This book describes the design of a low complexity, fault-detecting computer architecture for utilisation in programmable logic controllers (PLCs) for process control purposes. The cyclic operating mode of PLCs and a specification level graphical programming paradigm based on interconnecting application-oriented standard software function modules are architecturally supported. Thus, by design, there is no semantic gap between the specification, programming and machine execution levels enabling the safety licensing of application software by diverse back translation, an extremely simple but rigorous method.
One of the most intriguing discoveries in molecular biology in the last decade is the existence of an evolutionary conserved and essential system, consisting of molecular chaperones and folding catalysts, which promotes the folding of the proteins in the cell. This text summarizes our current knowledge of the cellular roles, the regulation and the mechanism of action of this system. It has a broad scope, covering cell biological, genetic and biochemical aspects of protein folding in cells from bacteria to man. Particularly appropriate to researchers working in basic and applied aspects of molecular medicine, this volume should also prove useful as an up-to-date reference book and as a textbook for specialized university courses.
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of low-energy ion–solid interaction from basic principles to advanced applications in materials science. It features a balanced and insightful approach to the fundamentals of the low-energy ion–solid surface interaction, focusing on relevant topics such as interaction potentials, kinetics of binary collisions, ion range, radiation damages, and sputtering. Additionally, the book incorporates key updates reflecting the latest relevant results of modern research on topics such as topography evolution and thin-film deposition under ion bombardment, ion beam figuring and smoothing, generation of nanostructures, and ion beam-controlled glancing angle deposition. Filling a gap of almost 20 years of relevant research activity, this book offers a wealth of information and up-to-date results for graduate students, academic researchers, and industrial scientists working in these areas.
Seit ihrer Erfindung in den fünfziger Jahren hat die NMR-Spektroskopie ihren festen Platz in der Aufklärung der zweidimensionalen Struktur neu synthetisierter Substanzen sowie von Stoffen natürlichen Ursprungs. Mit der Einführung der Hochfeldgeräte in den achtziger Jahren konnten zweidimensionale Experimente (HETCOR, COSY) durchgeführt werden, mit deren Hilfe sich die dreidimensionale Struktur auch von sehr großen Molekülen, wie Biomolekülen, aufklären ließ. Obgleich jetzt mit der Einführung Hochfeld-NMR-Geräte eine sehr empfindliche Methode zur Verfügung stand, wurden NMR-Spektren nur selten zur quantitativen Analyse von Arzneistoffen herangezogen. Das hier vorliegende Buch hat zum Ziel, die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der NMR-Spektroskopie in der Analytik rund um den Arzneistoff aufzuzeigen: Dazu zählen die quantitative Bestimmung von Arzneistoffen und der in ihnen enthaltenen Verunreinigungen, die Charakterisierung von polymeren Hilfsstoffen oder Mischungen isomerer Arzneistoffe und von Komplexen aus Arzneistoffen mit kleinen und großen Komponenten (der Hilfsstoffe in der Arzneizubereitung) sowie das Verhalten von Arzneistoffen im Sauren und Basischen. Die Kopplung der NMR-Spektroskopie mit der HPLC bietet die Möglichkeit, sehr einfach Arzneistoffe und ihre Metaboliten in Körperflüssigkeiten zu identifizieren. Die Solid-State-Technik kann dem Pharmazeutischen Technologen wichtige Informationen über die dreidimensionale Struktur von Arznei- und Hilfsstoffen in einer Arzneizubereitung oder einem Pulver geben. Die kürzlich von Fesik beschriebene Möglichkeit der Analyse von Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen mit Hilfe der NMR-Spektroskopie unterstreicht deren Bedeutung in der Arzneistoffentwicklung. Die Charakterisierung von Komplexen aus Arzneistoffen mit großen Molekülen wie Proteinen oder Membranbestandteilen, also mit den Zielstrukturen der Arzneistoffe, ist schon seit längerem ein fester Bestandteil des "Drug Design". Zuletzt wird auf das NMR-Imaging eingegangen, das zur Visualisierung der Arzneistofffreisetzung aus Zubereitungen, aber auch der Verteilung von Substanzen in lebenden Tieren, Menschen, Geweben oder Pflanzen dient. Alles in allem zeigt dieses Buch, daß die NMR-Spektroskopie nicht nur ihre Funktion in der Strukturaufklärung hat, sondern mehr als bisher zur Analyse von Arzneistoffen herangezogen werden kann.
