Follow the lives of four couples facing infidelity, tragedy, and trauma, leaving us to wonder: What would you withstand for love? Rayshon and Leila have been through it all—and survived it. Stronger than ever, they stand together and take on the challenges of raising Karen’s son, a love-crazed teenager, all while Leila takes on a new business venture, which Rayshon has come to regret. Devon yearns for love. After hurting Leila, a failed marriage with Christa, and an affair with Janelle, Devon is now ready to have someone he can call his own. But does he look for love in the wrong place? Alicia Green is sexy, single, and catches his eye. He finds himself falling for her, only to find out that Alicia has secrets that may send Devon running away from love. Kerry and Janiece are proud new parents, and all is well until he hires Robin, a sexy young assistant who is interested in more than her secretarial duties. But, as they say, how you get him is how you will lose him, and Janiece feels that her marriage could be in jeopardy because her husband refuses to see Robin for who she is. Julian and Kennedy are still the power couple that works hard and plays hard and are still madly in love. But then tragedy hits home. Kennedy gets a call saying her dad has suffered a heart attack, and his death reveals a family secret that Kennedy must find a way to move on from.
Letting go is not always easy, and in some cases, it can be close to impossible, like it is for Leila. She’s always been stuck on her husband and never thought her love for him would dissipate. Even throughout the constant pain and suffering, she has hope that he'll come back to her. But Devon's cold heart and abandonment has left room for her to be rescued by another man. Rayshon Johnson—not the perfect man, but a better man—comes along and rolls the storm away, providing Leila with the emotional comfort she desperately desires. He kisses her where it hurts and helps her shed her insecurities, building his woman up from the inside. Devon hates to see another man getting comfortable in his spot. He’s determined to get his good thing back, no matter the costs. Home is where the heart is, and he’s more than ready to reclaim home!
After winning Leila's heart in a fierce love triangle, Rayshon is looking forward to the arrival of their second child, but Leila turns once again to Devon for a shoulder to cry on after her business begins failing.
They killed Winx's sister. They slaughtered Keaton's family. Now it's time for revenge. Winx and Keaton are struggling to recover from the devastating blow dealt by the lixyns and find their way into each other's arms. The danger is only growing, a shadowy enemy lurks in the background, and Keaton's shattered heart is split between the woman from the past and the woman of his future. Now Winx has to find her revenge without losing Keaton--and without losing herself. Challenged by Darkness is an urban fantasy romance, sequel to Cursed by Darkness. This edition includes Sultry in Death, a bonus prequel story. keywords: urban fantasy, paranormal romance, urban fantasy romance, werewolf romance, shapeshifter romance, angels, demons, science fiction romance
How long does it take to forget the smell of someone who loved you? And when do you stop loving them? When Chloe's husband leaves her and their children for another woman, she is devastated. Unexpectedly, it's her usually distant father-in-law who comes to Chloe's aid, both with practical help and his personal wisdom on life and love. In this beautifully crafted novella, Anna Gavalda poignantly explores the fragility of human relationships.
This book offers a thorough analysis of demons in the Hebrew Bible and Septuagint in the wider context of the ancient Near East and the Greek world. Taking a fresh and innovative angle of enquiry, Anna Angelini investigates continuities and changes in the representation of divine powers in Hellenistic Judaism, thereby revealing the role of the Greek translation of the Bible in shaping ancient demonology, angelology, and pneumatology. Combining philological and semantic analyses with a historical approach and anthropological insights, the author both develops a new method for analyzing religious categories within biblical traditions and sheds new light on the importance of the Septuagint for the history of ancient Judaism. Le livre propose une analyse approfondie des démons dans la Bible Hébraïque et la Septante, à la lumière du Proche Orient Ancien et du contexte grec. Par un nouvel angle d’approche, Anna Angelini met en lumière dynamiques de continuité et de changement dans les représentations des puissances divines à l’époque hellénistique, en soulignant l’importance de la traduction grecque de la Bible pour la compréhension de la démonologie, de l’angélologie et de la pneumatologie antiques. En intégrant l’analyse philologique et sémantique avec une approche historique et des méthodes anthropologiques, l’autrice développe une nouvelle méthodologie pour analyser des catégories religieuses à l’intérieur des traditions bibliques et affirme la valeur de la Septante pour l’histoire du judaïsme antique.
Jump into the world of the Devil’s Outlands, where time travel, magic, and enemies-to-lovers romance collide. The demon king Zor'imuth is no more, destroyed by the British werewolf Nathaniel Fortescue and his fated mate, the American Kylie Drummond. Years have passed in the modern world. The threat of the Outlands is over, or so it seems. Until the daughter of Nathaniel and Kylie comes of age. Zaen'imuth, son of the demon king, has sensed Charlotte Fortescue, though he can’t find her. He will cross worlds and time itself to hunt down the woman he craves. But something strange is happening to the demon, and his desire to take an innocent mortal for his slave has transformed into something far more dangerous for them both. The Outlands Demon is the second book in The Devil’s Outlands series of paranormal romance.
