The fast-emerging field of multimedia communications involves the use of various media types - text, images, speech, audio and video in a wide range of subject areas. The book presents these subject areas in - depth that enables the reader to build up a thorough understanding of the technical issues associated with this rapidly evolving subject. The book begins with multimedia and animation, multimedia systems, elements of multimedia and animation and their use. It discusses the background of color theory, sketching and illustration, storyboarding and different tools for animation. It describes the process of multimedia project development. It discusses the requirement of human resources and their skill levels, hardware and software tools, graphics, authoring tools and things involved in planning, costing, designing, producing, delivering, evaluating and testing multimedia projects. It also explains the various image file formats, the concept of morphing, types of animations, principles of animation, animation techniques, animation file formats, animation for Web, animation tools for World Wide Web and professional development tools.
The fast-emerging field of multimedia communications involves the use of various media types - text, images, speech, audio and video in a wide range of subject areas. The book presents these subject areas in-depth that enables the reader to build up a thorough understanding of the technical issues associated with this rapidly evolving subject. The book begins with goals, objectives and characteristics of multimedia, multimedia building blocks, multimedia architecture, distributed multimedia applications streaming technologies, multimedia database systems, multimedia authoring tools and applications. It describes image and audio fundamentals and their file formats, image compression and audio compression techniques. It also describes video signal formats, video transmission standards and video file formats. It also explains types of animations, principles of animation, animation techniques and introduces OpenGL primitives, shadowing techniques and rendering. The book also covers advanced multimedia topics such as virtual reality, multimedia communication, multimedia networking, quality data transmission and multimedia in Android.
The book is written for an undergraduate course on the 8086 microprocessor and 8051 microcontroller. It provides comprehensive coverage of the hardware and software aspects of 8086 microprocessor and 8051 microcontroller. The book is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on 8086 microprocessor. It teaches you the 8086 architecture, instruction set, Assembly Language Programming (ALP), interfacing 8086 with support chips, memory, and peripherals such as 8251, 8253, 8255, 8259, 8237 and 8279. It also explains the interfacing of 8086 with data converters - ADC and DAC and introduces a traffic light control system. The second part focuses on multiprogramming and multiprocessor configurations, numeric processor 8087, I/O processor 8089 and introduces features of advanced processors such as 80286, 80386, 80486 and Pentium processors. The third part focuses on 8051 microcontroller. It teaches you the 8051 architecture, instruction set, programming 8051 and interfacing 8051 with external memory. It explains timers/counters, serial port, interrupts of 8051 and their programming. It also describes the interfacing 8051 with data converters - ADC and DAC, keyboards, LCDs, LEDs, stepper motors, and sensors.
The book is written for an undergraduate course on the 8085 microprocessor and 8051 microcontroller. It provides comprehensive coverage of the hardware and software aspects of 8085 microprocessor and 8051 microcontroller. The book is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on 8085 microprocessor. It teaches you the 8085 architecture, instruction set, Assembly Language Programming (ALP), interfacing 8085 with support chips, memory and peripheral ICs - 8251, 8253, 8255, 8259, 8237 and 8279. It also explains the interfacing of 8085 with data converters - ADC and DAC - and introduces a temperature control system and data acquisition system design. The second part focuses on 8051 microcontroller. It teaches you the 8051 architecture, instruction set, programming 8051 with ALP and C and interfacing 8051 with external memory. It also explains timers/counters, serial port and interrupts of 8051 and their programming in ALP and C. It also covers the interfacing 8051 with data converters - ADC and DAC, keyboards, LCDs, LEDs, stepper motors, servo motors and introduces the washing machine control system design.