Close soccer matches and tight title fights are rarely decided by players' technical skills or their coaches' tactical measures. The most significant impetus comes from an area that is often mentioned but difficult to grasp: mental strength, personality, and team cohesion after special victories. Using current scientific knowledge and illustrated by many examples, this book describes the mental and cognitive processes that determine victory and defeat in soccer. Several interviews with well-known soccer coaches, managers and former players complement these findings from psychology and sport science. It deals with phenomena such as the home field advantage, creativity on the field, extreme emotional situations, the limits of visual perception, group dynamics and modern leadership. Well-known myths (e.g. Don't let the player who has been fouled shoot the penalty) will be discussed and debunked. Every soccer enthusiast should read this book in order to understand which phenomena can genuinely be game-changing and which ones cannot.
The present volume in the organogermanium series describes mononuclear compounds containing only germanium-carbon and germanium-hydrogen bonds (Chapter 1.3). Germanium hydrides with other additional non-carbon ligands, such as halogen or oxygen bonded groups, appear in later chapters according to the Gmelin principle of the last posi tion. Compounds with Ge-H and Ge-O bonds have already been described in Volume 5, Section, pp. 50/62. The present volume covers the literature to the end of 1992 and includes many references up to 1994. The nomenclature recommended by IUPAC has been generally adhered to. However, compound names were largely avoided, as most of the compounds are presented in tables and are only identified by their formulas. Many of the data in the tables appear in abbreviated form without units; general explanations are given on pp. X/XI. The volume contains an empirical formula index (p. 327) and a ligand formula index (p.341). The editor wishes to express his gratitude to the former author, Professor J. E. Drake, and to Professor J. Satge for his kind advice and fruitful collaboration. Thanks are due also to Dr. A. R. Pebler for editing the English text and to Mr. H.-G. Karrenberg for drawing the numerous formulas and molecular structures.
The revolutionary impetus of the NMR methods in organic chemistry has parallels in the field of boron chemistry. lIB NMR spectroscopy provided a basis for the elucida tion of structures and reactions of the boron hydrides. However, although many studies have been carried out with the higher boranes, carboranes, metalloboranes, etc. , and although certain patterns have emerged, the correlation between the observed chemical shift and the assigned structural unit is still not fully understood. Therefore, predictions in this area are still rather limited, and semiquantitative interpretations are not yet pos sible. Several years ago Eaton and Lipscomb sUpImarized the status in this field in their book "NMR Studies of Boron Hydrides and Related Compounds" and a plethora of new data has accumulated since then. The book also contained material on simple bo rane derivatives, but they were not discussed in any detail. On the other hand many systematic studies, both synthetic and spectroscopic, have been conducted on these simple boron materials in the last decade. Thus a large amount of NMR information is available, not only on lIB but also on 1 H, 1 3 C, and 14 N. However, this information is widely scattered in the literature, and often the data are not discussed at all. It see med appropriate, therefore, to collect these data and to present them in one volume.
This textbook brings together nuclear and particle physics, balancing theoretical and experimental perspectives for graduates and upper undergraduates.
