLIS ISALL... THIS IS REAL! Where there is nothing that can be created with the mind and imagination, There IS THE ALLIS, and IT IS EVERYWHERE. This is not a complete explanation of THE ALLIS, because it cannot be explained at all. This IS Real! Yet, everything we will ever completely have, not need, for ourselves already exists with THE ALLISNISS LIFEIS. It is all a matter of what we agree to and how we PerSeeve The TruReality LifeIS. We have all come from The TruReality LifeIS, yet we have not come from anywhere, because ALL LifeIS Here & Now. This IS RealTruth! To the invented Educated Literal Mind, which has created a position and relationship to what it has created, such as language and institutions to learn from and get a degree, those who have done so have agreed to what they alone created. The Educated Minds have deemed the possibility of discovering The TruReality LifeIS, but it cannot be defined by anything accept The TruExperience of ITSELF. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info
As I have researched Human History on the earth and from The RealSide LifeIS, I really do like the creativity of those who have brought forth so many interesting things for all of us to experience, while we are here trying to figure out a better way to live than with all the rules and regulations, intimidation, and down right abrasive fear driven anxieties that have been cast upon us by Global Tyrants, who have wistfully created something out of nothing for all the unaware to agree to. It is really The ALLNatural Environment on ALL Levels that supports ALL of US, and not Government Regimes that claim to be an interpreter for Invented Space Gods, somewhere out in a vast and unknown darkness. I, Duane The Great Writer & Educator, a simple Surfer that paddles out through the waves, is rewriting Human History and providing an 'Adventure Like No Other... Guaranteed!!' www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.info
Your DreamVisions are as Real as your daily life. You now have the opportunity to learn to SeeMore than you ever have before if you are willing to 'Take The Risk' to do so. Those nightly dreams and visions that you may or may not realize, and you can learn to Recognize, really do have a great value all their own once you learn to understand what they really do mean and where you have been going at night. RealGuidance is The Key to Secret Worlds. There are endless dimensions, levels, worlds and Real UNUverses, that have their own Real and Natural Environment. Because you have been born into this lifetime at this particular time, you have accepted and agreed to all that you see, and to you it is all real and supposedly makes sense, because so many others also agree like you do. This 'Place in Life' is not the only reality you know of, just like the place you came from before coming into this life. You already have the answers and awareness for more. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
Duane The Great Writer, is trying to 'Wake People Up!' He is 'Reporting the News' as it has happened and is happening Now, from this level of Life, and into ALL The Levels of Life. Again, how many people are really paying attention and listening? Most people want to stay asleep, but when things start to happen in their life as a 'WakeUp Call,' then they start looking around, but then, it is usually too late, as in the case of Noah trying to warn people about the great flood. There is so much to learn about what is taking place on Earth today and so little time, as anything can happen at any time. Duane, is not setting off an alarm or predicting any doom, he is merely advising people to investigate into What IS Real Now. Of course, most people will never do this and they will be the ones who will always be asleep to The Whole of Life, even though they may have some sort of a life on Earth, this 'Place in Life.' Have Fun Deciding! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
Duane The Great Writer, is Very Realistic with what is taking place on Earth Now. He is doing Something Real for mankind, but people must be willing and open. Duane, has always been a RealEducator, always contributing a RealBenefit to the people of the planet. Now with the internet, Duane is able to reach billions of people all over the world. Duane's entire focus is on ALLHumanitarian Projects. First is RealFood, with Hydroponic and AquaPonic Commercial Installations. At the same time, Duane knows the importance of the oceans of the world, and so he has decided to build an ALLSolar Vessel for Oceanic Research. The Earth is in a huge demise Right Now, and most of the population does not have a clue as to what they are up against, and in the near future. It would 'seem' that life on Earth is pretty normal and everything can works its way out, but this is not so at all! Each one of us must decide Something Real Now! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
When a person goes with their Heart, they are taking the risk into discovering their own Being. Of course, all most all of us go through some type of schooling, which makes sense for the society in which we live, but if we never take the risk to discover our Heart and Being, then we continue on for many more unconscious lifetimes, until we are ready to WakeUp. But, we definitely need RealGuidance to discover who we are and why we are here, moreso than what can be found in any of the Literal Institutions. Young children, live with their Heart and not their head or mind, as they have not been overly conditioned. Nature, and all the creatures in it are the same way, as they are Being with Life, and not working against it or trying to destroy it. Of course, none of us can destroy Life, but we can create things that distort what Life has provided for us on the Earth. The Reality Life IS, is all about Becoming MoreAware from the Heart. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