The book covers all the aspects of theory, analysis, and design of Electron Devices and Circuits for the undergraduate course. The concepts of p-n junction devices, BJT, JFET, MOSFET, electronic devices including UJT, thyristors, IGBT, Amplifier circuits-BJT, JFET and MOSFET amplifiers, multistage and differential amplifiers, feedback amplifiers, and oscillators are explained comprehensively. The book explains various p-n junction devices, including diode, LED, laser diode, Zener diode, and Zener diode regulator. The different types of rectifiers are explained in support. The book covers the construction, operation, and characteristics of BJT, JFET, MOSFET, UJT, Thyristors - SCR, Diac and Triac, and IGBT. It explains the biasing of BJT, JFET, and MOSFET amplifiers, basic BJT, JFET, and MOSFET amplifiers with h-parameters and r-parameters equivalent circuits, multistage amplifiers, differential amplifiers, BiCMOS amplifier, single tuned amplifiers, neutralization methods, power amplifiers, and frequency response. Finally, the book incorporates a detailed discussion of the analysis of the current series, voltage series, current shunt, and voltage shunt feedback amplifiers. The book also includes the discussion of the Barkhausen criterion for oscillations and the detailed analysis of various oscillator circuits, including RC phase shift, Wien bridge, Hartley, Colpitt‘s, Clapp, and crystal oscillators. The book uses straightforward and lucid language to explain each topic. The book provides the logical method of describing the various complicated issues and stepwise methods to make understanding easy. The variety of solved examples is the feature of this book. The book explains the subject's philosophy, which makes understanding the concepts evident and makes the subject more interesting.
The book is written for an undergraduate course on digital electronics. The book provides basic concepts, procedures and several relevant examples to help the readers to understand the analysis and design of various digital circuits. It also introduces hardware description language, VHDL. The book teaches you the logic gates, logic families, Boolean algebra, simplification of logic functions, analysis and design of combinational circuits using SSI and MSI circuits and analysis and design of the sequential circuits. This book provides in-depth information about multiplexers, de-multiplexers, decoders, encoders, circuits for arithmetic operations, various types of flip-flops, counters and registers. It also covers asynchronous sequential circuits, memories and programmable logic devices.
The book is written for an undergraduate course on the 8085 and 8086 microprocessors and 8051 microcontroller. It provides comprehensive coverage of the hardware and software aspects of 8085 and 8086 microprocessors and 8051 microcontroller. The book uses plain and lucid language to explain each topic. A large number of programming examples is the feature of this book. The book provides the logical method of describing the various complicated concepts and stepwise techniques for easy understanding, making the subject more interesting. The book is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on the 8085 microprocessor. It teaches you the 8085 architecture, pin description, bus organization, instruction set, addressing modes, instruction formats, Assembly Language Programming (ALP), instruction timing diagrams, interrupts and interfacing 8085 with support chips, memory and peripheral ICs - 8251, 8253, 8255, 8259 and 8279. It also explains the interfacing of 8085 with data converters - ADC and DAC- and introduces a temperature control system design. The second part focuses on the 8086 microprocessor. It teaches you the 8086 architecture, register organization, memory segmentation, interrupts, addressing modes, operating modes - minimum and maximum modes, interfacing 8086 with support chips, minimum and maximum mode 8086 systems and timings. The third part focuses on the 8051 microcontroller. It teaches you the 8051 architecture, pin description, instruction set, programming 8051 and interfacing 8051 with external memory. It explains timers/counters, serial port, interrupts of 8051 and their programming. It also describes the interfacing 8051 with keyboards, LCDs and LEDs and explains the control of servomotor, stepper motors and washing machine using 8051.
The book presents comprehensive coverage of Computer Graphics and Multimedia concepts in a simple, lucid and systematic way. It uses C programming language to implement various algorithms explained in the book. The book is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on a wide range of exciting topics such as illumination and colour models, shading algorithms, line, curves, circle and ellipse drawing algorithms, polygon filling, 2D and 3D transformations, windowing and clipping, 3D object representation, 3D viewing, viewing pipeline, and visible surface detection algorithms. The second part focuses on multimedia basics, multimedia applications, multimedia system architecture, evolving technologies for multimedia, defining objects for multimedia systems, multimedia data interface standards, multimedia databases, compression and decompression, data and file format standards, multimedia I/O technologies, digital voice and audio, video image and animation, full-motion video and storage and retrieval technologies. It also describes multimedia authoring and user interface, Hypermedia messaging, mobile messaging, integrated multimedia message standards, integrated document management and distributed multimedia systems. Case Study : Blender graphics - Blender fundamentals, drawing basic shapes, modelling, shading and textures.
