Latinx Teens examines how Latinx teenagers influence twenty-first-century U.S. popular culture. The book explores the diverse ways that contemporary mainstream film, television, theater, and young adult literature invokes, constructs, and interprets adolescent Latinidad.
The contentious debate in Cuba over Internet use and digital media primarily focuses on three issuesùmaximizing the potential for economic and cultural development, establishing stronger ties to the outside world, and changing the hierarchy of control. A growing number of users decry censorship and insist on personal freedom in accessing the web, while the centrally managed system benefits the government in circumventing U.S. sanctions against the country and in controlling what limited capacity exists. Digital Dilemmas views Cuba from the Soviet Union's demise to the present, to assess how conflicts over media access play out in their both liberating and repressive potential. Drawing on extensive scholarship and interviews, Cristina Venegas questions myths of how Internet use necessarily fosters global democracy and reveals the impact of new technologies on the country's governance and culture. She includes film in the context of broader media history, as well as artistic practices such as digital art and networks of diasporic communities connected by the Web. This book is a model for understanding the geopolitic location of power relations in the age of digital information sharing.
This resource is an interesting look at how European culture, particularly European music, related to the social and cultural experiences of the residents of ninteenth-century Rio de Janeiro. The focus is on how Cariocas (residents of Rio de Janeiro) responded to and often imitated different musical styles imported from Europe. After introducing the local musical setting and showing how musical life in imperial Rio de Janeiro reflected Parisian models, the author discusses the importation of operatic repertory, the use of German classical music as the basis of an elite social class, the role of European music in Brazilian theater, and finally, the emergence of a "national" music. Overall, this study reveals European music as a powerful force in the internal processes of political, cultural, social, and ethnic negotiations during the 19th century government of Emperor Pedro II. Musicologists, Latin American historians, and anyone with an interest in urban studies will find much of interest in this book.
This book investigates how decolonising the curriculum might work in English studies — one of the fields that bears the most robust traces of its imperial and colonial roots — from the perspective of the semi-periphery of the academic world- system. It takes the University of Lisbon as a point of departure to explore broader questions of how the field can be rethought from within, through Anglophone (post)coloniality and an institutional location in a department of English, while also considering forces from without, as the arguments in this book issue from a specific, liminal positionality outside the Anglosphere. The first half of the book examines the critical practice of and the political push for decolonising the university and the curriculum, advancing existing scholarship with this focus on semi-peripheral perspectives. The second half comprises two theoretically-informed and classroom-oriented case studies of adaptation of the literary canon, a part of model syllabi that are designed to raise awareness of and encourage an understanding of a global, pluriversal literary history.
El Vicente Calderón cumple 50 años, pero el Atlético de Madrid tiene más de 113 años de historia en los que fue acomodándose en distintas casas que ayudaron a su evolución. 50 años del Vicente Calderón nos sitúa en los campos en los que jugó antes de llegar a la ribera del Manzanares. Conoceremos los proyectos, sueños e ilusiones de los directivos que hicieron grande al Atlético, descubriremos la intrahistoria de la salida del Metropolitano y los obstáculos que hubo para culminar la obra del nuevo estadio. Un trabajo periodístico, riguroso y documentado que contextualiza el porqué de algunas decisiones que, en su momento, no fueron entendidas por los aficionados y desgastaron a personajes importantes en la historia, como Javier Barroso. Descubriremos a Vicente Calderón. Sabremos quién era y cómo llegó a manejar la nave rojiblanca; profundizaremos en su figura, en su personalidad, en su amor por el Atlético de Madrid. Sabremos más del estadio, de sus trasformaciones, de sus instalaciones, de su evolución en el mundo del fútbol, su aportación y todos sus rincones. También hablaremos de pasión y de los momentos históricos vividos en el césped. Recordaremos a los grandes jugadores, los grandes partidos, las grandes victorias y alguna que otra decepción. En definitiva, la vida de un campo contada por los que sudaron allí la camiseta. Pero el Calderón es mucho más que fútbol. Es también un templo de la música. Nos vamos a sumergir en la intrahistoria de los grandes eventos realizados en estos 50 años. Si el Calderón está en el centro del mundo futbolístico, también es un referente musical a nivel mundial. Por él han pasado los más grandes y muchas generaciones de fans han vibrado allí con sus ídolos. El Calderón cumple 50 años. Pasa sin miedo. Todo el que entra sale enamorado.
