A systematic and comprehensive introduction to the study of nonlinear dynamical systems, in both discrete and continuous time, for nonmathematical students and researchers working in applied fields. An understanding of linear systems and the classical theory of stability are essential although basic reviews of the relevant material are provided. Further chapters are devoted to the stability of invariant sets, bifurcation theory, chaotic dynamics and the transition to chaos. In the final two chapters the authors approach the subject from a measure-theoretical point of view and compare results to those given for the geometrical or topological approach of the first eight chapters. Includes about one hundred exercises. A Windows-compatible software programme called DMC, provided free of charge through a website dedicated to the book, allows readers to perform numerical and graphical analysis of dynamical systems. Also available on the website are computer exercises and solutions to selected book exercises. See www.cambridge.org/economics/resources
Cerré mis ojos un instante frente al cielo despejado; soplaba el viento libre, deslizándose en mi rostro, acariciándome. Me invadió una sensación de ternura, imagine despegar desde la tierra hast alas Alturas; eschuche el sonido de las aves y el crujir de las hojas como un concierto que disfrute en silencio. Ese día suspire, proque sentí EL ULTIMO LATIDO DE MI MADRE, en efecto ella había muerto me quedé a su lado recordando su bella sonrisa; cerci junto a dos hermanos y una hermana, fue sensacional. Mi madre supero dos capturas, vivimos momentos de angustia; la repression y la impunidad reinaban en la década de los 70. Siendo unos pequeños, el dolor se apoderó de nuestra inocencia, la Guerra era inminente, años más tarde entraría a nuestro hogar. Nos quedamos como en un naufragio, solos en medio del terror, burlados y pisoteados por un sistema que institucionalizó la repression y atentaba contra las libertades fundamentals de la población. La guerra no solo destruye lo físico sino también el tejido social de una nación. Han pasado tantos años de la firma de los Acuerdos de Paz y es necesario que las nuevas generaciones conozcan los hechos lamentable de esa época. Las cicatrices de la guerra aún no han sanado, siguen ahi recuperándose lentamente." Roldán Alfredo Quintanilla Dimas
In questo numero PROBLEMI E RIFLESSIONI / PROBLEMS AND ISSUES Il Parlamento Europeo di fronte alle nuove sfide del XXI secolo, Gianni Pittella L’Alleanza Atlantica a sessant’anni dal Trattato di Washington. Intervista al Presidente del Comitato Militare della NATO, ammiraglio Di Paola, e all’ambasciatore degli Stati Uniti in Italia, Thorne, a cura di Luca Ratti Il processo di pace israelo-palestinese: vecchi ostacoli e nuove opportunità. Intervista al Prof. Moshe Ma’oz, a cura di Maria Teresa Mammì e Silvia Masci La difesa dei diritti umani in Colombia. Protagonisti, metodi e percorsi a confronto, Davide Berruti STUDI E RICERCHE / STUDIES AND RESEARCH Attualità del pensiero di Sturzo nella ricerca di un nuovo ordine internazionale, Alfredo Breccia The U.S. Senate, the Military, and the North Atlantic Treaty: the Struggle over America’s Cold War Alliance Strategy, Jason Davidson Civilization on Trial - Again. Civilization and the Study of World Politics: Reading Arnold Toynbee today, Derrick Fiedler, Bjørn Thomassen EU Crisis management role in water conflicts in central Asia: Open Opportunities or Lost Causes?, Darya Pushkina La politica mediterranea dell’Unione Europea dal Processo di Barcellona all’Unione per il Mediterraneo (1995-2009), Paolo Wulzer DOCUMENTI / DOCUMENTS FATTI / CHRONOLOGY LIBRI / BOOKS
El presente libro constituye el fruto de una acuciosa investigación sobre La dinámica del lenguaje radioperiodístico. Es un valioso auxiliar, no sólo para aquellos que se inician en las actividades del periodismo radial, sino incluso para quienes llevan tiempo ejerciendo profesionalmente en esta actividad.Se han integrado, con un enfoque lingüístico, psicoacústico y semiótico, las diversas facetas del trabajo en la radio, tal como el lenguaje radiofónico y sus subsistemas: habla, música y efectos sonoros. Así como, los diferentes montajes, diseños sonoros, leyes que mueven la atención y el interés, la realización de los géneros periodísticos, espacios informativos y programas especiales informativos.