This book begins with an introduction to Verilog HDL. It describes basic concepts in Verilog HDL, language constructs and conventions and modeling styles - gate-level modeling, data-flow level modeling, behavioral modeling and switch level modeling. It also describes sequential models, basic memory components, functional register, static machine coding and sequential synthesis. The last section of the book focuses on component testing and verification. It includes combinational circuits testing, sequential circuit testing, test bench techniques, design verification and assertion verification.
The book is written for an undergraduate course on the 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit Intel Processors. It provides comprehensive coverage of the hardware and software aspects of 8086/88, 80286, 80386, 80486 and Pentium Processors. The book uses plain and lucid language to explain each topic. The book provides the logical method of explaining the various complicated concepts and stepwise techniques for easy understanding, making the subject more interesting. The book begins with the 8086 architecture, instruction set, Assembly Language Programming (ALP) and interfacing 8086 with support chips, memory and I/O. It focuses on features, architecture, pin description, data types, addressing modes and newly supported instructions of 80286 and 80386 microprocessors. It discusses various operating modes supported by 80386 - Real Mode, Protected Mode and Virtual 8086 Mode. Finally, the book focuses on multitasking, exception handling, 80486 architecture, Pentium architecture and RISC processor. It describes Pentium superscalar architecture, pipelining, instruction pairing rules, instruction and data cache, floating-point unit, Pentium Pro architecture, Pentium MMX architecture, Hyper Treading Core2- Duo features and concept of RISC processor.
The book is written for an undergraduate course on the 8051 and MSP430 microcontrollers. It provides comprehensive coverage of the hardware and software aspects of 8051 and MSP430 microcontrollers. The book is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on 8051 microcontroller. It teaches you the 8051 architecture, instruction set, programming 8051 and interfacing 8051 with external memory. It explains timers/counters, serial port, interrupts of 8051 and their programming. It also describes the interfacing 8051 with data converters - ADC and DAC, keyboards, LCDs, LEDs, stepper motors and DC motor interfacing. The second part focuses on MSP430 microcontroller. It teaches you the low power features, architecture, instruction set, programming, digital I/O and on-chip peripherals of MSP430. It describes how to use code composer studio for assembly and C programming. It also describes the interfacing MSP430 with external memory, LCDs, LED modules, wired and wireless sensor networks.
This book presents the basic concepts used in designing and analyzing digital circuits and introduces digital computer organization and design principles. The first part of the book teaches you the number systems, logic gates, logic families, Boolean algebra, simplification of logic functions, analysis and design of combinational circuits using SSI and MSI circuits. It also explains latches and flip-flops, Types of counters - synchronous and asynchronous, counter design and applications, and shift registers and its applications. The second part of the book teaches you functional units of computer, Von Neumann and Harvard architectures, processor organization, control unit - hardwired control unit and microprogrammed control unit, processor instructions, instruction cycle, instruction formats, instruction pipelining, RISC and CISC architectures, interrupts, interrupt handling, multiprocessor systems, multicore processors, memory and I/O organizations.
The book is written for an undergraduate course on Hardware Description Languages. It provides comprehensive coverage of the VHDL (VHSIC-HDL, Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language). It also introduces Verilog HDL. The book uses plain and lucid language to explain each topic. A large number of programming examples is the feature of this book. The book explains the structure of VHDL module, operators, data objects and data types used in VHDL. It describes various modeling styles - Behavioral Modeling, Data Flow Modeling, Structural Modeling, Switch-Level Modeling and Mixed-Type Descriptions, with important concepts involved in them. It also introduces the structure of the Verilog HDL module, operators, data types and compares VHDL and Verilog HDL.
The book is written for an undergraduate course on Digital Electronics. The book provides basic concepts, procedures and several relevant examples to help the readers to understand the analysis and design of various digital circuits. The book uses plain and lucid language to explain each topic. A large number of design examples with commercially available SSI and MSI chips is the feature of this book. The book begins with the CMOS, TTL and ECL logic families. It teaches you the analysis and design of combinational and sequential circuits using SSI and MSI chips. It provides in-depth information about multiplexers, de-multiplexers, decoders, encoders, priority encoders, devices for arithmetic operations, multipliers, tri-state devices, comparators, parity circuits, various types of flip-flops, counters and registers. It also covers semiconductor memories and programmable logic devices.