Gender and Embodied Geographies in Latin American Borders is the first study of its kind to bring a gender perspective to studies on violence and "illegal markets" in the region. Analyzing the structural problems that create inequality and enable gendered violence in Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina, the authors offer a critique of the securitization of borders and the criminalization of human mobility, and propose alternatives to reduce violence. Newspaper reports on gender and the variables of violence, human trafficking, people smuggling, missing persons, victims and perpetrators uncover the production and reproduction of discourses and images related to violence. Interviews with strategic actors from nongovernmental organizations, academia, as well as public policy makers diversify the experiences from the different voices of authority. Gender and Embodied Geographies in Latin American Borders encourages us to continue to question silence, impunity, the restriction of mobility, the dehumanization of securitization policies and the institutionalization of gender violence. A welcomed must read for scholars, researchers, policy makers, and students of gender studies, security studies and migration.
El present volum recull una selecció de conferències de ponents convidats a les trobades sobre semiimmersió i al congrés internacional TRI-CLIL, sobre aprenentatge integrat de continguts i llengua (AICLE), organitzades pels equips CLIL-SI/GREIP a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, des de l’any 2007 al 2011. Aquestes trobades han girat al voltant de l’ensenyament i l’aprenentatge de matèries curriculars en ‘d’altres llengües’, és a dir, en llengües no presents en l’entorn més immediat de l’alumnat. El volum s’estructura en tres parts. La primera conté quatre capítols en què es tracten temàtiques que constitueixen el rerefons de les propostes de l’AICLE. La segona part conté contribucions que analitzen els processos de construcció del discurs en L2 i de la interacció a classe. La tercera part presenta tres estudis de cas referits a la formació del professorat AICLE. Les col·laboradores i els col·laboradors d’aquest volum són autors de referència amb una àmplia trajectòria en la recerca sobre multilingüisme i educació plurilingüe.
Artificial organs may be considered as small-scale process plants, in which heat, mass and momentum transfer operations and, possibly, chemical transformations are carried out. This book proposes a novel analysis of artificial organs based on the typical bottom-up approach used in process engineering. Starting from a description of the fundamental physico-chemical phenomena involved in the process, the whole system is rebuilt as an interconnected ensemble of elemental unit operations. Each artificial organ is presented with a short introduction provided by expert clinicians. Devices commonly used in clinical practice are reviewed and their performance is assessed and compared by using a mathematical model based approach. Whilst mathematical modelling is a fundamental tool for quantitative descriptions of clinical devices, models are kept simple to remain focused on the essential features of each process. Postgraduate students and researchers in the field of chemical and biomedical engineering will find that this book provides a novel and useful tool for the analysis of existing devices and, possibly, the design of new ones. This approach will also be useful for medical researchers who want to get a deeper insight into the basic working principles of artificial organs.
In Music and Cosmopolitanism, Cristina Magaldi examines music making in a past globalized world. This volume focuses on one city, Rio de Janeiro, and how it became part of a larger world through music and performance. Magaldi describes a process of creating connections beyond national borders, one that is familiar to contemporary city residents, but which was already dominant at the turn of the 20th century, as new technological developments led to alternative ways of making and experiencing music.
This unique volume illustrates and discusses in detail more than 160 extraordinary fine and decorative art works of the colonial Andes, including examples of the intricate Inca weavings and metalwork that preceded the colonial era as well as a few of the remarkably inventive forms this art took after independence from Spain. An international array of scholars and experts examines the cultural context, aesthetic preoccupations, and diverse themes of art from the viceregal period, particularly the florid patternings and the fanciful beasts and hybrid creatures that have come to characterize colonial Andean art."--Jacket.