The modern welfare state is indeed one of the greatest achievements of the post-war 20th century. With its key aims of eradicating the five giant social ills of Want, Ignorance, Disease, Squalor and Idleness, it aimed to providing a minimum standard of living, with all people of working age paying a weekly contribution; in return, benefits would be paid to anyone who was sick, unemployed, retired or widowed. The modern welfare state, therefore, is about maintaining a delicate equilibrium between dependent social groups on the one hand and the active working classes on the other. In the case of old-age security, this balance is being achieved (or not) by the so-called Generation Contract. This social pact is more of an implicit, unwritten and unspecified social contract. This ground-breaking book demonstrates how countries are addressing population-ageing challenges in depth, using the case study of Austria to gain the required complexity and differentiation in a comparative European framework of empirical evidence. This is a broad social science study in political economy and sociology, not an economic analysis. Though focusing on pensions, it centres on the (im)balance between work and non-work, issues of health, work ability, employability, and benefit receipt from old-age security to disability allowance. It will be required reading for all sociologists and social policy experts and academics working within this area.
Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) is widely used particularly for pharmaceutical and food analysis. While there are a number of books on the qualitative identification of chemical substances by TLC, the unique focus here is on quantitative analysis. The authors describe all steps of the analytical procedure, beginning with the basics and equipment for quantitative TLC followed by sample pretreatment and sample application, development and staining, scanning, and finally statistical and chemometric data evaluation and validation. An important feature is the coverage of effect-directed biological detection methods. Chapters are organized in a modular fashion facilitating the easy location of information about individual procedural steps.
This book can be read by anyone with an interest in migration and health, whether as an advocate for migrants health, as a student in a health profession, researcher or policy maker. It provides an ample orientation to the field in the European context. Among other important raised issues, it underlines an all too often neglected fact; health is a human right. By involving broad issues and problem areas from a variety of perspectives, the volume illustrates that migration and health is a field that can not be allocated to a single discipline." Carin Bjrngren Cuadra, Senior Lecturer, Malm University, Sweden Migrants make up a growing share of European populations. However, all too often their situation is compounded by problems with accessing health and other basic services. There is a need for tailored health policies, but robust data on the health needs of migrants and how best these needs can be met are scarce. Written by a collaboration of authors from three key international organisations (the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, the EUPHA Section on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health, and the International Organization for Migration), as well as leading researchers from across Europe, the book thoroughly explores the different aspects of migration and health in the EU and how they can be addressed by health systems. Structured into five easy-to-follow sections, the volume includes: Contributions from experts from across Europe Key topics such as: access to human rights and health care; health issues faced by migrants; and the national and European policy response so far Conclusions drawn from the latest available evidence Comprehensive information on different aspects of health and migration and how they can best be addressed by health systems is still not easy to find. This book addresses this shortfall and will be of major value to researchers, students, policy-makers and practitioners concerned with migration and health in an increasingly diverse Europe.
This book discusses the state-of-the-art developments in multi-slice CT for cardiac imaging as well as those that can be anticipated in the future. It is a comprehensive work covering all aspects of this technology from the technical fundamentals to clinical indications and protocol recommendations. This second edition draws on the most recent clinical experience obtained with 16- and 64-slice CT scanners by world-leading experts. The book also has chapters on area-detector CT and the brand new dual-source CT.
Neuro-psychopharmacology covers the proceedings of the 11th Congress of the Collegium Internationale Neuro-psychopharmacologicum, held in Vienna on July 9-14, 1978. The book focuses on the processes, methodologies, and approaches in neuropsychopharmacology. The selection first offers information on the long-lasting effects of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) on monoaminergic mechanisms and enhanced monoamine behavioral responses following repeated electroconvulsive shock to rats and their relevance to ECT. The book also underscores the ECT effects on mineral metabolism and neuroendocrine functi ...