The book begins with bipolar and unipolar logic families. It teaches you the TTL and CMOS logic families. It provides in-depth information about analog to digital converters and digital to analog converters. It also covers semiconductor memories and programmable logic devices. Then the book introduces microprocessors and microcontrollers. It introduces microprocessor with basic concepts, terminologies, phases in the execution process, evolution, block diagram, programming, instruction format, addressing modes, architectural advancements, selection criteria and applications. It also explains the block diagram, various types and applications of the microcontrollers. Finally, the book incorporates a detailed discussion of display devices.
Basics of Computer and Information TechnologyDigital computer fundamentals, Block diagram of a computer, Component of computer system, Hardware and software definitions, Categories of software, Booting, Installing and uninstalling software, Software piracy, Software terminologies, Applications of computers, Role of information technology, History of Internet, Internet services.Problem Solving MethodologyProblem solving techniques, Program, Program development cycle, Algorithm, Design, Flowchart, Program control structures, Types and generation of programming languages, Development of algorithms for simple problems.Basic Elements of CC, Lexical elements of C, Operators and expressions, Operator precedence and associativity of operators, Input and Output Functions, Simple computational problems.Decision MakingControl statements, Branching, looping, Nested control structures, Switch, Break, Continue, goto statements, Problems using control structures.Functions and Program StructuresPrototypes and functions, Declaring, Defining and accessing functions, Parameter passing methods, Recursion, Storage classes, auto, Extern, Static and register, Library functions, Programs using functions.ArraysDefine and processing arrays, Passing arrays to functions, Multi-dimensional arrays, Strings and basic operations on strings, Enumerated data types, Programs using simple sorting, Searching and merging of arrays.PointersPointer concept, Declaration, Accessing variable through pointer, Initializing pointer variable, Pointers and Functions, Pointers and arrays, Pointers and structures, Example programs using pointers with function, Arrays and structures, Command line arguments, Dynamic memory allocation, Operations on pointers.Structures, Unions and File handlingStructures - User defined data types, Union, Nested structures, Passing structures to functions, Self referential structures, File pointer, High level file operations, Opening and closing of file, Creating, Processing and Updation on files, Simple file handling programs.Linked ListsSingly Linked list, Creation, Insertion and Deletion of elements, Stack and Queue implementation using linked list.
Diode ApplicationsVoltage multiplier circuits : Working and comparison of voltage doubler, tripler and voltage quadrupler configurations. Limitations of voltage multiplier circuits. Effect of frequency on load regulation.Clipping and clamping circuits : Series and parallel forms of clipping circuits, Biased clipper, their operation and transfer characteristics. Clamping circuits.MOSFET ApplicationsMOSFET in VLSI : V-I characteristic equation in terms of W/L ratio, MOSFET scaling and small geometry effects, MOSFET capacitances. Modeling MOS transistors using SPICE, CMOS inverter, Static characteristics - Noise margin, threshold voltage, Layout and latch-up prevention, Other logic gates - NAND and NOR gates. Objective : To study Power MOSFET and Power BJT devices and their data sheet specifications.Power MOSFETConstruction - Lateral double diffused MOSFET, VMOSFET. Drive requirements, Comparison with power BJT. One example of drive circuit for POWER MOSFET.Power BJTPower BJT construction, Data sheet specifications, Thermal resistance, Second breakdown, Safe operating area (SOA), Thermal runaway, BJT as a switch in display and relay drive applications, Drive considerations, Anti saturation circuits, Comparison with POWER MOSFET.Large signal AF BJT amplifiersBlock schematic of AF amplifier. Classes of power amplifiers - Class A, Class B, Class AB. An overview and applications of Class C and Class D amplifiers. Class A with resistive load, Transformer coupled class A amplifier, Class B Push-pull, Class AB, Complementary symmetry and Quasi-complementary configurations. Efficiency analysis for Class A transformer coupled amplifier, Class B push-pull amplifiers. Comparison of efficiencies of other configurations. Distortions in amplifiers, concept of Total Harmonic Distortion (THD).High frequency, small signal BJT amplifiersBehavior of transistor at high frequencies. Modified T equivalent circuit. High frequency hybrid CE amplifier model. CE short circuit current gains for T and hybrid models. Definitions and derivations for , and . Amplifier bandwidth taking into account source and load resistances. Techniques to improve bandwidth. Single tuned, Double tuned and stagger tuned amplifiers. Unloaded and loaded Q. Effect of staggering on bandwidth (no derivations).Feedback amplifiers and oscillatorsConcept of feedback. Negative and positive feedback. Classification of amplifiers based on feedback topology. (Voltage, Current, Transconductance and Transresistance amplifiers). Transfer gain with feedback. Advantages and disadvantages of negative feedback. Effect of feedback on input and output impedances and bandwidth of an amplifier. Analysis of one circuit for each feedback topology.OscillatorsOscillator startup mechanism, need for amplitude limiting. Study of following oscillator circuits (using FET) - (Derivations not expected) - LC oscillators - General form of LC oscillator. Hartley oscillator, Colpitts oscillator, Clapp oscillator. Crystal oscillator, Crystal clock.Linear voltage regulators and voltage referencesBlock schematic of linear regulators. Emitter follower regulator, Transistor series regulator and its analysis for performance parameters. 3 terminal floating, dual and adjustable regulators. Method of boosting output current using external series pass transistor. Performance parameters - Load and Line regulation, Ripple rejection, Output resistance and efficiency. Protection circuits - Reverse polarity protection, over current, fold back current limiting, over voltage protections. Important data sheet specifications of linear regulators. Voltage references, their peculiarities and applications.