I AM SIMPLY REPORTING THE NEWS ON EARTH...Things are being created and happening on the planet all the time, and just like a newspaper with a good reporter, Duane The Great Writer is simply Reporting The News. Most people want to 'believe' Human History, as the so-called historians have written it and what we have studied in school to be all there is, but fortunately with the Internet and so many other sources to discover Real Human History, each person can now explore and discover there is a lot more to learn and Become MoreAware of. With this understanding, one can eventually surpass all the limitations of this world and enter new worlds and universes, that are so much better than constantly returning to earth as another 9 to 5 worker for some invented system of control. take the time to explore and you will find a way to RealFreedom! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
When we are born into this life, we are raised with certain ideas. And, whatever ideas, suggestions, and training we are raised with, we always have to decide if we will accept what is before us or decide otherwise. Without any ideas in our head, we are simply a 'view,' an awareness, which may sound strange to the Literally Educated Senses, but this is what we are. The RealU, is simply Your RealAwareness. The religious term would be 'soul.' But, the reality of 'soul' has always escaped the understanding of the over-educated Literal Person, as they have conditioned themselves into viewing and looking to their mind and all the facts and figures they have accumulated, instead of their RealAwareness. In a way, we must take steps to Recognizing who we really are, and one of those first steps is educating ourselves in the Literal Sense, but if we stop there, then that is all we will ever know about The Whole of Life, which is far more than one's imagination can handle. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
A JOURNEY TO REALFREEDOM REBAZAR TARZS, is an Adventure Like No Other! Duane The Great Writer has had lifetimes of Real Adventures with Rebazar Tarzs and The RealGuides. Rebazar Tarzs is laying out Duane's future when he will take on THE NUWAVIS THE ROD OF POWER NOW, as he has returned with Paul Twitchell to provide the biggest part of what Paul first started with his presentation, when he was given THE ROD OF POWER from Rebazar. Duane is providing The NUPresentation, an ALL Encompassing RealCure for The NUNowness of The TruReality, THE ALLIS. Those who take the risk and read what Duane has written, then test The NU-U Sessions, they will meet with Rebazar Tarzs and Paul Twitchell in Your DreamVisions, then be shown What IS Real Now! Those with The RealCourage to step past the Authoritarians and the Gods of Man, only they will PerSeeve what very few ever will. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info / www.TheNUPresentation.Info
PAUL TWITCHELL'S SECRET AGENT MAN, was not known to this world until recently. The Real Universal Guides have kept him a secret, until Now. It is time for their NUPresentation, THE NUWAVIS THE ROD OF POWER. What is already taking place on many of the inner levels of Life, is an exposure of those who have perpetuated a fraud to the unaware humans of the earth. From religion and politics, to the so-called 'spititual paths' that have been around, and who look to personalities and worshiping authoritative deities. Young Duane, Rebazar Tarzs and Paul Twitchell's, Secret Agent Man, is reporting The Real News Now, and it does show up in people's DreamVisions. For those who test The NU-U Sessions, they will make contact with Rebazar and Paul, then be shown what is taking place Now with The TruReality, THE ALLIS. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
PAUL TWITCHELL INTRODUCES THE REAL UNIVERSAL GUIDES, is a revelation into what really took place many years ago when Paul Twitchell was on the earth. Most of his followers do not know what really took place in other realms and dimensions, but with the help of Ursha LU the MerMaid, Young Duane, who has now become, Duane The Great Writer, is providing what no one else will. For those who need their own proof, they can simply contact Rebazar Tarzs and Paul, and they will be shown, THE NUWAVIS THE ROD OF POWER NOW. This NUBook is a must to read for those who want to learn what is really taking place on the earth right now. The humans of this planet have been marketed with 'false fronts' for lifetimes, and even Paul's creation has fallen to The Gods of Man. On the earth there is always the 'appearance' of something real, but only The RealGuides back THE NUWAVE NOW. For those who test The NU-U Sessions, they will be shown The Keys to Secret Universes. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
The Business World of today is based upon a lot of deception and seems to be okay with most people. Duane The Great Writer is merely 'Reporting the News,' and what each person does with this information is their free will. If people do not mind looking silly and actually stupid to those who control Big Business, then they are the people that can enjoy staying asleep to what is really taking place on the planet earth within the created social structures. But, as a hint, there is a much bigger picture that is possible for everyone, even bigger than knowing what is really taking place with the Deceptions of Big Business. As one gets into the heart of what is really taking place on the earth, they will discover that the Passing Dream they are in is not at all what they have been taught it was or supposed to be. There is a total-takeover going on and all Dumbed Down Humans are the effect of this. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
Everyone is having nightly experiences while their physical body sleeps, whether they are aware of the fact or not. Each of us is individually unique and so are Your RealSide Experiences, Your DreamVisions. Duane The Great Writer & Educator is here to share his RealSide Experiences with those who want to realize their TruPotential as a 'Being of Light'. This Journey to RealFreedom is huge and it takes RealGuidance and a RealEducation for a person to learn to See Beyond this one-dimensional 'Place in Life'. You are now invited to enter The Hidden Worlds and Real UNUverses LifeIS. There is so much more to Life that is unseen than seen. Those who are successful with Your DreamVisions are usually more childlike in nature and their RealExperiences come to them rather easily. RealGuidance and a RealEducation is The Key to Secret UNUverses. For more information about Your DreamVisions, I will send you a Free NUBook. Email Duane at: DuaneTheGreatWriter@lus.com / www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