Of all the men who attacked the flying problem in the 19th century, Otto Lilienthal was easily the most important. His greatness appeared in every phase of the problem. No one equaled him in power to draw new recruits to the cause; no one equaled him in fullness and dearness of understanding of the principles of flight; no one did so much to convince the world of the advantages of curved wing surfaces; and no one did so much to transfer the problem of human flight to the open air where it belonged." These words were spoken by Wilbur Wright, who successfully accomplished the first powered flight together with his brother Orville in 1903 on the sand dunes of the Outer Banks off the coast of North Carolina. Wilbur was talking about the most important of their predecessors, Otto Lilienthal. Lilienthal attracted worldwide attention due to the spectacular photographs showing him in flight, made possible by technology that had only just been developed by him. This fortuitous union between a pioneer of aviation and the pioneers of so-called “instantaneous photography” is responsible for the immense contemporary popularity of Lilienthal’s flights around the globe, the first ever free flights performed by man. This book traces the life of the German aviation pioneer, focusing on the designs of his many aircraft and the photographic documentation that has survived. The presentation ends with a remarkable research project conducted by one of the authors, right up to and including his own training exercises with Lilienthal’s “normal soaring apparatus” and “large biplane”. This project offered new insight into Lilienthal’s work, and also led to a spectacular aerial meeting of Lilienthal's 1895 biplane and the Wright brothers’ 1902 biplane at a historic location on the Outer Banks. The book provides access to video material, largely stemming from this project.
Growth in the numbers of organic chemicals during recent decades has been extraordinary. Most are complex compounds that are released directly and/or indirectly to the surrounding environment. A view is emerging in relation to environmental protection and hazardous substance management that (1) some organic chemicals and/or organic leachates from solid waste materials and contaminated sediment/soil sites are of such extreme environmental concern that all use should be highly controlled including isolation for disposal; and (2) most hazardous substances are of sufficient social value that their continual use, production and disposal are justified. For these chemicals their types, sources, fate, behavior, effects and remediation at solid- aqueous phase interfaces must be fully assessed and understood. This assessment and understanding are essential for society to accept risks of adverse ecological or human health effects.
The updated and expanded third edition of this book focuses on the multi-disciplinary coupling between flight-vehicle hardware alternatives and enabling propulsion systems. It discusses how to match near-term and far-term aerospace vehicles to missions and provides a comprehensive overview of the subject, directly contributing to the next-generation space infrastructure, from space tourism to space exploration. This holistic treatment defines a mission portfolio addressing near-term to long-term space transportation needs covering sub-orbital, orbital and escape flight profiles. In this context, a vehicle configuration classification is introduced covering alternatives starting from the dawn of space access. A best-practice parametric sizing approach is introduced to correctly design the flight vehicle for the mission. This technique balances required mission with the available vehicle solution space and is an essential capability sought after by technology forecasters and strategic planners alike.
As little as a decade ago, radicals were regarded as interesting reactive intermediates with little synthetic use. However, recent results show that radicals have an enormous potential for applications in stereoselective reactions - it's all a matter of knowing what method to use and how to apply it. Three world experts in the field have combined their expertise and present the concepts to understand and even to predict the course of stereoselective radical reactions. In addition, guidelines are established which will enable the readers to plan and carry out their own stereoselective syntheses with radicals. A comprehensive list of references provides an easy access to the primary literature. The Stereochemistry of Radical Reactions is a highly topical introduction to this burgeoning field of research. Both advanced students and researchers active in the field will welcome this book as a source of concepts and ideas.
This book discusses group theory investigations of zincblende and wurtzite semiconductors under symmetry-breaking conditions. The text presents the group theory elements required to develop a multitude of symmetry-breaking problems, giving scientists a fast track to bypass the need for recalculating electronic states. The text is not only a valuable resource for speeding up calculations but also illustrates the construction of effective Hamiltonians for a chosen set of electronic states in crystalline semiconductors. Since Hamiltonians have to be invariant under the transformations of the point group, the crystal symmetry determines the multiplet structure of these states in the presence of spin-orbit, crystal-field, or exchange interactions. Symmetry-breaking leads to additional coupling of the states, resulting in shifts and/or splittings of the multiplets. Such interactions may be intrinsic, as in the case of the quasi-particle dispersion, or extrinsic, induced by magnetic, electric, or strain fields. Using a power expansion of the perturbations these interaction terms can be determined in their parameterized form in a unique way. The hierarchic structure of this invariant development allows to estimate the importance of particular symmetry-breaking effects in the Hamiltonian. A number of selected experimental curves are included to illustrate the symmetry-based discussions, which are especially important in optical spectroscopy. This text is written for graduate students and researchers who want to understand and simulate experimental findings reflecting the fine structure of electronic or excitonic states in crystalline semiconductors.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, ICSOC 2007. The 30 revised full papers and 14 short papers are organized in topical sections on service deployment, business process design, service discovery, quality of service support, testing and validation, service assembly, service properties, service modeling, SOA composition/experience/runtime/governance and QoS and composite service support.