Cristina Lafont draws upon Hilary Putnam's work in particular to criticize the linguistic idealism and relativism of the German tradition, which she traces back to the assumption that meaning determines reference.
This is a theatre history, performance studies and U.S. Latino theatre book that examines the artistic, social political contribution of Teatro Pregones to the larger American, Latin American and Puerto Rican theatre communities.
Five Alchemists. One book. A constellation of ideas. The second annual Alchemy Lecture was presented in November 2023 at York University to a sold out in-person audience and nearly one thousand live online viewers. Moderated by Dr. Christina Sharpe, the Alchemists—agile thinkers and practitioners working across a range of disciplines and geographies—convened to discuss their radical visions of the beautiful world, and the manifestos that may help to guide us there. Their treatises have been captured and luminously expanded in the pages of this book. Cherokee Nation citizen and professor Joseph M. Pierce asserts that “[f]or this decolonial future to become possible, the guiding force must no longer be capital but relations.” Informed by her practice of “curation as care,” Brazilian film curator Janaína Oliveira evokes music and movement as a means toward this relationality: “it's almost by falling that you live. . . . The beautiful world dances the stumbles. The beautiful world dances dancing.” Kenyan-British visual artist Phoebe Boswell uses the space of a virtual gallery to ask, “If we burn down the institution, what happens next? Do we trust ourselves to know?” and gestures toward the possibility of this “as yet unlived, unexperienced thing.” Professor and MacArthur fellow Saidiya Hartman asks us to consider our capacity to burn, stating that “[P]ragmatism yields a profound tolerance of the unlivable.” And Mexican-American author Cristina Rivera Garza gives us the language of the future in the subjunctive, which “lays the groundwork for the irruption. . . . The subjunctive is the smuggler who crosses the border of the future bearing unknown cargo.” Each Alchemist is intimately concerned with the shape of this cargo and our ability to bear its weight, together. Through these expansive, transformative essays, new ways of being are threaded and proposed, illuminating our path towards this possible beautiful world.
This critical bilingual anthology collects and contextualizes thirty-four primary writings of understudied revolutionary mexicana rhetors and social activists who published with presses within the United States and Mexico during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries—a time of cross-border revolutionary upheaval and change. These mexicana newspaperwomen leveraged diverse and compelling rhetorical strategies and used the press to advance the early feminist movement in Mexico and the U.S. Southwest; to define their rights and roles in and confront the hypocrisies of their societies’ patriarchal systems; to engage in important debates about education, women’s rights, and language instruction; and to protest injustices in society and construct possible solutions. Because these presses were in both Mexico and the United States, their writings offer opportunities to explore the concerns, struggles, and triumphs of mexicanas in both U.S. and Mexican cities and throughout the borderlands. Mestiza Rhetorics is the first anthology dedicated to mexicana rhetors and provides unmatched access to mexicana rhetorics. This collection puts forward the work of mexicana newspaperwomen in Spanish and English, provides evidence of their participation in political and educational debates at the turn of the twentieth century, and demonstrates how the Spanish-language press operated as a rhetorical space for mexicanas.
El lector podrá encontrar en este volumen breves presentaciones y revisiones en campos específicos tan relevantes como el pensamiento de los primates y su relación con el desarrollo cognitivo humano, la emergencia de la morfología y las estructuras verbales de hablantes españoles, la génesis de los conocimientos sobre la sociedad, la complejidad de las decisiones morales, la vigencia de las concepciones constructivistas en la educación, el cambio conceptual en historia o el desarrollo de las concepciones infantiles sobre el origen de las especies.
Historias de developers contiene 26 capítulos de experiencias de developers que pueden ser muy útiles para los miembros de este colectivo, pero también para sus jefes, ya que se habla de temas como arquitectura, gestión del código, seguridad, testeo, depuración, motivación, comunicación, ... En resumen, muchas de las cosas que querrías saber cómo hacen otros developers.