F u s i ó n D e Pa s i o n e s El 09 de Diciembre de 1824, a la una de la tarde, la Batalla de Ayacucho estaba por concluir con el triunfo rotundo de los patriotas; y, once sobrevivientes españoles, presintiendo las consecuencias del desastre y los pasos de la muerte en sus cercanías, decidieron escabullirse, para no caer en manos del enemigo, ansioso de saldar las cuentas de trescientos años de horrorosa opresión. Así comienza el autor a relatar los acontecimientos históricos y las aventuras poco conocidas, rescatadas de los manuscritos hallados en los archivos conventuales por un investigador desvelado que anudó los cabos sueltos y recompuso la urdimbre, hasta restituir la trama en la que aparecerá plasmada, la verdadera historia de un pueblo. El conocimiento pleno de los lugares y de los acontecimientos históricos, le sirvieron de sólido soporte al autor, para ensamblar magistralmente los hechos verídicos, con aquellos sucesos que no habían sido recogidos por la historia, para explicar y reivindicar en forma coherente, el proceso cultural, político, religioso, administrativo y militar, que fue establecido y respetado con profundo fundamento humanista por la casta gobernante en el Imperio del Tahuantinsuyo.
Incluye una selección de las ponencias en el Primer Congreso Internacional sobre Aproximaciones Lingüísticas a la Descripción de la Comida y del Vino, que tuvo lugar en Madrid en mayo de 2009.
Roger Taylor se salva milagrosamente, después de un accidente de tráfico donde mueren su esposa y su hija, luego de un largo periodo de inconsciencia, y de una profunda depresión, un misterioso personaje se presenta en su vida, y le deja un mensaje que marca el destino de su vida, esto lo lleva a decidir un futuro inesperado, cumplir con el mensaje y encargo, poco a poco, él descubre que es un hombre, más que ordinario, y su misión en la Tierra es colaborar con la misión encomendada por el incógnito individuo que le da en sus manos, el poder de cambiar la sociedad, él entiende que el camino es muy largo y acepta el reto del misterioso hombre. Su destino también lo marcan otras personas, que él cree que son puestas en su camino por un ente superior. Su personalidad tiene dos caras, se convierte en un hombre con emociones muy profundas, una, el amor de servir a la humanidad, y la otra cara, es un hombre frío implacable, con el deseo de impartir justicia a quienes rompen las leyes, y sacar del camino a criminales que no dejan evidencia en su carrera delictiva de asesinatos. El árbol es la incógnita más grande de su vida, y a la vez, su propia vida.
More than simply a study of the mafia, Alfredo Schulte-Bockholt's work argues that collaboration between political science and criminology is critical to understanding the real nature of organized crime and its power. Schulte-Bockholt looks at specific case studies from Asia, Latin America, and Europe as he develops a theoretical discussion - drawing on the thought of Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, and Antonio Gramsci - of the intimate connections between criminal groups and elite structures. Ranging from an historical discussion of the world drug economy to an examination of the evolution of organized crime in the former Soviet Union, the book extends into a consideration of the possible future development of organized crime in the age of advanced globalization.
Nació en la ciudad de Guadalajara en el estado de Jalisco País México, el Día 14 de Abril del Año de 1958, hijo de María de Jesús Casillas Gutiérrez y José Refugio Rodríguez Medina, casado con María de la Luz Mariscal Espinosa, y tiene dos hijos Alfredo Akzayakatl Rodríguez Mariscal, Y Guillermo Pakal Rodríguez Mariscal. Curso sus estudios en la escuela Primaria Federal Oblatos ubicada en la calle Gómez de Mendiola y la escuela secundaria en la secundaria No. 1 para varones en el turno matutino, su bachillerato lo realizo en escuela vocacional de la Universidad de Guadalajara, curso la Licenciatura en Economía de la Universidad de Guadalajara y la Maestría en análisis de sistemas industriales del centro universitario de ciencias exactas e ingenierías de la universidad de Guadalajara. En la practica deportiva realizo las siguientes actividades: Practico el fut bol en las fuerzas básicas del club deportivo gallos del Jalisco y la universidad de Guadalajara represento la selección de vóley bol de la escuela primaria federal oblatos y la selección de beis bol de la secundaria No. 1, formo parte de la selección de fut bol de la facultad de economía de la universidad de Guadalajara, En el campo laboral trabajo en e taller de calzado de su padre, en el taller de laminado y pintura de su tío y se integra al sistema de educación prescolar abierta del D.I.F Jalisco, posteriormente se integra a trabajar en la secretaria de pesca delegación Jalisco en las áreas de auditoría y capacitación pesquera pasa a integrarse a la dirección de fortalecimiento municipal del estado de Jalisco, posteriormente se integra al departamento de auditoría a patrones del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Incorporándose por último a la docencia en la universidad de Guadalajara en las escuelas Preparatoria de Jalisco y Escuela Vocacional y al Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierías de la Universidad de Guadalajara.