This book is a social psychological inquiry into identity in modern society. Starts from the social psychological premise that identity results from interaction in the social world. Reviews and integrates the most influential strands of contemporary social psychology research on identity. Brings together North American and European perspectives on social psychology. Incorporates insights from philosophy, cognitive neuroscience, psychology, cultural studies, anthropology and sociology. Places social identity research in a variety of real-life social contexts.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 25th Symposium of the German Association for Pattern Recognition, DAGM 2003, held in Magdeburg, Germany in September 2003. The 74 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from more than 140 submissions. The papers address all current issues in pattern recognition and are organized in sections on image analyses, callibration and 3D shape, recognition, motion, biomedical applications, and applications.
The rare occurrence of tumors of the facial skeleton, whether of dental origin (odontogenic) or arising from bone (osteogenic), makes it impossible for a single observer to appreciate fully the epi demiologic and clinical behavior of these lesions, even if he controls the case material of a large institution. The systematic cooperation of many scientists is necessary in order to compile a meaningful body of information and make that information accessible for study. On the initiative of one of the authors (B.S.), the German-Austrian Swiss Association for the Study of Tumors of the Face and Jaws (DOSAK) resolved in 1971 to establish a special registry for tumors of the facial skeleton, including odontogenic lesions. This registry has been integrated into the bone tumor registry at the Swiss Asso ciation for Pathology in the Department of Pathology of the Uni versity of Basel. In 1974 DOSAK sponsored a symposium on odontogenic and os teogenic tumors of the jaws, at which illustrative cases were pre sented and discussed. These discussions revealed the problematic nature of these tumors and prompted a number of reclassifications, including some changes from benign to malignant and vice versa. It was found that radical and in some cases mutilating operations would not have been justified on the basis of the new classification. The discussions also underscored the importance of considering all factors - epidemiologic, clinical, radiologic and pathohistologi- when establishing a diagnosis.
A coherent and comprehensive theory of life that synthesizes the specific properties of living organisms. Despite continued advances, science has until now struggled to describe the specific properties that define a living being. By synthesizing several aspects of organismic biology and contemporary science, Properties of Life by Bernd Rosslenbroich generates a coherent concept of the singular quality of being alive—a concept that provides a crucial foundation for scientists, farmers, and medical practitioners and helps explain how we all interact with the world around us and within ourselves. Is an organism an aggregate of parts or an integrated system with agency? Is it a passive stimulus-response machine or a being equipped with subjectivity and consciousness? Rosslenbroich argues that the way people in different fields understand life determines their assumptions about organic function and behavior. In medicine, this extends to the human organism, which influences prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Drawing attention to a long-standing but underappreciated line of thought in organismic biology, Rosslenbroich’s original idea emphasizes the autonomy of living processes, their network characteristics, and their self-determined organization in time and structure. A timely and revelatory book, Properties of Life formulates an integrated, unified theory that remains flexible enough to accommodate future developments and resilient enough to withstand the challenges of different theoretical and disciplinary backgrounds.