As the major driver of U.S. demographic change, Latinos are reshaping key aspects of the social, economic, political, and cultural landscape of the country. In the process, Latinos are challenging the longstanding black/white paradigm that has been used as a lens to understand racial and ethnic matters in the United States. In this book, Sáenz and Morales provide one of the broadest sociological examinations of Latinos in the United States. The book focuses on the numerous diverse groups that constitute the Latino population and the role that the U.S. government has played in establishing immigration from Latin America to the United States. The book highlights the experiences of Latinos in a variety of domains including education, political engagement, work and economic life, family, religion, health and health care, crime and victimization, and mass media. To address these issues in each chapter the authors engage sociological perspectives, present data examining major trends for both native-born and immigrant populations, and engage readers in thinking about the major issues that Latinos are facing in each of these dimensions. The book clearly illustrates the diverse experiences of the array of Latino groups in the United States, with some of these groups succeeding socially and economically, while other groups continue to experience major social and economic challenges. The book concludes with a discussion of what the future holds for Latinos. This book is essential reading for undergraduate and graduate students, social scientists, and policymakers interested in Latinos and their place in contemporary society.
As the world experiences social unrest, polarization, and faces complex challenges, citizens are taking to the squares and streets to demand change. From climate change protests to far-right extremism, social movements are mobilizing around the key social and political issues of our times. In this extensively revised and updated book, the author offers a cutting-edge and original analysis to generate new insights into 21st Century social movements in a globalized world. Written in clear and accessible language, this book will appeal to both students new to the field and established scholars. Drawing on a wealth of examples from around the world, from Anonymous and Occupy Wall Street to Wikileaks, the Tea Party, and the Zapatistas, it develops a compelling framework with which to understand the important role movements play in contemporary politics. This expanded and revised second edition includes a comprehensive overview of social movement theory, a new chapter on “Movements on the Right”, a wider discussion of Information and Communication Technologies and Media - including new sections on “hacktivism” and “leaktivism” -and up-to-date case studies and references.
A guide to the implementation and interpretation of Quantile Regression models This book explores the theory and numerous applications of quantile regression, offering empirical data analysis as well as the software tools to implement the methods. The main focus of this book is to provide the reader with a comprehensive description of the main issues concerning quantile regression; these include basic modeling, geometrical interpretation, estimation and inference for quantile regression, as well as issues on validity of the model, diagnostic tools. Each methodological aspect is explored and followed by applications using real data. Quantile Regression: Presents a complete treatment of quantile regression methods, including, estimation, inference issues and application of methods. Delivers a balance between methodolgy and application Offers an overview of the recent developments in the quantile regression framework and why to use quantile regression in a variety of areas such as economics, finance and computing. Features a supporting website ( hosting datasets along with R, Stata and SAS software code. Researchers and PhD students in the field of statistics, economics, econometrics, social and environmental science and chemistry will benefit from this book.
D’ençà de la divisió d’Europa en diverses confessions, l’art es posà al servei de les doctrines dominants de cada territori. Aquest procés generà reaccions, resistències i continuïtats d’algunes litúrgies o creences. Imatge, devoció i identitat a l’època moderna desgrana l’influx de les reformes religioses en les arts visuals dels segles XVI-XVIII, sobretot al territori català i la corona hispànica, però també a les antigues terres de la Corona d’Aragó, Nàpols i Sardenya. L’obra posa l’accent en la creació de nous temes iconogràfics dins la Passió i la Vida de la Verge; els elements clau de la literatura contrareformista, que plantejà nous conceptes per a l’art; el culte marià o altres advocacions ben arrelades, com la de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat, i dedica una atenció especial a l’oratòria i la predicació. Va ser un temps en què, amb la guerra dels Segadors com a teló de fons, l’art i la religió van tenir un paper cabdal per a la configuració d’imatges i missatges ben poderosos, encara avui d’un enorme interès per al nostre passat col·lectiu.