Son la sombra de los deportistas en el éxito y en el fracaso. Informan, explican, narran y, también, opinan. Incluso inventan expresiones y palabras como tikitaka, que invaden nuestra forma de expresarnos y que viajan más allá de nuestras fronteras. Pero (casi) nunca son noticia.¿Qué sería de la Roja, de Gasol, de Nadal, de Alonso, de Contador... sin ese micrófono con el que poder colarse en nuestras vidas, sin esa crónica desentrañando la épica de sus gestas, el valor de sus triunfos?Alfredo Varona reivindica la figura del periodista deportivo y se adentra en la trastienda de la prensa para contarnos desde las redacciones de los principales periódicos y programas cómo se fabrican los sueños, los héroes y los éxitos.Conoce la cara y la cruz de la profesión. Descubre la relación que mantienen con los deportistas, entra en el vestuario de Los Ángeles Lakers y participa en una tertulia futbolera a medianoche. Envíale un SMS a Fernando Alonso antes de la calificación y entrevista (sin acercarte demasiado) a tus ídolos.
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this book provides ready access to how the legal dimension of prevention against harm and loss allocation is treated in the Chile. This traditional branch of law not only tackles questions which concern every lawyer, whatever his legal expertise, but also concerns each person’s most fundamental rights on a worldwide scale. Following a general introduction that probes the distinction between tort and crime and the relationship between tort and contract, the monograph describes how the concepts of fault and unlawfulness, and of duty of care and negligence, are dealt with in both the legislature and the courts. The book then proceeds to cover specific cases of liability, such as professional liability, liability of public bodies, abuse of rights, injury to reputation and privacy, vicarious liability, liability of parents and teachers, liability for handicapped persons, product liability, environmental liability, and liability connected with road and traffic accidents. Principles of causation, grounds of justification, limitations on recovery, assessment of damages and compensation, and the role of private insurance and social security are all closely considered. Its succinct yet scholarly nature, as well as the practical quality of the information it provides, make this book a valuable resource for lawyers in Chile. Academics and researchers will also welcome this very useful guide, and will appreciate its value not only as a contribution to comparative law but also as a stimulus to harmonization of the rules on tort.
The authors bridge a gap in current research and methodology by presenting neuropsychological tests geared toward Spanish speakers. They begin with a review of cultural and educational factors affecting neuropsychological assessment, and provide norms for Spanish speakers, emphasising elderly and illiterate populations. Nineteen tests are included in English and Spanish with detailed explantions of administration and scoring.
Alfredo José Estrada's intimate ties to Havana form the basis for this "autobiography," written as though from the city's own heart. Covering the island's five hundred year history, Estrada portrays the adventurers and dreamers who left their mark on Havana, including José Martí, martyr for Cuban independence; and Ernest Hemingway, the most American of writers who became an unabashed Habanero. Deeply personal and affecting, Havana is the accessible and complete story of the city for the history buff and armchair traveler alike.
Karl Marx's writings provide a uniquely insightful explanation of the inner workings of capitalism, which other schools of thought generally have difficulty explaining. From this vantage point, Marx's works can help to explain important features and economic problems of our age, and the limits of their possible solutions. For example, the necessity
In post-Franco Spain, a re-shaping of notions of the masculine has been under way for some time. The authors of "Live Flesh" demonstrate how contemporary Spanish films, during this modern period, have contributed to this process. They do so by visualizing the ways in which Spanish men have been abandoning old self images and adopting new ones, and they explain and explore the complexity and diversity of these fresh cinematic creations of masculine identities. The book's point of focus is Spanish films of the democratic period, both popular and auteur, made by directors of national and international prominence, such as Pedro Almodovar, Alejandro Amenabar, Bigas Luna or Julio Medem, as well as films featuring acclaimed actors who have contributed to the construction of contemporary ideas of the masculine in their country, including Antonio Banderas and Javier Bardem. Using a fresh theoretical framework, embracing queer and feminist theory and concepts of nation, race and class, each chapter examines key films that represent the male body, highlighting notable elements - young, muscular, homosexual, (dis)abled, foreign and so on - and goes on to focus on recent case studies from the early 1990s to the present. An increasingly transnational Spanish cinema is a most promising field in which to explore questions of how male bodies are represented - and mediated - in film. "Live Flesh" more than fulfils this promise and goes further, to reveal how these representations have intervened in the Spanish cultural imagination.