When fibres in a composite are discontinuous and are shorter than a few millimetres, the composite is called a 'short fibre reinforced composite (SFRP)'. SFRPs have found extensive applications in automobiles, business machines, durable consumer items, sporting goods and electrical industries owing to their low cost, easy processing and superior mechanical properties over the parent polymers. The book summarises recent developments in this area, focusing on the fundamental mechanisms that govern the mechanical properties including strength, modulus, fracture toughness and thermal properties of SFRP materials.This book covers the following topics: extrusion compounding and injection moulding, major factors affecting mechanical performance, stress transfer, strength, elastic modulus flexural modulus, thermal conductivity and expansion, non-linear stress-strain behaviour and fracture mechanics of short fibre reinforced polymers.With its distinguished team of authors, Science and engineering of short fibre reinforced polymer composites is a standard reference for anyone involved in the development, manufacture and use of SFRPs. It will also provide an in-depth understanding of the behaviour of these versatile materials. - Reviews the mechanical properties and functions of short fibre reinforced polymer composites (SFRP) - Examines recent developments in the fundamental mechanisms of SFRP's - Assesses major factors affecting mechanical performance such as stress transfer and strength
The subject of this book is the physico-chemical theory of the origin of life. Although this theory is still in statu nascendi, it has been developed in recent years to the point where a coherent presentation is possible. The book is intended as an introductory text for students of physics, chemistry or biology. This interdisciplinary aim has necessitated a choice of material based on the lowest common denominator of physicists and biologists. In particular, the predominantly mathematical and biological sections have been presented at the most elementary l.evel possible. The less mathematically inclined reader can omit Sections (5.3)-(5.5), (5.7)-(5.10), (6.2), (6.3), (9.1)-(9.3), (12.1) and (13.3) without losing the overall view. For critical reading of the manuscript, for discussions and for many useful suggestions I wish to thank M. Eigen (Gottingen), w.e. Gardiner (Austin), D. Porschke (Gottingen), P. Schuster (Vienna), P.R. Wills (Auckland) and P. Woolley (Berlin). The translation of the original, German manuscript into English was kindly undertaken by Paul Woolley. During this and subsequent stages of revision he introduced a great many improvements in the text and the presentation of material. My particular thanks are due to him for his decisive contribution to this book. Last of all I wish to thank Ingeborg Lechten for typing the text in its various stages of evolution. The completion of this book is largely to be attributed to her patience and efficiency.
Invertebrate Zoology: A Tree of Life Approach is a comprehensive and authoritative textbook adopting an explicitly phylogenetic organization. Most of the classical anatomical and morphological work has not been changed – it established the foundation of Invertebrate Zoology. With the explosion of Next-Generation Sequencing approaches, there has been a sea-change in the recognized phylogenetic relationships among and between invertebrate lineages. In addition, the merger of evolutionary and developmental biology (evo-devo) has dramatically contributed to changes in the understanding of invertebrate biology. Synthesizing these three approaches (classical morphology, sequencing data, and evo-devo studies) offers students an entirely unique perspective of invertebrate diversity. Key Features One of the first textbooks to combine classical morphological approaches and newer evo-devo and Next-Generation Sequencing approaches to address Invertebrate Zoology Organized along taxonomic lines in accord with the latest understanding of invertebrate phylogeny Will provide background in basic systematic analysis useful within any study of biodiversity A wealth of ancillary materials for students and teachers, including downloadable figures, lecture slides, web links, and phylogenetic data matrices
This book delivers insights for immediate action on two levels: The management perspective addresses the economic feasibility, while the legal perspective provides municipal decision-makers with FAQ-type guidelines for the swift implementation and legal applicability of rural broadband rollout solutions.
Congenital and acquired bone defects constitute a central problem of traumatology and orthopedics. In order to cure these defects it is often necessary to fill up the bones operatively with suitable substances. Recently, so-called bone substitutes (collagen, gelatine, bone matrix, calcium phospate, hydroxyapatite) have also been recommended. Following an introductory presentation of bone regeneration and transplants, these substitutes are discussed here in a comprehensive survey of the literature. Particular attention is given to the significance of mineral substance such as hydroxyapatite, which will undoubtedly find a place in bone surgery owing to its outstanding bioactivity and biotolerance. The implants examined are also of significance for maxillofacial surgery and dentistry. The histologic techniques in the staining of undecalcified bone preparations and in histomorphometry are presented in a special chapter.