Audiovisual and Digital Ethnography is a state-of-the-art introduction to this dynamic and growing subject. The authors explain its fundamental aspects in a clear and systematic way. The chapters cover topics including: learning to see and listen in the field and the role of sensory attention the mediation of the senses doing anthropological fieldwork with video observational filmmaking ethnographic drawing multimodal anthropology digital ethnography interactive documentary the ethics and management of audiovisual and digital data. The result is a much-needed, up-to-date and concise guide to both the fundamental skills required for audiovisual and digital ethnographic production and the essential theoretical knowledge relating to this. It will be particularly useful for students and scholars in the fields of Anthropology, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Social Sciences, Media, Design, Art Practice and Sound Studies.
The field of anthropology took a long time to discover the significance of media in modern culture. In this important new book, Anna Pertierra tells the story of how a field - once firmly associated with the study of esoteric cultures - became a central part of the global study of media and communication. She recounts the rise of anthropological studies of media, the discovery of digital cultures, and the embrace of ethnographic methods by media scholars around the world. Bringing together longstanding debates in sociocultural anthropology with recent innovations in digital cultural research, this book explains how anthropology fits into the story and study of media in the contemporary world. It charts the mutual disinterest and subsequent love affair that has taken place between the fields of anthropology and media studies in order to understand how and why such a transformation has taken place. Moreover, the book shows how the theories and methods of anthropology offer valuable ways to study media from a ground-level perspective and to understand the human experience of media in the digital age. Media Anthropology for the Digital Age will be of interest to students and scholars of media and communication, anthropology, and cultural studies, as well as anyone wanting to understand the use of anthropology across wider cultural debates.
Spain and the Irish Mission, 1609-1707 examines Spanish confessional policy in 17th-century Ireland. Cristina Bravo Lozano provides an innovative perspective on Spanish-Irish relations during a crucial period for Early Modern European history. Key historical actors and events are brought to the fore in her account of the missionary networks created around the Irish Catholic exile in the Iberian Peninsula. She presents a comprehensive study of this form of royal patronage, the changes and challenges Irish Catholicism had to face after the peace of London (1604) and the role that Irish missionaries played in preserving its place within the framework of Anglo-Spanish relations.
This monograph covers the most relevant applications of chemometrics in electrochemistry with special emphasis on electroanalytical chemistry. It reviews the use of chemometric methods for exploratory data analysis, experimental design and optimization, calibration, model identification, and experts systems. The book also provides a brief introduction to the fundamentals of the main chemometric methods and offers examples of data treatment for calibration and model identification. Due to the comprehensive coverage, this book offers an invaluable resource for graduate and postgraduate students, as well as for researchers in academic and industrial laboratories working in the area of electroanalysis and electrochemical sensors.
This book is a careful and nuanced analysis of the social, economic, therapeutic and cultural impact of the Pentecostal Revival movements on many Roma/Gypsy communities in southern Spain.
Meet Cristina the superstar. The granddaughter of the foremost publishing czar in Cuba, she fled as an adolescent to the United States after the revolution. A young woman working her way up through the ranks of the North American-based Spanish-language media, she eventually assumed the reins of Cosmopolitan en Espanol. After ten years with Cosmopolitan, Cristina made the boldest move of her career - creating and hosting El Show de Cristina, the talk show she has developed into the phenomenon seen by 100 million worldwide. Friend and confidante to celebrities both inside and outside the Hispanic world, she also hosts a radio show heard all over Latin America and publishes the magazine Cristina La Revista, read avidly by thousands of fans every month. Meet Cristina the Motivator. Groundbreaker and role model for women everywhere - especially Latinas - she offers advice, based on the life she has lived and the wisdom she has earned, on overcoming racial and sexual discrimination...raising children...keeping a happy marriage...growing older gracefully...and the Winner's Ten Commandments.
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