Semiconductors and RectifiersClassification of solids based on energy band theory - Intrinsic Semiconductors - Extrinsic semiconductors - P type and N type - PN junction - Zener effect - Zener diode characteristics - Half wave and full wave rectifiers - Voltage regulation.Transistors and AmplifiersBipolar junction transistor - CB, CE, CC configuration and characteristics - Biasing circuits - Class A, B and C amplifiers - Field effect transistor - Configuration and characteristic of FET amplifier - SCR, Diac, Triac, UJT - Characteristics and simple applications - Switching transistors - Concept of feedback - Negative feedback - Application in temperature and motor speed control.Digital ElectronicsBinary number system - AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR circuits - Boolean algebra - Exclusive OR gate - Flip flops - Half and full adders - Registers - Counters - A/D and D/A conversion.8085 Microprocessor Block diagram of microcomputer - Architecture of 8085 - Pin configuration - Instruction set - Addressing modes - Simple programs using arithmetic and logical operations.Interfacing and Applications of Microprocessor Basic interfacing concepts - Interfacing of Input and Output devices - Applications of microprocessor Temperature control, Stepper motor control, Traffic light control.
An overview of 8085, Architecture of 8086, Microprocessor, Special functions of general purpose registers, 8086 flag register and function of 8086 flags.Addressing modes of 8086, Instruction set of 8086, Assembler directives simple programs, Procedures, and Macros.Assembly language programs involving logical, Branch and Call instructions, Sorting, Evaluation of arithmetic expressions, String manipulation.Pin diagram of 8086-Minimum mode and maximum mode of operation, Timing diagram, Memory interfacing to 8086 (Static RAM and EPROM), Need for DMA, DMA data transfer method, Interfacing with 8237/8257.8255 PPI-Various modes of operation and interfacing to 8086, Interfacing keyboard, Displays, Stepper motor and actuators, D/A and A/D converter interfacing.Interrupt structure of 8086, Vector interrupt table, Interrupt service routines, Introduction to DOS and BIOS interrupts, 8259 PIC architecture and interfacing cascading of interrupt controller and its importance.Serial data transfer schemes, Asynchronous and synchronous data transfer schemes, 8251 USART architecture and interfacing, TTL to RS 232C and RS232C to TTL conversion, Sample program of serial data transfer, Introduction to High-speed serial communications standards, USB.8051 Microcontroller architecture, Register set of 8051, Modes of timer operation, Serial port operation, Interrupt structure of 8051, Memory and I/O interfacing 8051.