Throughout Human History, the knowledge of Cause and Effect has been presented to the unaware masses. The current Educational Systems are mainly based upon a direct control, and not so much as they are marketed to be. There have been many ways to describe The Reality of Cause and Effect. One such way is Karma, or the Law of Karma. Another is Ying and Yang, and still another is "Whatsoever a man soweth he shall reap." For the modern social person, it is easier for them to understand Cause and Effect, as opposed to something like the idea of Karma, because for many, the idea of Karma is more in the category of a 'belief,' or even superstition, which it is not. it does not matter if people accept the idea of the Law of Karma or not, or even 'believe' that is so, as it is already real. We are all on our own journey to discover The TruReality, THE ALLIS, The Awesome Unknown, that is beyond time and space and the GodLords who govern the Heavens of Man. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
This NUBook is the work of Ray Zee, a very fine fellow who showed up one day and shared his RealExperiences with me. Since then he has taken the risk and started The TruCompleteness Course with Rebazar Tarzs and myself to add to his life and adventures, as all of us do share what we experience with Life. Everyone is on their their own unique journey and everyone's life has equal value, as we are all Beings of Light with The TruReality LifeIS. I am personally for everything, because this 'Place in Life' is actually a Testing Ground and a Simulator, just like pilots use before they fly the big jets. This is why it is so important that you watch Your DreamVisions, The RealSide LifeIS, because you are being shown so much more than you can See from the human mind and senses, especially with RealGuidance and a Real Education from The Real UNUversal Guides, who are Beyond the Gods of Man. Take the Risk and test this yourself! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
I was asked by Rebazar Tarzs and The RealGuides to write about My RealAdventures with The TruReality Life IS. When Rebazar Tarzs taught Paul Twitchell and gave him The Rod of Power, Paul put together his experiences over lifetimes and then brought out his presentation for this world. I had also been trained by Rebazar Tarzs for lifetimes to finally end up here again and take on the task of, THE NUWAVIS THE ROD OF POWER. Life IS AlwaysNU, never traditional, old or outdated. I am here to provide The SuperKnowledge of The TruReality, THE ALLIS. THE ALLIS IS Unique, and IT cannot be placed in any category, and so my created label for the people of the earth is The NUPresentation, because this is all it can be, a presentation. I have written 'The AdventurIS Series, ' adventures like no other, along with the important knowledge that you will need to succeed with Your Journey to Real Freedom. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
OUT OF THE BODY EXPERIENCES are a step into what lies beyond the mind and senses. Most Out of Body Experiences are Astral Projection or Remote Viewing, which is along the lines of the First Heaven of Man, and the light contained within that level. But, there are so many more levels to Become MoreAware of. Reincarnation and Karma are a reality here and in the five psychic levels, and so it benefits a person to discover The Real Universes beyond all time and space and the appointed deities who reside over the realms of the mind and senses. RealGuidance and a RealEducation is The Key to Secret Worlds and Universes, beyond the knowledge that is found upon the earth. Rebazar Tarzs and The Real Universal Guides, are the main focus in this NUBook. When a person tests The NU-U Sessions, they will begin to have RealExperiences in their DreamVisions, while their physical body sleeps. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
I more than understand what you out there are saying about, "Where is the Love, Duane?" We have all come up through the 'Idea of Love' moreso than the 'Reality LUV IS!' I will explain the best I can to where YU, The RealU, can somewhat understand, but there will always be those who will want to hold onto their Personal Emotional Attachments and ideas about what they 'Think' LUV IS. Just like anything, what we have come to learn about the idea of Love, Personal and Emotional Love that is, is that there are many stages and always more to learn. For the most part, many people take for granted what they 'Think' is Love and how others should react accordingly, or it seems as though this person or that person does not at all care, but there is always more to See, Understand & Experience with anything. There is the old saying, 'Love Makes The World Go Round!' Is this really so, or is this just a cute idea that people like to feel good about? You Decide. www.DuaneTheGreatEducator.info / www.TapLining.info
DUMBED DOWN HUMANS, have been politically maneuvered into thinking the earth and outer space is all there is to Life, and that the politicians really know what they are doing. The only control the politicians have is with force, as they do not want to work the soil like most people have been doing, and so the PoliBrats always figure out ways to steal what others have. Human history has proven this time and again, but most people still go along with their Dumbed Down Humanness. Duane The Great Writer, has written a Series of NUBooks to provide RealGuidance and a RealEducation for all of mankind. But, people must take the time to test what he presents or the world of humans will stay asleep to their gods and authorities. Only those who are real risk takers will learn the true art of survival beyond this world into greater ones. Have Fun Deciding! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
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