In Texas, to hear the words “Duval County” evokes Archie and George Parr, politics, and corruption. But this does not represent the full truth about this South Texas county and its Tejano citizens. Duval County Tejanos accentuates the significance and meaning of place, showcasing Tejanos as historical actors, not bit players. This cultural region comprises la familia, las costumbres, la fe católica, y las comidas. And we must not leave out la política. Tejanos were engaged in community life: they organized politically, cultivated land, and promoted agriculture, livestock raising, the local economy, churches, schools, patriotic celebrations, and social activities. Americano newcomers sought to start and develop a trade economy, but Mexicanos wanted to make sure they held on to their land. The Civil War stunted economic and governmental development but did not prevent the population growing in numbers and diversity, including the arrival of Americanos in more significant numbers. Still, old-time pioneers and newcomers joined hands to build a faith community, develop schools, improve transportation, and bring commerce to serve their needs. In 1876 Duval County citizens formally petitioned Nueces County for the opportunity to organize themselves. When the railroad rolled into the county seat, San Diego, in 1879, their world changed forever. During the last quarter of the nineteenth century, the Duval County economy exhibited vitality and adaptability—sheep and cattle raising and cotton farming anchored and sustained the local economy. Moreover, Texas land programs opened opportunities to previously landless Tejano farmers. Duval County Tejanos continued to be alarmed as Americanos were cementing their political influence out of proportion to their numbers. In the 1870s Tejanos pursued organized politics to attain fairness and acquire political power corresponding to their population. In the twentieth century the political atmosphere intensified as Tejanos pushed forward their agenda of assuming their proper role, consistent with their numbers. Ultimately, the Americano actors were replaced by new faces more willing to share in the power structure, both politically and economically, and Tejanos achieved political strength commensurate with their numbers.
John Weeks (1941-2020) was one of the most prominent Marxist economists of his generation. His writings inspired many activists and socialist economists around the world. This book brings together a selection of his writings engaging with and developing the Marxist tradition. These essays examine theoretical issues, directly building on Karl Marx’s work, as well as practical and political issues, engaging with transformative and revolutionary activity. The essays included in this book are now made available to a new generation of critics of capitalism.
Connecting multiple academic areas, this book addresses three aspects of the poetry of José Watanabe: 1) the construction of "Japaneseness" in the poetic works and public figure of the poet, 2) the skillful manipulation of literary devices characteristic of his poetry, 3) the unique sensibilities and moods of ephemerality and ineffableness prevalent in his poetic works. The trans/interdisciplinary nature of the book intends to promote a dialogue and exchange of ideas across academic fields neglected in most studies on the Peruvian poet. Written by researchers based in Japan, it offers a unique perspective of Japanese cultural phenomenon unavailable in previous studies. The goal of the book is to shed light on how Japan continues to be seen by the West through essentialist notions and stereotypical representations, as well as to highlight the fact that the literary quality of Watanabe’s poetic artistry does not reside in it being “Japanese” and can be appreciated without resorting to essentialist categorizations based on positive Japanese stereotypes.
Antonio Guzmán es el detective enviado desde la Capital a La Platea, para averiguar sobre una desaparición. La persona desaparecida es doña Juana de Lucero, esposa del artista del pueblo. Es una novela policíaca que pinta, en forma muy ágil, cómo se vivía en los pueblos del interior de Guatemala, durante los 60 ́s. La trama involucra al médico, al cura, a la comadrona y al artista del lugar. Las características y costumbres del lugar hacen al relato muy ameno. El desenlace es inesperado. Antonio Guzmán is the detective sent to La Platea from the capital city to find out about a disappearance. The person who disappeared is doña Juana de Lucero, wife of the town artist. This is a police novel that describes, in a very lively way, how life was in the rural towns of Guatemala during the 60 ́s. The plot involves the doctor, the priest, the midwife and the artist of the town. The characteristics and customs of the place make this an entertaining story. The end is unexpected.
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