Software programs are formal entities with precise meanings independent of their programmers, so the transition from ideas to programs necessarily involves a formalisation at some point. The first part of this graduate-level introduction to formal methods develops an understanding of what constitutes formal methods and what their place is in Software Engineering. It also introduces logics as languages to describe reasoning and the process algebra CSP as a language to represent behaviours. The second part offers specification and testing methods for formal development of software, based on the modelling languages CASL and UML. The third part takes the reader into the application domains of normative documents, human machine interfaces, and security. Use of notations and formalisms is uniform throughout the book. Topics and features: Explains foundations, and introduces specification, verification, and testing methods Explores various application domains Presents realistic and practical examples, illustrating concepts Brings together contributions from highly experienced educators and researchers Offers modelling and analysis methods for formal development of software Suitable for graduate and undergraduate courses in software engineering, this uniquely practical textbook will also be of value to students in informatics, as well as to scientists and practical engineers, who want to learn about or work more effectively with formal theories and methods. Markus Roggenbach is a Professor in the Dept. of Computer Science of Swansea University. Antonio Cerone is an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Computer Science of Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan. Bernd-Holger Schlingloff is a Professor in the Institut für Informatik of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Gerardo Schneider is a Professor in the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering of University of Gothenburg. Siraj Ahmed Shaikh is a Professor in the Institute for Future Transport and Cities of Coventry University. The companion site for the book offers additional resources, including further material for selected chapters, prepared lab classes, a list of errata, slides and teaching material, and virtual machines with preinstalled tools and resources for hands-on experience with examples from the book. The URL is:
What is the future of welfare in Europe? The European welfare state is generally considered to be one of the finest achievements of the post-1945 world. Set up to eradicate poverty by providing a minimum standard of living and social safety net, the welfare state has come under increasing strain from ageing societies, growing unemployment, a deskilling society, and mass migration (both from inside and outside of Europe). With contribution from some of Europe's leading experts on this subject, this path-breaking volume highlights the internal and external pressures on the welfare state and asks whether any European welfare model is sustainable in the long term. This book will be of interest to all students, academics and professions working in the field of European social policy.
Dieses Lehrbuch betrachtet ganzheitlich den Bereich Umwelttechnik, baut dabei auf grundlegende Prinzipien der Umweltchemie auf und konzentriert sich auf innovative und nachhaltige Technologien im Rahmen internationaler Regelungen.
In recent years, western societies have experienced a fundamental transformation in the way crime is understood and dealt with. Against the backdrop of a current great interest in narratives in criminology, this book draws on a narrative perspective to explore this transformation. Drawing on data from Germany, the book focuses on changing narratives of youth crime in recent decades and the exact narratives that have been used, abandoned, invented or criticized in order to instil particular understandings of crime and measures to act against it. The author draws upon a wide range of sources, including debates on youth crime in six parliaments from 1970 to 2012; articles on youth crime in four police and six social work journals from 1970 to 2009; and case studies with 15 young defendants who were interviewed before and after their trial and whose trial was observed. In doing so, the author reconstructs narratives over several decades and, overall, reveals a fascinating and multifaceted scope of narratives of youth crime. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of youth crime and justice, as well as criminology, sociology, politics and social work more broadly.
As you're well aware, your individual energy ebbs and flows--leading to high and low productivity cycles. Fail to manage your energy correctly, and you risk falling into traps including inertia, complacency, and frenzied, unfocused activity that only erodes the quality of your life. The same holds true for your entire organization. In Fully Charged, Heike Bruch and Bernd Vogel provide tools and strategies to help you manage your company's collective energy. First, diagnose your company's "energy state" using the Organizational Energy Matrix. By assessing the intensity (high or low) and the quality (positive or negative) of the energy in your enterprise, you discover which of four energy states your company is experiencing. Second, move your company out of dangerous states characterized by complacency, cynicism, aggression, withdrawal, and other perils. By applying practices mastered by companies as diverse as Airbus, Novartis, SAP, and Tata Steel, you can shift your firm into a state of high, positive energy--in which everyone is emotionally engaged, mentally alert, and working swiftly and productively toward critical goals. Practical and backed by extensive research, Fully Charged reveals how to continually refresh your company's energy--so it's always ready to tackle the next period of high demand.
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