Number Systems and CodesPhilosophy of number systems - complement representation of negative numbers - binary arithmetic - binary codes - error detecting and error correcting codes - hamming codes.Boolean Algebra and Switching FunctionsFundamental postulates of Boolean Algebra-Basic theorems and properties - switching functions - Canonical and Standard forms - Algebraic simplification - digital logic gates, properties of XOR gates - universal gates - Multilevel NAND/NOR realizations.Minimization of Switching FunctionsMap method, Prime implicants, Don't care combinations, Minimal SOP and POS forms, Tabular Method, Prime - Implicant chart, simplification rules.Combinational Logic DesignDesign using conventional logic gates, Encoder, Decoder, Multiplexer, De-Multiplexer, Modular design IC chips, MUX Realization of switching functions Parity bit generator, Code-converters, Hazards and hazard free realizations.Programmable Logic Devices, Threshold LogicBasic PLD's-ROM, PROM, PLA, PLD Realization of Switching functions using PLD's. Capabilities and limitations of Threshold gate, Synthesis of Threshold functions, Multigate Synthesis.Sequential Circuits - IClassification of sequential circuits (Synchronous, Asynchronous, Pulse mode, Level mode with examples) Basic flop-flops-Triggering and excitation tables. Steps in synchronous sequential circuit design. Design of modulo-N Ring and shift counters, Serial binary adder, sequence detector.Sequential Circuits - IIFinite state machine-capabilities and limitations, Mealy and Moore models-minimization of completely specified and incompletely specified sequential machines, Partition techniques and Merger chart methods-concept of minimal cover table.Algorithmic State MachinesSalient features of the ASM chart-Simple examples-System design using data path and control subsystems-control implementations-examples of Weighing machine and Binary multiplier.
Diodes & TransistorsPN junction, Biasing the PN junction diode, Forward, Reverse bias and its characteristics. Diode as rectifier, Half wave rectifier, Full wave rectifier, Bridge rectifier, Output waveforms, Definitions and derivations of Idc, Vdc, Vrms, Irms, Efficiency (). Ripple factor, Peak inverse voltage (PIV), Capacitor input filter.Zener diode, Comparison of Zener and Avalanche breakdowns, LED, Photodiode, Varactor diode.Construction of bipolar junction transistor (BJT), PNP-NPN BJT working with normal biasing, BJT configuration CE, CB, CC. Input and Output characteristics of CB & CE configuration.Purpose of biasing, DC operating point, Active, Cut-off and Saturation regions, Alpha and Beta definition and their relations.BJT as a switch, BJT as a voltage amplifier.Amplifier and Voltage Regulator Single stage CE transistor as amplifier, Working of amplifier with the help of D.C. load line, Selection of Q point and waveforms. Practical amplifier with self biasing, RC coupled single stage AF amplifier, Frequency response and Bandwidth.Comparison of CE, CB & CC on the basis of Av, Ai, Ri, Ro.Regulation, block schematic of a regulated power supply, Zener diode as a regulator, Block schematic of Series, Shunt regulator, IC 3 Terminal voltage regulator [78XX,79XX]Digital Electronics Binary logic, Positive, Negative logic Boolean algebra, Basic theorems, DeMorgan's theorems, Logic circuits, Standard logic gates, Universal logic gates, Ex-OR & Ex-NOR symbol, Equation & Truth table, Implementation of Boolean Equation using basic gate and Universal gate, Reduction of Boolean equation using two variable K-Map. One bit comparator, Half adder, Full adder.Operational - Amplifier and Oscillators Introduction to Op-amp, Properties of ideal Op-amp, Open loop and Close loop configuration of Op-amps, Derivations for gain of inverting, Non - inverting, Difference amplifier, Application of Op-amps-as summing, Difference, Voltage follower, Open loop comparator.Principle of feedback, Concept of +ve and ve feedback. Definition of an Oscillator, Oscillator principles, Barkhausen criterion, Working of RC phase - shift oscillator, Wien bridge oscillator, LC oscillator, Frequency of Oscillation(No derivation)Transducers Block diagram of a Instrumentation system. Classification of Transducers : Primary, Secondary, Active, Passive. Selection criteria for transducers. Temperature transducers : Thermocouple, RTD, Thermister. Displacement and pressure transducers : LVDT, Strain gauge, piezo-electric transducers.Electronic Measurement, System & Application CRO : Operation of single beam and Dual trace CRO with simple block diagram, Front panel controls of CRO such as volts/div, times / div, X-Y positions, Trigger, Chop, Alternate, Oscilloscope attenuated probes.Electronic weighing machine, Electronic batch counter, Burglar alarm, Block schematic of P.A. system. IC 555 as a free running Oscillator and Timer.
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