Through the lens provided by the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, After Katrina argues that the city of New Orleans emerges as a key site for exploring competing narratives of US decline and renewal at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Deploying an interdisciplinary approach to explore cultural representations of the post-storm city, Anna Hartnell suggests that New Orleans has been reimagined as a laboratory for a racialized neoliberalism, and as such might be seen as a terminus of the American dream. This US disaster zone has unveiled a network of social and environmental crises that demonstrate that prospects of social mobility have dwindled as environmental degradation and coastal erosion emerge as major threats not just to the quality of life but to the possibility of life in coastal communities across America and the world. And yet After Katrina also suggests that New Orleans culture offers a way of thinking about the United States in terms that transcend the binary of national renewal or declension. The post-Hurricane city thus emerges as a flashpoint for reflecting on the contemporary United States.
Twenty-seven leading artists, writers and academics come together to tackle one of the most drastic urban regeneration programmes in world history - the "Regeneration Supernova" of East London. The impact of global capital and foreign investment on local communities is being felt in major cities across the world. Since the 2012 Olympics was awarded to the British capital, East London has been at the heart of the largest and most all-encompassing top-down urban regeneration strategy in civic history. At the centre of this has been the local government, Newham Council, and their daring proposal: an "Arc of Opportunity" for developers to transform 1,412 hectares of Newham. The proposal was outlined in a short film, London's Regeneration Supernova, and shown to foreign developers and businesses at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. While the sweeping changes to East London have been keenly felt by locals, the symbolism and practicalities of these changes - for the local area, and the world alike - are overdue serious investigation. Regeneration Songs is about how places are turned into simple stories for packaged investment opportunities, how people living in those places relate to those stories, and how music and art can render those stories in many different ways. The book will also include a download code to obtain the related musical project, Music for Masterplanning - in which musicians from East London soundtracked London's Regeneration Supernova - and a 32-page glossy insert detailing the artists involved.
Sometimes in high school, all you want is to be invisible. Being invisible might be the biggest problem of all for Natalie. She has a disability that causes chaos to her body on the inside but leaves her unmarked on the outside. She's learned to hide her pain so well that you would never guess she's not the same Natalie as she was before she got sick. But after having surgery, Natalie must return to school in a wheelchair. Now, Natalie has to decide if the painful consequences of pretending to be healthy are worth keeping the last of her sick girl secrets.
In the divided society of a mega city on its way to independence, police investigators are dragged into a series of dangerous events. A fight against the criminal organization threatening the city results in multiple deaths of people dear to Detective Frank Harris—most importantly, his wife. When Frank’s only daughter returns home after a long year abroad, his colleague goes missing under disturbing circumstances. Jack was last seen in the majestic, modern city of Newbourne but now can’t be located. Misled and distracted by different groups shamelessly fighting for power, Frank must rely on his guts and the kindness of strangers on his way to the Alter-City underground. Despite what he thought he knew, Frank soon realizes there is much more to his world than he imagined.
De la autoarea seriei AFTER, #1 bestseller internațional și bestseller New York Times Al doilea volum din seria STARS Karina practică masajul terapeutic cu multă empatie pentru pacienții ei. Datorită meseriei sale, l-a cunoscut pe Kael, misteriosul soldat tocmai întors din Afghanistan. După ce amiciția lor s-a transformat într-o relație de iubire pasională, fiecare s-a deschis în fața celuilalt, mărturisindu-și temerile și dorințele cele mai profunde. Kael a îndemnat-o pe iubita lui să-și înfrunte tatăl autoritar și manipulator, iar Karina, la rândul ei, l-a ajutat să depășească mai ușor amintirile dureroase de pe front. Totuși, fără să vrea, Kael a făcut o greșeală: încercând să ordoneze un pic viața lui Austin, fratele Karinei, a aflat de hotărârea acestuia de a se înrola în Armată și a ales să nu-i dezvăluie nimic iubitei sale. Consecințele pentru relația lor au fost dezastruoase, iar Kael încearcă acum să repare lucrurile. Deși vrea să pară de fier, Karina duce o luptă înăuntrul său. Va avea ea puterea de a șterge trecutul? Totodată, o descoperire neașteptată legată de cea mai bună prietenă a ei o bulversează… „Todd e cel mai important fenomen literar al generaţiei sale." – Cosmopolitan „Anna Todd reușește să te facă să țipi, să plângi, să râzi, să te-ndrăgostești și să te așezi cu genunchii la gură... AFTER este o serie pe care n-ai voie s o ratezi — dar pregătește te să simți și acum emoții pe care nu credeai că ți le poate aduce o carte." - Fangirlish Anna Todd este autoarea seriei AFTER, bestseller New York Times. A fost dintotdeauna o cititoare împătimită și a început să scrie pe Wattpad, AFTER devenind seria cea mai citită de pe această platformă. Ediția tipărită a apărut în 2014. Seria AFTER a fost publicată în peste 30 de limbi, a fost vândută în peste 8 milioane de exemplare în întreaga lume și este #1 bestseller în Italia, Germania, Franța și Spania. În prezent, Anna locuiește în Los Angeles, împreună cu soțul ei. O găsiți la, pe Twitter la @imaginator1d, pe Instagram la @imaginator1d și pe Wattpad ca Imaginator1D. La Editura Trei au apărut ambele volume din seria Landon Gibson – Nimic mai mult și Nimic mai puțin, toate romanele seriei AFTER: După ce ne-am întâlnit, După ce ne-am certat, După ce ne-am îndrăgostit, După ce am găsit fericirea, Înainte de noi, precum și primul roman din seria STARS – Cele mai strălucitoare stele. Paramount Pictures a cumpărat drepturile de ecranizare pentru AFTER.
You can run from the battle, but there's no escaping the war... Winx Rowan is fighting through the horde of undead savages to return to her family, even though she had to leave behind Keaton to do it. What she finds waiting for her has her questioning her life, her choices - maybe even her sanity. Keaton's at the front of the war efforts, trying to bring peace now that the enemy leader has been killed. But the attacks are getting worse. Someone else is out to conquer the Queendom and exact revenge... Darkness Uprising is an urban fantasy romance, and third book in The Befallen Tides Series. keywords: urban fantasy, paranormal romance, urban fantasy romance, werewolf romance, shapeshifter romance, angels, demons, science fiction romance
Nuestro derecho y su filosof a fueron concebidos para un mundo econ mico material signado por el reparto de la escasez y por la divisi n en territorios. El enfoque positivo del derecho no se puede concebir sin el criterio territorial. Por ejemplo, siendo el criterio territorial su piedra angular, basta quitarle el concepto de territorio para que se derrumbe la Teor a pura del derecho de KELSEN. As es f cil entender que el mundo virtualde Internet marcado por la abundancia en vez de las limitaciones, sin territorios y sin materialidad, no se pueda regular eficazmente con nuestros principios jur dicos y filos ficos usuales. En Internet, a n el concepto de la justicia de Arist teles, que distribuye a cada persona lo suyo y que reparte los bienes materiales, no sirve de nada. Sin embargo, s lo esta concepci n de la justicia-reparto prevalece en nuestro mundo moderno. Incluso John RAWLS ha basado su Teor a de la justicia sobre este fundamento. A pesar de que en el mbito jur dico, s lo tenemos este concepto de justicia y sus variantes, el mismo no se puede aplicar eficazmente al mundo virtual. Este libro propone una filosof a de la justicia y principios de acci n jur dica adecuados para acompa ar eficazmente el desarrollo de Internet y del mundo de la informaci n.
Janiece is finally settled with her husband, Isaiah, after a whirlwind of drama with her ex-lover, K.P., and his wife. She is ready to live happily ever after, but Isaiah is called back to duty and has to serve eighteen months in Iraq. Janiece is left behind just when K.P. moves back to Chicago. Still not over Janiece, K.P. wants her back. He is shocked to find out that she is now married and expecting her first child, and there is no chance for them to start over. Unable to move on, K.P. decides to try to be a friend, causing drama and turbulence with Janiece's in-laws while Isaiah is away serving his country. Her older sister, Janelle, tries to be a comfort for Janiece during her pregnancy and separation from her husband, but Janelle has issues of her own to worry about. Her marriage takes a turn for the worse as her husband, Gregory, puts business before family and neglects his duties as a husband, along with his fatherly responsibilities to their twins. Janelle finds herself walking in someone else's shoes, and she realizes that what goes around sometimes comes back around.
Touched By Grace: The Journey began forty years ago in 1974 when Anna Maria heard a voice that told her she will write. Not convinced, she chose a path that led her away from writing. As she started a family, God's graces just became too evident for her to ignore. In October 2014, she began writing about life events that she believed were an orchestration of circumstances that led her to a wonderful realization of God's grace. She asked God what she was going to do with her stories. In February 2015, her first story was published online by Guideposts magazine. She now presents her first compilation of short personal stories. Everything fell quite effortlessly on her lap. She now believes her mission is to spread stories of God's grace as well as to nurture perseverance in prayers. Her collection of true personal stories will inspire everyone to live his or her life knowing that God's grace is everywhere, from a seemingly trivial coincidence to some really awe-inspiring event. Her stories are also a witness to the power of prayer in everyone's lives, as long as we truly believe and are willing to Let Go and Let God.
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